38 research outputs found

    Coulomb system equivalent to the energy spectrum of the Calogero-Sutherland-Moser (CSM) model

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    The purpose of this paper is to prove an equivalence between the energy spectrum of the CSM model and the electrostatic energy of a one-dimensional lattice of quantized point charges interacting via Coulomb potential with Dirichlet boundary condition

    Surface correlations for two-dimensional Coulomb fluids in a disc

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    After a brief review of previous work, two exactly solvable two-dimensional models of a finite Coulomb fluid in a disc are studied. The charge correlation function near the boundary circle is computed. When the disc radius is large compared to the bulk correlation length, a correlation function of the surface charge density can be defined. It is checked, on the solvable models, that this correlation function does have the generic long-range behaviour, decaying as the inverse square distance, predicted by macroscopic electrostatics. In the case of a two-component plasma (Coulomb fluid made of two species of particles of opposite charges), the density correlation function on the boundary circle itself is conjectured to have a temperature-independent behaviour, decaying as the -4 power of the distance.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, submitted to J.Phys.:Condens.Matte

    On the anomalous thermal conductivity of one-dimensional lattices

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    The divergence of the thermal conductivity in the thermodynamic limit is thoroughly investigated. The divergence law is consistently determined with two different numerical approaches based on equilibrium and non-equilibrium simulations. A possible explanation in the framework of linear-response theory is also presented, which traces back the physical origin of this anomaly to the slow diffusion of the energy of long-wavelength Fourier modes. Finally, the results of dynamical simulations are compared with the predictions of mode-coupling theory.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Finite N Fluctuation Formulas for Random Matrices

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    For the Gaussian and Laguerre random matrix ensembles, the probability density function (p.d.f.) for the linear statistic j=1N(xj)\sum_{j=1}^N (x_j - ) is computed exactly and shown to satisfy a central limit theorem as NN \to \infty. For the circular random matrix ensemble the p.d.f.'s for the linear statistics 12j=1N(θjπ){1 \over 2} \sum_{j=1}^N (\theta_j - \pi) and j=1Nlog2sinθj/2- \sum_{j=1}^N \log 2|\sin \theta_j/2| are calculated exactly by using a constant term identity from the theory of the Selberg integral, and are also shown to satisfy a central limit theorem as NN \to \infty.Comment: LaTeX 2.09, 11 pages + 3 eps figs (needs epsf.sty

    Classical Coulomb Systems:Screening and Correlations Revisited

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    From the laws of macroscopic electrostatics of conductors (in particular the existence of screening) taken for granted, one can deduce universal properties for the thermal fluctuations in a classical Coulomb system at equilibrium. The universality is especially apparent in the long-range correlations of the electrical potentials and fields. The charge fluctuations are derived from the field fluctuations. This is a convenient way for studying the surface charge fluctuations on a conductor with boundaries. Explicit results are given for simple geometries. The potentials and the fields have Gaussian fluctuations, except for a short-distance cutoff.Comment: 17 pages,TE

    The two-dimensional two-component plasma plus background on a sphere : Exact results

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    An exact solution is given for a two-dimensional model of a Coulomb gas, more general than the previously solved ones. The system is made of a uniformly charged background, positive particles, and negative particles, on the surface of a sphere. At the special value Γ=2\Gamma = 2 of the reduced inverse temperature, the classical equilibrium statistical mechanics is worked out~: the correlations and the grand potential are calculated. The thermodynamic limit is taken, and as it is approached the grand potential exhibits a finite-size correction of the expected universal form.Comment: 23 pages, Plain Te

    Collective modes and correlations in one-component plasmas

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    The static and time-dependent potential and surface charge correlations in a plasma with a boundary are computed for different shapes of the boundary. The case of a spheroidal or spherical one-component plasma is studied in detail because experimental results are available for such systems. Also, since there is some knowlegde both experimental and theoretical about the electrostatic collective modes of these plasmas, the time-dependent correlations are computed using a method involving these modes.Comment: 20 pages, plain TeX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Screening of classical Casimir forces by electrolytes in semi-infinite geometries

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    We study the electrostatic Casimir effect and related phenomena in equilibrium statistical mechanics of classical (non-quantum) charged fluids. The prototype model consists of two identical dielectric slabs in empty space (the pure Casimir effect) or in the presence of an electrolyte between the slabs. In the latter case, it is generally believed that the long-ranged Casimir force due to thermal fluctuations in the slabs is screened by the electrolyte into some residual short-ranged force. The screening mechanism is based on a "separation hypothesis": thermal fluctuations of the electrostatic field in the slabs can be treated separately from the pure image effects of the "inert" slabs on the electrolyte particles. In this paper, by using a phenomenological approach under certain conditions, the separation hypothesis is shown to be valid. The phenomenology is tested on a microscopic model in which the conducting slabs and the electrolyte are modelled by the symmetric Coulomb gases of point-like charges with different particle fugacities. The model is solved in the high-temperature Debye-H\"uckel limit (in two and three dimensions) and at the free fermion point of the Thirring representation of the two-dimensional Coulomb gas. The Debye-H\"uckel theory of a Coulomb gas between dielectric walls is also solved.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    Cooperative Ring Exchange and Quantum Melting of Vortex Lattices in Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    Cooperative ring-exchange is suggested as a mechanism of quantum melting of vortex lattices in a rapidly-rotating quasi two dimensional atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). Using an approach pioneered by Kivelson et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 56}, 873 (1986)] for the fractional quantized Hall effect, we calculate the condition for quantum melting instability by considering large-correlated ring exchanges in a two-dimensional Wigner crystal of vortices in a strong `pseudomagnetic field' generated by the background superfluid Bose particles. BEC may be profitably used to address issues of quantum melting of a pristine Wigner solid devoid of complications of real solids.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Physical Review

    Finite thermal conductivity in 1d lattices

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    We discuss the thermal conductivity of a chain of coupled rotators, showing that it is the first example of a 1d nonlinear lattice exhibiting normal transport properties in the absence of an on-site potential. Numerical estimates obtained by simulating a chain in contact with two thermal baths at different temperatures are found to be consistent with those ones based on linear response theory. The dynamics of the Fourier modes provides direct evidence of energy diffusion. The finiteness of the conductivity is traced back to the occurrence of phase-jumps. Our conclusions are confirmed by the analysis of two variants of this model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figure