78 research outputs found

    Image Processing Application Development: From Rapid Prototyping to SW/HW Co-simulation and Automated Code Generation

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    Nowadays, the market-place offers quite powerful and low cost reconfigurable hardware devices and a wide range of software tools which find application in the image processing field. However, most of the image processing application designs and their latter deployment on specific hardware devices is still carried out quite costly by hand. This paper presents a new approach to image processing application development, which tackles the historic question of how filling the gap existing between rapid throwaway software designs and final software/hardware implementations. A new graphical component-based tool has been implemented which allows to comprehensively develop this kind of applications, from functional and architectural prototyping stages to software/hardware co-simulation and final code generation. Building this tool has been possible thanks to the synergy that arises from the integration of several of the pre-existent software and hardware image processing libraries and tools.COSIVA (TIC 2000-1765-C03-02),EFTCOR (DPI2002-11583-E), PMPDI-UPCT-2004Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Las piedras del Zodiaco en el Lapidario de Alfonso X el Sabio. Una selección para “ver con los ojos cerrados”

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    En este trabajo se describe una colección de piedras del Zodiaco, que fueron citadas en el lapidario de Alfonso X el Sabio (s. XIII) y que han sido seleccionadas por tener unas propiedades especialmente adecuadas para ser reconocidas por el canal háptico. Conociendo estas propiedades se podrá reconocer la piedra representativa de cada signo mediante esta vía de percepción. Partiendo de esta idea se ha desarrollado una actividad de carácter lúdico-científico que podría ampliar los recursos de personas con ceguera o discapacidad visual ya que supone una nueva vía de experimentación háptica, contribuye a mejorar el conocimiento del mundo mineral y es una aproximación a temas tan sugerentes como la astrología y la magia que encierran las piedras del Zodiaco

    Síndrome poliuria-polidipsia : ¿Como abordaría el diagnóstico?

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    El síndrome poliuria-polidipsia (PU/PD) es una entidad clínica que se presenta como signo predominante de numerosos procesos del perro y del gato. Tras un recuerdo fisiológico de los factores reguladores de la homeostasis del agua, presentamos las distintas etiologías responsables del síndrome PU/PD y los mecanismos fisiopatológicos implicados. Posteriormente se indican las pruebas laboratoriales más adecuadas para el diagnóstico y se recomienda una sistemática para abordar el diagnóstico diferencial. Terminamos exponiendo 8 casos clínicos en los que se plantean las historias, exploración y pruebas laboratoriales, discutiéndose finalmente el diagnóstico de los mismos.The polyuria-polydipsia syndrorne (PU/PD) is a clinical picture that is present in a lot of diseases of dog and cat. Firstly we study a physiologycal revision of mechanisms that control the homeostasis of the water, and after we describe the different causes of its physiopathology. The laboratory test more adecuated for the diagnosis are indicated and so the best way to do the differential diagnosis. Eventually we finish with clinical history, symptonms and laboratory findings are studied to arrive a diagnosis

    Haptic experiences in Geology

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    En el presente trabajo se muestran algunas posibilidades que ofrece la Geología para el desarrollo intelectual y sensitivo de personas con discapacidad visual. En él se hace una recopilación de los resultados obtenidos al explorar algunos métodos de estudio que se utilizan habitualmente en diferentes ramas de la Geología (Cristalografía, Mineralogía, Paleontología, Petrología, Geología Histórica, etc.) para hacer “tangible” la enseñanza y transmisión del conocimiento. El equipo de trabajo está integrado por una Profesora Titular de la Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) y dos Colaboradores Honoríficos de la misma Facultad, discapacitados visuales ambos. Desde su perspectiva, especialmente cualificada en este caso, se ha podido establecer que los métodos utilizados proporcionan una gran diversidad de sensaciones hápticas (entendidas éstas como la suma de sensaciones no visuales ni auditivas que experimenta un individuo) que efectivamente podrían contribuir a mejorar las destrezas funcionales (capacidad espacial y orientación) y favorecer el desarrollo creativo e intelectual de personas con ceguera o deficiencia visual.The present paper shows some of the means for intellectual and sensitive development of the visually impaired provided by Geology. It compiles the results obtained through the exploration of some methods of study usually applied in different branches of Geology (Crystallography, Mineralogy, Paleonthology, Petrology, Historical Geology, etc.) to make teaching and knowledge transmission become “tangible”. This working team includes a Titular Professor of Geological Sciences of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and two Honorific Collaborators from the same Faculty, both visually impaired. From their perspective, especially qualified in this case, it has been proved that the methods used provide a great diversity of haptic perceptions (understood as the sum of non-visual or hearing sensations experimented by an individual) that could indeed lead to an improvement in the functional skills (spatial capability and orientation) and intellectual and creative development of blind or visually impaired people.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Iniciación al proyecto arquitectónico: el ejercicio como dispositivo de aprendizaje

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    Experimental pedagogical strategies of the Avant-garde of the 20th century, such as the Base Section of the Vkhutemas or the Preliminary Course of the Bauhaus, are teaching methodologies that provided a set of didactic tools in the decades after the Second World War, in which workshop exercises such as those of Albers, Moholy-Nagy or Itten, were adapted to new educa-tional contexts and formats. Since then, numerous researchers and authors (Shellman, McGinty, Jordan, Somol, Stanton, Love…..) have analyzed parameters, characteristics and preliminary project procedures of different schools and contexts, in which the families of exercises form types or modalities of action that use a set of elements and project mechanisms, recogniza-ble as operative schemes that admit modifications without losing essential common characteristics. Their analysis shows the evolution and variety of propaedeutic and methodological pedagogies within a permanent debate around the teaching strate-gies of initiation to the architectural project and the nature of the exercise as a device for disciplinary learning and as a subject for reflection, research and knowledge.Las estrategias pedagógicas experimentales de las Vanguardias del siglo XX, como la Sección Base de los Vkhutemas o el Curso Preliminar de la Bauhaus, fueron metodologías docentes que proporcionaron un conjunto de herramientas didácticas en las décadas posteriores a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en las que ejercicios de taller como los de Albers, Moholy-Nagy o Itten, fueron adaptados a nuevos contextos educativos y formatos. Numerosos investigadores y autores (Shellman, McGinty, Jordan, Somol, Stanton, Love...) han analizado desde entonces parámetros, características y procedimientos proyectuales preliminares de diferentes escuelas y contextos, en los que las familias de ejercicios forman tipos o modalidades de acción que utilizan un conjunto de elementos y mecanismos proyectuales, reconocibles como esquemas operativos que admiten modifica-ciones sin perder características esenciales comunes. Su análisis muestra la evolución y variedad de pedagogías propedéuti-cas y metodológicas, en un debate permanente en torno a las estrategias docentes de iniciación al proyecto arquitectónico y a la naturaleza del ejercicio como dispositivo de aprendizaje disciplinar y materia de reflexión, investigación y conocimiento

    Using collective intelligence to identify barriers to teaching 12–19 year olds about the ocean in Europe

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    Since the degradation of the marine environment is strongly linked to human activities, having citizens who appreciate the ocean's influence on them and their influence on the ocean is important. Research has shown that citizens have a limited understanding of the ocean and it is this lack of ocean literacy that needs to change. This study maps the European landscape of barriers to teaching 12–19 year olds about the ocean, through the application of Collective Intelligence, a facilitation and problem solving methodology. The paper presents a meta-analysis of the 657 barriers to teaching about the ocean, highlighting how these barriers are interconnected and influence one another in a European Influence Map. The influence map shows 8 themes: Awareness and Perceived knowledge; Policies and Strategies; Engagement, formal education sector; the Ocean itself; Collaboration; Connections between humans and the ocean and the Blue Economy, having the greatest influence and impact on marine education. “Awareness and Perceived knowledge” in Stage 1, exerts the highest level of overall influence in teaching 12–19 year olds about the ocean. This map and study serves as a roadmap for policy makers to implement mobilisation actions that could mitigate the barriers to teaching about the ocean. Examples of such actions include free marine education learning resources such as e-books, virtual laboratories or hands-on experiments. Thus, supporting educators in taking on the challenge of helping our youth realise that the ocean supports life on Earth is essential for education, the marine and human well-being

    Biomarkers predicting the controller dose of omalizumab in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria

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    Background Clinical trials showed the efficacy of 300 mg/4 weeks of omalizumab (OMA) during 6 months in patients with severe chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). Nevertheless, in real life, many patients require higher doses and/or longer treatment. This study assesses the real-life performance of OMA in severe CSU and identifies factors associated with the response. Methods CSU patients eligible for OMA were recruited prospectively. Clinical data and a blood test were collected before OMA initiation. Urticaria Activity Score 7 (UAS7) was calculated at baseline and every 3 months during OMA treatment. CSU control was defined as UAS7 <7 points. This work was partially sponsored by OMA manufacturer. Results Eighty-nine adults (19.1% males) with severe CSU were recruited. Median duration of CSU prior to OMA initiation was 2 years, and median severity by UAS7 at baseline was 24 points (range 10–42 points). OMA controlled 94.4% of patients, but 17.9% of responders required doses >300 mg/4 weeks. A blood basophil count >20 cells/μL (OR 13.33; 95% CI 3.32–52.63; p 29 months at the end of the study (active responders, AR). AR had received OMA for a median of 45 months (30–100 months). There were no significant differences in clinical or analytical factors between RR and AR patients. Conclusions Low blood basophil count and the presence of hypothyroidism might serve as biomarkers for the controller dose of OMA in severe CSU patients.Funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation; Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social, Junta de Andalucí

    Modelling and simulation of a thermal storage system based on phase change materials integrated in a tertiary building

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    Decarbonization of the building sector is one of the key challenges to achieve the ambitious goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, established in the European Green Deal. In this sense, current trends focus on the promotion of onsite renewable energy sources, as well as on the electrification of heating and cooling demands and sector coupling approaches through Power-to-heat strategies. This minimizes energy transportation losses while creating an increased need for storage systems. In this scenario, Thermal Energy Storage (TES) systems gain importance and provide the required flexibility, although the experience with high storage periods and volumes, fast response capacity, easy integration into building facilities and cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions is still scarce. This paper focuses on a TRNSYS (Transient System Simulation Program) modelling and simulation analysis of different integration strategies of a TES system based on Phase Change Materials (PCM) into a real-scale tertiary building. The target building (CARTIF III) is located in Valladolid, Spain, within a Mediterranean climatic area, and incorporates different energy systems including a local photovoltaic (PV) field and a geothermal heat pump (HP). The combination of the PCM storage with the PV and the geothermal HP is studied for the cooling season (in summer) aiming at maximizing the overall system energy efficiency and minimizing the energy import from the grid, thus pursuing a Smart Island concept. Results from this study will feed the solution design for the actual integration project that will be addressed within the framework of a upcoming EU research project

    Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea. Encounter rate, dominant species, and diversity hotspots

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    We investigated the presence and diversity of cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea, analysing the data collected by 32 different research units, over a period of 15 years (2004–2018), and shared on the common web-GIS platform named Intercet. We used the encounter rate, the species prevalence, and the Shannon diversity index as parameters for data analysis. The results show that cetacean diversity, in the context of the Mediterranean basin, is generally quite low when compared with the eastern Atlantic, as few species, namely the striped dolphin, the bottlenose dolphin, the fin whale, and the sperm whale, dominate over all the others. However, some areas, such as the Alboran Sea or the north-western Mediterranean Sea, which includes the Pelagos Sanctuary (the Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Interest located in the northern portion of the western basin), show higher levels of diversity and should be considered hotspots to be preserved. Primary production and seabed profile seem to be the two main drivers influencing the presence and distribution of cetaceans, with the highest levels of diversity observed in areas characterized by high levels of primary production and high bathymetric variability and gradient. This collective work underlines the importance of data sharing to deepen our knowledge on marine fauna at the scale of the whole Mediterranean Sea and encourages greater efforts in the networking process, also to accomplish the requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, with particular reference to Descriptor 1: biological diversity is maintained