40 research outputs found

    PID Group INGV: a bridge towards Open Data

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    Costituzione del PID Group INGV e presentazione degli obiettiviUnpublishedCNR Piazzale Aldo Moro Roma7TM. Sviluppo e Trasferimento Tecnologicoope

    PD-1 expression is upregulated on adapted T cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis but is not required to maintain a hyporesponsive state

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    T cell adaptation is an important peripheral tolerogenic process which ensures that the T cell population can respond effectively to pathogens but remains tolerant to self-antigens. We probed the mechanisms of T cell adaptation using an experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model in which the fate of autopathogenic T cells could be followed. We demonstrated that immunisation with a high dose of myelin basic protein (MBP) peptide and complete Freund's adjuvant failed to effectively initiate EAE, in contrast to low dose MBP peptide immunisation which readily induced disease. The proportion of autopathogenic CD4 + T cells in the central nervous system (CNS) of mice immunised with a high dose of MBP peptide was not significantly different to mice immunised with a low dose. However, autopathogenic T cells in mice immunised with high dose MBP peptide had an unresponsive phenotype in ex vivo recall assays. Importantly, whilst expression of PD-1 was increased on adapted CD4 + T cells within the CNS, loss of PD-1 function did not prevent the development of the unresponsive state. The lack of a role for PD-1 in the acquisition of the adapted state stands in striking contrast to the reported functional importance of PD-1 in T cell unresponsiveness in other disease models

    «Dall’ombre al chiaro lume»: l’enigma e le sue declinazioni nella letteratura

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    Nella letteratura, non meno che nella lingua comune, si possono individuare due tensioni di segno opposto: l’una, immediata, mira alla semplicità e alla chiarezza, l’altra, involuta e opaca, è programmaticamente volta a celare il proprio senso più profondo. È a questa seconda categoria, quella dell’enigma, che questo volume è dedicato. Nella difficoltà del messaggio che veicola, e nella soluzione che necessariamente sottende, l’enigma ha la propria marca distintiva. Al centro sta una letteratura che non rinuncia alla complessità e afferma così il proprio valore, nascondendolo nell’ambiguità della parola. Confluiti a Padova nel 2021 in occasione del convegno «Dall’ombre al chiaro lume». L’enigma e le sue declinazioni nella letteratura, studiosi e giovani ricercatori, sulla scorta dei versi di Galileo, hanno sondato il tema dell’enigma come fatto linguistico e fenomeno letterario, esplorandone aspetti tematici e formali, assumendo ora la prospettiva privilegiata dell’autore, ora quella cruciale del ricettore. A partire da quesiti fondamentali sulla definizione stessa di enigma, sul rapporto che esso implica tra parola, segno e significato, ovvero tra sé stesso e la soluzione, questo volume raccoglie perciò i loro contributi, spaziando dall’antico al contemporaneo, secondo tagli ora storico-letterari, ora invece debitori alla linguistica e comparatistica

    Predicting Yields of Bifacial PV Power Plants - What Accuracy is Possible?

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    Realistic bifacial gains expected for large scale PV systems are in the range of 5% to 15%. This gain is a big game changer when compared with other improvements in PV in the last few years. However, the performance of a bifacial system will be strongly affected by its design and the resulting impact on the irradiance received on the rear side of the modules. To accurately estimate the extra yield generated, new tools able to assess the irradiance reaching the rear side are needed. Different methods are available to estimate the bifacial yield. A very accurate one is to use 3D modeling of all the system components that can interfere with light combined with ray tracing. EDF R&D and Fraunhofer ISE have both developed their own bifacial yield assessment tool based on ray tracing. To validate this approach, both tools have been used for cross comparison simulations. Several validations have been carried out against real bifacial systems – including large scale fixed tilt and horizontal single axis tracking systems. Results of the validation and the tool comparison are presented here