471 research outputs found

    Women with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss More Often Have an Older Brother and a Previous Birth of a Boy:Is Male Microchimerism a Risk Factor?

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    Known etiologic factors can only be found in about 50% of patients with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). We hypothesized that male microchimerism is a risk factor for RPL and aimed to explore whether information on family tree and reproductive history, obtained from 383 patients with unexplained RPL, was supportive of this hypothesis. The male:female sex ratio of older siblings was 1.49 (97:65) in all RPL patients and 1.79 (52:29) in secondary RPL (sRPL) patients, which differed significantly from the expected 1.04 ratio (p = 0.027 and p = 0.019, respectively). In contrast, the sex ratio of younger siblings was close to the expected ratio. Sex ratio of the firstborn child before sRPL was 1.51 (p = 0.026). When combined, 79.1% of sRPL patients had at least one older brother, a firstborn boy, or both. This differed significantly from what we expected based on the distribution of younger siblings and a general 1.04 sex ratio of newborns (p = 0.040). We speculate whether (s)RPL patients possibly acquired male microchimerism from older brother(s) and/or previous birth of boy(s) by transplacental cell trafficking. This could potentially have a detrimental impact on their immune system, causing a harmful response against the fetus or trophoblast, resulting in RPL

    Extracellular Vesicles:An Important Biomarker in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss?

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    Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) has an estimated incidence of 1–3% of all couples. The etiology is considered to be multifactorial. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) take part in numerous different physiological processes and their contents show the originating cell and pathophysiological states in different diseases. In pregnancy disorders, changes can be seen in the composition, bioactivity and concentration of placental and non-placental EVs. RPL patients have an increased risk of pregnancy complications. The aim of this prospective study was to examine whether measuring different specific EV markers in plasma before and during pregnancy could be used as predictors of pregnancy loss (PL) in women with RPL. Thirty-one RPL patients were included in this study; 25 had a live birth (LB group) and six had a new PL (PL group). Five blood samples were obtained, one before achieved pregnancy and the others in gestational week 6, 8, 10 and 16. Moreover, some of the patients received intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) infusions as part of treatment, and it was also examined whether this treatment influenced the EV levels. Seventeen EV markers specific for the immune system, coagulation, placenta and hypoxia were analyzed in the samples with EV Array, a method able to capture small EVs by using an antibody panel targeting membrane proteins. Comparing the LB and PL groups, one EV marker, CD9, showed a significant increase from before pregnancy to gestational week 6 in the PL group. The changes in the other 16 markers were nonsignificant. One case of late-onset PL showed steeply increasing levels, with sudden decrease after gestational week 10 in nine of 17 markers. Moreover, there was an overall increase of all 17 markers after IVIG treatment in the LB group, which was significant in 15 of the markers. Whether increases in EVs positive for CD9 characterize RPL patients who subsequently miscarry should be investigated in future larger studies

    TaME-seq : An efficient sequencing approach for characterisation of HPV genomic variability and chromosomal integration

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    HPV genomic variability and chromosomal integration are important in the HPV-induced carcinogenic process. To uncover these genomic events in an HPV infection, we have developed an innovative and cost-effective sequencing approach named TaME-seq (tagmentation-assisted multiplex PCR enrichment sequencing). TaME-seq combines tagmentation and multiplex PCR enrichment for simultaneous analysis of HPV variation and chromosomal integration, and it can also be adapted to other viruses. For method validation, cell lines (n = 4), plasmids (n = 3), and HPV16, 18, 31, 33 and 45 positive clinical samples (n = 21) were analysed. Our results showed deep HPV genome-wide sequencing coverage. Chromosomal integration breakpoints and large deletions were identified in HPV positive cell lines and in one clinical sample. HPV genomic variability was observed in all samples allowing identification of low frequency variants. In contrast to other approaches, TaME-seq proved to be highly efficient in HPV target enrichment, leading to reduced sequencing costs. Comprehensive studies on HPV intra-host variability generated during a persistent infection will improve our understanding of viral carcinogenesis. Efficient identification of both HPV variability and integration sites will be important for the study of HPV evolution and adaptability and may be an important tool for use in cervical cancer diagnostics.Peer reviewe

    Distribution of Stromal Cell Subsets in Cultures from Distinct Ocular Surface Compartments

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    Purpose: To reveal the phenotypic differences between human ocular surface stromal cells (hOSSCs) cultured from the corneal, limbal, and scleral compartments. Methods: A comparative analysis of cultured hOSSCs derived from four unrelated donors was conducted by multichromatic flow cytometry for six distinct CD antigens, including the CD73, CD90, CD105, CD166, CD146, and CD34. Results: The hOSSCs, as well as the reference cells, displayed phenotypical profiles that were similar in high expression of the hallmark mesenchymal stem cell markers CD73, CD90, and CD105, and also the cancer stem cell marker CD166. Notably, there was considerable variation regarding the expression of CD34, where the highest levels were found in the corneal and scleral compartments. The multi-differentiation potential marker CD146 was also expressed highly variably, ranging from 9% to 89%, but the limbal stromal and endometrial mesenchymal stem cells significantly surpassed their counterparts within the ocular and reference groups, respectively. The use of six markers enabled investigation of 64 possible variants, however, just four variants accounted for almost 90% of all hOSSCs, with the co-expression of CD73, CD90, CD105, and CD166 and a combination of CD146 and CD34. The limbal compartment appeared unique in that it displayed greatest immunophenotype diversity and harbored the highest proportion of the CD146+CD34- pericyte-like forms, but, interestingly, the pericyte-like cells were also found in the avascular cornea. Conclusions: Our findings confirm that the hOSSCs exhibit an immunophenotype consistent with that of MSCs, further highlight the phenotypical heterogeneity in stroma from distinct ocular surface compartments, and finally underscore the uniqueness of the limbal region.&nbsp