16 research outputs found

    G.H. Hardy: Mathematical Biologist

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    Godfrey Harold Hardy (1877-1947), the magnificent analyst who “discovered” the enigmatic Ramanujan and penned A Mathematician’s Apology, is most widely known outside of mathematics for his work in genetics. How did Hardy, described by his colleague C.P. Snow as “the purest of the pure,” become one of the founders of modern genetics? We explore this question in light of Hardy\u27s own ideas about pure and elegant mathematics

    Confidence and Common Challenges: The Effects of Teaching Computational Thinking to Students Ages 10-16

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    This Action Research Project provides data from three different instructors teaching Computational Thinking (CT) to better understand the effects of CT instruction. The researchers focused on identifying problem-solving strategies used by students, what affect teaching CT has on student confidence and ability to problem solve, and what common challenges can be found at different age levels. The study used student pre and post-reflection to measure understanding and comfort with problem-solving. Researchers taught three common lessons of CT including the following concepts: algorithms, loops, conditional statements, and debugging. For data collection, each student was asked to work on a computer game called Human Resource Machine (HRM) while using video and audio to record themselves. Analysis showed a slight decrease in two categories related to working to find a solution to a difficult problem, and the ability to fix small problems that are part of a larger problem. There was a confidence increase in categories related to the ability to do math, the ability to give directions and the ability to someday build a computer. Two of the research sites were able to further break down the data to analyze the differences in the male vs. the female reflections. While CT is often seen as a separate subject, the analysis also showed that reading comprehension has a strong influence on students’ ability to solve CT problems and should be taught in conjunction with CT to ensure students receive the maximum benefit

    Investigation of On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Suitability for Floodplains (Poster)

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    Gallatin is the fastest growing county in Montana, hence land with high groundwater, including property within the floodplain, is under increasing pressure for development. Homes and businesses without access to municipal wastewater service are required to have a permitted on-site wastewater treatment system (OWTS) that can remove solids, nutrients and pathogens from waste before releasing the effluent into the environment. Failing OWTS can create public health risks. While drain fields for septic systems can be adapted to high groundwater by installing them in a “sand mound,” limited literature indicates sand mounds cannot withstand flood events. The project goal is to determine whether sand mound systems or other OWTS have been proven to withstand flooding and hence would be appropriate technology for floodplain installation. Online and database literature searches were conducted regarding local health department regulations and policies regarding OWTS. Phone calls were also made to various health departments in the western part of the United States. There are articles from the EPA, the University of Wisconsin – Madison and the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection stating that sand mounds should not be placed in floodplains. There are some OWTS that have potential to safely work within the floodplain, which are being investigated further. A failing or inadequate system can cause a variety of environmental and public health risks. Gallatin County is quickly growing, and it is imperative that the septic systems in floodplains will not adversely affect public health because of flood events

    Complete Genome Sequences of Chop, DelRio, and GrandSlam, Three Gordonia Phages Isolated from Soil in Central Arkansas

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    Chop, DelRio, and GrandSlam are phage with a Siphoviridae morphotype isolated from soil in Arkansas using the host Gordonia terrae 3612. All three are temperate, and their genomes share at least 96% nucleotide identity. These phage are assigned to cluster DI based on gene content similarity to other sequenced actinobacteriophage

    Aproveitando ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem para fortalecer a preparação de professores da primeira infância em pré-serviço: pivôs do programa devido ao COVID-19 capacita práticas futuras

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    This critical reflection illuminates the planning, delivery, and evaluation of the ‘pivots’ an early childhood teacher preparation program made in response to the shift to virtual learning necessitated by the lock down measures prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The challenge was to shift two undergraduate courses from in person to a virtual format, including an inperson internship to an entirely virtual experience while maintaining a high-quality program which meets the certification requirements and professional standards. The process of moving the courses and internship to a virtual setting gave us the unique opportunity to step back and reflect on the essential conceptual knowledge and understandings necessary for teacher candidates to meet professional standards leading to certification and to becoming competent and caring professionals. Results of our critical reflection include lessons learned by the two instructors and department chair on the effective leveraging of technology to meet the challenges posed by COVID-19 leading to modifications to our program post pandemic.Esta reflexión crítica ilumina la planificación, la entrega y la evaluación de los "pivotes" que realizó un programa de preparación de maestros de la primera infancia en respuesta al cambio al aprendizaje virtual requerido por las medidas de confinamiento provocadas por la pandemia de COVID-19. El desafío era cambiar dos cursos de pregrado de un formato presencial a uno virtual, incluida una pasantía presencial a una experiencia completamente virtual, manteniendo un programa de alta calidad que cumpliera con los requisitos de certificación y los estándares profesionales. El proceso de trasladar los cursos y las pasantías a un entorno virtual nos dio la oportunidad única de dar un paso atrás y reflexionar sobre el conocimiento conceptual esencial y la comprensión necesaria para que los candidatos a docentes cumplan con los estándares profesionales que conducen a la certificación y a convertirse en profesionales competentes y solidarios. Los resultados de nuestra reflexión crítica incluyen las lecciones aprendidas por los dos instructores y el jefe de departamento sobre el aprovechamiento efectivo de la tecnología para enfrentar los desafíos que plantea el COVID-19 que conducen a modificaciones en nuestro programa después de la pandemia.Cette réflexion critique éclaire la planification, la prestation et l'évaluation des «pivots» d'un programme de préparation des enseignants de la petite enfance mis en place en réponse au passage à l'apprentissage virtuel rendu nécessaire par les mesures de verrouillage provoquées par la pandémie de COVID-19. Le défi consistait à faire passer deux cours de premier cycle d'un format en personne à un format virtuel, y compris un stage en personne, à une expérience entièrement virtuelle tout en maintenant un programme de haute qualité qui répond aux exigences de certification et aux normes professionnelles. Le processus de déplacement des cours et du stage dans un cadre virtuel nous a donné l'occasion unique de prendre du recul et de réfléchir aux connaissances et compréhensions conceptuelles essentielles nécessaires aux candidats enseignants pour répondre aux normes professionnelles menant à la certification et devenir des professionnels compétents et attentionnés. Les résultats de notre réflexion critique comprennent les leçons apprises par les deux instructeurs et le directeur du département sur l'utilisation efficace de la technologie pour relever les défis posés par le COVID-19, entraînant des modifications de notre programme après la pandémie.Essa reflexão crítica ilumina o planejamento, a entrega e a avaliação dos “pivôs” de um programa de preparação de professores da primeira infância feito em resposta à mudança para o aprendizado virtual exigida pelas medidas de bloqueio provocadas pela pandemia do COVID-19. O desafio era mudar dois cursos de graduação do formato presencial para o virtual, incluindo um estágio presencial para uma experiência totalmente virtual, mantendo um programa de alta qualidade que atendesse aos requisitos de certificação e padrões profissionais. O processo de mudança dos cursos e estágios para um ambiente virtual nos deu a oportunidade única de retroceder e refletir sobre o conhecimento conceitual essencial e os entendimentos necessários para que os candidatos a professores atendam aos padrões profissionais que levem à certificação e se tornem profissionais competentes e atenciosos. Os resultados de nossa reflexão crítica incluem lições aprendidas pelos dois instrutores e chefe de departamento sobre o aproveitamento eficaz da tecnologia para enfrentar os desafios colocados pelo COVID-19, levando a modificações em nosso programa pós-pandemia. desafios colocados pelo COVID-19 levando a modificações em nosso programa após a pandemia