801 research outputs found

    Nucleus-Electron Model for States Changing from a Liquid Metal to a Plasma and the Saha Equation

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    We extend the quantal hypernetted-chain (QHNC) method, which has been proved to yield accurate results for liquid metals, to treat a partially ionized plasma. In a plasma, the electrons change from a quantum to a classical fluid gradually with increasing temperature; the QHNC method applied to the electron gas is in fact able to provide the electron-electron correlation at arbitrary temperature. As an illustrating example of this approach, we investigate how liquid rubidium becomes a plasma by increasing the temperature from 0 to 30 eV at a fixed normal ion-density 1.03×1022/cm31.03 \times 10^{22}/cm^3. The electron-ion radial distribution function (RDF) in liquid Rb has distinct inner-core and outer-core parts. Even at a temperature of 1 eV, this clear distinction remains as a characteristic of a liquid metal. At a temperature of 3 eV, this distinction disappears, and rubidium becomes a plasma with the ionization 1.21. The temperature variations of bound levels in each ion and the average ionization are calculated in Rb plasmas at the same time. Using the density-functional theory, we also derive the Saha equation applicable even to a high-density plasma at low temperatures. The QHNC method provides a procedure to solve this Saha equation with ease by using a recursive formula; the charge population of differently ionized species are obtained in Rb plasmas at several temperatures. In this way, it is shown that, with the atomic number as the only input, the QHNC method produces the average ionization, the electron-ion and ion-ion RDF's, and the charge population which are consistent with the atomic structure of each ion for a partially ionized plasma.Comment: 28 pages(TeX) and 11 figures (PS

    Meixner polynomials of the second kind and quantum algebras representing su(1,1)

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    We show how Viennot's combinatorial theory of orthogonal polynomials may be used to generalize some recent results of Sukumar and Hodges on the matrix entries in powers of certain operators in a representation of su(1,1). Our results link these calculations to finding the moments and inverse polynomial coefficients of certain Laguerre polynomials and Meixner polynomials of the second kind. As an immediate consequence of results by Koelink, Groenevelt and Van Der Jeugt, for the related operators, substitutions into essentially the same Laguerre polynomials and Meixner polynomials of the second kind may be used to express their eigenvectors. Our combinatorial approach explains and generalizes this "coincidence".Comment: several correction

    Structure Factor and Electronic Structure of Compressed Liquid Rubidium

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    We have applied the quantal hypernetted-chain equations in combination with the Rosenfeld bridge-functional to calculate the atomic and the electronic structure of compressed liquid-rubidium under high pressure (0.2, 2.5, 3.9, and 6.1 GPa); the calculated structure factors are in good agreement with experimental results measured by Tsuji et al. along the melting curve. We found that the Rb-pseudoatom remains under these high pressures almost unchanged with respect to the pseudoatom at room pressure; thus, the effective ion-ion interaction is practically the same for all pressure-values. We observe that all structure factors calculated for this pressure-variation coincide almost into a single curve if wavenumbers are scaled in units of the Wigner-Seitz radius aa although no corresponding scaling feature is observed in the effective ion-ion interaction.This scaling property of the structure factors signifies that the compression in liquid-rubidium is uniform with increasing pressure; in absolute Q-values this means that the first peak-position (Q1Q_1) of the structure factor increases proportionally to V1/3V^{-1/3} (VV being the specific volume per ion), as was experimentally observed by Tsuji et al.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Pressure formulas for liquid metals and plasmas based on the density-functional theory

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    At first, pressure formulas for the electrons under the external potential produced by fixed nuclei are derived both in the surface integral and volume integral forms concerning an arbitrary volume chosen in the system; the surface integral form is described by a pressure tensor consisting of a sum of the kinetic and exchange-correlation parts in the density-functional theory, and the volume integral form represents the virial theorem with subtraction of the nuclear virial. Secondly on the basis of these formulas, the thermodynamical pressure of liquid metals and plasmas is represented in the forms of the surface integral and the volume integral including the nuclear contribution. From these results, we obtain a virial pressure formula for liquid metals, which is more accurate and simpler than the standard representation. From the view point of our formulation, some comments are made on pressure formulas derived previously and on a definition of pressure widely used.Comment: 18 pages, no figur

    Exact limiting relation between the structure factors in neutron and x-ray scattering

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    The ratio of the static matter structure factor measured in experiments on coherent X-ray scattering to the static structure factor measured in experiments on neutron scattering is considered. It is shown theoretically that this ratio in the long-wavelength limit is equal to the nucleus charge at arbitrary thermodynamic parameters of a pure substance (the system of nuclei and electrons, where interaction between particles is pure Coulomb) in a disordered equilibrium state. This result is the exact relation of the quantum statistical mechanics. The experimental verification of this relation can be done in the long wavelength X-ray and neutron experiments.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Radial Bargmann representation for the Fock space of type B

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    Let να,q\nu_{\alpha,q} be the probability and orthogonality measure for the qq-Meixner-Pollaczek orthogonal polynomials, which has appeared in \cite{BEH15} as the distribution of the (α,q)(\alpha,q)-Gaussian process (the Gaussian process of type B) over the (α,q)(\alpha,q)-Fock space (the Fock space of type B). The main purpose of this paper is to find the radial Bargmann representation of να,q\nu_{\alpha,q}. Our main results cover not only the representation of qq-Gaussian distribution by \cite{LM95}, but also of q2q^2-Gaussian and symmetric free Meixner distributions on R\mathbb R. In addition, non-trivial commutation relations satisfied by (α,q)(\alpha,q)-operators are presented.Comment: 13 pages, minor changes have been mad

    Interaction of photons with plasmas and liquid metals: photoabsorption and scattering

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    Formulas to describe the photoabsorption and the photon scattering by a plasma or a liquid metal are derived in a unified manner with each other. It is shown how the nuclear motion, the free-electron motion and the core-electron behaviour in each ion in the system determine the structure of photoabsorption and scattering in an electron-ion mixture. The absorption cross section in the dipole approximation consists of three terms which represent the absorption caused by the nuclear motion, the absorption owing to the free-electron motion producing optical conductivity or inverse Bremsstrahlung, and the absorption ascribed to the core-electron behaviour in each ion with the Doppler correction. Also, the photon scattering formula provides an analysis method for experiments observing the ion-ion dynamical structure factor (DSF), the electron-electron DSF giving plasma oscillations, and the core-electron DSF yielding the X-ray Raman (Compton) scattering with a clear definition of the background scattering for each experiment, in a unified manner. A formula for anomalous X-ray scattering is also derived for a liquid metal. At the same time, Thomson scattering in plasma physics is discussed from this general point of view.Comment: LaTeX file: 18 pages without figur

    The rotating Morse potential model for diatomic molecules in the tridiagonal J-matrix representation: I. Bound states

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    This is the first in a series of articles in which we study the rotating Morse potential model for diatomic molecules in the tridiagonal J-matrix representation. Here, we compute the bound states energy spectrum by diagonalizing the finite dimensional Hamiltonian matrix of H2, LiH, HCl and CO molecules for arbitrary angular momentum. The calculation was performed using the J-matrix basis that supports a tridiagonal matrix representation for the reference Hamiltonian. Our results for these diatomic molecules have been compared with available numerical data satisfactorily. The proposed method is handy, very efficient, and it enhances accuracy by combining analytic power with a convergent and stable numerical technique.Comment: 18 Pages, 6 Tables, 4 Figure