180 research outputs found

    Poczucie satysfakcji życiowej wśród studentów uczelni rzeszowskich

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    Life satisfaction is one of the most important factors influencing the subjective perception of the well-being by an individual. The level of sat-isfaction affects the quality of development and adaptation to the new environment. The aim of this article is to analyze the perception of life satisfaction among young people who started their studies in science and humanities. The research was carried out as part of the author’s own project realized among 383 students of the Rzeszów University of Technology and the University of Rzeszów. The means employed included a diagnostic survey, the questionnaire technique and a standardized tool examining the level of satisfaction with life scale (SWLS – Satisfaction with life scale), by Ed Diner, Robert A. Emmons, Randy J. Larsen and Sharon Griffin were used in Polish adaptation by Zygrfyd Juczyński. The research revealed that students’ overall life satisfaction was moder-ate and below average. Independent variables were taken into account: university, gender, age, place of residence, affluence, the order in which one was born in family, as well as the level of results achieved in secondary school. In three cases, i.e. university, gender and affluence, life satisfaction was at the level of statistical significance among the studied groups. On the other hand, the overall satisfaction with life was higher in the students of the Rzeszów University of Technology, also among the surveyed women and among the wealthier students. The research also shows that most of the respondents feel satisfied with life on a moderate level.Satysfakcja życia należy do najważniejszych czynników wpływających na subiektywne odczuwanie dobrostanu przez jednostkę. Poziom satysfakcji przekłada się na jakość rozwoju i przystosowania do nowego środowiska. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza postrzegania satysfakcji z życia wśród młodych osób, którzy rozpoczęli studia na kierunkach ścisłych i humanistycznych. Badania przeprowadzono w ramach własnego projektu zrealizowanego wśród 383 studentów Politechniki Rzeszowskiej i Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Do badań wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, techniki kwestionariusza i standaryzowanego narzędzia badającego poziom satysfakcji z życia SWLS (Satisfaction with life scale), autorstwa Eda Dinera, Roberta A. Emmonsa, Randy’ego J. Larsena i Sharon Griffin w polskiej adaptacji Zygrfyda Juczyńskiego. Badania ujawniły, że ogólne zadowolenie z życia studentów kształtowało się na poziomie umiarkowanym i poniżej przeciętnym. Wzięto pod uwagę następujące zmienne niezależne: uczelnia, płeć, wiek, miejsce zamieszkania, zamożność, kolejność urodzenia się, a także poziom osiąganych wyników w szkole średniej. W trzech przypadkach, tj. uczelnia, płeć i zamożność, satysfakcja z życia wśród badanych grup była na poziomie istotności statystycznej. Natomiast ogólnie satysfakcja z życia była na wyższym poziomie wśród studentów Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, także wśród badanych kobiet i osób bardziej zamożnych. Z badań wynika również, że większość badanych osób odczuwa satysfakcję z życia na poziomie umiarkowanym

    The feeling of efficiency in the opinion of the surveyed students of Rzeszów universities

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    Summary The sense of effectiveness plays an important role in the subjective perception of well-being by an individual. It closely relates the level of effectiveness to the expected performance of each activity. Higher expectations should release energy and affect effective results of education or professional work. The aim of this article is to analyze the sense of effectiveness in life of students who started their studies in science and humanities. For this purpose, I have carried research out based on an own project taken among 383 students of the Rzeszów University of Technology and The University of Rzeszow. The research used a diagnostic survey method, and a standardized tool to measure the level of effectiveness in life using the Generalized Self-Efficency Scale (GSES) developed by Ralf Schwarzer and Matthias Jerusalem and prepared in Polish adaptation by Zygrfyd Juczyński. The research showed that the students' sense of effectiveness in life was moderate. The following independent variables were taken into account: university, gender, age, place of residence and the wealth of the respondents. In two studies, there was a difference in the level of statistical significance depending on the type of university and the gender of the respondents. On the other hand, taking into account the average, students from the Rzeszów University of Technology showed a slightly higher level of sense of effectiveness in contrast to students from the University of Rzeszów. The conclusions from the research constitute a challenge for the education system, teachers at all levels of education, so that any changes, systematically introduced to the education programs, could reflect the needs of students to a greater extent

    Sophocles’ Trachiniae and Aeschylus Agamemnon: interrelation or convergence of structures?

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    The author of the article draws our attention to the similarities between the two plays, i.e. Sophocles’ Trachiniae and Aeschylus’ Agamemnon. These similarities apply to the plot structure, the structure of characters, and the time and space dimensions of drama. In author’s opinion, the observed similarities and convergences prove that The Trachiniae appeared in the period when Sophocles was still under his predecessor’s infuence and the drama belongs to the earliest of his tragedies that survived

    Predyspozycje i możliwości zatrudnienia a motywacja wyboru kierunku studiów przez studentów nauk humanistycznych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego i nauk ścisłych Politechniki Rzeszowskiej

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    Motivation accompanies various human activities from an early age. The basic ones include fun, education and work. These activities are combined in different proportions and depend on the living environment and the interests of the individual. Care, upbringing, family environment and family atmosphere shape the child’s perceptions of the world. These factors also affect the individual in terms of making important decisions, which include undertaking education in a university. The human environment, objects, and the same places also imply various motives in creating human behaviour that translates into aspirations to achieve different life goals. The article is an attempt to present the impact of humans’ predispositions in their fields of interest, their self-assessment of intellectual possibilities, prospects for high -level earnings, employment opportunities in the country and abroad, as well as the curriculum covering subjects that were not difficult in high school and in which the pupil was good on the motives for choosing a major study of students of humanities at the University of Rzeszów and students of exact sciences from Rzeszów University of Technology.Motivation accompanies various human activities from an early age. The basic ones include fun, education and work. These activities are combined in different proportions and depend on the living environment and the interests of the individual. Care, upbringing, family environment and family atmosphere shape the child’s perceptions of the world. These factors also affect the individual in terms of making important decisions, which include undertaking education in a university. The human environment, objects, and the same places also imply various motives in creating human behaviour that translates into aspirations to achieve different life goals. The article is an attempt to present the impact of humans’ predispositions in their fields of interest, their self-assessment of intellectual possibilities, prospects for high -level earnings, employment opportunities in the country and abroad, as well as the curriculum covering subjects that were not difficult in high school and in which the pupil was good on the motives for choosing a major study of students of humanities at the University of Rzeszów and students of exact sciences from Rzeszów University of Technology

    Autoocena własnych szans funkcjonowania zawodowego po ukończeniu studiów pedagogicznych

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    Completing any studies involves obtaining the appropriate qualifications that are necessary to take up a job. Pedagogy is one of those faculties where, after graduation, problems with finding a job may arise, especially in rural and provincial areas. The article is an attempt to approximate the self-assessment of students in the field of pedagogy in terms of career opportunities after completing their pedagogical studies.Ukończenie każdych studiów wiąże się z uzyskaniem odpowiednich kwalifikacji, które są niezbędne do podjęcia pracy zawodowej. Pedagogika należy do tych kierunków, po ukończeniu których mogą wystąpić problemy ze znalezieniem pracy, zwłaszcza w obszarach wiejskich i małomiasteczkowych. Artykuł jest próbą przybliżenia autooceny studentów na kierunku pedagogika pod względem szans funkcjonowania zawodowego po ukończeniu przez nich studiów pedagogicznych

    Wpływ środowiska a motywacja wyboru studiów przez studentów nauk humanistycznych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego i nauk ścisłych Politechniki Rzeszowskiej

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    Motivation accompanies all human activities from an early age. The most important of these include fun, education and work. These activities are combined in different proportions and depend on the living environment of the individual. The environment of parents, siblings, grandparents, friends and acquaintances shapes a child’s perception of the world and also affects the child when undertaking various life activities in various ways. The environment of people, objects and the same places also implies various motives in creating human behaviour, which translates into one’s aspirations to achieve different life goals. The article is an attempt to approximate the impact of the family home environment, i.e. mainly parents, family traditions, peers, educators and teachers, on the motives for choosing the field of study among students of humanities at the University of Rzeszów and exact sciences’ students from the Rzeszów University of Technology.Motywacja towarzyszy wszelkim aktywnościom człowieka od jego najmłodszych lat. Do tych najważniejszych należy zaliczyć: zabawę, edukację i pracę. Aktywności te łączą się wzajemnie w różnych proporcjach i zależą od środowiska życia jednostki. Otoczenie rodziców, rodzeństwa, dziadków, przyjaciół, znajomych, kształtuje u dziecka postrzegania świata, a także wpływa w różny sposób na podejmowanie przez niego wiele czynności życiowych. Środowisko ludzi, obiektów, tych samych miejsc, także implikuje różne motywy w kreowaniu zachowania człowieka, które przekładają się na jego aspiracje do osiągania różnych celów życiowych. Artykuł jest próbą przybliżenia wpływu środowiska domu rodzinnego, a więc głównie rodziców, tradycji rodzinnych, rówieśników, wychowawców, nauczycieli na motywy wyboru kierunku studiów wśród studentów nauk humanistycznych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego jak i studentów nauk ścisłych z Politechniki Rzeszowskiej

    Telemedicine in response to challenges of modern diabetology

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    Due to the steadily increasing number of patients with diabetes all over the world, access to specialist diabetes care is becoming difficult, especially in rural areas. Approximately 30% of diabetic patients do not achieve the target blood glucose values, which is certainly an important problem of modern diabetology, because it translates into late vascular complications of diabetes, lower quality of life and premature death. In response to the raising demand for diabetes care, technological solutions increasing the accessibility to healthcare professionals with a concomitant reduction of costs of such care may be very useful. In a view of the above, the contribution of continuously developing widely understood information and communication technologies (ICT) to an improvement of blood glucose control in diabetic patients has been recently evaluated in research studies. Phone consultations, remote blood glucose levels monitoring and video consultations are the most commonly studied telemedical interventions. Each of them leads to an increased accessibility to specialist diabetes care. Besides clinical trials, in real patients’ life there are many mobile health applications (apps) available which may be helpful in daily life diabetes management however raise concerns about regulation and approval, privacy, accuracy and safety. Contrary to cardiology, telemedical solutions in diabetology are not popular for commercial use yet, which is why patients and their physicians still have to wait for standardisation and appropriate legal regulations for telemedical interventions in diabetes care. Although as evidenced by clinical trials, such interventions translate into improved blood glucose control, lower costs of diabetes care and even a reduction of hypoglycaemia risk

    Reliability and reproducibility of perfusion MRI in cognitively normal subjects

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    Arterial spin labeling (ASL) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is becoming a popular method for measuring perfusion due to its ability of generating perfusion maps noninvasively. This allows for frequent repeat scanning, which is especially useful for follow-up studies. However, limited information is available regarding the reliability and reproducibility of ASL perfusion measurements. Here, the reliability and reproducibility of pulsed ASL was investigated in an elderly population to determine the variation in perfusion among cognitively normal individuals in different brain structures. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and within-subject variation coefficients (wsCV) were used to estimate reliability and reproducibility over a period of 1 year. Twelve cognitively normal subjects (75.5±5.3 years old, six male and six female) were scanned four times (at 0, 3, 6 and 12 months). No significant difference in cerebral blood flow (CBF) was found over this period. CBF values ranged from 46 to 53 ml/100 g per minute in the medial frontal gyrus (MFG) and from 40 to 44 ml/100 g per minute over all gray matter regions in the superior part of the brain. Data obtained from the first two scans were processed by two readers and showed high reliability (ICC >0.97) and reproducibility (wsCV <6%). However, over the total period of 1 year, reliability reduced to a moderate level (ICC=0.63-0.74) with wsCVs of gray matter, left MFG, right MFG of 13.5%, 12.3%, and 15.4%, respectively. In conclusion, measurement of CBF with pulsed ASL provided good agreement between inter-raters. A moderate level of reliability was obtained over a 1-year period, which was attributed to variance in slice positioning and coregistration. As such pulsed ASL has the potential to be used for CBF comparison in longitudinal studies. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.postprin

    Związek pentraksyny 3 z chorobami sercowo-naczyniowymi na podłożu miażdżycy — stan wiedzy na 2018 rok

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    Należąca do białek ostrej fazy pentraksyna 3 (PTX3), w przeciwieństwie do białka C-reaktywnego (CRP), produkowana jest lokalnie, w miejscu toczącego się procesu zapalnego, na przykład w śródbłonku naczyń. Nie wiadomo jednoznacznie, czy czynniki zapalne są elementami sprawczymi w patogenezie rozwoju miażdżycy, czy są jedynie wskaźnikami toczącego się stanu zapalnego naczynia. Nadal nie wyjaśniono także, jaką rolę, ochronną czy proaterogenną, odgrywa PTX w patogenezie i historii naturalnej miażdżycy. Udowodniono związek zwiększonego osoczowego stężenia PTX3 z występowaniem różnych zdarzeń sercowo naczyniowych na podłożu miażdżycy, w tym zawału serca, zwiększonej śmiertelności w okresie 3 miesięcy po zawale serca, niestabilnej choroby wieńcowej czy niewydolności serca. Przypuszcza się także, że PTX3 może pełnić funkcję ochronną w obszarze niedokrwienia mięśnia sercowego spowodowanego miażdżycą. W związku z powyższym, w przypadku potwierdzenia w badaniach, PTX3 mogłaby w przyszłości być podawana egzogennie w momencie wystąpienia ostrego zespołu wieńcowego. W chorobach serca i naczyń oznaczenie PTX3 może także w przyszłości być pomocne w ocenie rokowania u chorych ze schorzeniami sercowo-naczyniowymi na podłożu miażdżycy i doborze optymalnej terapii