1,269 research outputs found

    Fluid mechanics of the zebrafish embryonic heart trabeculation

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    Embryonic heart development is a mechanosensitive process, where specific fluid forces are needed for the correct development, and abnormal mechanical stimuli can lead to malformations. It is thus important to understand the nature of embryonic heart fluid forces. However, the fluid dynamical behaviour close to the embryonic endocardial surface is very sensitive to the geometry and motion dynamics of fine-scale cardiac trabecular surface structures. Here, we conducted image-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to quantify the fluid mechanics associated with the zebrafish embryonic heart trabeculae. To capture trabecular geometric and motion details, we used a fish line that expresses fluorescence at the endocardial cell membrane, and high resolution 3D confocal microscopy. Our endocardial wall shear stress (WSS) results were found to exceed those reported in existing literature, which were estimated using myocardial rather than endocardial boundaries. By conducting simulations of single intra-trabecular spaces under varied scenarios, where the translational or deformational motions (caused by contraction) were removed, we found that a squeeze flow effect was responsible for most of the WSS magnitude in the intra-trabecular spaces, rather than the shear interaction with the flow in the main ventricular chamber. We found that trabecular structures were responsible for the high spatial variability of the magnitude and oscillatory nature of WSS, and for reducing the endocardial deformational burden. We further found cells attached to the endocardium within the intra-trabecular spaces, which were likely embryonic hemogenic cells, whose presence increased endocardial WSS. Overall, our results suggested that a complex multi-component consideration of both anatomic features and motion dynamics were needed to quantify the trabeculated embryonic heart fluid mechanics

    Interleukin-1 polymorphisms associated with increased risk of gastric cancer

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    Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with a variety of clinical outcomes including gastric cancer and duodenal ulcer disease. The reasons for this variation are not clear, but the gastric physiological response is influenced by the severity and anatomical distribution of gastritis induced by H. pylori. Thus, individuals with gastritis predominantly localized to the antrum retain normal (or even high) acid secretion, whereas individuals with extensive corpus gastritis develop hypochlorhydria and gastric atrophy, which are presumptive precursors of gastric cancer. Here we report that interleukin-1 gene cluster polymorphisms suspected of enhancing production of interleukin-1-beta are associated with an increased risk of both hypochlorhydria induced by H. pylori and gastric cancer. Two of these polymorphism are in near-complete linkage disequilibrium and one is a TATA-box polymorphism that markedly affects DNA-protein interactions in vitro. The association with disease may be explained by the biological properties of interleukin-1-beta, which is an important pro-inflammatory cytokine and a powerful inhibitor of gastric acid secretion. Host genetic factors that affect interleukin-1-beta may determine why some individuals infected with H. pylori develop gastric cancer while others do no

    Cardiac forces regulate zebrafish heart valve delamination by modulating Nfat signaling

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    In the clinic, most cases of congenital heart valve defects are thought to arise through errors that occur after the endothelial–mesenchymal transition (EndoMT) stage of valve development. Although mechanical forces caused by heartbeat are essential modulators of cardiovascular development, their role in these later developmental events is poorly understood. To address this question, we used the zebrafish superior atrioventricular valve (AV) as a model. We found that cellularized cushions of the superior atrioventricular canal (AVC) morph into valve leaflets via mesenchymal–endothelial transition (MEndoT) and tissue sheet delamination. Defects in delamination result in thickened, hyperplastic valves, and reduced heart function. Mechanical, chemical, and genetic perturbation of cardiac forces showed that mechanical stimuli are important regulators of valve delamination. Mechanistically, we show that forces modulate Nfatc activity to control delamination. Together, our results establish the cellular and molecular signature of cardiac valve delamination in vivo and demonstrate the continuous regulatory role of mechanical forces and blood flow during valve formation

    Neurogenesis Drives Stimulus Decorrelation in a Model of the Olfactory Bulb

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    The reshaping and decorrelation of similar activity patterns by neuronal networks can enhance their discriminability, storage, and retrieval. How can such networks learn to decorrelate new complex patterns, as they arise in the olfactory system? Using a computational network model for the dominant neural populations of the olfactory bulb we show that fundamental aspects of the adult neurogenesis observed in the olfactory bulb -- the persistent addition of new inhibitory granule cells to the network, their activity-dependent survival, and the reciprocal character of their synapses with the principal mitral cells -- are sufficient to restructure the network and to alter its encoding of odor stimuli adaptively so as to reduce the correlations between the bulbar representations of similar stimuli. The decorrelation is quite robust with respect to various types of perturbations of the reciprocity. The model parsimoniously captures the experimentally observed role of neurogenesis in perceptual learning and the enhanced response of young granule cells to novel stimuli. Moreover, it makes specific predictions for the type of odor enrichment that should be effective in enhancing the ability of animals to discriminate similar odor mixtures

    Membranes by the Numbers

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    Many of the most important processes in cells take place on and across membranes. With the rise of an impressive array of powerful quantitative methods for characterizing these membranes, it is an opportune time to reflect on the structure and function of membranes from the point of view of biological numeracy. To that end, in this article, I review the quantitative parameters that characterize the mechanical, electrical and transport properties of membranes and carry out a number of corresponding order of magnitude estimates that help us understand the values of those parameters.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Microparticle-mediated transfer of the viral receptors CAR and CD46, and the CFTR channel in a CHO cell model confers new functions to target cells

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    Cell microparticles (MPs) released in the extracellular milieu can embark plasma membrane and intracellular components which are specific of their cellular origin, and transfer them to target cells. The MP-mediated, cell-to-cell transfer of three human membrane glycoproteins of different degrees of complexity was investigated in the present study, using a CHO cell model system. We first tested the delivery of CAR and CD46, two monospanins which act as adenovirus receptors, to target CHO cells. CHO cells lack CAR and CD46, high affinity receptors for human adenovirus serotype 5 (HAdV5), and serotype 35 (HAdV35), respectively. We found that MPs derived from CHO cells (MP-donor cells) constitutively expressing CAR (MP-CAR) or CD46 (MP-CD46) were able to transfer CAR and CD46 to target CHO cells, and conferred selective permissiveness to HAdV5 and HAdV35. In addition, target CHO cells incubated with MP-CD46 acquired the CD46-associated function in complement regulation. We also explored the MP-mediated delivery of a dodecaspanin membrane glycoprotein, the CFTR to target CHO cells. CFTR functions as a chloride channel in human cells and is implicated in the genetic disease cystic fibrosis. Target CHO cells incubated with MPs produced by CHO cells constitutively expressing GFP-tagged CFTR (MP-GFP-CFTR) were found to gain a new cellular function, the chloride channel activity associated to CFTR. Time-course analysis of the appearance of GFP-CFTR in target cells suggested that MPs could achieve the delivery of CFTR to target cells via two mechanisms: the transfer of mature, membrane-inserted CFTR glycoprotein, and the transfer of CFTR-encoding mRNA. These results confirmed that cell-derived MPs represent a new class of promising therapeutic vehicles for the delivery of bioactive macromolecules, proteins or mRNAs, the latter exerting the desired therapeutic effect in target cells via de novo synthesis of their encoded proteins

    Exocytotic catecholamine release is not associated with cation flux through channels in the vesicle membrane but Na+ influx through the fusion pore

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    Release of charged neurotransmitter molecules through a narrow fusion pore requires charge compensation by other ions. It has been proposed that this may occur by ion flow from the cytosol through channels in the vesicle membrane, which would generate a net outward current. This hypothesis was tested in chromaffin cells using cell-attached patch amperometry that simultaneously measured catecholamine release from single vesicles and ionic current across the patch membrane. No detectable current was associated with catecholamine release indicating that <2% of cations, if any, enter the vesicle through its membrane. Instead,we show that flux of catecholamines through the fusion pore, measured as an amperometric foot signal, decreases when the extracellular cation concentration is reduced. The results reveal that the rate of transmitter release through the fusion pore is coupled to net Na+ influx through the fusion pore, as predicted by electrodiffusion theory applied to fusion-pore permeation,and suggest a prefusion rather than postfusion role for vesicular cation channels

    Determining the neurotransmitter concentration profile at active synapses

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    Establishing the temporal and concentration profiles of neurotransmitters during synaptic release is an essential step towards understanding the basic properties of inter-neuronal communication in the central nervous system. A variety of ingenious attempts has been made to gain insights into this process, but the general inaccessibility of central synapses, intrinsic limitations of the techniques used, and natural variety of different synaptic environments have hindered a comprehensive description of this fundamental phenomenon. Here, we describe a number of experimental and theoretical findings that has been instrumental for advancing our knowledge of various features of neurotransmitter release, as well as newly developed tools that could overcome some limits of traditional pharmacological approaches and bring new impetus to the description of the complex mechanisms of synaptic transmission
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