112 research outputs found

    Fine-root morphological and growth traits in a Turkey-oak stand in relation to seasonal changes in soil moisture in the Southern Apennines, Italy

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    We investigated the effects of seasonal changes in soil moisture on the morphological and growth traits of fine roots (<2 mm in diameter) in a mature Turkeyoak stand (Quercus cerris L.) in the Southern Apennines of Italy. Root samples (diameter: <0.5, 0.5\u20131.0, 1.0\u20131.5, and 1.5\u20132.0 mm) were collected with the Auger method. Mean annual fine-root mass and length on site was 443 g m!2 (oak fine roots 321 g m!2; other species 122 g m!2) and 3.18 km m!2 (oak fine roots 1.14 km m!2; other species 2.04 km m!2), respectively. Mean specific root length was 8.3 m g!1. All fine-root traits displayed a complex pattern that was significantly related to season. In the four diameter classes, both fineroot biomass and length peaked in summer when soil water content was the lowest and air temperature the highest of the season. Moreover, both fine-root biomass and length were inversely related with soil moisture (p < 0.001). The finest roots (<0.5 mm in diameter) constituted an important fraction of total fine-root length (79 %), but only 21 % of biomass. Only in this root class, consequent to change in mean diameter, specific root length peaked when soil water content was lowest showing an inverse relationship (p < 0.001). Furthermore, fine-root production and turnover decreased with increasing root diameter. These results suggest that changes in root length per unit mass, and pulses in root growth to exploit transient periods of low soil water content may enable trees to increase nutrient and water uptake under seasonal drought conditions

    Early pine root anatomy and primary and lateral root formation are affected by container size: implications in dry-summer climates

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    Although the presence of root anatomical structures of young Pinus ponderosa seedlings grown in containers of contrasting volume (164 vs. 7000 cm3) was similar, seedlings reared 60 days in the large container had more vascular cambium although the xylem thickness was similar. In addition, seedlings in large containers had nearly twice as many resin ducts within the vascular cambium as their cohorts in small containers. Taproot length closely matched container depth. Though lateral root emission rates were similar between container sizes, large container seedlings had more than 2X the number of lateral roots as those from small containers. These differences in morphophysiological characteristics may be important to seedling establishment on sites that experience dry summer conditions, or for seedlings destined to drier, harsher sites. Further work to elucidate the ramifications of these morphophysiological differences on seedling establishment is warranted

    Ongoing modifications to root system architecture of Pinus ponderosa growing on a sloped site revealed by tree-ring analysis

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    Abstract Our knowledge of the root system architecture of trees is still incomplete, especially concerning how biomass partitioning is regulated to achieve an optimal, but often unequal, distribution of resources. In addition, our comprehension of root system architecture development as a result of the adaptation process is limited because most studies lack a temporal approach. To add to our understanding, we excavated 32-year-old Pinus ponderosa trees from a steep, forested site in northern Idaho USA. The root systems were discretized by a low magnetic field digitizer and along with AMAPmod software we examined their root traits (i.e. order category, topology, growth direction length, and volume) in four quadrants: downslope, upslope, windward, and leeward. On one tree, we analyzed tree rings to compare the ages of lateral roots relative to their parental root, and to assess the occurrence of compression wood. We found that, from their onset, first-order lateral roots have similar patterns of ring eccentricity suggesting an innate ability to respond to different mechanical forces; more root system was allocated downslope and to the windward quadrant. In addition, we noted that shallow roots, which all presented compression wood, appear to be the most important component of anchorage. Finally, we observed that lateral roots can change growth direction in response to mechanical forces, as well as produce new lateral roots at any development stage and wherever along their axis. These findings suggest that trees adjust their root spatial deployment in response to environmental conditions, these roots form compression wood to dissipate mechanical forces, and new lateral roots can arise anywhere and at any time on the existing system in apparent response to mechanical forces

    Light spectra of biophilic LED-sourced system modify essential oils composition and plant morphology of Mentha piperita L. and Ocimum basilicum L

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    Investigating morphological and molecular mechanisms that plants adopt in response to artificial biophilic lighting is crucial for implementing biophilic approaches in indoor environments. Also, studying the essential oils (EOs) composition in aromatic plants can help unveil the light influence on plant metabolism and open new investigative routes devoted to producing valuable molecules for human health and commercial applications. We assessed the growth performance and the EOs composition of Mentha x piperita and Ocimum basilicum grown under an innovative artificial biophilic lighting system (CoeLux®), that enables the simulation of natural sunlight with a realistic sun perception, and compared it to high-pressure sodium lamps (control) We found that plants grown under the CoeLux® light type experienced a general suppression of both above and belowground biomass, a high leaf area, and a lower leaf thickness, which might be related to the shade avoidance syndrome. The secondary metabolites composition in the plants’ essential oils was scarcely affected by both light intensity and spectral composition of the CoeLux® light type, as similarities above 80% were observed with respect to the control light treatments and within both plant species. The major differences were detected with respect to the EOs extracted from plants grown under natural sunlight (52% similarity in M. piperita and 75% in O. basilicum). Overall, it can be speculated that the growth of these two aromatic plants under the CoeLux® lighting systems is a feasible strategy to improve biophilic approaches in closed environments that include both plants and artificial sunlight. Among the two plant species analyzed, O. basilicum showed an overall better performance in terms of both morphological traits and essential oil composition. To increase biomass production and enhance the EOs quality (e.g., higher menthol concentrations), further studies should focus on technical solutions to raise the light intensity irradiating plants during their growth under the CoeLux® lighting systems

    Lentils biodiversity: the characterization of two local landraces

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    A multi-disciplinary approach was used to characterize two autochthonous lentil landraces from Molise region (Central Italy). Different mature seed populations for each landrace were provided by the Molise Germoplasm Bank at the University of Molise (Pesche, Italy), and analyzed at the morphological and molecular (DNA and protein) levels. Nuclear ISSR markers were used to assess genetic differences, whereas phenotypic variability was detected by biochemical (proteomics) and morphological analyses. The genetic and phenotypic diversity of the two lentil landraces were well assessed in relation to their geographical provenance, supporting further studies to identify landrace markers

    Estimating forest aboveground biomass by low density lidar data in mixed broad-leaved forests in the Italian Pre-Alps

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    Background: Estimation of forest biomass on the regional and global scale is of great importance. Many studies have demonstrated that lidar is an accurate tool for estimating forest aboveground biomass. However, results vary with forest types, terrain conditions and the quality of the lidar data. Methods: In this study, we investigated the utility of low density lidar data (<2 points∙m−2) for estimating forest aboveground biomass in the mountainous forests of northern Italy. As a study site we selected a 4 km2 area in the Valsassina mountains in Lombardy Region. The site is characterized by mixed and broad-leaved forests with variable stand densities and tree species compositions, being representative for the entire Pre-Alps region in terms of type of forest and geomorphology. We measured and determined tree height, DBH and tree species for 27 randomly located circular plots (radius =10 m) in May 2008. We used allometric equations to calculate total aboveground tree biomass and subsequently plot-level aboveground biomass (mg∙ha−1). Lidar data were collected in June 2004. Results: Our results indicate that low density lidar data can be used to estimate forest aboveground biomass with acceptable accuracies. The best height results show a R2 = 0.87 from final model and the root mean square error (RMSE) 1.02 m (8.3% of the mean). The best biomass model explained 59% of the variance in the field biomass. Leave-one-out cross validation yielded an RMSE of 30.6 mg∙ha−1 (20.9% of the mean). Conclusions: Low-density lidar data can be used to develop a forest aboveground biomass model from plot-level lidar height measurements with acceptable accuracies. In order to monitoring the National Forest Inventory, and respond to Kyoto protocol requirements, this analysis might be applied to a larger area. Keywords: LiDAR; Allometric equations; Plant height; Mixed fores

    Reaction Wood Anatomical Traits and Hormonal Profiles in Poplar Bent Stem and Root

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    Reaction wood (RW) formation is an innate physiological response of woody plants to counteract mechanical constraints in nature, reinforce structure and redirect growth toward the vertical direction. Differences and/or similarities between stem and root response to mechanical constraints remain almost unknown especially in relation to phytohormones distribution and RW characteristics. Thus, Populus nigra stem and root subjected to static non-destructive mid-term bending treatment were analyzed. The distribution of tension and compression forces was firstly modeled along the main bent stem and root axis; then, anatomical features, chemical composition, and a complete auxin and cytokinin metabolite profiles of the stretched convex and compressed concave side of three different bent stem and root sectors were analyzed. The results showed that in bent stems RW was produced on the upper stretched convex side whereas in bent roots it was produced on the lower compressed concave side. Anatomical features and chemical analysis showed that bent stem RW was characterized by a low number of vessel, poor lignification, and high carbohydrate, and thus gelatinous layer in fiber cell wall. Conversely, in bent root, RW was characterized by high vessel number and area, without any significant variation in carbohydrate and lignin content. An antagonistic interaction of auxins and different cytokinin forms/conjugates seems to regulate critical aspects of RW formation/development in stem and root to facilitate upward/downward organ bending. The observed differences between the response stem and root to bending highlight how hormonal signaling is highly organ-dependent

    Anatomy of xylem and phloem in stems and roots of Populus sibirica and Ulmus pumila from semi-arid steppe in Mongolia

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    The present study focuses on the cambium and the anatomy of secondary tissues (xylem – wood and phloem) of Siberian poplar (Populus sibirica) and Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila) grown in a plantation in the semi-arid Mongolian steppe. Stem and root microcores from both species were collected and subsequently processed to obtain cross-sections for light microscopy by paraffin embedding, sectioning with a rotary microtome, and staining with safranin and astra blue. The results present the anatomy of the secondary xylem and phloem of stems and roots of both species, along with the characteristics of the youngest xylem and phloem annual rings. We discuss the critical aspects which need to be considered when using the microcoring methodology, along with the need for further studies on wood and phloem formation of less-commonly studied tree species and their characteristics when grown in semi-arid environments
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