2,136 research outputs found

    Analysis of potential benefits of integrated-gasifier combined cycles for a utility system

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    Potential benefits of integrated gasifier combined cycle (IGCC) units were evaluated for a reference utility system by comparing long range expansion plans using IGCC units and gas turbine peakers with a plan using only state of the art steam turbine units and gas turbine peakers. Also evaluated was the importance of the benefits of individual IGCC unit characteristics, particularly unit efficiency, unit equivalent forced outage rate, and unit size. A range of IGCC units was analyzed, including cases achievable with state of the art gas turbines and cases assuming advanced gas turbine technology. All utility system expansion plans that used IGCC units showed substantial savings compared with the base expansion plan using the steam turbine units

    Three-dimensional inviscid analysis of radial turbine flow and a limited comparison with experimental data

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    The three-dimensional inviscid DENTON code is used to analyze flow through a radial-inflow turbine rotor. Experimental data from the rotor are compared with analytical results obtained by using the code. The experimental data available for comparison are the radial distributions of circumferentially averaged values of absolute flow angle and total pressure downstream of the rotor exit. The computed rotor-exit flow angles are generally underturned relative to the experimental values, which reflect the boundary-layer separation at the trailing edge and the development of wakes downstream of the rotor. The experimental rotor is designed for a higher-than-optimum work factor of 1.126 resulting in a nonoptimum positive incidence and causing a region of rapid flow adjustment and large velocity gradients. For this experimental rotor, the computed radial distribution of rotor-exit to turbine-inlet total pressure ratios are underpredicted due to the errors in the finite-difference approximations in the regions of rapid flow adjustment, and due to using the relatively coarser grids in the middle of the blade region where the flow passage is highly three-dimensional. Additional results obtained from the three-dimensional inviscid computation are also presented, but without comparison due to the lack of experimental data. These include quasi-secondary velocity vectors on cross-channel surfaces, velocity components on the meridional and blade-to-blade surfaces, and blade surface loading diagrams. Computed results show the evolution of a passage vortex and large streamline deviations from the computational streamwise grid lines. Experience gained from applying the code to a radial turbine geometry is also discussed

    New features and applications of PRESTO, a computer code for the performance of regenerative, superheated steam turbine cycles

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    The code was designed to analyze performance at valves-wide-open design flow. The code can model conventional steam cycles as well as cycles that include such special features as process steam extraction and induction and feedwater heating by external heat sources. Convenience features and extensions to the special features were incorporated into the PRESTO code. The features are described, and detailed examples illustrating the use of both the original and the special features are given

    MAG3D and its application to internal flowfield analysis

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    MAG3D (multiblock adaptive grid, 3D) is a 3D solution-adaptive grid generation code which redistributes grid points to improve the accuracy of a flow solution without increasing the number of grid points. The code is applicable to structured grids with a multiblock topology. It is independent of the original grid generator and the flow solver. The code uses the coordinates of an initial grid and the flow solution interpolated onto the new grid. MAG3D uses a numerical mapping and potential theory to modify the grid distribution based on properties of the flow solution on the initial grid. The adaptation technique is discussed, and the capability of MAG3D is demonstrated with several internal flow examples. Advantages of using solution-adaptive grids are also shown by comparing flow solutions on adaptive grids with those on initial grids

    CloudMe forensics : a case of big-data investigation

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    The significant increase in the volume, variety and velocity of data complicates cloud forensic efforts, as such big data will, at some point, become computationally expensive to be fully extracted and analyzed in a timely manner. Thus, it is important for a digital forensic practitioner to have a well-rounded knowledge about the most relevant data artefacts that could be forensically recovered from the cloud product under investigation. In this paper, CloudMe, a popular cloud storage service, is studied. The types and locations of the artefacts relating to the installation and uninstallation of the client application, logging in and out, and file synchronization events from the computer desktop and mobile clients are described. Findings from this research will pave the way towards the development of tools and techniques (e.g. data mining techniques) for cloud-enabled big data endpoint forensics investigation

    Greening cloud-enabled big data storage forensics : Syncany as a case study

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    The pervasive nature of cloud-enabled big data storage solutions introduces new challenges in the identification, collection, analysis, preservation and archiving of digital evidences. Investigation of such complex platforms to locate and recover traces of criminal activities is a time-consuming process. Hence, cyber forensics researchers are moving towards streamlining the investigation process by locating and documenting residual artefacts (evidences) of forensic value of users’ activities on cloud-enabled big data platforms in order to reduce the investigation time and resources involved in a real-world investigation. In this paper, we seek to determine the data remnants of forensic value from Syncany private cloud storage service, a popular storage engine for big data platforms. We demonstrate the types and the locations of the artefacts that can be forensically recovered. Findings from this research contribute to an in-depth understanding of cloud-enabled big data storage forensics, which can result in reduced time and resources spent in real-world investigations involving Syncany-based cloud platforms

    NASA Workshop on future directions in surface modeling and grid generation

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    Given here is a summary of the paper sessions and panel discussions of the NASA Workshop on Future Directions in Surface Modeling and Grid Generation held a NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, December 5-7, 1989. The purpose was to assess U.S. capabilities in surface modeling and grid generation and take steps to improve the focus and pace of these disciplines within NASA. The organization of the workshop centered around overviews from NASA centers and expert presentations from U.S. corporations and universities. Small discussion groups were held and summarized by group leaders. Brief overviews and a panel discussion by representatives from the DoD were held, and a NASA-only session concluded the meeting. In the NASA Program Planning Session summary there are five recommended steps for NASA to take to improve the development and application of surface modeling and grid generation

    Forensic investigation of cooperative storage cloud service: Symform as a case study

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    Researchers envisioned Storage as a Service (StaaS) as an effective solution to the distributed management of digital data. Cooperative storage cloud forensic is relatively new and is an under-explored area of research. Using Symform as a case study, we seek to determine the data remnants from the use of cooperative cloud storage services. In particular, we consider both mobile devices and personal computers running various popular operating systems, namely Windows 8.1, Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.5, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS, iOS 7.1.2, and Android KitKat 4.4.4. Potential artefacts recovered during the research include data relating to the installation and uninstallation of the cloud applications, log-in to and log-out from Symform account using the client application, file synchronization as well as their time stamp information. This research contributes to an in-depth understanding of the types of terrestrial artifacts that are likely to remain after the use of cooperative storage cloud on client devices