1,157 research outputs found

    Extremal metrics for the Q′{Q}^\prime-curvature in three dimensions

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    We construct contact forms with constant Q′Q^\prime-curvature on compact three-dimensional CR manifolds which admit a pseudo-Einstein contact form and satisfy some natural positivity conditions. These contact forms are obtained by minimizing the CR analogue of the IIII-functional from conformal geometry. Two crucial steps are to show that the P′P^\prime-operator can be regarded as an elliptic pseudodifferential operator and to compute the leading order terms of the asymptotic expansion of the Green's function for P′\sqrt{P^\prime}.Comment: Final version; Corrects minor typos; This is an announcement of the main results of arXiv:1511.05013; 5 page

    Tool for the Integrated Dynamic Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS)/Turbine Engine Closed-Loop Transient Analysis (TTECTrA) User's Guide

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    The Tool for Turbine Engine Closed-Loop Transient Analysis (TTECTrA ver2) is a control design tool thatenables preliminary estimation of transient performance for models without requiring a full nonlinear controller to bedesigned. The program is compatible with subsonic engine models implemented in the MATLAB/Simulink (TheMathworks, Inc.) environment and Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS) framework. At a specified flightcondition, TTECTrA will design a closed-loop controller meeting user-defined requirements in a semi or fully automatedfashion. Multiple specifications may be provided, in which case TTECTrA will design one controller for each, producing acollection of controllers in a single run. Each resulting controller contains a setpoint map, a schedule of setpointcontroller gains, and limiters; all contributing to transient characteristics. The goal of the program is to providesteady-state engine designers with more immediate feedback on the transient engine performance earlier in the design cycle

    Optimum Algorithms for a Model of Direct Chaining

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    Direct chaining is a popular and efficient class of hashing algorithms. In this paper we study optimum algorithms among direct chaining methods, under the restrictions that the records in the hash table are not moved after they are inserted, that for each chain the relative ordering of the records in the chain does not change after more insertions, and that only one link field is used per table slot. The varied-insertion coalesced hashing method (VICH), which is proposed and analyzed in [CV84], is conjectured to be optimum among all direct chaining algorithms in this class. We give strong evidence in favor of the conjecture by showing that VICH is optimum under fairly general conditions

    Analysis of Early-Insertion Standard Coalesced Hashing

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    This paper analyzes the early-insertion standard coalesced hashing method (EISCH), which is a variant of the standard coalesced hashing algorithm (SCH) described in [Knu73], [Vit80] and [Vit82b]. The analysis answers the open problem posed in [Vit80]. The number of probes per successful search in full tables is 5% better with EISCH than with SCH

    Molecular Variation in \u3ci\u3eAVP\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eAVPR1a\u3c/i\u3e in New World Monkeys (Primates, Platyrrhini): Evolution and Implications for Social Monogamy

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    The neurohypophysial hormone arginine vasopressin (AVP) plays important roles in fluid regulation and vascular resistance. Differences in AVP receptor expression, particularly mediated through variation in the noncoding promoter region of the primary receptor for AVP (AVPR1a), may play a role in social phenotypes, particularly social monogamy, in rodents and humans. Among primates, social monogamy is rare, but is common among New World monkeys (NWM). AVP is a nonapeptide and generally conserved among eutherian mammals, although a recent paper demonstrated that some NWM species possess a novel form of the related neuropeptide hormone, oxytocin. We therefore characterized variation in the AVP and AVPR1a genes in 22 species representing every genus in the three major platyrrhine families (Cebidae, Atelidae and Pitheciidae). For AVP, a total of 16 synonymous substitutions were detected in 15 NWM species. No non-synonymous substitutions were noted, hence, AVP is conserved in NWM. By contrast, relative to the human AVPR1a, 66 predicted amino acids (AA) substitutions were identified in NWM. The AVPR1a N-terminus (ligand binding domain), third intracellular (Gprotein binding domain), and C-terminus were variable among species. Complex evolution of AVPR1a is also apparent in NWM. A molecular phylogenetic tree inferred from AVPR1a coding sequences revealed some consensus taxonomic separation by families, but also a mixed group composed of genera from all three families. The overall dN/dS ratio of AVPR1a was 0.11, but signals of positive selection in distinct AVPR1a regions were observed, including the N-terminus, in which we identified six potential positive selection sites. AA substitutions at positions 241, 319, 399 and 409 occurred uniquely in marmosets and tamarins. Our results enhance the appreciation of genetic diversity in the mammalian AVP/AVPR1a system, and set the stage for molecular modeling of the neurohypophyseal hormones and social behavior in primates

    Kerja Video Editor dalam Proses Editing Program Cha-Guan di Kanal YouTube ASUMSI

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    Latar belakang pelaksanaan kerja magang sebagai penyunting gambar di Asumsi, untuk merasakan pengalaman kerja di tempat yang lebih profesional dalam perusahaan media, memperluas koneksi, mempelajari ilmu-ilmu baru dalam hal video editing maupun di luar dari itu, dan memenuhi syarat kelulusan dari perkuliahan. Kemajuan teknologi media dan komunikasi telah mengubah industri media dan membuka ruang bagi warga negara untuk turut berpartisipasi dalam media melalui internet. Asumsi merupakan sebuah perusahaan media yang didirikan oleh Pangeran Siahaan pada tahun 2015. Asumsi berfokus pada bahasan politik dan budaya pop. Berawal dari sebuah kanal Youtube yang membahas berbagai isu terkini dan juga mewawancarai sejumlah tokoh, kini liputan tersebut dikemas dalam berbagai format, mulai dari video, artikel, podcast, newsletter, hingga aktif dalam media sosial. Asumsi percaya bahwa peran media massa dapat menjadi sarana informasi, pendidikan, dan kontrol sosial dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara

    Penerapan Teknik Graphic Match Cut sebagai Transisi dalam Alur Cerita Non-linear pada Music Video Ketika Ku Bertemu

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    Video musik merupakan sebuah video yang didampingi oleh alunan musik. Dengan adanya video musik, seorang musisi dapat menyampaikan esensi dari lagu tersebut, agar maknanya dapat lebih dipahami oleh masyarakat luas. Video musik Ketika Ku Bertemu menceritakan tentang seorang wanita yang mengingat kembali perjalanan kisah asmara masa lalunya bersama kekasihnya. Alur cerita yang digunakan adalah alur cerita non-linear. Dalam penulisan ini, penulis menggunakan teknik editing graphic match cut sebagai transisi alur cerita non-linear, yang dimana menurut Coldwell, teknik tersebut merupakan 2 shot di-edit berdasarkan visual yang serupa. Penelitian ini menerapkan teknik graphic match cut menggunakan 2 shot yang serupa sebagai transisi dalam alur cerita non-linear pada video musik Ketika Ku Bertemu. Penggunaan alur cerita non-linear, dapat membingungkan penonton karena susunannya yang tidak berurutan sesuai dengan waktu kejadian. Maka dari itu, penerapan teknik graphic match cut digunakan sebagai transisi alur cerita non- linear, serta memberikan hubungan yang kuat antar scene

    An Introduction to Transient Engine Applications Using the Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS) and MATLAB

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    This document outlines methodologies designed to improve the interface between the Numerical Propulsion System Simulation framework and various control and dynamic analyses developed in the Matlab and Simulink environment. Although NPSS is most commonly used for steady-state modeling, this paper is intended to supplement the relatively sparse documentation on it's transient analysis functionality. Matlab has become an extremely popular engineering environment, and better methodologies are necessary to develop tools that leverage the benefits of these disparate frameworks. Transient analysis is not a new feature of the Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS), but transient considerations are becoming more pertinent as multidisciplinary trade-offs begin to play a larger role in advanced engine designs. This paper serves to supplement the relatively sparse documentation on transient modeling and cover the budding convergence between NPSS and Matlab based modeling toolsets. The following sections explore various design patterns to rapidly develop transient models. Each approach starts with a base model built with NPSS, and assumes the reader already has a basic understanding of how to construct a steady-state model. The second half of the paper focuses on further enhancements required to subsequently interface NPSS with Matlab codes. The first method being the simplest and most straightforward but performance constrained, and the last being the most abstract. These methods aren't mutually exclusive and the specific implementation details could vary greatly based on the designer's discretion. Basic recommendations are provided to organize model logic in a format most easily amenable to integration with existing Matlab control toolsets

    Open-Source Conceptual Sizing Models for the Hyperloop Passenger Pod

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    Hyperloop is a new mode of transportation proposed as an alternative to California's high speed rail project, with the intended benefits of higher performance at lower overall costs. It consists of a passenger pod traveling through a tube under a light vacuum and suspended on air bearings. The pod travels up to transonic speeds resulting in a 35 minute travel time between the intended route from Los Angeles and San Francisco. Of the two variants outlined, the smaller system includes a 1.1 meter tall passenger capsule traveling through a 2.2 meter tube at 700 miles per hour. The passenger pod features water-based heat exchangers as well as an on-board compression system that reduces the aerodynamic drag as it moves through the tube. Although the original proposal looks very promising, it assumes that tube and pod dimensions are independently sizable without fully acknowledging the constraints of the compressor system on the pod geometry. This work focuses on the aerodynamic and thermodynamic interactions between the two largest systems; the tube and the pod. Using open-source toolsets, a new sizing method is developed based on one-dimensional thermodynamic relationships that accounts for the strong interactions between these sub-systems. These additional considerations require a tube nearly twice the size originally considered and limit the maximum pod travel speed to about 620 miles per hour. Although the results indicate that Hyperloop will need to be larger and slightly slower than originally intended, the estimated travel time only increases by approximately five minutes, so the overall performance is not dramatically affected. In addition, the proposed on-board heat exchanger is not an ideal solution to achieve reasonable equilibrium air temperatures within the tube. Removal of this subsystem represents a potential reduction in weight, energy requirements and complexity of the pod. In light of these finding, the core concept still remains a compelling possibility, although additional engineering and economic analyses are markedly necessary before a more complete design can be developed
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