1,225 research outputs found

    HabEx polarization ray trace and aberration analysis

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    The flux difference between a terrestrial exoplanet and a much brighter nearby star creates an enormous optical design challenge for space-based imaging systems. Coronagraphs are designed to block the star’s flux and obtain a high-dynamic-range image of the exoplanet. The contrast of an optical system is calculated using the point spread function (PSF). Contrast quantifies starlight suppression of an imaging system at a given separation of the two objects. Contrast requirements can be as small as 10^(−10) for earth-like planets. This work reports an analysis of the September 2017 Habitable Exoplanet Imaging Mission (HabEx) end-to-end optical system prescription for geometric and polarization aberrations across the 450 to 550 nm channel. The Lyot coronagraph was modeled with a vector vortex charge 6 mask but without adaptive optics (AO) to correct the phase of the Jones pupil. The detector plane irradiance was calculated for three states of the telescope/coronagraph system: (1) free of geometric and polarization aberrations; (2) isotropic mirror coatings throughout the end-toend system; and (3) isotropic mirrors with form birefringence on the primary mirror. For each of these three states the system response both with and without a coronagraph mask was calculated. Two merit functions were defined to quantify the system’s ability to attenuate starlight: (1) normalized polychromatic irradiance (NPI), and (2) starlight suppression factor (SSF). Both of these are dimensionless and their values are functions of position across the focal plane. The NPI is defined as the irradiance point-by-point across the detector plane with a coronagraph mask divided by the value of the on-axis irradiance without a coronagraph mask. The SSF is the irradiance point-by-point across the detector plane with a coronagraph mask divided by the pointby-point value of the irradiance across the detector plane without a coronagraph mask. Both the NPI and the SSF provide insights into coronagraph performance. Deviations from the aberration-free case are calculated and summarized in table 2. The conclusions are: (1) the HabEx optical system is well-balanced for both geometric and polarization aberrations; (2) the spatially dependent polarization reflectivity for the HabEx primary mirror should be specified to ensure the coating is isotropic; (3) AO to correct the two orthogonal polarization-dependent wavefront errors is essential

    SWIRP (Submm-Wave and Long Wave InfraRed Polarimeter); Development and Characterization of a Sub-Mm Polarimeter for Ice Cloud Investigations

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    A major source of uncertainty in climate models is the presence, shape and distribution of ice particles in the uppermost layers of the clouds. The effects of this component are poorly constrained, turning ice particles into an almost-free variable in many climate models.NASA-GSFC is developing a new instrument aimed at measuring the size and shape of ice particles. The instrument consists of two sub-mm polarimeters (at 220 and 670 GHz) coupled with a long-wave infrared polarimeter at 10 micron. Each polarimeter has identical V-pol and H-pol channels; the axes of polarization are defined geometrically by the orientation of the waveguide elements, and the purity has been measured in the lab. The instrument is configured as a conical scanner, suitable for deployment as a payload on a small satellite or on a high-altitude sub-orbital platform. From a 400 km orbit, the instrument has a 3dB spatial resolution of 20 (10) km at 220 (670) GHz and a swath of 600 km over 180 degrees of view.The BAPTA (Bearing And Power Transfer Assembly) carries heritage from the SSMIS design, now in its 22nd year of on-orbit operation, but with a much reduced SWaP (Size Weight and Power) footprint, suitable for a small satellite.The main components of the instrument have been fabricated and are undergoing final testing prior to their integration as a single unit. The sub-mm channels have dedicated secondary reflectors which illuminate a shared primary reflector. The receiving units are placed behind the focal point of the optical arrangement, so that all beams equally illuminate the primary reflector and are almost co-located on the ground (within a single 220 GHz footprint). Primary and secondary beam patterns have been measured and verified to match the as-designed expectations. A Zytex (TM) window is deployed to protect the secondary reflectors and the feed horns from debris and other contaminants, and to reduce the heat load from the active (hot) IR calibration unit. The insertion loss of Zytex has been measured and is accounted in the calibration equation of the sub-mm channels.The radiometric performance of the sub-mm receivers has been characterized in the lab and under operational conditions of temperature and pressure.This paper discusses the design constraints on the sub-mm components, details of the scientific goals and their flowdown, and describes the characterization of the polarimeters. Options to optimize the layout and distribution of the masses within the assembly, with the goal of making the instrument even more compact and fully-compatible with cubesat-class satellites will be presented

    A Comparison of Five Malaria Transmission Models: Benchmark Tests and Implications for Disease Control

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    Background: Models for malaria transmission are usually compared based on the quantities tracked, the form taken by each term in the equations, and the qualitative properties of the systems at equilibrium. Here five models are compared in detail in order to develop a set of performance measures that further illuminate the differences among models. Methods: Five models of malaria transmission are compared. Parameters are adjusted to correspond to similar biological quantities across models. Nine choices of parameter sets/initial conditions are tested for all five models. The relationship between malaria incidence in humans and (1) malaria incidence in vectors, (2) man-biting rate, and (3) entomological inoculation rate (EIR) at equilibrium is tested for all models. A sensitivity analysis for all models is conducted at all parameter sets. Overall sensitivities are ranked for each of the five models. A set of simple control interventions is tested on two of the models

    Pyrosequencing of Mytilus galloprovincialis cDNAs: tissue-specific expression patterns.

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    BACKGROUND: Mytilus species are important in marine ecology and in environmental quality assessment, yet their molecular biology is poorly understood. Molecular aspects of their reproduction, hybridisation between species, mitochondrial inheritance, skewed sex ratios of offspring and adaptation to climatic and pollution factors are priority areas. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To start to address this situation, expressed genetic transcripts from M. galloprovincialis were pyrosequenced. Transcripts were isolated from the digestive gland, foot, gill and mantle of both male and female mussels. In total, 175,547 sequences were obtained and for foot and mantle, 90% of the sequences could be assembled into contiguous fragments but this reduced to 75% for the digestive gland and gill. Transcripts relating to protein metabolism and respiration dominated including ribosomal proteins, cytochrome oxidases and NADH dehydrogenase subunits. Tissue specific variation was identified in transcripts associated with mitochondrial energy metabolism, with the digestive gland and gill having the greatest transcript abundance. Using fragment recruitment it was also possible to identify sites of potential small RNAs involved in mitochondrial transcriptional regulation. Sex ratios based on Vitelline Envelop Receptor for Lysin and Vitelline Coat Lysin transcript abundances, indicated that an equal sex distribution was maintained. Taxonomic profiling of the M. galloprovincialis tissues highlighted an abundant microbial flora associated with the digestive gland. Profiling of the tissues for genes involved in intermediary metabolism demonstrated that the gill and digestive gland were more similar to each other than to the other two tissues, and specifically the foot transcriptome was most dissimilar. CONCLUSIONS: Pyrosequencing has provided extensive genomic information for M. galloprovincialis and generated novel observations on expression of different tissues, mitochondria and associated microorganisms. It will also facilitate the much needed production of an oligonucleotide microarray for the organism

    On switching response surface models, with applications to the structural health monitoring of bridges

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    Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is the engineering discipline of diagnosing damage and estimating safe remaining life for structures and systems. Often, SHM is accomplished by detecting changes in measured quantities from the structure of interest; if there are no competing explanations for the changes, one infers that they are the result of damage. If the structure of interest is subject to changes in its environmental or operational conditions, one must understand the effects of these changes in order that one does not falsely claim that damage has occurred when changes in measured quantities are observed. This problem – the problem of confounding influences – is particularly pressing for civil infrastructure where the given structure is usually openly exposed to the weather and may be subject to strongly varying operational conditions. One approach to understanding confounding influences is to construct a data-based response surface model that can represent measurement variations as a function of environmental and operational variables. The models can then be used to remove environmental and operational variations so that change detection algorithms signal the occurrence of damage alone. The current paper is concerned with such response surface models in the case of SHM of bridges. In particular, classes of response surface models that can switch discontinuously between regimes are discussed. Recently, it has been shown that Gaussian Process (GP) models are an effective means of developing response surface or surrogate models. However, the GP approach runs into difficulties if changes in the latent variables cause the structure of interest to abruptly switch between regimes. A good example here, which is well known in the SHM literature, is given by the Z24 Bridge in Switzerland which completely changed its dynamical behaviour when it cooled below zero degrees Celsius as the asphalt of the deck stiffened. The solution proposed here is to adopt the recently-proposed Treed Gaussian Process (TGP) model as an alternative. The approach is illustrated here on the Z24 bridge and also on data from the Tamar Bridge in the UK which shows marked switching behaviour in certain of its dynamical characteristics when its ambient wind conditions change. It is shown that treed GPs provide an effective approach to response surface modelling and that in the Tamar case, a linear model is in fact sufficient to solve the problem

    National surveillance for human and pet contact with oral rabies vaccine baits, 2001–2009

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    Objective—To determine the rate and absolute number of human and pet exposures to oral rabies vaccine (ORV) bait containing liquid vaccinia rabies glycoprotein recombinant vaccine and to evaluate factors that might affect human contact with bait to modify the program and reduce human exposure to the vaccine. Design—Retrospective analysis of surveillance data (2001 to 2009). Sample—Reports on human and pet contact with ORV baits in states with ORV surveillance programs. Procedures—Data were collected from passive, multistate ORV surveillance systems in Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. Data collected included the nature of human or pet contact with bait and vaccine, the caller’s knowledge of the ORV bait program, local human population density, and other relevant demographic data. Results—All 18 states participated in the surveillance program for at least 1 year, for a combined 68 years of observation. One thousand four hundred thirty-six calls were reported, representing 3,076 found baits (6.89/100,000 baits dropped); 296 (20%) calls were related to human contact with ruptured bait, and 550 (38%) involved pet contact with the bait. Six adverse events in humans were reported, one of which required hospitalization. Fifty-nine adverse events in pets were noted, all of which were nonserious. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Findings from surveillance activities have been used to improve baiting strategies and minimize human and pet contact with ORV baits. Overall, human and pet contact with ORV baits was infrequent. Surveillance has led to early identification of persons exposed to ORV and rapid intervention

    HabEx polarization ray trace and aberration analysis

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    The flux difference between a terrestrial exoplanet and a much brighter nearby star creates an enormous optical design challenge for space-based imaging systems. Coronagraphs are designed to block the star’s flux and obtain a high-dynamic-range image of the exoplanet. The contrast of an optical system is calculated using the point spread function (PSF). Contrast quantifies starlight suppression of an imaging system at a given separation of the two objects. Contrast requirements can be as small as 10^(−10) for earth-like planets. This work reports an analysis of the September 2017 Habitable Exoplanet Imaging Mission (HabEx) end-to-end optical system prescription for geometric and polarization aberrations across the 450 to 550 nm channel. The Lyot coronagraph was modeled with a vector vortex charge 6 mask but without adaptive optics (AO) to correct the phase of the Jones pupil. The detector plane irradiance was calculated for three states of the telescope/coronagraph system: (1) free of geometric and polarization aberrations; (2) isotropic mirror coatings throughout the end-toend system; and (3) isotropic mirrors with form birefringence on the primary mirror. For each of these three states the system response both with and without a coronagraph mask was calculated. Two merit functions were defined to quantify the system’s ability to attenuate starlight: (1) normalized polychromatic irradiance (NPI), and (2) starlight suppression factor (SSF). Both of these are dimensionless and their values are functions of position across the focal plane. The NPI is defined as the irradiance point-by-point across the detector plane with a coronagraph mask divided by the value of the on-axis irradiance without a coronagraph mask. The SSF is the irradiance point-by-point across the detector plane with a coronagraph mask divided by the pointby-point value of the irradiance across the detector plane without a coronagraph mask. Both the NPI and the SSF provide insights into coronagraph performance. Deviations from the aberration-free case are calculated and summarized in table 2. The conclusions are: (1) the HabEx optical system is well-balanced for both geometric and polarization aberrations; (2) the spatially dependent polarization reflectivity for the HabEx primary mirror should be specified to ensure the coating is isotropic; (3) AO to correct the two orthogonal polarization-dependent wavefront errors is essential
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