14 research outputs found

    Zero-Shot Retrieval with Search Agents and Hybrid Environments

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    Learning to search is the task of building artificial agents that learn to autonomously use a search box to find information. So far, it has been shown that current language models can learn symbolic query reformulation policies, in combination with traditional term-based retrieval, but fall short of outperforming neural retrievers. We extend the previous learning to search setup to a hybrid environment, which accepts discrete query refinement operations, after a first-pass retrieval step performed by a dual encoder. Experiments on the BEIR task show that search agents, trained via behavioral cloning, outperform the underlying search system based on a combined dual encoder retriever and cross encoder reranker. Furthermore, we find that simple heuristic Hybrid Retrieval Environments (HRE) can improve baseline performance by several nDCG points. The search agent based on HRE (HARE) produces state-of-the-art performance on both zero-shot and in-domain evaluations. We carry out an extensive qualitative analysis to shed light on the agents policies

    Ridge subduction at an erosive margin - the collision zone of the Nazca Ridge in southern Peru

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    The 1.5-km-high, obliquely subducting Nazca Ridge and its collision zone with the Peruvian margin have been imaged by wide-angle and reflection seismic profiles, swath bathymetry, and gravity surveying. These data reveal that the crust of the ridge at its northeastern tip is 17 km thick and exhibits seismic velocities and densities similar to layers 2 and 3 of typical oceanic crust. The lowermost layer contributes 10–12 km to the total crustal thickness of the ridge. The sedimentary cover is 300–400 m thick on most parts of the ridge but less than 100 m thick on seamounts and small volcanic ridges. At the collision zone of ridge and margin, the following observations indicate intense tectonic erosion related to the passage of the ridge. The thin sediment layer on the ridge is completely subducted. The lower continental slope is steep, dipping at ∌9°, and the continental wedge has a high taper of 18°. Tentative correlation of model layers with stratigraphy derived from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 112 cores suggests the presence of Eocene shelf deposits near the trench. Continental basement is located <15 km landward of the trench. Normal faults on the upper slope and shelf indicate extension. A comparison with the Peruvian and northern Chilean forearc systems, currently not affected by ridge subduction, suggests that the passage of the Nazca Ridge along the continental margin induces a temporarily limited phase of enhanced tectonic erosion superposed on a long-term erosive regime

    Seismic stratigraphy of the Klints Bank east of Gotland (Baltic Sea): a giant drumlin sealing thermogenic hydrocarbons

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    &lt;jats:title&gt;Abstract&lt;/jats:title&gt;&lt;jats:p&gt;This work analyses six high-resolution multi-channel seismic profiles across the Klints Bank east of Gotland. The Klints Bank consists of a drop-shaped increase of the Quaternary thickness and is oriented in an approximately north-southern direction with a length of over 50 km, a width of about 15 km and a maximum thickness of 150 m. The glacial origin of the Klints Bank can be verified with the dataset presented in this study. We classify the feature as a (giant) drumlin due to its steep up-ice and tapered down-ice face in combination with an orientation parallel to the ice-flow direction of the Weichselian glaciation. The seismic image of the internal structure of the Quaternary unit shows no uniform stratification or deformation patterns; instead, local sub-parallel reflection patterns interlayered with transparent units are observed. The averaged seismic velocity of this unit is about 2000 m/s, which is interpreted as an autochthonous deposition of glaciogenic sediments. Signs of overprinting are interpreted based on the geometry of the flanks of the structure, which appear mostly in the form of collapse structures and lifted blocks due to compressional thrust faulting. Phase-reversed events within and beneath the Quaternary are perceived as strong evidence of fluid (hydrocarbon) presence within the Klints Bank. Organically enriched Palaeozoic shales in south-easterly direction of the Klints Bank presumably give the origin of these thermogenic hydrocarbons.&lt;/jats:p&gt

    A comprehensive model of seismic velocities for the Bay of Mecklenburg (Baltic Sea) at the North German Basin margin: implications for basin development

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    &lt;jats:title&gt;Abstract&lt;/jats:title&gt;&lt;jats:p&gt;The geometry of sedimentary basins is normally described by the interpretation of seismic reflectors. In addition to that, rock properties of the sedimentary successions between these reflectors give further insight into the subsurface geology. Here, we present a model for the Bay of Mecklenburg, situated at the northeastern margin of the North German Basin. The model consists of eight layers; it covers seismic velocities of sediments from the Neogene down to the base of the Permian Zechstein. We use eight seismic profiles for model building and apply seismic migration velocity analysis in combination with pre-stack depth migration. The results are interval velocities down to a depth of 5000 m. A further aim of the study is to investigate the sensitivity of these indirectly deduced velocities in comparison to direct measurements within drill holes. The velocities from this study are in good agreement with earlier results from vertical seismic profiling at a nearby well. Cenozoic and Mesozoic strata within the Bay of Mecklenburg show clear depth-dependent velocity trends. A comparison of these trends with predicted compaction trends shows that burial anomalies within Lower Triassic units are significantly higher than in Upper Cretaceous units. This finding could be explained by a greater amount of erosion during Upper Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous times than during Cenozoic times. The Zechstein layer shows a decreasing interval velocity with increasing thickness. Our study demonstrates that seismic velocities deduced from surface-based measurements are of high value in areas with sparse drilling coverage.&lt;/jats:p&gt

    Inversion tectonics in the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone : insight from new marine seismic data at the Bornholm Gat, SW Baltic Sea

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    New seismic profiles located within the Bornholm Gat in the SW Baltic Sea area image Late Cretaceous-Paleogene inversion and exhumation of a previously poorly characterized narrow crustal zone in the southern end of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone (STZ), a long pre-Alpine tectonic lineament in Europe. Thrusts and pop-up structures developed along the inversion axis accompanied by subsidence troughs on its sides. Stratigraphic analysis of chalk deposits indicates that structural shortening and inversion resulted from compressional deformation. Marginal troughs formed synchronously to inversion and adjacent to the tectonically active slope, where sediment redeposition was focused. Deposition of chalk units, composed predominantly of contourites and gravity-driven sedimentation were largely controlled by inversion tectonics and influenced by intensification of bottom currents. We find that allochthonous chalk has been buried in horizontally deposited autochthonous (pelagic) chalk. An erosional unconformity represents the base of the Maastrichtian and marks the onset of along slope deposition due to a more hydrodynamic environment. The revealed asymmetric inversion across the STZ with fold tightening and superposition of NE-NW folds attest to more than one pulse during the Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic inversion. The STZ may belong to the end-member mode of intraplate foreland basins resulting from a far-field NE-SW compression transmitted from the Africa-Iberia-Europe convergence. The intraplate stress associated with the following Maastrichtian enhanced collisional coupling between the Alpine-Carpathian orogen and its foreland, which is widely recognized (e.g., the Mid-Polish Trough, the Bohemian Massif and the Central Graben), may also have had its maximum extent to the northeast in southern Sweden

    Record of the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the SW Mallorca area (Balearic Promontory, Spain)

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    The current interpretation of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) involves the deposition of the so-called “peripheral or marginal” evaporites in onshore basins, as well as the erosion of the margins and the formation of thick evaporites in the deep parts of the basins. The present study focuses on intermediate depth basins, i.e. located between the onshore outcrops and the deep basins. Indeed, the Balearic Promontory shows small stepped basins filled with MSC deposits between its western extremity on the Alicante shelf and its eastern end around the Menorca block. New and already available seismic reflection profiles and onshore data allow us to investigate the nature and geometrical relationships of these deposits in the area between the islands of Ibiza and Mallorca.Our observations suggest the existence of three MSC-related units in this area. The lowermost transparent seismic unit can be interpreted as a 100 to 200-m-thick salt layer deposited in the deepest part of the Central Mallorca Depression. These evaporites pass laterally and upward into a thin-bedded seismic unit, which could be lithologically equivalent to the Upper Evaporites of the deep basins. All around the borders of the Central Mallorca Depression, this bedded seismic unit onlaps a Slope Unit which shows bedded to chaotic and rafted facies. The Messinian continental shelf is eroded and incised by a valley extending from the Palma onshore area to the Mallorca downslope domain.Our results suggest the presence offshore of at least two generations of diachronous MSC deposits. The observation of salt on a continental high and the widespread MSC deposits on the margins of the Central Mallorca Depression call into question the location of halite preferentially in the deep abyssal basins and the significance of the deep basin MSC units that onlap onto the Margin Erosional Surface (MES), as observed all around the passive margins of the Northwest-Mediterranean Basin. The dual terminology used for peripheral/deep MSC evaporites cannot be applied to any of the MSC units found in the study area

    Seismic velocities from the Yaquina forearc basin off Peru: evidence for free gas within the gas hydrate stability zone

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    Multichannel seismic (MCS) data from the Yaquina forearc basin off Peru reveal a complex distribution of gas and gas hydrate related reflections. Lateral variations of the reflection pattern at the assumed base of the gas hydrate stability zone in terms of continuity, amplitude, and signal attenuation underneath are observed, as well as the possible occurrence of paleo-bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs). Phase reversed reflections above the bottom simulating reflector point to free gas within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). To constrain the interpretation of the observed reflection pattern we calculated the velocity distribution along the MCS line from high-resolution ocean bottom hydrophone recordings with two independent methods. Heat flux values estimated on the basis of the velocity-depth functions increase with decreasing amplitude of the BSR and peak near chemoherms. These results suggest a model of the Yaquina Basin where free gas is trapped under parts of the BSR, and within the GHSZ, particularly under the seafloor and under an erosional unconformity. The hypothesis of a paleo-BSR that reflects the uplift of the base of the hydrate stability zone caused by the deposition of a particular sediment sequence is supported by the estimated heat flux values