384 research outputs found

    On Interpreting ‘Peninsula’ and the Japanese 半島 ‘Half-Island’

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    People interpret unfamiliar compounds by combining the component concepts into a new, complex concept. When the constituents have foreign roots, as happens in English neoclassical compounds and in Japanese words borrowed from Chinese, interpreters must first assign a semantic gloss to each component. The decoding of peninsula and 半島 follows such a pattern. But whilst construing and processing peninsula and the Latin paene īnsula as ‘almost island’ is relatively simple, inferring the denotation of 半島 is more complicated because gloss assignment yields the opaque ‘half-island’. In the end, though, the interpretative process succeeds in this case as well, thanks to world-knowledge validation, and allows interpreters to understand that ‘half-islands’ are not islands at all

    ¿Cuál es la configuración de los proyectos de crowdfunding en Jornalismo? Un análisis de contenido de proyectos en Kickstarter (2010-2018)

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    The media landscape has drastically changed during the past decade with the emergence of new models and platforms allowing citizens to become amateur journalists and news publishers. Alongside traditional players, newcomers and do-it-yourself initiatives emerged in this market with the help of platforms that seek to engage with a potential audience and offer alternative funding means, such as crowdfunding. Success cases and innovative examples abound in the literature, often on a case-based analysis, showing the potential this funding model has to support local projects and investigative journalism. It is the aim of this paper to descriptively unveil the characteristics of such calls via a content analysis using the Kickstarter website, as this typically represents the reward-based crowdfunding model. This study contributes to discuss not only the features of calls but, furthermore, to which extent crowdfunding seems to emerge novel ways of creating and sharing media content.O ambiente dos media transformou-se radicalmente durante a década passada com a emergência de novos modelos e plataformas que permite aos cidadãos tornarem-se jornalistas. Juntamente das corporações tradicionais de media, novos entrantes e iniciativas “do-it-yourself” emergem no mercado com a ajuda de plataformas que buscam conectar uma demanda em potencial e oferecer alternativas de financiamento, como crowdfunding (ou financiamento coletivo). Casos de sucesso e exemplos inovadores abundam na literatura, maioritariamente apresentada com base em estudos de caso, os quais mostram o potencial deste modo de financiamento para o auxílio a projetos locais e investigativos. É objetivo deste artigo mostrar descritivamente as características desses projetos por meio de uma análise de conteúdo que usa como base a plataforma Kickstarter, um caso em geral representativo dos projetos de crowdfunding. Este estudo contribui não apenas para a discussão das características do jornalismo nos financiamentos coletivos, mas também para a crítica sobre se este meio traz contribuições para novos modos de criação e distribuição de conteúdo.El panorama de los medios ha cambiado drásticamente durante la última década con la aparición de nuevos modelos y plataformas que permiten a los ciudadanos convertirse en periodistas aficionados y editores de noticias. Junto con los jugadores tradicionales, los recién llegados y las iniciativas de bricolaje surgieron en el mercado con la ayuda de plataformas que buscan conectarse con una audiencia potencial y ofrecer medios de financiación alternativos, como el crowdfunding. Los casos de éxito y los ejemplos innovadores abundan en la literatura, a menudo en un análisis basado en casos, que muestra el potencial de este modelo de financiación para apoyar proyectos locales y periodismo de investigación. El objetivo de este documento es revelar descriptivamente las características de tales llamadas a través de un análi-sis de contenido utilizando el sitio web Kickstarter, ya que este es generalmente un caso representativo del modelo de crowdfunding basado en recompensas en todo el mundo. Este estudio contribuye a debatir no solo las características de las llamadas sino, además, hasta qué punto el crowdfunding parece generar formas novedosas de crear y compartir contenido.(undefined

    “Circuits of Commons”: Exploring the Connections Between Economic Lives and the Commons

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    The insight that the economy is made of social practices, institutionally framed and culturally dependent, arises mostly from the domains of economic sociology, anthropology, and institutional economics. Despite the evident connections among these areas, each one emerges out of remarkably distinctive methodologies, theories, and epistemological premises. This trend has not disengaged scholars such as Elinor Ostrom and Viviana Zelizer who demonstrated how interdisciplinary studies come in favor of the advancement of economics in an enlarged manner. With the support of fieldwork, these authors inaugurated novel interpretations on collective governance, bottom-up arrangements, and the moralities of monetary and non-monetary exchange widely cited in various disciplines. This article aims at: a) exploring examples of what constitutes an ethnographic study on economic lives, b) showing how the meaning making of economic transactions relates to institutional norms present in those works, and c) scrutinizing its connections with institutional economics, mostly in relation to the framework developed by Ostrom on the commons. As the paper argues, much of the fieldwork-based observations present in these studies show deep connections with key elements of institutional analyses as the rules-in-use often relate to the access to resources, knowledge as commons, path dependency, and analyses on the economic incentives. This effort does not aim at producing re-interpretations, but rather wishes to surpass the boundaries between these domains and encourage future scholars to build up on the fertile intersections. The expected contribution of this article is to continue the interdisciplinary path undertaken by Ostrom and Zelizer with a focus on ethnography as seen through the lenses of economics

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    The presentation of the numberLa presentazione del numer

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    The presentation of the numberLa presentazione del numer

    Una nuova era negli studi sulla criminalità organizzata

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    Nell’editoriale il Direttore Nando dalla Chiesa presenta il numero 3/2023, in cui si articolano riflessioni e analisi attorno alla nascita della Società Scientifica Italiana di Studi su Mafie e Antimafia (SISMA), alla Direttiva europea relativa alla gestione dei beni confiscati e alla Commissione parlamentare antimafia. Completa il numero la consueta analisi della sezione Storia e memoria. Alla fine dell'editoriale si trova anche lo statuto completo della Società Scientifica Italiana di Studi su Mafie e Antimafia (SISMA)In the editorial, Nando dalla Chiesa introduces the issue 3/2023, in which reflections and analysis are articulated around the birth of the Italian Scientific Society for Mafia and Antimafia Studies (SISMA), the European Directive on the management of confiscated property, and the Antimafia Parliamentary Commission. The issue is completed by the usual analysis of the History and Memory section. At the end of the editorial it is possible to find the complete statutes of the Italian Scientific Society for Studies on Mafias and Antimafias (SISMA

    Gabriele Minì

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    Discorso tenuto in occasione dell’apertura dell’anno accademico 2021-2022 del Dottorato in Studi sulla criminalità organizzata dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, in memoria dei PhD Gabriele Minì scomparso il 3 ottobre 2020.Discorso tenuto in occasione dell’apertura dell’anno accademico 2021-2022 del Dottorato in Studi sulla criminalità organizzata dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, in memoria dei PhD Gabriele Minì scomparso il 3 ottobre 2020

    La sfida delle aziende confiscate : tra sistemi locali e modelli imprenditoriali

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    L\u2019articolo, che nasce da una ricerca europea alla quale ha partecipato il Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche dell\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Milano, tratta un tema di frontiera per il contrasto della criminalit\ue0 mafiosa: quello delle aziende confiscate e della possibilit\ue0 di riconvertirle all\u2019economia legale. Partendo dai risultati di un\u2019indagine sul campo su dieci casi aziendali, esso cerca di mettere a fuoco la numerosit\ue0 e complessit\ue0 degli attori che influenzano il successo dei singoli progetti, evidenziando le specificit\ue0 delle economie e delle diseconomie esterne. E prova a portare i risultati della ricerca all\u2019interno di un quadro teorico pi\uf9 ampio, rivisitando temi classici della sociologia economica, con particolare riferimento ai sistemi locali, all\u2019approvazione sociale dell\u2019imprenditorialit\ue0 e alla figura dell\u2019imprenditore collettivo, di cui cerca di definire un inedito profilo.This article was originated by an european research in which Milan University\u2019s Department of Social and Political Sciences took part. It faces an advanced theme to fight the mafia crime: the confiscated firms and the possibility to convert them into legal economy. Moving from thet results of a survey about ten business cases, the article tries to focus the numerosity and complexity of the actors conditioning the chances of every single project of legal conversion, emphasizing the specifities of the external economies and diseconomies. Besides, it tries to bring the researchers\u2019 results into a wider theoretical framework, revisiting some classic questions of the economic sociology: the local systems, the social approval of the entrepreneurship, and the so-called collective entrepreneur, of which the article proposes a new, original figure

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    Le parole che hanno combattuto la mafia

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    Lo scritto propone un panorama delle principali opere sul fenomeno mafioso, dall'Ottocento a oggi, nella particolare prospettiva della costruzione di una ideale e diversificata biblioteca civile. Indica, di tali opere, l'apporto scientifico o letterario, il valore storico e sociale, e/o il ruolo simbolico, stabilendo un parallelo tra la loro successione nel tempo e le vicende storiche concrete che hanno segnato il rapporto tra mafia e societ\ue0 italiana