141 research outputs found

    Vocabulary acquisition with affixation: Learning English words based on prefixes & suffixes

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    This study was designed to investigate vocabulary learning. Non-native speakers have trouble in learning English word systems that have roots and standard rules for prefixes and suffixes that extend the way these core items are used. Therefore, I wanted to investigage which ways of studying vocabulary work best for non-native students: formally learning the underlying prefixes and suffixes or just incidentally learning without using the knowledge of affixation. This experiment was carried out over 10 weeks. Only10 minutes out of each 50-minute class were used for studying the English words that I selected. A total of 54 students took part in this experiment at a private English School in Korea. In the main experiment, the groups of students were organized into two groups: one group was scheduled to memorize English words using knowledge gained from their teachers’ affixation lectures, while the other group studied without instruction about affixation. The goal of the posttest was to determine how students acquired affixation patterns of English words and expanded their vocabulary knowledge and to investigate differences between the two groups. The assumption was that basic knowledge of commonly used affixes would help students learn English vocabulary much faster and avoid the need to repeatedly look up words

    An exploration of how masculinity/ies is/are perceived to influence the help-seeking behaviours of men who have survived rape : the rape counsellors’ perspectives

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    The existing literature indicates a significant need for research on how masculinity/ies function(s) in maladaptive ways for men, such as a barrier to seeking professional help. This study attempted to fill the gap in the existing literature by critically exploring the influence of masculinity/ies on the help-seeking behaviours of men who survived rape. This study specifically aimed to explore rape counsellors' views, understanding and experiences of how masculinity/ies operate(s) in the peculiar help-seeking behaviours of men who survived rape. To this effect, this study employed a qualitative methodology and a phenomenological research design. This study used a purposive sampling method to recruit nine rape counsellors working with men who survived rape in the Moshate Men's Rights Organisation and the MatrixMen Organisation. Data were collected using individual telephonic unstructured interviews with the rape counsellors. The data was analysed using social constructionist thematic analysis, underpinned by Raewyn Connell's theory of multiple masculinities. The current study held a social constructionist point of view of reality. The major themes that emerged from this study include, firstly, masculinity/ies and the rape of men. Under this theme, two sub-themes emerged, namely, (1) masculinity/ies and (2) sexuality. Secondly, masculinity/ies and help-seeking. Under this theme, five sub-themes emerged; namely, (1) restrictive emotionality, (2) self-reliance (or independence), (3) there is a stigma towards men and seeking psychological services, (4) lack of training and (5) lack of support. Thirdly, the understanding of the rape of men. Lastly, socio-economic factors and help-seeking. Three sub-themes that emerged under this theme are (1) economic factors, (2) few support systems and services and (3) misrepresentation of the rape of men.Mini Dissertation (MA (Research Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2021.National Research Foundation (NRF)PsychologyMA (Research Psychology)Unrestricte

    La prueba en el recurso de revisión

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    Se estudia el recurso de revisión y el análisis de la prueba en el procedimiento administrativo común, con el fin de identificar cómo la naturaleza extraordinaria del recurso de revisión incide en la observancia de los principios de instrucción y oficialidad respecto a la carga de la prueba. Es importante esta investigación porque sitúa al recurso extraordinario de revisión en sede administrativa, como el medio de impugnación que permite al particular buscar una solución a situaciones de injusticia cuando han sido vulnerados sus derechos subjetivos e interés legítimos mediante la actuación administrativa. La finalidad del recurso radica en que en vía administrativa se enmienden los errores derivados de la actuación de la Administración Pública, y se emita la respectiva resolución que comprenda una decisión factible a favor del administrado. En efecto, dentro del procedimiento administrativo, la prueba comprende los datos que completan el contenido de los fundamentos que el administrado alega con el propósito de crear evidencia ante la Administración Pública, razón por la cual, en el presente trabajo el análisis se profundiza respecto de la carga probatoria en el recurso extraordinario de revisión, analizando su desarrollo en las causales de interposición previstas en el Código Orgánico Administrativo. Se utiliza el método de investigación dogmático, con el cual es posible la explicación de la normativa ecuatoriana vigente y su contraste con criterios doctrinarios y referentes de carácter jurisprudencial, del modo más adecuado a las figuras jurídicas que aborda esta tesis. Con el estudio realizado se busca conseguir la implementación progresiva y afirmativa por parte de los administrados, pues se identifica al recurso extraordinario de revisión como un mecanismo de protección idóneo que tienen los administrados frente a los órganos de la Administración Pública, requiriendo que los servidores públicos encargados de resolver los recursos actúen con una verdadera imparcialidad

    Efecto de la migración venezolana sobre el desempleo en Colombia: 2012-2019

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    El presente documento corresponde a un trabajo de investigación de tipo descriptivo, realizado para determinar si la creciente migración venezolana en el periodo (2012- 2019), influyó sobre el comportamiento de la tasa de desempleo en Colombia durante el mismo periodo. Partiendo desde una mirada cuantitativa, se utilizó la técnica de regresión múltiple como metodología para realizar un análisis estadístico de datos obtenidos de fuentes secundarias, en el cual se evidenció que la migración venezolana si tuvo efectos sobre la tasa de desempleo. Sin embargo, su impacto fue muy bajo, ya que al aumentar la población también crece la producción y esto genera un equilibrio en el mercado laboral.This document corresponding to a descriptive research work, carried out to determine if the increasing Venezuelan migration in the period (2012-2019), influenced the behavior of the unemployment rate in Colombia during the same period. Starting from a quantitative point of view, you can detect the multiple regression technique as a methodology to perform a statistical analysis of selected data from secondary sources, which shows that Venezuelan migration did have effects on the unemployment rate. However, its impact was very low, since increasing population also increases production and this creates a balance in the labor market

    Efecto de la migración Venezolana sobre el desempleo en Colombia: 2012 - 2019

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    El presente documento corresponde a un trabajo de investigación de tipo descriptivo, realizado para determinar si la creciente migración venezolana en el periodo (2012 - 2019), influyó sobre el comportamiento de la tasa de desempleo en Colombia durante el mismo periodo. Partiendo desde una mirada cuantitativa, se utilizó la técnica de regresión múltiple como metodología para realizar un análisis estadístico de datos obtenidos de fuentes secundarias, en el cual se evidenció que la migración venezolana si tuvo efectos sobre la tasa de desempleo. Sin embargo, su impacto fue muy bajo, ya que al aumentar la población también crece la producción y esto genera un equilibrio en el mercado laboral.This document corresponding to a descriptive research work, carried out to determine if the increasing Venezuelan migration in the period (2012-2019), influenced the behavior of the unemployment rate in Colombia during the same period. Starting from a quantitative perspective, the multiple regression technique can be evaluated as a methodology to carry out a statistical analysis of selected data from secondary sources, which shows that Venezuelan migration did have an effect on the unemployment rate. However, its impact was very low, since increasing population also increases production and this creates a balance in the labor market

    "Valoración de enfermería base del cuidado para la adaptación integral desde el momento de contacto"

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    1 documento en PDF de 1 páginaObjetivo. Promover la adaptación de los pacientes hospitalizados en el área de pediatría y la de sus cuidadores familiares mediante la implementación de buenas prácticas de enfermería durante la valoración como fundamento para el desarrollo de un plan de atención de enfermería (PAE) que reconozca sus necesidades y favorezca el cuidado. Metodología. Teniendo en cuenta que todo Plan de Atención de Enfermería incluye la valoración, se desarrolló un Proyecto de Gerencia del Cuidado basado en la orientación de Callista Roy y el Modelo funcional de la Clínica Universidad de La Sabana “Compromiso y tono humano para la adaptación de los sujetos de cuidado durante la atención hospitalaria”. Para su elaboración se inició con un diagnóstico basado en la matriz DOFA y con base en sus resultados se hizo una proyección que siguió los pasos del ciclo PHVA

    Formación de callos en el cultivo de la morera (Morus alba L.)

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    La morera (Morus alba L.) es un árbol forrajero de origen asiático perfectamente adaptado a las condiciones del trópico. Pertenece a la familia Moraceae. Existen 24 especies agrupadas en el género Morus y una subespecie, con al menos 100 variedades conocidas (Machii et al., 2000). La especie diploide Morus alba es considerada la más extendida

    Is targeting dysregulation in apoptosis splice variants in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) host interactions and splicing factors resulting in immune evasion by MTB strategies a possibility?

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), is one of the foremost organisms causing mortality in humans, and has been for most of human history. When faced with an infection the human immune system is ordinarily very competent in killing both extracellular and intracellular bacilli. However, Mtb is able to evade the host immune system and is even able to establish a persistent infectious reservoir by “hiding” in the immune cells of the host. While the mechanisms by which the bacteria accomplishes this are not fully understood, it is known that the bacterium can subvert cellular processes in cells such as macrophages that prevent the lysis of the bacteria or the cell undergoing apoptosis. They are also able to interfere with immune cell signalling. One of the greatest effects that Mtb has is too alter the transcriptome of the macrophage. An easy way for the bacterium to accomplish this is to alter the alternative splicing patterns of the host. This can lead to a large change in the population of different protein isoforms, some of which have very different functions when compared to the original protein. At the same time the long history of Mtb infecting humans have led to specific immune reactions that occur in the host immune system in order to fight the infection. Many of these specific reactions involve new isoforms of host defence proteins. In this way the human host can use alternate splicing to create new isoforms of immune- related proteins that are more effective in defending against Mtb.The Medical Research Council of South Africahttps://http//www.elsevier.com/locate/tubehj2021Immunolog

    Role of Socio-Demographic and Environmental Determinants on Performance of Community Health Workers in Western Kenya

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    Background: The performance of community health workers remains an area of significant global focus. The role of community health workers in sub-Saharan Africa has evolved over time in response to changing health priorities, disease burdens, and workforce demands. Recently, Kenya revised its community health strategy in response to challenges faced with the implementation of grassroots primary health care initiative. Implementation of community health programs is often inconsistent, and they vary widely in many attributes. The purpose of this study was to explore factors influencing performance of community health workers in Vihiga County, Western Kenya in light of the political devolution. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional study design that involved a quantitative method of data collection. A sample of 309 participants was selected through cluster and simple random sampling. A self-administered and -structured questionnaire was used to gather data, s, and those who were not able to respond individually were guided by the research assistants. Results: The community health workers were 75.2% females and 24.8% males. Performance was significantly associated with not being employed, (OR = 2.4; 95% CI, 1.4–4.4), secondary education (OR = 0.7; 95% CI, 0.5–1.1), lack of conflict resolution mechanism (OR = 2.2; p = 0.017), lack of support (OR = 1.5; p = 0.03), and community health work not seen as important (OR = 1.5; p = 0.041). Poor communication skills were also more likely to influence performance of community health workers (OR = 0.5; p = 0.050) and poor road network (OR = 0.361; p = 0.000). Conclusions: These findings offer a deeper understanding of the interaction between CHWs contextual situations, structural challenges, and performance. Addressing influential factors of CHWs performance in multi-task settings is important in preventing overtaxing their work capacity and to maintain quality performance as countries move towards universal health coverage. Strategies for incentivizing, attracting, and sustaining men in CHWs is important to broaden perspectives about this critical role in societ

    Land fragmentation, climate change adaptation, and food security in the Gamo Highlands of Ethiopia

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    Household food security among smallholder farmers is sensitive to a variable and changing climate, requiring farmers in the Gamo Highlands of Ethiopia to adopt new land management practices to improve food security. Agricultural land in the Gamo Highlands is highly fragmented. The extent to which land fragmentation (LF) moderates the food security effects of sustainable land management (SLM) practices is unknown. This study used probit and Poisson models to explain this relationship. The study found that food insecurity was severe during the food shortfall season. LF provides more potential opportunities for improving food security than challenges. Furthermore, SLM practices had both positive and negative effects on food security and their effects were conditioned by the magnitude of LF. Reducing severe LF through the assembly of small parcels into larger heterogeneous plot clusters could enhance food security by exploiting synergies between adaptation practices and LF.</p