456 research outputs found

    Size/Age Models for Monitoring of the Pink Sea Fan Eunicella verrucosa (Cnidaria: Alcyonacea) and a Case Study Application

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    The pink sea fan Eunicella verrucosa is a habitat-forming octocoral living in the East Atlantic and in the Mediterranean Sea where, under proper circumstances, it can form large populations known as coral forests. Although these coral forests represent vulnerable marine ecosystems of great importance, these habitats are still poorly known, and their monitoring is almost non-existent to date. For this reason, we compared two dierent models to infer the age of E. verrucosa based on nondestructive measurements of the colonies’ size, in order to highlight strengths and weaknesses of the existing tools for a potential application in long-term monitoring. We also applied the two models on a case-study population recently found in the northwest Mediterranean Sea. Our results showed which model was more reliable from a biological point of view, considering both its structure and the results obtained on the case study. However, this model uses solely the height of the colonies as proxy to infer the age, while the total branch fan surface area could represent a more appropriate biometric parameter to monitor the size and the growth of E. verrucosa

    Assuring Integrity in the Residency Match Process

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    Integrity in medicine is essential. One of the most important competencies a medical student can master is to be honest at all times. Indeed, professionalism is a key competency in the identity formation and development of a medical student. At times, this competency becomes challenged during the resident matching process. The behavior of some students, faculty members, and program directors who participate in the residency program selection process (the Match) often falls short of this ideal when it comes to handling the process that will be most dispositive in directing the future careers of graduating medical students. Violations of both National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) rules and ethical norms have been reported in the literature and experienced by students. In this Invited Commentary, the authors recommend a series of reforms. Substantially more robust enforcement of NRMP rules should be considered, including the creation of an avenue for anonymous reporting by applicants who experience inappropriate pre-Match, post-interview communications

    The use of an unsupervised learning approach for characterizing latent behaviors in accelerometer data

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    Acknowledgments This project and the tags deployed on both seabird's species were fund by NERC (grant number NE/K007440/1), Marine Scotland Science and Seabird Tracking and Research (STAR) Project led by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). We would like to thank Rob Hughes, Tessa Cole and Ruth Brown for helping in the data collection, the Bird Observatory of Fair Isle for supporting the fieldwork and the Marine Collaboration Research Forum (MarCRF).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Dihydroquinidine versus disopyramide: Efficacy in patients with chronic stable ventricular ectopy

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    Dihydroquinidine (DQ) is contained in substantial amounts in quinidine salts, but its direct antiarrhythmic action has not been studied. The efficacy of oral DQ (300 mg t. i. d.) compared to disopyramide (D) (200 mg t.i.d.) was thus investigated using a double-blind crossover placebo-controlled protocol in 12 patients, aged 13 to 67 years, with chronic stable high frequency premature ventricular beats (PVB), defined as greater than 100 PVB/h during 48-72-h control Holter monitoring. The protocol included three 72-h treatment periods: DQ, D, and placebo at random. On days 2 and 3 of each period a 24-h Holter recording was carried out; drug blood levels were determined at peak (days 2 and 3) and trough time (day 3). No significant difference in the mean PVB/h was found between control (735 +/- 400) and placebo periods (564 +/- 388), or between the two Holter recordings of each period. Compared to placebo both DQ (106 +/- 113, p less than 0.005) and D (240 +/- 263, p less than 0.05) reduced the mean PVB/h, but the decrease was significantly higher with DQ (78 versus 53%, p less than 0.02). Nine patients (75%) on DQ and 5 (42%) on D had a greater than 70% decrease in mean PVB/h; complex PVBs were abolished in 3 of 6 patients on both treatments. On day 3, DQ plasma levels were 1.31 +/- 0.44 (peak) and 0.92 +/- 0.45 (trough) mg/l; D plasma levels were 2.88 +/- 0.64 (peak) and 2.02 +/- 0.31 (trough) mg/l; no significant difference was found between day 2 and day 3 samples.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    New deep-water cnidarian sites in the southern Adriatic Sea

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    Recent ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) exploration and bottom sampling in the southern Adriatic Sea (Apulian and Montenegrin margins) resulted in the discovery of cnidarian-rich deep-sea habitats in the depth range of ca. 400-700 m. In particular, ROV inspection of Montenegrin canyons reveals the existence of megabenthic communities dominated by a variety of cnidarians, including scleractinians (Madrepora oculata, Lophelia pertusa, Dendrophyllia cornigera),antipatharians (Leiopathes glaberrima) and gorgonians (Callogorgia verticillata) as major habitat forming taxa, often in association with sponges and, subordinately, serpulids. All such cnidarians are new records for the south-eastern side of the Adriatic Sea. Our investigation indicates that an almost continuous belt of patchy cold water coral sites occurs along the entire south-western margin (Apulian),basically connecting the Adriatic populations with those inhabiting the Ionian margin (Santa Maria di Leuca coral province)

    On the interplay between hypothermia and reproduction in a high arctic ungulate

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    For free-ranging animals living in seasonal environments, hypometabolism (lowered metabolic rate) and hypothermia (lowered body temperature) can be effective physiological strategies to conserve energy when forage resources are low. To what extent such strategies are adopted by large mammals living under extreme conditions, as those encountered in the high Arctic, is largely unknown, especially for species where the gestation period overlaps with the period of lowest resource availability (i.e. winter). Here we investigated for the first time the level to which high arctic muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) adopt hypothermia and tested the hypothesis that individual plasticity in the use of hypothermia depends on reproductive status. We measured core body temperature over most of the gestation period in both free-ranging muskox females in Greenland and captive female muskoxen in Alaska. We found divergent overwintering strategies according to reproductive status, where pregnant females maintained stable body temperatures during winter, while non-pregnant females exhibited a temporary decrease in their winter body temperature. These results show that muskox females use hypothermia during periods of resource scarcity, but also that the use of this strategy may be limited to non-reproducing females. Our findings suggest a trade-of between metabolically driven energy conservation during winter and sustaining foetal growth, which may also apply to other large herbivores living in highly seasonal environments elsewhere.publishedVersio

    Application of Hyperspectral Imaging to Underwater Habitat Mapping, Southern Adriatic Sea

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    Hyperspectral imagers enable the collection of high-resolution spectral images exploitable for the supervised classification of habitats and objects of interest (OOI). Although this is a well-established technology for the study of subaerial environments, Ecotone AS has developed an underwater hyperspectral imager (UHI) system to explore the properties of the seafloor. The aim of the project is to evaluate the potential of this instrument for mapping and monitoring benthic habitats in shallow and deep-water environments. For the first time, we tested this system at two sites in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea): the cold-water coral (CWC) habitat in the Bari Canyon and the Coralligenous habitat off Brindisi. We created a spectral library for each site, considering the different substrates and the main OOI reaching, where possible, the lower taxonomic rank. We applied the spectral angle mapper (SAM) supervised classification to map the areal extent of the Coralligenous and to recognize the major CWC habitat-formers. Despite some technical problems, the first results demonstrate the suitability of the UHI camera for habitat mapping and seabed monitoring, through the achievement of quantifiable and repeatable classifications