14,728 research outputs found

    Topological Phases in Neuberger-Dirac operator

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    The response of the Neuberger-Dirac fermion operator D=\Id + V in the topologically nontrivial background gauge field depends on the negative mass parameter m0m_0 in the Wilson-Dirac fermion operator DwD_w which enters DD through the unitary operator V=Dw(Dw†Dw)−1/2V = D_w (D_w^{\dagger} D_w)^{-1/2}. We classify the topological phases of DD by comparing its index to the topological charge of the smooth background gauge field. An exact discrete symmetry in the topological phase diagram is proved for any gauge configurations. A formula for the index of D in each topological phase is derived by obtaining the total chiral charge of the zero modes in the exact solution of the free fermion propagator.Comment: 27 pages, Latex, 3 figures, appendix A has been revise

    Understanding the role of chromatin remodeling in the regulation of circadian transcription in Drosophila.

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    Circadian clocks enable organisms to anticipate daily changes in the environment and coordinate temporal rhythms in physiology and behavior with the 24-h day-night cycle. The robust cycling of circadian gene expression is critical for proper timekeeping, and is regulated by transcription factor binding, RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) recruitment and elongation, and post-transcriptional mechanisms. Recently, it has become clear that dynamic alterations in chromatin landscape at the level of histone posttranslational modification and nucleosome density facilitate rhythms in transcription factor recruitment and RNAPII activity, and are essential for progression through activating and repressive phases of circadian transcription. Here, we discuss the characterization of the BRAHMA (BRM) chromatin-remodeling protein in Drosophila in the context of circadian clock regulation. By dissecting its catalytic vs. non-catalytic activities, we propose a model in which the non-catalytic activity of BRM functions to recruit repressive factors to limit the transcriptional output of CLOCK (CLK) during the active phase of circadian transcription, while the primary function of the ATP-dependent catalytic activity is to tune and prevent over-recruitment of negative regulators by increasing nucleosome density. Finally, we divulge ongoing efforts and investigative directions toward a deeper mechanistic understanding of transcriptional regulation of circadian gene expression at the chromatin level

    Incipient ferralization and weathering indices along a soil chronosequence in Taiwan

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    The low hilly topography of Green Island, a volcanic island off southeastern Taiwan, includes an altitudinal sequence of sub-horizontal benches. We examined eight profiles along this sequence, ranging from pale brown loamy coral sand on the lowest bench that fringes the coast at an elevation of about 10 m to deep, intensely red and acid clay on the highest bench at about 240 m. Chemical analyses, differential Fe extractions, thin sections, X-ray diffraction of the clay minerals and indices of pedochemical weathering and strain indicated that soil development progressed by weathering of primary and secondary phyllosilicates through argilluviation in the intermediate stages to the generation of increasing quantities of free Fe. The Fe accumulates as free sesquioxides, which crystallize with age. Taxonomically the soil types progress from sandy coral Arenosol, through Eutric Cambisol, Hypereutric Lixisol and Acrisol to incipient Ferralsol (Udipsamment → Eutrudept → Udalf → Udultisol → Udox in Soil Taxonomy). The profiles are interpreted as a chronosequence, although this is complicated by minor and upwardly diminishing contributions of reef coral to the mainly igneous parent materials. There are also variations in the andesitic-basaltic bedrock, and minor aeolian inputs in the higher and older soil types. Regional eustatic sea-level correlations, 14C dating of carbonates on the two lowest benches and estimates of local tectonic uplift indicate that the incipient Ferralsols on the upper bench might date from about 150 ka. The transition through argilluvial Acrisols to incipient sesquioxide-dominated Ferralsols appears, therefore, to develop within 100–200 ka on Green Island, which is faster than usual
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