9 research outputs found

    Study on interactions of protonated aminoacids with low-molecular weight hyaluronan

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    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o interakcích nízkomolekulární (110-130 kDa) kyseliny hyaluronové (HA) s protonizovanými aminokyselinami lysinem a 6-aminokapronovou kyselinou. Ke zkoumání těchto interakcí byly použity metody měření pH, měření vodivosti, viskozity a dynamického rozptylu světla. Předpokládají se elektrostatické interakce mezi karboxylovými skupinami HA a aminoskupinou aminokyselin. Prokázání těchto interakcí by umožnilo fyzikální modifikaci HA a následné využití jako cíleného nosiče léčiv. Měření interakcí protonizovaného lysinu s HA bylo prováděno v čisté vodě či v roztoku 15 mmol•dm-3 NaCl. Interakce 6-aminokapronové kyseliny byly zkoumány pouze v čisté vodě. Pro obě aminokyseliny vždy v koncentračním rozmezí 0,9-20 mmol•dm-3. Interakce byly prokázány snížením viskozity zejména pro systém obsahující lysin. V systémech s 6AKK nebyly interakce tolik výrazné.This bachelor thesis deals with interactions between hyaluronic acid (HA) of low molecular weight (110-130 kDa) and protonated aminoacids lysine and 6-aminocaproic acid. For investigation of these interactions, methods such as pH-metry, conductance measurement, viscometry and dynamic light scattering were used. The electrostacic interactions between carboxylic group of HA and the aminogroup of the aminoacids are presumed. Proving these interactions would allow us to physically modify HA and further more, using such a system as a carrier of pharmaceuticals. The interactions of protonated lysine with HA were studied in pure water or in the solution of NaCl (c = 15 mmol•dm-3). Interactions of 6-aminocaproic acid were studied only in pure water. Both aminoacids were in the concentration range 0.9-20 mmol•dm-3. The decrease in the viscosity of the solutions indicates the interactions for lysine; for 6-aminocaproic acid the interactions also occured, but not as signifciantly as for the system containing lysine.

    Nanopatterning of silicon nitride membranes

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    Membranes are typically created by a thin silicon nitride (SIN) layer deposited on a silicon wafer. Both, top and bottom side of the wafer is covered by a thin layer of the silicon nitride. The principle of silicon nitride membranes preparation is based on the wet anisotropic etching of the bottom side of the silicon wafer with crystallographic orientation (100). While the basic procedure for the preparation of such membranes is well known, the nano patterning of thin membranes presents quite important challenges. This is partially due to the mechanical stress which is typically presented within such membranes. The resolution requirements of the membrane patterning have gradually increased. Advanced lithographic techniques and etching procedures had to be developed. This paper summarizes theoretical aspects, technological issues and achieved results. The application potential of silicon nitride membranes as a base for multifunctional micro system (MMS) is also discussed.TACR project [TE 01020233]; MEYS CR [LO1212]; CAS [RVO:68081731

    Determination of UV filtres in cosmetics

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá využitím různých typů extrakce pro izolaci UV filtrů v opalovacích krémech. V teoretické části jsou zpracovány typy používaných UV filtrů, jejich rozdělení a analýza pomocí HPLC. Dále pak možné způsoby extrakce UV filtrů. Podmínky i používané postupy pro extrakce UV filtrů a analýzy extraktů pomocí vysokoúčinné kapalinové chromatografie jsou shrnuty v experimentální části. V diskuzi jsou uvedeny výsledky jednotlivých měření, na jejichž základě byly zvoleny vhodné extrakční podmínky pro izolaci UV filtrů z reálných vzorků. Ty byly dále aplikovány na opalovacích krémech.This thesis deals with the application of various extraction methods for isolation of UV filters from sun lotions. In the theoretical part the basic types of UV filters, their characterisation and determination by HPLC are described together with the possible extraction methods application for this purpose. Conditions and procedures for extraction and analysis of UV filters are described in the experimental part. Obtained results and optimisation of experimental conditions are described in the discussion part. Finally, the optimised conditions were applied for the analysis of real samples of sun lotions.Katedra analytické chemieDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Lift-Off technique using different e-beam writers

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    This paper deals with lift–off technique performed by the way of electron beam lithography. Lift–off is a technique mainly used for preparation of metallic patterns and unlike etching it is an additive technique using a sacrificial material – e.g. e–beam resist PMMA. In this paper we discussed technique of preparation of lift–off mask on two different e–beam writing systems. The first system was BS600 – e–beam writer with rectangular variable shaped beam working with 15keV. The second system was Vistec EBPG5000+ HR – e–beam writer with Gaussian shape beam working with 50 keV and 100 keV. The PMMA resist single layer and bi–layer was used for the lift–off mask preparation. As a material for creation of metallic pattern, magnetron sputtered chromium was used. Atomic force microscope, scanning electron microscope and contact profilometer were used to measure and evaluate the results of this process

    Structure Of Organic Farming In Central Bohemia

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    This bachelor thesis is focused on review structure of production in organic farming of central Bohemia. In teoretic part is described definitiv of organic farming, history and his importance. In the following chapter is mentioned the developement of organic farming in the Czech republic. Further are mentioned the specifics of plant production, animal production and nonproductive functions of organic farming. The practical part of thesis is focused on evaluation of data, which was obtained from database Institute of Agricultural Economics and Informations, Ministry ofAgriculture, survey and from Faculty of Agriculture in University of South Bohemia. In this practical part of thesis is evaluated acreage of individual crops, species and numbers of breedin ganimals and others. Data are collected for central Bohemia and compared whit the whole Czech Republic. From the results ensues that organic farming is the most represented in the Southern Bohemian and Moravian-Silesian Region and in the Carlsbad Region. In the Central Bohemian Region organic farming is represented by only 3, 2 % of the total amount of agricultural soil which is in organic farming mode. The biggest portion of areas in organic farming is occupied by permanent grassland. Their acreage is the largest mainly in mountain and submontane areas. Cereals are definitely the most grown crops. They were grown on 2176, 8 ha in the Central Bohemian Region. As to animal production sheep breeding is prevailing in this area

    Patterning of conductive nano-layers on garnet

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    Synthetic crystalline materials of the garnet group are used as scintillators in scanning electron microscopy. If a thick conductive layer is applied on the garnet surface, slower electrons don't have enough energy to pass through this relatively thick conductive layer on the scintillator surface. Therefore, either thinner conductive layer or appropriate patterning of the thicker layer has to be used. Within this contribution we study the patterning process of such conductive nano-layer. Resolution of the patterning process is of high interest. Two approaches are compared: direct writing electron beam lithography and mask projection UV lithography

    Purity control of food supplements

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    Práce je zpracována literární rešerší na přehled látek podléhajících dopingové kontrole a to především na látky steroidní povahy v prostředcích doplňkové výživy.Katedra analytické chemieDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Vliv technologie kompostování na kvalitu kompostu

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    This diploma thesis deals with the composting of biodegradace waste in selected plants. The goal was to determine the CEC according to Sandhoff and to create a proposal for the optimal composting technology of biodegradable materials in Trhový Štěpánov composting plant. Samples were taken from five selected plants, from the EKOSO Trhový Štěpánov composting plant, the municipalcomposting plant Votice, AGORY s.r.o. Želivec, kompostárny Jarošovice s.r.o. and the HANTÁLY composting plant in Velké Pavlovice. The thesis contains two interconnected parts, theoretical knowledge and practical part, where the results of laboratory analyzes are summarized