105 research outputs found

    CLIL in teaching physical education: views of the teachers in the Spanish context

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    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) provides students with enhanced opportunities to acquire competence in additional languages while learning different subjects. Due to its features one of the target subjects for the application of CLIL is Physical Education (PE). In this subject its application is widespread in countries such as Italy, Greece or Spain among others. The particular interest of this research focuses on the Spanish context. Spanish education is particularly sensitive to European initiatives regarding language policies. The aim of the study is to know, from the PE teachers' viewpoint, whether the essence of PE is subjected to so substantial modifications due to the introduction of CLIL that jeopardize its idiosyncrasy. We opt for a pure qualitative research method based on semi-structured interviews. Particularly, an a priori theoretical orientation that influenced the development of our research questions, interview protocols, and subsequent data analysis was used. The results found were organized in five categories of analysis: Curricular effects, Language insertion, Teaching method, Motivation and Workload. Furthermore, each category was broken into several subcategories. The application of CLIL within the Secondary education in Spain does not endanger the essence of the PE according to the interviewees’ perception. However, the study may conclude that there is a need to improve the amount of workload and the acknowledgement of teachers involved, since it could result in an increase of burnout and demotivation

    Innovación pedagógica en educación física: una propuesta de orientación basada en AICLE

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    In today's society, languages, especially English language, have acquired great relevance due to the unstoppable process of globalization. Schools must adapt to these kind of social demands. Because of this fact, methodologies such as Content Led Integrated Language Learning (CLIL) are being used more and more often. Here a didactic unit for working orienteering by using CLIL is proposed in order to demonstrate that Physical Education (PE) provides a suitable context in which the use of the language is significant and relevant. Through this proposal, it is shown the great potential of PE to enhance language learning

    Juegos motores para niños y niñas con parálisis cerebral

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    This paper suggests using motor games with children with functional diversity, specifically, with cerebral palsy. As any other child, those with cerebral palsy should play and learn while playing. The characteristics of these children are described because knowing about them will help to adapt the motor games so that they will take more advantage of the benefits of this methodological tool. This is the reason why here some methodological indications are explained, because if they are taken into account, children with cerebral palsy will be more easily included in the games and will take more profit from them

    Patrones de selección de microalgas en comunidades de líquenes terrícolas en biocostras

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    Las costras biológicas de los suelos (biocostras, CBS) están constituidas por una combinación de organismos, tanto fotoautótrofos como heterótrofos, que viven dentro o sobre la superficie de los suelos, los cuales, con sus interacciones y actividades, generan una capa conjunta con las partículas del sustrato. Los líquenes, debido a la complejidad de sus simbiosis son capaces de colonizar estos hábitats adversos para otros vegetales, gracias a sus adaptaciones ecofisiológicas. Las biocostras dominadas por líquenes son muy abundantes en los claros de los matorrales y pastizales que se desarrollan en los territorios yesíferos. Su diversidad, participación en los ciclos biogeoquímicos y potencial para formar grandes coberturas (a veces> 80%) sobre los suelos, es importante para la gestión y conservación de estos entornos tan frágiles y amenazados. En la cuenca mediterránea hay amplias regiones cubiertas por distintos tipos de yesos que surgieron durante la crisis del Messiniense (5,96-5,33 m.a.). Estas áreas están colonizadas por comunidades de líquenes terrícolas, que se caracterizan principalmente por la abundancia de especies crustáceas, tales como Diploschistes diacapsis, Acarospora placodiiformis, A. nodulosa, Buellia zoharyi, Diplotomma rivas-martinezii y Rhizocarpon malenconianum, que conviven con líquenes escuamulosos de los taxones Psora decipiens, P. saviczii, Clavascidium spp. y Placidium spp., entre otros. Por otra parte, en aquellos enclaves que por sus características microambientales conservan un mayor grado de humedad en el suelo, son frecuentes los líquenes foliáceos y dimórficos del género Cladonia. En este estudio, se han analizado las relaciones entre cada tipo de micobionte y las microalgas simbióticas de los líquenes de estas comunidades. Para ello, se realizaron análisis moleculares de los micobiontes con objeto de conocer su diversidad, construir filogenias, redes de haplotipos y tratar de elaborar posibles reconstrucciones biogeográficas. En el caso de los ficobiontes, se estudiaron marcadores genéticos nucleares (nrITS y actina) y cloroplásticos (LSU rADN). Además, se realizó la caracterización ultraestructural de las células mediante microscopía de transmisión y se diseñó un protocolo de aislamiento y propagación in vitro.En estas comunidades se han detectado tres géneros diferentes de microalgas: Trebouxia en Diploschistes diacapsis, Acarospora placodiiformis, A. nodulosa, Diplotomma rivas-martinezii y Rhizocarpon malenconianum, Asterochloris en Cladonia spp. y Myrmecia en los líquenes escuamulosos. La coexistencia de distintas microalgas en un mismo talo y el algal switching se ha hallado, por lo general, en líquenes en los que las microalgas del género Trebouxia eran predominantes. El objetivo principal de esta tesis ha sido analizar los patrones de asociación entre microalgas y hongos en estas comunidades liquénicas y el estudio se ha abordado desde distintas aproximaciones metodológicas. La variabilidad genética de los distintos componentes simbióticos puede ser un dato clave para poder entender mejor las relaciones que se establecen entre ellos. Esta variabilidad nucleotídica de los micobiontes parece estar relacionada con su dependencia por las características del sustrato, ya que las especies gipsófitas exclusivas presentan una menor variabilidad genética en comparación a las que tienen mayor tolerancia por otros suelos. La baja variabilidad de las especies gipsófitas podría ser consecuencia de los eventos geológicos/climáticos acontecidos en la cuenca mediterránea en el pasado. Otros factores que también podrían explicar los patrones de asociación entre los distintos simbiontes de la biocostras son los biotipos liquénicos, los tipos de sustratos e incluso las estructuras reproductoras y formas de dispersión. Aunque, en este último caso, la complejidad encontrada en dichas estructuras no permite establecer un claro patrón de asociación (selectividad y especificidad).Biological soil crusts (biocrusts, BSCs) are made up of a combination of organisms, both photoautotrophic and heterotrophic, which live inside or on the surface of soils. By means of their interactions and activities, they generate a joint layer along with the particles of the substrate. Lichens, due to the complexity of their symbiosis, are able to colonize these adverse for-otherplant habitats, thanks to their ecophysiological adaptations. Biocrusts dominated by lichens are highly abundant in the clearings of scrublands and grasslands that develop in gypsiferous outcrops. Their diversity, participation in biogeochemical cycles and potential to form large coverages (sometimes > 80%) on soils are important for the management and conservation of these fragile and threatened ecosystems. In the Mediterranean basin, there are large regions covered by different types of gypsum that emerged during the Messiniense crisis (5.96-5.33 Mya). These areas are colonized by communities of terricolous lichens, which are mainly characterized by the abundance of crustose species, such as Diploschistes diacapsis, Acarospora placodiiformis, A. nodulosa, Buellia zoharyi, Diplotomma rivas-martinezii and Rhizocarpon malenconianum, which co-occur with squamulose taxa such as Psora decipiens, P. saviczii, Clavascidium spp. and Placidium spp., among others. In those places which, due to their microenvironmental characteristics, conserve a greater degree of humidity in the soil, foliose and dimorphic lichens of the genus Cladonia are common. In this study, the relationships between each type of mycobiont and the symbiotic microalgae of the lichens of these communities have been analysed. For this purpose, molecular analyses of the mycobionts were carried out in order to discover their diversity, build phylogenies, haplotype networks and possible biogeographic reconstructions. In the case of phycobionts, nuclear (nrITS and actin) and chloroplast (LSU rADN) genetic markers were studied. In addition, the ultrastructural characterization of the cells was performed by transmission microscopy, and an in vitro isolation and propagation protocol was designed.Three different genera of microalgae have been detected in these communities: Trebouxia in Diploschistes diacapsis, Acarospora placodiiformis, A. nodulosa, Diplotomma rivas-martinezii and Rhizocarpon malenconianum, Asterochloris in Cladonia spp., and Myrmecia in squamulose lichens. The coexistence of different microalgae in the same thallus, and “algal switching” processes, have been found, generally, in lichens in which microalgae of the genus Trebouxia were predominant. The main objective of this doctoral thesis has been to analyze the association patterns between microalgae and fungi in these lichen communities and the study has been addressed from different methodological approaches. The genetic variability of the different symbiotic components may be a key data to better understand the relationships established between them. This nucleotide variability of mycobionts seems to be related to their dependence on the characteristics of the substrate, since exclusive gypsophyte species have less genetic variability compared to those with greater tolerance for other soils. The low variability of gypsophyte species could be a consequence of the geological/climatic events that occurred in the Mediterranean basin in the past. Other factors that could also explain the patterns of association between the different symbionts of the biocrusts are lichen biotypes, kind of substrates and even reproductive structures and dispersal strategies. However, in the latter case, the complexity found in these strategies does not allow a clear association pattern (selectivity and specificity) to be established

    Features of integrated learning contents of physical education and foreign language

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    El aprendizaje de inglés se ha convertido en los últimos tiempos en uno de los principales objetivos del sistema educativo, y es clara la propuesta de que la adquisición de esta lengua se lleve a cabo a través de contenidos. La Educación Física (EF), gracias a sus características, parece una de las áreas en las que se apuesta más fuerte por la utilización del inglés como lengua vehicular. Sin embargo, para desarrollar una práctica óptima utilizando esta lengua como vehículo comunicativo, conviene atender tanto a factores propios del aprendizaje de lenguas, como a las peculiaridades de la Educación Física. El presente artículo analiza esas particularidades ligándolas con los aspectos clave del aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lengua extranjera (AICLE), resaltando el valor que debe otorgársele al lenguaje con el objetivo de favorecer su desarrollo, pero sin olvidar los rasgos propios de nuestra asignatura. Finalmente, para contrastar y valorar la aplicación del marco teórico se presenta una experiencia didáctica empírica que concreta y pone de manifiesto los argumentos esgrimidos.Learning English has become one of the main objectives for the educational system and it has been suggested that the learning of this language is done through content. Due to physical education’s characteristics and idiosyncrasy, it seems to be one of the most likely subjects to use English as the language of communication. However, to use it properly, many points have to be considered paying attention to both the peculiarities of physical education and the language learning theories. This paper analyses these singularities linking them with some of the key factors of content and language integrated learning (CLIL). In order to improve English learning, the role of the language is highlighted, but taking account the fact that physical education’s features must be preserved. Finally, to test and evaluate the implementation of the theoretical framework, we present an empirical and practical learning experience that contrasts and highlights these arguments

    La pedagogía del deporte desde una interpretación filosófico-hermenéutica agonal

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    El artículo analiza la pedagogía del deporte empleando un enfoque hermenéutico basado en interpretar la esencia del deporte, a raíz del contraste entre la vertiente agonal, que se relaciona con el ámbito educativo, y la certaminal, más cercana al competitivo. De la confrontación entre los valores antiguos y modernos del deporte emerge la pedagogía agonal, cuyo espíritu, además, permite comprender la interrelación entre la democracia y el deporte, regulados en ambos casos por el enfrentamiento dialógico (agonal) y dialéctico (certaminal) aplicado a partir de principios comunitarios. Finalmente, se sugieren algunos principios metodológicos para la aplicación de la pedagogía deportiva agonal

    Características del Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos de Educación Física y Lengua Extranjera

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    Learning English has become one of the main objectives for the educational system and it has been suggested that the learning of this language is done through content. Due to physical education's characteristics and idiosyncrasy, it seems to be one of the most likely subjects to use English as the language of communication. However, to use it properly, many points have to be considered paying attention to both the peculiarities of physical education and the language learning theories. This paper analyses these singularities linking them with some of the key factors of content and language integrated learning (CLIL). In order to improve English learning, the role of the language is highlighted, but taking account the fact that physical education's features must be preserved. Finally, to test and evaluate the implementation of the theoretical framework, we present an empirical and practical learning experience that contrasts and highlights these arguments

    Historia del deporte: una doble perspectiva

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    El presente texto analiza desde una doble perspectiva el origen y la evolución de un término tan complejo como es el de deporte. Es complicado efectuar una definición de este vocablo, puesto que se trata de un fenómeno multidimensional con un gran campo de acción. Sin embargo, examinando sus inicios y progresión a lo largo de los años y prestando atención a los hechos culturales y sociales que lo han condicionado, podrá establecerse una mejor comprensión del mismo. A partir de los análisis historicista y utilitarista de la evolución del deporte se aumentará la comprensión de este fenómeno en la actualidad.This paper analyzes from a double perspective the origins and the evolution of the sport, which is a considerably complex concept. It is complicated to define this word, because it is a multidimensional phenomenon. However, if its beginnings and its progression over the years are examined while paying attention to the cultural and social facts that have influenced it, its understanding will be easily achieved. In this way,by the historicist and materialistic analysis, which are done here, a wider perspective of the meaning of the sport is shown. And it will, definitely, help to thecomprehension of the phenomenon of today

    Learning a foreign language through physical education: a systematic review

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    Esta revisión sistemática tiene por objetivo ofrecer un análisis sobre la investigación en Educación Física como marco para el aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero en contextos de educación formal. El procedimiento de la investigación se circunscribió a los artículos publicados en la base de datos de la Isi Web of Knowledge y de la Scopus. Los artículos se sometieron a una serie de criterios de inclusión y exclusión que aseguraran la relevancia, la calidad y el ajuste temático, siguiendo el método propuesto por Gomes y Caminha (2014). En la investigación se combinaron varios términos de los dos campos de estudio en cuestión: (1) Educación Física y (2) aprendizaje de idiomas. Tras aplicar los criterios de selección, se analizaron las 18 publicaciones resultantes. De la discusión de los resultados se concluye que la Educación Física, como medio para aprender una lengua extranjera, constituye un tema de estudio de plena actualidad y capaz de aportar beneficios a distintos niveles.Esta revisão sistemática tem como objetivo fornecer uma análise da pesquisa em Educação Física como marco para a aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira em contexto de educação formal. O procedimento da pesquisa circunscreveu-se aos artigos publicados na base de dados da Isi Web of Knowledge e da Scopus. Os artigos foram submetidos a uma série de critérios de inclusão e exclusão, que asseguraram a relevância, a qualidade e o ajuste temático, sendo seguido o método proposto por Gomes e Caminha (2014). Na pesquisa, foram combinados vários termos dos dois campos de estudo em questão: (1) educação física e (2) aprendizagem de línguas. Depois de aplicados os critérios de seleção, o artigo analisa as 18 publicações daí resultantes. Da discussão dos resultados conclui-se que a Educação Física, como meio de aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira, constitui-se um tema de estudo bastante atual e revelador de benefícios aos mais distintos níveis.This systematic review aims to provide an analysis of Physical Education research as a framework for learning a foreign language in formal education contexts. Isi Web of Knowledge and Scopus were the two databases employed to conduct the study. The papers gathered were subjected to a series of inclusion and exclusion criteria to ensure their relevance, quality and agreement with the topic according to the method proposed by Gomes and Caminha (2014). The research combined terms from two fields: (1) Physical Education and (2) language learning. Once the selection criteria were applied, the essay analyzes the resulting 18 papers. After the discussion, the results reveal that Physical Education as a means for learning a foreign language has become an issue of relevance which is able to provide advantages at different levels