75 research outputs found


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    This is an exploratory insight into the profile and prospects of growth and success attached to one category of firms, known as "New Technology Based Firms (NTBFs), the socalled high-tech and innovative new ventures. With this study we are willing to furnish a new methodological tool instrumental to position any firm characterised by being relatively recent and specialising in high-tech fields or at least, in activities with large scope for innovation. So, we intend to make a methodological contribution to theory in the entrepreneurship field, through an empirical exercise.Analysis of our empirically based data leads us to a new Matrix we call Market-Technology-Entrepreneurial Matrix, whose 8 three-dimensional quadrants serve to classify high- tech new ventures by performance. A Factorial Analysis coupled with a Discriminate Analysis are the statistical tools employed in obtaining the M-T-E Matrix and incorporating predictive capacity to it. El presente estudio, de carácter exploratorio, es una incursión en torno al perfil y perspectivas decrecimiento y éxito, asociados a una categoría de empresas conocidas como New TechnologyBased Firms (NTBFs), las cuales desarrollan actividades altamente innovadoras y habitualmentepertenecientes a sectores de tecnología avanzada. Nuestro propósito radica en desarrollar una nuevaherramienta metodológica que resulte útil para posicionar competitivamente, de manera aproximada,a cualquier compañía con el perfil NTBF: reciente, innovadora e intensiva en tecnologías avanzadas.Tras aplicar la técnica estadística del análisis factorial, hemos obtenido una Matriz que denominamosMatriz Mercado-Tecnología-Emprendedor, cuyos 8 cuadrantes tridimensionales posicionan lascompañías high-tech según sus fortalezas y debilidades y perspectivas de competitividad.Finalmente, mediante el empleo de la técnica estadística del análisis discriminante, hemos podidoincorporar capacidad predictiva a la Matriz.high tech, funcionamiento, matriz. high-tech, performance, matrix.

    A recent exploratory insight on the profile of the innovative entrepreneur: Conclusions from a cross-tabs analysis

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    Despite growing concern towards entrepreneurship, the number of studies directly targeting the profile of the entrepreneur involved in innovative and high-tech new ventures are still scarce. This study, based on the empirical analysis of 18 highly innovative new ventures is focused on this category of entrepreneurs. Through the application of the statistical method known as the Cross-Tabs over a list of 31 variables defining the entrepreneur´s behavior and the new venture prospects we come up with a final profile of the innovative entrepreneur more likely to succeed in high-tech and highly innovative fields. A pesar del creciente interés de los analistas hacia la figura del emprendedor, el número de estudios orientados a estudiar el perfil del emprendedor innovador o emprendedor “high-tech” es todavía escaso. El presente estudio, basado en un análisis empírico sobre 18 compañías altamente innovadoras y de reciente constitución ubicadas en la zona conocida como la Bahía de San Francisco, apunta directamente sobre la mencionada categoría de emprendedor. A través de la aplicación del método estadístico Cros-Tab sobre una lista de 31 variables definitorias del comportamiento del emprendedor y las perspectivas de las compañías innovadoras nacientes, obtenemos finalmente un perfil del emprendedor innovador óptimo, capaz de gestionar adecuadamente nuevas empresas innovadoras.Emprendedor, innovación, perfil Entrepreneur, innovation, high-tech, profile

    Modeling steep-slope flow across staggered emergent cylinders: application to fish passes

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    Designing efficient rock-ramp fish passes with flows over a bottom with roughness on the same scale as the water depth requires a precise knowledge of hydrodynamics in order to avoid or limit characteristics unattractive for fish, particularly for small fish. This paper considered the numerical modeling of free-surface flow across a steep-sloped ramp covered with staggered surface emergent cylinders. Considering the importance of complex flow features for fish passage, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was adopted because it is capable of predicting such features. Because of the longitudinal periodicity of the arrangement of the obstacles, cyclic boundary conditions made this fine simulation possible. Two computational meshes (coarse and fine) and two turbulence models [shear stress transport (SST) k-ω and Smagorinsky large-eddy simulation (LES)] were used. The SST k-ω coarse mesh model gives correct time-averaged values, the main flow unstationarities and is usable for rock-ramp fish pass design, but a fine model using LES turbulence closure can provide detailed flow characteristics in the wakes in order to provide possible rest zones, particularly for smaller fish

    A physically-based parsimonious hydrological model for flash floods in Mediterranean catchments

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    A spatially distributed hydrological model, dedicated to flood simulation, is developed on the basis of physical process representation (infiltration, overland flow, channel routing). Estimation of model parameters requires data concerning topography, soil properties, vegetation and land use. Four parameters are calibrated for the entire catchment using one flood event. Model sensitivity to individual parameters is assessed using Monte-Carlo simulations. Results of this sensitivity analysis with a criterion based on the Nash efficiency coefficient and the error of peak time and runoff are used to calibrate the model. This procedure is tested on the Gardon d'Anduze catchment, located in the Mediterranean zone of southern France. A first validation is conducted using three flood events with different hydrometeorological characteristics. This sensitivity analysis along with validation tests illustrates the predictive capability of the model and points out the possible improvements on the model's structure and parameterization for flash flood forecasting, especially in ungauged basins. Concerning the model structure, results show that water transfer through the subsurface zone also contributes to the hydrograph response to an extreme event, especially during the recession period. Maps of soil saturation emphasize the impact of rainfall and soil properties variability on these dynamics. Adding a subsurface flow component in the simulation also greatly impacts the spatial distribution of soil saturation and shows the importance of the drainage network. Measures of such distributed variables would help discriminating between different possible model structures

    Is experience a useful resource for business model innovation?

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    [EN] Business model innovation has been proposed as a powerful strategic tool, able to offer competitive advantage, create markets and even reshape industries. Despite these powerful effects, little research has been conducted into studying and improving business model generation methods, and even less study has gone into analysing how to define new business models that can exert a disruptive effect on markets and industries. Our work tries to fill this gap, analysing whether experience encourages or discourages the generation of disruptive business models. An empirical analysis was carried out using an experimental methodology. The results seem to contradict the currently dominant Resource-Based View, but can be explained by the theory on inertia in organisations.Mateu Céspedes, JM.; March-Chorda, I. (2016). Is experience a useful resource for business model innovation?. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. 28(10):1195-1209. doi:10.1080/09537325.2016.1182630S11951209281

    Flow and drag force around a free surface piercing cylinder for environmental applications

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    This paper investigates flows around a free surface piercing cylinder with Froude number F<0.5 and Reynolds number around Re = 50,000. The aim of this work is to gain a better understanding of the flow behaviour in environmental systems such as fishways. The advances are based upon experimental and numerical results. Several flow discharges and slopes are tested to obtain both subcritical and supercritical flows. The drag force exerted on the cylinder is measured with the help of a torque gauge while the velocity field is obtained using particle velocimetry. For the numerical part, two URANS turbulence models are tested, the k-w SST and the RNG k-e models using the OpenFOAM software suite for subcritical cases, and then compared with the corresponding experimental results. With fishways applications in mind, the changes in drag coefficient Cd versus Froude number and water depth are studied and experimental correlations proposed. We conclude that the most suitable URANS turbulence model for reproducing this kind of flow is the k-w SST model

    Écoulements au-dessus de macro-rugosités artificielles constituées de plots

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    Les écoulements au-dessus de macro-rugosités, dans lesquels les dimensions des éléments rugueux sont du même ordre de grandeur que les profondeurs des écoulements, trouvent de nombreuses applications dans l'hydraulique environnementale, en particulier dans les dispositifs de franchissement des obstacles pour les poissons migrateurs. Cet article présente une synthèse des résultats expérimentaux acquis lors d'essais en canal vitré menés à l'Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, en utilisant comme rugosités des rangées de plots cylindriques. Après une description des écoulements observés, on examine l'influence des différents paramètres. Des relations liant le débit à la pente, à la submersion relative, à la porosité transversale et à l'écartement longitudinal sont proposées. Les profils verticaux des vitesses sont présentés. Les résultats sont discutés dans une perspective piscicole et un exemple d'application dimensionnelle relative au franchissement des poissons est présenté

    Validación de una herramienta de prescripción de cuidados básicos estandarizados y evaluables con temporalidad

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    Introduction: The prescription of basic care with temporality in medical-surgical hospitalization units represents a gap in the care plans and nursing students cannot acquire the competence of managing basic care. The objective of this study is to validate a standardized care plan to prescribe care that can be used by nursing students during the acquisition of skills related to basic care.Methods: A qualitative and quantitative study was carried out, including panels of experts combining nominal group techniques (generating hypothesis of the research and the development of prescription method) with Delphi method modified (content validity) and a focus group as a complementary method in order to reach consensus. The study was carried out over a 18-month time period between 2013-2014.Results: Three levels prescribing standardized cares have been created. This has been made by using Barthel scale which is used in an electronic form by second-year nursing students at University Jaume I in Castellón.Conclusions: Studies that specify how to carry out standardized validated studies of care plans have not been identified in literature review. In this study a combination of methods was used, similar to that which was used by other authors in order to develop different types of tools. With this registration and prescription system it is possible to evaluate the quality of cares and reinforce the role of nursing in hospital medical-surgical unitsIntroducción: La prescripción de cuidados básicos con temporalidad en unidades de hospitalización médico-quirúrgicas representa una laguna en los planes de cuidados y los estudiantes de enfermería no pueden adquirir la competencia de gestionar cuidados básicos. El objetivo de este estudio es validar un plan de cuidados estandarizado para prescribir cuidados que pueda ser utilizado por estudiantes de enfermería durante la adquisición de las competencias relacionadas con cuidados básicos.Método: Se llevó a cabo un estudio cuali-cuantitativo con paneles de expertos combinando las técnicas grupo nominal (generar la hipótesis de trabajo y desarrollo del método de prescripción), Delphi modificado (validez de contenido) y grupo focal como técnica complementaria para alcanzar consenso. El estudio se realizó durante un periodo de 18 meses entre 2013-2014.Resultados: Se han construido tres parrillas de prescripción de cuidados estandarizados utilizando la escala de Barthel que utilizan los estudiantes de enfermería de segundo curso de Grado en la Universidad Jaume I de Castellón, con soporte electrónico.Conclusiones: En la revisión de la literatura no se han identificado trabajos que especifiquen como llevar a cabo estudios de validez de planes de cuidados estandarizados. En este estudio se utilizó una combinación de métodos similar a la utilizada por otros autores para el desarrollo de diferentes herramientas. Con este sistema de registro y prescripción se puede evaluar la calidad de los cuidados y potenciar el rol responsable de enfermería en unidades médico-quirúrgicas