211 research outputs found

    Faktorer som skaper en vekstbedrift

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    Denne bacheloroppgaven omhandler faktorer som skaper en vekstbedrift. Vi ønsket å finne ut hva som skaper vekst i en bedrift. Valg av tema baserer seg på vår egeninteresse og ønske om å kunne finne noen konkrete resultater som kan komme til nytte, samt danne grunnlag for videre forskning på området. Problemstillingen vi tar for oss er; Hva skiller bedrifter som har oppnådd vekst, fra de som ikke har det? Ved å se på både bedrifter som har opplevd vekst, og noen som ikke har det, fikk vi et mer tydelig bilde av hva forskjellen er. Dett samme skillet viser seg også å være faktorer for vekst: ● Entreprenørens ambisjonsnivå ● Entreprenørens fokus på strategi Vi har tatt utgangspunkt i artikkelen “New Venture Growth: A Review and Extension.” skrevet av Gilbert, McDougall og Audretsch. Denne gav oss innblikk i hvilken teori som er relevant. I tillegg satt vi to avgrensninger for områder, nemlig entreprenøren og bedriften. Anvendt teori omhandler vekststrategi, entreprenørens rolle, innovasjon, ambisjonsnivå og bransjekunnskap. Videre har vi definert syv antakelser som bygger på teorien i kapittel 2.0. Vi har utført en kvalitativ studie med dybdeintervjuer av 8 entreprenører i to typer bedrifter. De har gitt oss førstehånds informasjon om bedriften fra forretningsidé til dagens drift og fremtidige mål. Variablene er vekstbedrifter som har blitt kåret til Gasellebedrifter av Dagens Næringsliv i 2012, mot bedrifter som ikke har oppnådd denne utmerkelsen. Alle informanter befinner seg i bransjen; Frisering og annen skjønnhetspleie, omtalt som frisørbransjen. Selve bransjen har vi ikke ett fokus på her. Gjennom analyse av disse intervjuene har vi dannet grunnlaget for å svare på problemstillingen, samt avkrefte eller bekrefte våre antakelser

    Investigating Managerial Qualities to Support Sustainable Intervention Effects in the Long Term

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    It is crucial to understand how interventions can be designed and implemented in order to support successful and sustainable effects in the long term. Intervention management can be important in this regard, but we have limited knowledge on the managerial strategies that can help to sustain the effects of an intervention over time. In this paper, we present a qualitative study of an intervention that had a duration of five years. We carried out 11 in-depth interviews on the role and qualities of the manager in the intervention process and effects. Results from the intervention unit showed that an engaged line manager was essential for promoting employee motivation and involvement in the longer term, which was achieved through building empowerment and trust, establishing a work group, and use of some support by external consultants. In conclusion, this intervention indicated that building good intervention management is important for sustainable intervention effects

    Positive participatory organisational interventions: a multilevel approach for creating healthy workplaces

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    In the following perspective paper, we argue for the importance of conducting research on positive participatory organizational interventions. We propose that these types of interventions are important because they not only focus on eliminating or reducing adverse job demands but focus also on developing job resources. To achieve the best effects, actions should be taken to address demands and resources at the individual, group, leader and organizational levels. We furthermore suggest that the participatory intervention process itself may also build resources at these four levels

    Engaged or Obsessed? Examining the Relationship between Work Engagement, Workaholism and Work-Related Health via Work-Home Interaction

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    The purpose of the present study is to examine the mediating role of work-home interaction (conflict and facilitation) in the relationship between work engagement, workaholism (working compulsively and excessively), and the respondents perception on how this influence their work-related health positively or negatively. Data were collected among Norwegian academics using the KIWEST measure and analyzed by Structural Equation Modelling in Stata (N = 6014). Work engagement, but not workaholism, is directly related to work-related health. Instead, work-home conflict indirectly mediated the relationship between working compulsively and work-related health. In addition, work-home interaction (conflict and facilitation) fully mediated between engagement and work-related health. The findings suggest that work engagement and workaholism represents two different sets of heavy investment at work, positively and negatively related to work-related health, respectively. The mediating role of work-home interaction indicates that this relationship partly can be explained by how this heavy investment and passion at work interfere with the home life. These findings have implications for how organization practitioners and HR representatives should target an eager workforce properly for the future. The present study is timely, given a boundary less work life. Knowledge of the different processes associated with hard working employees is important for organizations to better understand when and how such prolific behavior is beneficial or risky and hence should be supported or not

    An Open Time Perspective and Social Support to Sustain in Healthcare Work: Results of a Two-Wave Complete Panel Study

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    Based on lifespan developmental psychology and psychosocial work characteristics theory, we examined longitudinal relations between calendar age, occupational time perspective, different types of job demands and job resources in relation to sustainable employability (i.e., work ability, vitality and employability) among healthcare workers in Netherlands (N = 1478). Results of our two-wave complete panel study revealed satisfactory fit indices for the metric invariance of the included variables across the two waves (6-month time lag). Our results revealed a negative relation between calendar age and external employability of healthcare workers (limited support for hypothesis 1), and more consistent evidence for positive relations between an open future time perspective and across-time changes in vitality, work ability and external employability (supporting hypothesis 2). Few significant findings were found for relations between specific job demands or job resources and indicators of sustainable employability of healthcare workers (mixed results hypotheses 3 and 4). Our explorative tests of possible moderating effects of age or occupational time perspective in predicting relations between psychosocial work characteristics and indicators of sustainable employability revealed only a significant interaction effect of supervisor support and future time perspective in explaining across-time changes in external employability of healthcare workers (rejecting hypothesis 5 and confirming hypothesis 6). We discuss the practical as well as theoretical implications of these findings, and present recommendations for future research.publishedVersio

    Biological variation of secretoneurin; a novel cardiovascular biomarker implicated in arrhythmogenesis

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    Background Secretoneurin is a novel prognostic biomarker that may predict mortality in heart failure and the occurrence of ventricular arrhythmias. This study reports the within subject variation (CVI), between subject variation (CVG), reference change values (RCV) and index of individuality (II) of secretoneurin. Methods Thirty healthy volunteers were included. Non-fasting samples were obtained between 8 and 10 am once a week for ten weeks. Secretoneurin was analyzed in duplicate using ELISA. No outliers were present according to Burnett and Reeds‘ criteria. Simple linear regression did not identify significant trends. Variance homogeneity in the analytical variance and CVI were tested using Cochrane’s and Bartlett’s tests and four participants were excluded. Calculation of CVI, CVG and RCV were done on ln transformed data as described by Fokkema, the II was calculated using retransformed data. Results The median age of the participants was 36 years and 53% were female. Non-fasting glucose, eGFR(CKD-EPI), cTnT and NT-proBNP concentrations were within the normal range. Median secretoneurin concentrations were 38 pmol/L (women) and 33 pmol/L (men), p-value < 0.001. CVI and CVG were 9.8% (CI 8.7% to 11.0%) and 20.0 (CI 15.4% to 28.0%), respectively. RCV were 38.7% (CI 35.5% to 42.7%) and −27.9 (CI −29.9 to −26.2) and the II were 0.60 (CI 0.42–0.78). No gender differences were present. Conclusion Secretoneurin has a fairly low CVI, CVG, RCV and II, indicating that it could be suitable as a diagnostic or prognostic biomarker and that delta values in serial samplings may be preferable for identifying clinical changes.publishedVersio