114 research outputs found

    Cities in late medieval Europe: the promise and curse of modernity

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    This article examines how modern historiography has developed quite differentiated views on the way medieval cities have given expression to renewal and to creativity. 'National' traditions have played a highly influential role in modifying the general views articulated in the major syntheses produced by scholars such as Max Weber and Henri Pirenne at the beginning of the twentieth century. An almost jubilant way of looking at the city as the hotbed of modernity gave room, in the decades after the Great War, to pessimism and a negative view on urbanity, before a more nuanced and positive view has been re-established after World War II and in the course of recent paradigmatic changes

    La cittĂ  europea tra Medioevo e Rinascimento

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    Governo ducale e poteri locali

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    Bibliografia degli scritti (1965-2004)

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    Abbazie «vuote di Monaci» nell’Emilia occidentale

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    Scriveva sul finire del Settecento il padre Ireneo Affò, a proposito del monastero di San Genesio Brescello, e a proposito del momento in cui vi si era introdotta la commenda: Passato il monastero ad essere beneficio di una futura serie di Prelati, che altro non avrebbero avuto a cuore se non di goderne le rendite, fu del tutto dai monaci abbandonato, e come nel contado parmense perirono, in vigore delle Commende, altri monasteri (quello di Berceto, fondato da Liutprando, quello di Castiglio..
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