93 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to examine the lower extremity kinematics and kinetics during landing phase, in response to the effects of landing height during unilateral and bilateral landing. Ten young healthy male subjects (age: 26.1±1.8yr, height: 183.2±4.4cm, weight: 76.1±6.9kg) participated in this study. Each subject performed the unilateral and bilateral landing from a 30cm and 45cm wooden platform. The results showed the peak vertical ground reaction force (PVGRF) was increased during unilateral landing and at greater landing height (

    Risk of recurrence in surgically resected stage I adenocarcinoma of the lung: histopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis

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    STUDY OBJECTIVES: Stage I adenocarcinoma of the lung is the most common type of lung cancer. A better understanding of the histopathology and molecular biology of lung cancer might improve the capability to predict the outcome for any individual patient. The purpose of this study was to evaluate several histopathologic and molecular markers in order to assess their prognostic value in stage I adenocarcinoma. METHODS: Fifty-five patients at the Seoul National University Bundang Hospital were enrolled in the study. Histopathologic factors and molecular markers were selected. RESULTS: Multivariate analysis demonstrated that necrosis, lymphatic vessel invasion, E-cadherin, p53, and Ki-67 emerged as independent prognostic factors of recurrence. When patients were grouped according to low or high risk according to the number of factors involved, the difference in disease-free survival between these groups was statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: In resected stage I adenocarcinoma, necrosis, lymphatic vessel invasion, E-cadherin, and p53 have been identified as independent predictors of disease-free survival

    Cystamine induces AIF-mediated apoptosis through glutathione depletion

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    AbstractCystamine and its reduced form cysteamine showed protective effects in various models of neurodegenerative disease, including Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease. Other lines of evidence demonstrated the cytotoxic effect of cysteamine on duodenal mucosa leading to ulcer development. However, the mechanism for cystamine cytotoxicity remains poorly understood. Here, we report a new pathway in which cystamine induces apoptosis by targeting apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF). By screening of various cell lines, we observed that cystamine and cysteamine induce cell death in a cell type-specific manner. Comparison between cystamine-sensitive and cystamine-resistant cell lines revealed that cystamine cytotoxicity is not associated with unfolded protein response, reactive oxygen species generation and transglutaminase or caspase activity; rather, it is associated with the ability of cystamine to trigger AIF nuclear translocation. In cystamine-sensitive cells, cystamine suppresses the levels of intracellular glutathione by inhibiting γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase expression that triggers AIF translocation. Conversely, glutathione supplementation completely prevents cystamine-induced AIF translocation and apoptosis. In rats, cysteamine administration induces glutathione depletion and AIF translocation leading to apoptosis of duodenal epithelium. These results indicate that AIF translocation through glutathione depletion is the molecular mechanism of cystamine toxicity, and provide important implications for cystamine in the neurodegenerative disease therapeutics as well as in the regulation of AIF-mediated cell death

    Effects of Huang Bai (Phellodendri Cortex) and Three Other Herbs on GnRH and GH Levels in GT1–7 and GH3 Cells

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    The present study was to evaluate the effects of Huang Bai, Zhi Mu, Mai Ya, and Xia Ku Cao on hormone using the GT1–7 and GH3 cells. The GT1–7 and GH3 cell lines were incubated with DW; DMSO; and 30, 100, or 300 μg/mL of one of the four extract solutions in serum-free media for 24 hours. The MTT assay was performed to determine the cytotoxicity of the four herbs. The GT1–7 and GH3 cells were incubated in DW, estradiol (GT1–7 only), or noncytotoxic herb solutions in serum-free medium for 24 hours. A quantitative RT-PCR and western blot were performed to measure the GnRH expression in GT1–7 cells and GH expression in GH3 cells. Huang Bai, Zhi Mu, Xia Ku Cao, and Mai Ya inhibited the GnRH mRNA expression in GT1–7 cells, whereas Huang Bai enhanced GH mRNA expression in GH3 cells. Additionally, Xia Ku Cao inhibited GnRH protein expression in GT1–7 cells and Huang Bai promoted GH protein expression in GH3 cells. The findings suggest that Huang Bai can delay puberty by inhibiting GnRH synthesis in the hypothalamus while also accelerating growth by promoting GH synthesis and secretion in the pituitary

    Epidermal growth factor receptor mutations and anaplastic lymphoma kinase rearrangements in lung cancer with nodular ground-glass opacity

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    Vår uppsats handlar om formativ bedömning och vad det innebär att arbeta så i undervisningen. Vi tolkar att rådande läroplaner beskriver ett uppdrag som ligger i linje med ett formativt arbetssätt. Syftet var att ta reda på om lärare i samhällskunskap som arbetar på gymnasiet arbetar formativt och hur de gör det. Ett annat vanligt namn för formativ bedömning är bedömning för lärande (BFL). Genom kvalitativa intervjuer har vi frågat gymnasielärare i samhällskunskap hur de arbetar med bedömning, om de arbetar formativt och om det finns någon samsyn på deras respektive gymnasieskolor kring bedömning. Vi ville också veta vad formativt arbete innebär. Bedömning för lärande fokuserar på lärandet och hur eleven kan utvecklas och nå framgång i lärandet. Genom att konkretisera mål, syfte och kunskapskvaliteter så att eleven förstår dessa kan eleven få syn på sitt eget lärande. När eleven ges makt över sitt eget lärande leder det till ökad motivation. I formativ bedömning arbetar läraren bland annat med feedback och kamrat- och självvärdering. Vårt resultat visar att lärarna vi intervjuat i stor utsträckning arbetar summativt med formativa inslag i varierande grad, förutom en av lärarna som arbetar på en gymnasieskola i Borås som arbetar enligt bedömning för lärande. Studien visar att det råder brist på samsyn kring bedömning på gymnasie-skolorna, förutom på skolan i Borås där det finns tid avsatt för möten och samtal kring formativ bedömning. Litteraturen visar på de positiva effekterna av bedömning för lärande vilket också styrks av intervjun med läraren i Borås

    Transparent Fingerprint Sensor System for Large Flat Panel Display

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    In this paper, we introduce a transparent fingerprint sensing system using a thin film transistor (TFT) sensor panel, based on a self-capacitive sensing scheme. An armorphousindium gallium zinc oxide (a-IGZO) TFT sensor array and associated custom Read-Out IC (ROIC) are implemented for the system. The sensor panel has a 200 ?? 200 pixel array and each pixel size is as small as 50 ??m ?? 50 ??m. The ROIC uses only eight analog front-end (AFE) amplifier stages along with a successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (SAR ADC). To get the fingerprint image data from the sensor array, the ROIC senses a capacitance, which is formed by a cover glass material between a human finger and an electrode of each pixel of the sensor array. Three methods are reviewed for estimating the self-capacitance. The measurement result demonstrates that the transparent fingerprint sensor system has an ability to differentiate a human finger???s ridges and valleys through the fingerprint sensor array

    Drug-Eluting Stenting Followed by Cilostazol Treatment Reduces Late Restenosis in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus The DECLARE-DIABETES Trial (A Randomized Comparison of Triple Antiplatelet Therapy With Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation in Diabetic Patients)

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    ObjectivesWe sought to evaluate the impact of cilostazol on neointimal hyperplasia after drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM).BackgroundAlthough cilostazol has reduced the extent of neointimal hyperplasia and restenosis in patients after bare-metal stent implantation, it is not known whether this effect occurs after DES implantation in diabetic patients.MethodsThis randomized, multicenter, prospective study compared triple antiplatelet therapy (aspirin, clopidogrel, and cilostazol, triple group, n = 200) and dual antiplatelet therapy (aspirin and clopidogrel, standard group, n = 200) for 6 months in patients with DM receiving DES. The primary end point was in-stent late loss at 6 months.ResultsThe 2 groups had similar baseline clinical and angiographic characteristics. The in-stent (0.25 ± 0.53 mm vs. 0.38 ± 0.54 mm, p = 0.025) and in-segment (0.42 ± 0.50 mm vs. 0.53 ± 0.49 mm, p = 0.031) late loss were significantly lower in the triple versus standard group, as were 6-month in-segment restenosis (8.0% vs. 15.6%, p = 0.033) and 9-month target lesion revascularization (TLR) (2.5% vs. 7.0%, p = 0.034). At 9 months, major adverse cardiac events, including death, myocardial infarction, and TLR, tended to be lower in the triple than in the standard group (3.0% vs. 7.0%, p = 0.066). Multivariate analysis showed that sirolimus-eluting stents and the use of cilostazol were strong predictors of reduced restenosis or TLR.ConclusionsTriple antiplatelet therapy after DES implantation decreased angiographic restenosis and extent of late loss, resulting in a reduced risk of 9-month TLR compared with dual antiplatelet therapy in diabetic patients

    Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Seroprevalence in Korea: Rapid Increase of HSV-2 Seroprevalence in the 30s in the Southern Part

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    To determine the characteristics of seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection among Korean people, a cross-sectional study was conducted on three groups in 2004. The three groups consisted of the general public who visited public health centers, commercial sex workers (CSWs), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected persons. Among the general public, HSV-2 seroprevalence rates for age under the 20s, in the 20s, 30s, 40s and the above 22.6%, 32.7% and 32.3%, respectively, which showed rapid increase of the rate in the 30s (p<0.0001). In case of the above of 19 yr old, women (28.0%) was higher than men (21.7%) (p<0.0001). The rate of CSWs (81.6%) was about 10 times higher than that of general women. In case of HIV-infected men (47.6%), the figure was about 2-3 times higher than that of general men. The low rate in the teens and the 20s proved that it is essential to develop sexually transmitted infections (STIs) prevention programs of education and publicity for them as a precaution measure. This study is the first major study of its kind on HSV-2 and would provide basic data for prevention of STIs including information about target groups subject to vaccination program