135 research outputs found

    Regularity and estimates for JJ-holomorphic discs attached to a maximal totally real submanifold

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    We prove that pseudo-holomorphic discs attached to a maximal totally real submanifold inherit their regularity from the regularity of the submanifold and of the almost complex structure. The proof is based on the computation of an explicit lower bound for the Kobayashi metric in almost complex manifolds, which also yields explicit estimates of H\"olderian norms of such discs.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    The role of Fourier modes in extension theorems of Hartogs-Chirka type

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    We generalize Chirka's theorem on the extension of functions holomorphic in a neighbourhood of graph(F)\cup(\partial D\times D) -- where D is the open unit disc and graph(F) denotes the graph of a continuous D-valued function F -- to the bidisc. We extend holomorphic functions by applying the Kontinuitaetssatz to certain continuous families of analytic annuli, which is a procedure suited to configurations not covered by Chirka's theorem.Comment: 17 page


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    In this paper we study the consequences of overinterpolation, i.e., the situation when a function can be interpolated by polynomial, or rational, or algebraic functions in more points that normally expected. We show that in many cases such a function has specific forms.Comment: 14 page

    On the removable singularities for meromorphic mappings

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    If EE is a closed subset of locally finite Hausdorff (2n2)(2n-2)-measure on an nn-dimensional complex manifold Ω\Omega and all the points of EE are nonremovable for a meromorphic mapping of ΩE\Omega \setminus E into a compact Kähler manifold, then EE is a pure (n1)(n-1)-dimensional complex analytic subset of Ω\Omega

    On nonimbeddability of Hartogs figures into complex manifolds

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    5 pagesWe propose a method to construct examples of strange imbeddings of Hartogs figures into complex manifolds. It gives an imbedding of a "thin" Hartogs figure which does not have any neighborhood biholomorphic to an open set in a Stein manifold, thus unswering a question of E. Poletsky. Then we give an example of a foliated manifold which does not admit any nontrivial imbeddings of a "thick" (i.e. usual) Hartogs figure, giving thus a counterexample to some "selfevident" statements used in foliation theory

    Tameness of complex dimension in a real analytic set

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    Given a real analytic set X in a complex manifold and a positive integer d, denote by A(d) the set of points p in X at which there exists a germ of a complex analytic set of dimension d contained in X. It is proved that A(d) is a closed semianalytic subset of X.Comment: Published versio

    Functions holomorphic along holomorphic vector fields

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    The main result of the paper is the following generalization of Forelli's theorem: Suppose F is a holomorphic vector field with singular point at p, such that F is linearizable at p and the matrix is diagonalizable with the eigenvalues whose ratios are positive reals. Then any function ϕ\phi that has an asymptotic Taylor expansion at p and is holomorphic along the complex integral curves of F is holomorphic in a neighborhood of p. We also present an example to show that the requirement for ratios of the eigenvalues to be positive reals is necessary