38 research outputs found

    Quality assessment of pine stems and six-meter lower part of stems in mixed pine-spruce forests in Kazlu Ruda

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    Tyrimo objektas ir vieta- Kazlų Rūdos mokomieji miškai, tyrimas atliktas 12- oje skirtingų barelių, mišriuose paprastosios pušies ( Pinus sylvestris)- paprastosios eglės ( Picea abies) medynuose. Tyrimo tikslas- Stiebų ir jų apatinės 6m igio dalies kokybės tyrimai grynuose bei mišriuose pušynuose. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti stiebo ir apatinės stiebo 6m dalies kokybės priklausomybę nuo amžiaus 2. Įvertinti apatinės stiebo dalies ir viso stiebo kokybę atsižvelgiant į medynų rūšinę sudėtį 3. Ištirti apatinės stiebo dalies ir viso stiebo kokybę pagal augavietės našumo indeksą 4. Palyginti mišrių ir grynų pušynų našumo rodiklius 5. Palyginti kreivumo įtaką stiebams ir apatinės stiebo dalies kokybei Tyrimo metodai- išmatuotas medžių aukštis naudojant elektroninį aukštimatį (vertex) ir skersmuo 1,30m aukštyje naudojant mechanines žergles. Duomenys apie kokybę surinkti taikant atrankinį miško medžių matavimo metodą, įvertinant kas penktą medį. Stiebo ir jo apatinės 6m dalies kokybė nustatyta vizualiniu metodu, įvertinant medžio kreivumą, šakotumą, grybų pažeidimus, vabzdžių pažeidimus bei kitas medžio ypatybes ar ligas. Surinkti duomenys apdoroti naudojant Microsoft Excel programą. Tyrimo rezultatai- apibendrinus gautus duomenis, nustatyta, kad daugiausiai visose tirtose amžiaus grupėse (pusamžiai, pribręstantys, subrendę ir perbrendę medynai) vyrauja vidutinės kokybės stiebai. Įvertinus kokybę visose amžiaus grupėse, antro kokybės indekso stiebų nustatyta 62,6%. Kambliniai 6m atkarpų daugiausiai priklauso 2 kokybės indeksui- 45,3%. Kokybiškiausi pušų stiebai auga ten, kur pušis sudaro 1P-4P medyno dalies. Ten pirmam kokybės indeksui priklauso 48,5%. Kai rūšinė sudėtis nuo 5P iki 7P, daugiausiai stiebų priklauso antram kokybės indeksui- 56,3%. Rūšinei medyno sudėčiai esant nuo 8P iki 10P tai pat daugiausiai antra kokybės indeksui priklausančių stiebų- 68,6%. Tirtų 6m. stiebo atkarpų rezultatai: medyno rūšinei sudėčiai esant nuo 1P iki 4P daugiausiai priklauso 1 kokybės indeksui- 63,6%. Rūšinei sudėčiai esant nuo 5P iki 7P daugiausiai tai pat 1 kokybės indeksą atitinkančių kamblinių atkarpų- 51,4%. Kai rūšinė sudėtis 8P-10P, daugiausiai priskirta 2 kokybės indeksui- 54,1%. Ištyrus stiebų ir jų apatinės dalies kokybės priklausomybę nuo augavietės našumo indekso, nustatyta, kad stiebų kokybė visomis sąlygomis buvo vidutinė. Kai augavietės našumo indeksas siekė iki 24 hab, šiai kokybės indeksui priklausė 65,4% stiebų. Kai indeksas 24-30 hab- 60,8%, kai indekso reikšmė virš 30 hab- 73,7%. Ištyrus augančio medžio stiebo 6m kamblines atkarpas rezultatų duomenys parodė, kad visose kategorijose daugiausiai 2 kokybės indeksui priklausančių kamblinių dalių. Augavietės našumo indeksui esant iki 24 hab, šiam kokybės indeksui priklauso 65,4%, indeksui esant 24-30 hab- 47,5%, o indeksui esant virš 30 hab- 47,3%. Įvertinus grynų ir mišrių pušynų barelius, nustatyta, kad grynuose pušynuose didžiausią metinį prieaugį sukaupė barelis nr.2. Per metus vidutiniškai 7,4 m3/ha. Barelio rūšinė medyno sudėtis 10P, amžius 82 metai, augavietės našumo indeksas- 29,0 hab. Mažiausias metinis prieaugis nustatytas barelyje nr.1. Vidutiniškai per metus 2,6 m3/ha. Jo rūšinė sudėtis 10P, amžius 98 metai, augavietės našumo indeksas- 26,5 hab. Tarp mišrių pušynų- eglynų didžiausias našumas nustatytas barelyje nr.31. Jo vidutinis metinis tūrio prieaugis- 6,9 m3/ha , rūšinė sudėtis 9P1E, amžius 46 metai, augavietės našumo indeksas- 21,5 hab. Prasčiausio našumo tirto barelio numeris 25. Jame per metus vidutiniškai priaugo po 0,4 m3/ha. Barelio rūšinė sudėtis 3P7E, amžius 167 metai, augavietės našumo indeksas- 27,8 hab. Kreivumo pasiskirstymo nuo amžiaus, rūšinės sudėties bei augavietės našumo indekso rezultatai parodė, kad tiesiausi stiebai auga pusamžiuose medynuose, kreiviausi- subrendusiuose ir perbrendusiuose. Tiesiausios stiebų apatinės 6m atkarpos subrendusiuose ir perbrendusiuose medynuose, kreiviausios- pusamžiuose. Pagal rūšinę sudėtį stiebai tiesiausi, kai pušies dalis medyne yra nuo 5P iki 7P, kitur stiebai yra nežymiai kreivesni. 6m atkarpos tiesiausios, kai rūšinė pušies sudėtis 1P-4P, kreiviausios, kai sudėtis 8P-10P. Lyginant pagal augavietės našumo indeksą stiebai tiesiausi augavietėse, kurių augavietės indeksas mažesnis už 24 hab, kreiviausi, kai indeksas daugiau nei 30 hab. Apatinės 6m stiebo dalys tiesiausios, indeksui esant virš 30 hab, kreiviausios, kai indeksas nesiekia 24 hab.Object and location of the research- Kazlu Ruda educational forests, carried out on 12 different barrels in mixed pine (Pinus sylvestris)— spruce (Picea abies) stands. Purpose of the research- to investigate the quality of stems and lower six-meter part of the stem in pure and mixed pine forests. Research tasks: 1. Establish age and quality dependency of stems and lower part of stem 2. Assess the quality of the lower part of stem and whole stem in relation to the species composition of the stands 3. Examine the quality of lower part of stem and whole stem based on the productivity index of the field 4. Compare the productivity of mixed and pure pine forests 5. Compare the influence of curvature on masts and lower part of stem Research methods: Measured height of trees using an electronic altimeter (vertex) and diameter at 1,30m using mechanical caliper. Data on tree quality have been collected using a selective method of measuring forest trees, measuring every fifth tree. The quality of the stem and the six-meter lower part of stem was established by a visual method based on the tree’s curvature, branching, fungi damage, insect damage and other tree characteristics or diseases. The collected data was processed using the Microsoft Excel application. Research results- after summarizing the obtained data, it was found that second index of quality stems are dominating in every age group (middle-aged, maturing, matured and over matured stands). Based on the quality assessment for all the groups, the second quality index of stems was found 62,6 %. Six- meter parts of stems mainly belong to quality index 2- 45,3%. The best quality pine stems grow where the pine is part of the 1P to 4P stand. There 48,5% of stems belong to the first quality index. When the variety composition is between 5P and 7P, the stems belong mainly to the second quality index – 56,3 %. With the species composition of the stand from 8P to 10P also the highest number of stems belong to the second quality index - 68.6%. Surveyed lower six-meter part of stems showed the following results: for the species composition of the stand between 1P and 4P, the biggest part belongs to quality index 1 – 63,6 %. For a species composition of between 5P and 7P, also the most lower part of stems- 51,4% corresponding to the same quality- 1 index. For the species composition 8P-10P, the most number lower part of stems classified as quality index 2-54,1 %. An analysis of the dependence of stem and six-meter part quality on the productivity index showed that the stems in every condition were second index of the quality. With a productivity index up to 24 hab 65.4% of stems belonged to this quality index. With an index 24-30 hab- 60,8%, when index is over 30 hab- 73,7%. The results of the lower part of stems survey showed that in all categories the largest number of them belonging to quality index 2. With the productivity index up to 24 hab, 2 quality index includes 65,4%. With an index 24-30 hab- 47,5% and when index is over 30 hab- 47,3%. The assessment of barrels of pure and mixed pine woods showed that barrel nr.2 accumulated the highest annual increment in pure pine woods. An average of 7.4 m³/ha per year. The species composition of this barrel is 10P, 82 years old, and the production capacity index is 29.0 hab. The minimum annual increment is set in barrel number 1. An average- 2.6 m³/ha per year. Its species composition 10P, age 98 years, productivity index 26,5 hab. Between mixed pine woods, the maximum capacity was set in barrel number 31. An average- 6,9m3/ha. Species composition of this barrel is 9 pine 1 spruce, age 46-year, productivity index- 21,5 hab. Barrel number 25 has the lowest efficiency. It grew by an average of 0.4 m³/ha per year. Barrel species composition 3 pine 7 spruce, age 167 years, productivity index 27.8 hab. The results of the study on the distribution of curvature according to age, species composition and field productivity index showed that the straightest stems are growing in middle- aged stands, the most curvature- in matured and overmatured stands. Straight lower part of stems significantly more than whole stems. The straightest six-meter parts in matured and overmatured stands, the most curved in middle-age stands. In terms of species composition, the stems are the straightest when the pine part of the stand is between 5P and 7P. The lower part of stems are the most straight when the species pine composition is 1P-4P, the most curved when the composition is 8P-10P. Comparing the straightness dependency from productivity index results show that the most straight stems are in stand with the index below 24 hab, the most curved when the index is above 30 hab. In contrast, the lower part of stems are the straightest when the index is above 30 hab, the most curved when the index is below 24 hab.Miškų ir ekologijos fakultetasMiškotvarkos ir medienotyros instituta

    FDD LTE MIMO closed-loop vs open-loop performance evaluation in commercial network

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    With a growing network traffic Mobile Network Operators (MNO) looking for ways to increase network capacity and improve customer experience. One of the ways is to find the best parameters from the set defined by 3GPP. In the study, closed-loop MIMO was compared to open-loop MIMO on the LTE FDD network. Network performance was evaluated in 3 different scenarios: slow and fast-moving UE under different SINR levels and large scale on 2T2R and 4T4R cells. The result shows gains of using closed-loop and it is recommended to use it commercial LTE networks. Article in English. LTE MIMO atvirojo ir uždarojo MIMO ciklo palyginimas komerciniame tinkle Santrauka Didėjant mobiliojo ryšio tinkle perduodamam duomenų srautui, mobiliojo ryšio operatoriai (MNO) ieško būdų, kaip padidinti tinklo pajėgumą ir pagerinti klientų patirtį. Vienas iš būdų yra rasti geriausius parametrus iš 3GPP apibrėžto rinkinio. Tyrimo metu uždarojo ciklo MIMO buvo lyginamas su atvirojo ciklo MIMO LTE FDD tinkle. Tinklo našumas buvo vertinamas pagal 3 skirtingus scenarijus: lėtai ir greitai judantis klientas. Taip pat palyginta pagal skirtingą signalo ir triukšmo santykio vertę. Taip pat atliktas masinis palyginimas 2T2R ir 4T4R tipo ląstelėse. Rezultatas rodo uždarojo ciklo naudojimo pranašumus. Todėl uždarojo ciklo MIMO rekomenduojama naudoti komerciniuose LTE tinkluose. Reikšminiai žodžiai: atvirojo ir uždarojo ciklo MIMO, LTE tinklo talpa, mobiliojo ryšio kokybė

    Žmogžudysčių Lietuvoje vertinimas teismo medicininiu, etiniu, socialiniu ir teisiniu požiūriu

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    The homicide rate and Lithuanian gross domestic product has a strong correlation, which suggests that homicide rate should increase due to poverty. In all subjects, the death due to injuries by hard and blunt objects accounts for a large percentage (52.2%). The stabbing – cutting follows next (33.2%). 68% of the murders used one type of method when they killed. In comparison with the male group, women had more experiences of trauma. Homicides by sharp instruments were committed more often between males. In the female group, asphyxia was the most common measure of death. The offenders were more likely to be severely intoxicated when committed homicide by a sharp instrument. The victims without alcohol experienced 3 or less of trauma when they were attacked with a hard, blunt things. They were more likely to survive more than 24 hours. 73% of victims were male. Younger men (45.5 ± 15 years) and older women (50.9 ± 17 years) made the majority of homicide victims. 58.6% of victims drunk alcohol. The majority of victims was unemployed and had only primary or secondary education. In more than half of the cases (53%), victims were acquainted with the murderer. The mean age of the male killer was 34.5 ± 14 years, and mean age of female murderers was 38.5 ± 14 years. The majority (66%) of the offender’s was intoxicated of alcohol. The occupational analysis showed that the majority (73%) of them were unemployed and had only primary or secondary education. The most likely scenario of a homicide in Lithuania is when the killer and the victims are both male. Recommendations for prevention of homicide: the stable condition of employment, to enhance the education programs of alcohol consumption in high-risk families, human rights education for young children, prevention programs of recurrence for those who already committed homicide, and to fulfil register and analysis system of homicide

    Evaluating homicide in Lithuania in terms of forensic, ethical, social, and legal aspects

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    The homicide rate and Lithuanian gross domestic product has a strong correlation, which suggests that homicide rate should increase due to poverty. In all subjects, the death due to injuries by hard and blunt objects accounts for a large percentage (52.2%). The stabbing – cutting follows next (33.2%). 68% of the murders used one type of method when they killed. In comparison with the male group, women had more experiences of trauma. Homicides by sharp instruments were committed more often between males. In the female group, asphyxia was the most common measure of death. The offenders were more likely to be severely intoxicated when committed homicide by a sharp instrument. The victims without alcohol experienced 3 or less of trauma when they were attacked with a hard, blunt things. They were more likely to survive more than 24 hours. 73% of victims were male. Younger men (45.5 ± 15 years) and older women (50.9 ± 17 years) made the majority of homicide victims. 58.6% of victims drunk alcohol. The majority of victims was unemployed and had only primary or secondary education. In more than half of the cases (53%), victims were acquainted with the murderer. The mean age of the male killer was 34.5 ± 14 years, and mean age of female murderers was 38.5 ± 14 years. The majority (66%) of the offender’s was intoxicated of alcohol. The occupational analysis showed that the majority (73%) of them were unemployed and had only primary or secondary education. The most likely scenario of a homicide in Lithuania is when the killer and the victims are both male. Recommendations for prevention of homicide: the stable condition of employment, to enhance the education programs of alcohol consumption in high-risk families, human rights education for young children, prevention programs of recurrence for those who already committed homicide, and to fulfil register and analysis system of homicide

    Viešojo sektoriaus valdymo pokyčiai: projektų valdymo biurų kūrimas - lyginamoji Lietuvos ir Danijos atvejų studija

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    This paper analyses an attempt to initiate an organizational-administrative reform on the basis of experimental (pilot) project initiated by the Ministry of Economy in Lithuania which established a specialized unit – Project Management Office (PMO) – responsible for portfolio1 of programs and projects’ coordination at ministerial level. The paper shortly describes types of reforms and how they can be implemented, as well as the notion of portfolio, program and project management and organizational capability to manage them, as one of the attributes of organizational maturity in project management is an existence of PMO. This article focuses on the main features of PMO and describes two qualitative case studies. Lithuanian and Danish cases are provided and differences of PMOs are analysed. The cases provide insights that the transition to portfolio, program and project management might last for decades. Although the reform did not gain the acceleration in Lithuania, the trend toward project management embedment in the public sector in Europe is evidenced and more cases of the establishment of PMO are observed.Straipsnyje analizuojamas bandymas inicijuoti organizacinę-administracinę reformą, vykdant pilotinį projektą Lietuvos Ūkio ministerijoje. Šio bandymo tikslas įkurti specializuotą padalinį – projektų valdymo biurą, kuris būtų atsakingas už portfelio, programų ir projektų koordinavimą ministerijos lygiu. Straipsnyje apžvelgiami reformų tipai ir atskleidžiama portfelio, programos ir projekto valdymo esmė bei jų valdymui reikalingi organizaciniai gebėjimai. Vienas iš organizacijos brandos bruožų yra projektų valdymo biuro egzistavimas organizacijoje. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti projektų valdymo biuro požymius, pateikiant dvi atvejo studijas. Aptariami Lietuvos ir Danijos atvejai bei palyginami projektų valdymo biurai. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad pokyčiai pereinant prie portfelio, programų ir projektų valdymo gali trukti dešimtmetį. Nors Lietuvos atveju reforma neįvyko, tačiau Europoje stebimos tendencijos stiprinant projektų valdymą viešajame sektoriuje ir kuriantis vis daugiau projektų valdymo biurų

    Features of discount rate determination while evaluating business in Lithuanian market

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    The purpose of this article is to analyse the discount rate determination models that are applicable in business evaluation, to research their adaptation problems in Lithuanian market taking into account its character and functioning conditions. The review of the majority of scientific studies concerned with market analysis allows us to determine it as the market that incompletely meets such market conditions, which would satisfy the nature of free market. In general, Lithuanian market is determined as market in transition. It is accompanied by variety of dynamic actions and conditions, the influence of which while evaluating business is often reflected in discount rate. In the article the discount rate determination models that are widely used in developed countries are analysed: capital asset pricing, build-up, and weighted average cost of capital.The features of their application are analysed as well. The main problems that are faced while determining the discount rate and using the abovementioned methods are discussed and, in the authors' opinion, the possible decision ways are presented. These problems are mainly concerned with incompletely developed finance and capital markets, and information that would correspond it, the diversity of views to systemic and not systemic risk, as well as business functioning conditions in Lithuanian transitional market. The solutions of adaptation of discount rate determination models in Lithuanian market are offered in the article. They include the selection of risk-free interest rate, the proof of investment rate of return, the evaluation of applicable dividend policy features, the methods of analysis and determination of systemic and not systemic risk

    Viešojo sektoriaus valdymo pokyčiai: projektų valdymo biurų kūrimas – lyginamoji Lietuvos ir Danijos atvejų studija

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    This paper analyses an attempt to initiate an organizational-administrative reform on the basis of experimental (pilot) project initiated by the Ministry of Economy in Lithuania which established a specialized unit – Project Management Office (PMO) – responsible for portfolio1 of programs and projects’ coordination at ministerial level. The paper shortly describes types of reforms and how they can be implemented, as well as the notion of portfolio, program and project management and organizational capability to manage them, as one of the attributes of organizational maturity in project management is an existence of PMO. This article focuses on the main features of PMO and describes two qualitative case studies. Lithuanian and Danish cases are provided and differences of PMOs are analysed. The cases provide insights that the transition to portfolio, program and project management might last for decades. Although the reform did not gain the acceleration in Lithuania, the trend toward project management embedment in the public sector in Europe is evidenced and more cases of the establishment of PMO are observed

    Maturity of project oriented organizations : Lithuanian case

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    ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas, [email protected] Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas, [email protected] Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas, [email protected] Didžiojo universiteta