30 research outputs found

    Allosteric modulation of beta1 integrin function induces lung repair in animal model of emphysema.

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    Emphysema is a progressive lung disease characterised by loss of lung parenchyma with associated functional changes including decreased tissue elastance. Here we report beta1 integrin is a novel target for tissue repair and regeneration in emphysema. We show a single dose of a monoclonal antibody against beta1 integrin induced both functional and structural reversal of elastase-induced lung injury in vivo, and we found that similar matrix remodelling changes occurred in human lung tissue. We also identified a potential mechanism of action as this allosteric modulation of beta1 integrin inhibited elastase-induced caspase activation, F-actin aggregate formation and changes in cellular ATP levels. This was accompanied by maintenance of beta1?integrin levels and inhibition of caveolin-1 phosphorylation. We propose that allosteric modulation of beta1 integrin-mediated mechanosensing prevents cell death associated with lung injury and progressive emphysema, thus allowing cells to survive and for repair and regeneration to ensue

    Integrated analysis of Wnt signalling system component gene expression

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    Wnt signalling controls patterning and differentiation across many tissues and organs of the developing embryo through temporally and spatially restricted expression of multi-gene families encoding ligands, receptors, pathway modulators and intracellular components. Here, we report an integrated analysis of key genes in the 3D space of the mouse embryo across multiple stages of development. We applied a method for 3D/3D image transformation to map all gene expression patterns to a single reference embryo for each stage, providing both visual analysis and volumetric mapping allowing computational methods to interrogate the combined expression patterns. We identify territories where multiple Wnt and Fzd genes are co-expressed and cross-compare all patterns, including all seven Wnt paralogous gene pairs. The comprehensive analysis revealed regions in the embryo where no Wnt or Fzd gene expression is detected, and where single Wnt genes are uniquely expressed. This work provides insight into a previously unappreciated level of organisation of expression patterns, as well as presenting a resource that can be utilised further by the research community for whole-system analysis

    eMouseAtlas, EMAGE, and the spatial dimension of the transcriptome

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    Abstract eMouseAtlas (www.emouseatlas.org) is a com-prehensive online resource to visualise mouse development and investigate gene expression in the mouse embryo. We have recently deployed a completely redesigned Mouse Anatomy Atlas website (www.emouseatlas.org/emap/ema) that allows users to view 3D embryo reconstructions, delineated anatomy, and high-resolution histological sec-tions. A new feature of the website is the IIP3D web tool that allows a user to view arbitrary sections of 3D embryo reconstructions using a web browser. This feature provides interactive access to very high-volume 3D images via a tiled pan-and-zoom style interface and circumvents the need to download large image files for visualisation. eMouseAtla

    Developing the eHistology Atlas

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    The eMouseAtlas project has undertaken to generate a new resource providing access to high-resolution colour images of the slides used in the renowned textbook ‘The Atlas of Mouse Development’ by Matthew H. Kaufman. The original histology slides were digitized, and the associated anatomy annotations captured for display in the new resource. These annotations were assigned to objects in the standard reference anatomy ontology, allowing the eHistology resource to be linked to other data resources including the Edinburgh Mouse Atlas Gene-Expression database (EMAGE) an the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) gene-expression database (GXD). The provision of the eHistology Atlas resource was assisted greatly by the expertise of the eMouseAtlas project in delivering large image datasets within a web environment, using IIP3D technology. This technology also permits future extensions to the resource through the addition of further layers of data and annotations to the resource. Database URL: www.emouseatlas.org/emap/eHistology/index.ph

    eMouseAtlas Informatics:Embryo Atlas and Gene Expression

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    A significant proportion of developmental biology data is presented in the form of images at morphologically diverse stages of development. The curation of these datasets presents different challenges to that of sequence/text-based data. Towards this end, the eMouseAtlas project created a digital atlas of mouse embryo development as a means of understanding developmental anatomy and exploring the relationship between genes and development in a spatial context. Using the morphological staging system pioneered by Karl Theiler, the project has generated 3D models of post-implantation mouse development and used them as a spatial framework for the delineation of anatomical components and for archiving in situ gene expression data in the EMAGE database. This has allowed us to develop a unique online resource for mouse developmental biology. We describe here the underlying structure of the resource, as well as some of the tools that have been developed to allow users to mine the curated image data. These tools include our IIP3D/X3DOM viewer that allows 3D visualisation of anatomy and/or gene expression in the context of a web browser, and the eHistology resource that extends this functionality to allow visualisation of high-resolution cellular level images of histology sections. Furthermore, we review some of the informatics aspects of eMouseAtlas to provide a deeper insight into the use of the atlas and gene expression database

    GUDMAP - An Online GenitoUrinary Resource

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    The GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project (GUDMAP) is a consortium of laboratories working to provide the scientific and medical community with gene expression data and tools to facilitate research (see "www.gudmap.org":http://www.gudmap.org). The data provided by GUDMAP includes large _in situ_ hybridization screens (wholemount and section) and expression microarray analysis of components of the developing mouse urogenital system (including laser-captured material and FACS-isolated cells from transgenic reporter mice). In addition, a high-resolution anatomy ontology has been developed by members of the GUDMAP consortium to describe the subcompartments of the developing murine genitourinary tract. 

The GUDMAP Database Development Team and Editorial Office - both based in Edinburgh - function to ensure submission, curation, storage and presentation of the data submitted by the GUDMAP consortium. Our collective aim is twofold: 1) to simplify the process of submission so that data is publically available as soon as it is produced; and 2) to organize this information in a database and ensure that the online interface is continuously available and easy to use. Thus far, we have developed a range of tools that help both the submitter and the end user. These include: an online annotation tool that simplifies _in situ_ data submission through an ontology-based graphical user interface; a database interface that allows users to browse and query expression data, and to filter data by organ system; a heat-map display of microarray data and analyses. Furthermore, the Edinburgh team has developed a GUDMAP Disease Database that queries associations between genes, genitourinary diseases, and renal/urinary and reproductive phenotypes. In collaboration with GUDMAP consortium members at the CCHMC (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center), the Disease Database is being extended to include mammalian phenotypes mapped to OMIM entries. 

By virtue of its impressive dataset and its ease of use we hope that the GUDMAP Website will continue to serve as a powerful resource for biologists, clinicians and bioinformaticians with an interest in the urogenital system

    Geophysical investigation of the neolithic Calanais landscape

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    YesThe northern and western isles of Scotland have proved fertile ground for archaeological investigation over the last 100 years. However, the nature of the landscape with its rugged coastlines and irregular topography, together with rapid peat growth rates, make for challenging surveying. Commonly, an archaeological monument or series of monuments is identified but little is known about the surrounding areas and, in particular, the palaeo-landscapes within which the monuments are located. This situation is exemplified by the standing stones of Calanais in Lewis. Here, surrounding peat bogs have buried a significant portion of the landscape around which the stones were first erected. This project identifies remote sensing geophysical techniques that are effective in mapping the buried (lost) landscape and thus aid better contextualisation of the stone monuments within it. Further, the project demonstrates the most appropriate techniques for prospecting across these buried landscapes for as yet unidentified stone features associated with the lives of the people who constructed the monuments.Scottish EnterpriseResearch Development Fund Publication Prize Award winner, December 2019

    LAMA: automated image analysis for the developmental phenotyping of mouse embryos

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    Advanced 3D imaging modalities, such as micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), have been incorporated into the high-throughput embryo pipeline of the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC). This project generates large volumes of raw data that cannot be immediately exploited without significant resources of personnel and expertise. Thus, rapid automated annotation is crucial to ensure that 3D imaging data can be integrated with other multi-dimensional phenotyping data. We present an automated computational mouse embryo phenotyping pipeline that harnesses the large amount of wild-type control data available in the IMPC embryo pipeline in order to address issues of low mutant sample number as well as incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity. We also investigate the effect of developmental substage on automated phenotyping results. Designed primarily for developmental biologists, our software performs image pre-processing, registration, statistical analysis and segmentation of embryo images. We also present a novel anatomical E14.5 embryo atlas average and, using it with LAMA, show that we can uncover known and novel dysmorphology from two IMPC knockout lines