2,887 research outputs found

    Analyse de l'activité de match chez l'arbitre de football par accéléromètre et critique des tests de sélection FIFA

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    Introduction : Depuis 2005, le « Test FIFA » est utilisé chez les arbitres de football, comme critère de sélection pour monter dans les échelons de l'arbitrage et chaque arbitre base son entraînement dans cet objectif. Ce test a été développé grâce aux nombreux travaux scientifiques, ayant utilisé l'analyse vidéo, afin de quantifier les activités de match des arbitres et analyser leur performance en cours de match. Objectifs : Le but de ce travail a été d'évaluer la performance de l'arbitre, lors d'un match de football, au moyen d'un accéléromètre en raison de sa facilité d'utilisation et en particulier d'évaluer si au cours du match, il existe une éventuelle diminution de la capacité de performance engendrée par la fatigue. Enfin, à la lumière des résultats, nous avons pu discuter du bien fondé du «test par intervalle proposé par la FIFA» comme moyen d'estimation de la capacité physique d'un arbitre. Méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude prospective basée sur une analyse descriptive. Les données ont été récoltées dans des stades de football suisses ≥1ère Ligue, du 01.12.2011 au 01.12.2012. Le groupe étudié était composé de 5 arbitres de football de sexe masculin, dont deux officiant en 1ère Ligue et faisant partie des talents de l'Association Cantonale Vaudoise de Football (ACVF) et trois en Super League et Challenge League. Les 5 arbitres ont été équipés d'un iPhone 3GS®, muni d'une application, capable d'enregistrer les déplacements sur le terrain (arrêt, marche et course). Le traitement des données a été effectué par un programme Matlab®, élaboré par le Laboratoire des Mesures d'Analyse du Mouvement (LMAM) de l'EPFL, tout comme l'application en question. Pour ce travail ont été considérées les phases et les fréquences d'arrêt, de marche et de course tout au long de l'évolution de la partie. Résultats : Durant les 90 minutes du match, la répartition se fait de la manière suivante : 13,74% du temps total où l'accéléromètre ne mesure aucune activité, 33,70% concernent une activité de course alors que le reste, 52,48% est de la marche. Avec l'avancement dans le match, il est constaté une augmentation des phases d'arrêt et une diminution du temps de course. Une intensité d'effort plus importante est observée lors des 15 premières minutes du match (environ  41,7% de course), alors qu'en fin de la partie, il y a une alternance de marche et de course avec des efforts de plus en plus brefs. La détermination de la médiane de durée des différents efforts a montré qu'un épisode de marche ou de course étaient de 5-6 secondes. De plus, les épisodes de marche ou de course étaient rarement >20 secondes. Discussion : Les résultats montrent que l'accéléromètre est un système de mesure facile d'utilisation, permettant un gain de temps dans l'analyse des données pour évaluer la performance sportive. Les principaux résultats de cette étude, ont mis en évidence une diminution de l'intensité des activités physiques de l'arbitre avec l'avancement du match, résultant soit de sa propre fatigue, soit de celle des joueurs dictant le rythme du jeu. Cette diminution se traduit par des déplacements de plus en plus brefs au fil du temps. La mesure de médiane du temps de course et de marche (5-6 sec) correspond à une activité aérobie pour la marche et anaérobie alactique pour la course. Par conséquent, le « test par intervalle » de la FIFA actuel ne nous semble pas adéquat en raison de sa filière énergétique de type anaérobique lactique. Conclusion : Cette étude pilote apporte un nouveau type d'instrumentation efficace et simple, jamais employé auparavant dans l'analyse des activités de match des arbitres de football. Il permet d'explorer des mouvements avec précision au fil du match et apporte un nouvel aspect sur la quantification de performance des arbitres non exploré jusqu'ici. Après analyse de l'ensemble des paramètres, il semble que le test FIFA ne soit pas adapté à la performance exigée par l'arbitrage

    La Spagnola : The Spanish Maiden

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    Guidelines for the monitoring of Lucanus cervus

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    Lucanus cervus is one of the most charismatic saproxylic beetles, widely distributed in Europe. The species is typical of mature deciduous forests, especially oak woodlands. Loss and fragmentation of suitable habitats is one of the major threats for this species which is included in Annex II of the Habitats Directive. Despite several studies carried out in the last years for the monitoring methods of the species, an analytical comparison between them is still lacking. The aims of this paper are (i) to review the current knowledge about systematics, ecology and conservation practices on L. cervus and (ii) to present the research carried out during the Life MIPP project, in order to define a standard monitoring method with a suitable protocol to be used for addressing the obligations of the Habitats Directive. Overall, five methods were tested during three years in two different study areas. Based on these results, a suitable standard method for L. cervus is proposed in this paper and, in order to assess the conservation status of populations and to compare them over time, a simple method for the calculation of a reference value is provided

    The use of airborne LiDAR data for the analysis of debris flow events in Switzerland

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    A methodology of magnitude estimates for debris flow events is described using airborne LiDAR data. Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) is a widely used technology to generate digital elevation information. LiDAR data in alpine regions can be obtained by several commercial companies where the automated filtering process is proprietary and varies from companies to companies. This study describes the analysis of geomorphologic changes using digital terrain models derived from commercial LiDAR data. The estimation of the deposition volumes is based on two digital terrain models covering the same area but differing in their time of survey. In this study two surveyed deposition areas of debris flows, located in the canton of Berne, Switzerland, were chosen as test cases. We discuss different grid interpolating techniques, other preliminary work and the accuracy of the used LiDAR data and volume estimates

    Simultaneous evaluation of multiple microarray surface chemistries through real-time interferometric imaging.

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    Surface chemistry is a crucial aspect for microarray modality biosensor development. The immobilization capability of the functionalized surface is indeed a limiting factor for the final yield of the binding reaction. In this work, we were able to simultaneously compare the functionality of protein ligands that were locally immobilized on different polymers, while on the same solid support, therefore demonstrating a new way of multiplexing. Our goal was to investigate, in a single experiment, both the immobilization efficiency of a group of reactive polymers and the resulting affinity of the tethered molecules. This idea was demonstrated by spotting many reactive polymers on a Si/SiO2 chip and depositing the molecular probes on the spots immediately after. As a proof of concept, we focused on which polymers would better immobilize a model protein (α-Lactalbumin) and a peptide (LAC-1). We successfully showed that this protocol is applicable to proteins and peptides with a good efficiency. By means of real-time binding measurements performed with the interferometric reflectance imaging sensor (IRIS), local functionalization proved to be comparable to the classical flat coating solution. The final outcome highlights the multiplexing power of this method: first, it allows to characterize dozens of polymers at once. Secondly, it removes the limitation, related to coated surfaces, that only molecules with the same functional groups can be tethered to the same solid support. By applying this protocol, many types of molecules can be studied simultaneously and immobilization for each probe can be individually optimized.766466 (INDEX) - Horizon 2020 Framework Programmehttps://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/itempdf74155353254prod/8976347/Simultaneous_Evaluation_of_Multiple_Microarray_Surface_Chemistries_Through_Real-Time_Interferometric_Imaging_v1.pdfFirst author draf

    Field Induced Staggered Magnetization and Magnetic Ordering in Cu2(C5H12N2)2Cl4Cu_2 (C_5 H_{12} N_2)_2 Cl_4

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    We present a 2^2D NMR investigation of the gapped spin-1/2 compound Cu2(C5H12N2)2Cl4Cu_2 (C_5 H_{12} N_2)_2 Cl_4. Our measurements reveal the presence of a magnetic field induced transverse staggered magnetization (TSM) which persists well below and above the field-induced 3D long-range magnetically ordered (FIMO) phase. The symmetry of this TSM is different from that of the TSM induced by the order parameter of the FIMO phase. Its origin, field dependence and symmetry can be explained by an intra-dimer Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, as shown by DMRG calculations on a spin-1/2 ladder. This leads us to predict that the transition into the FIMO phase is not in the BEC universality class.Comment: 4 page

    A Model Checker for Operator Precedence Languages

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    The problem of extending model checking from finite state machines to procedural programs has fostered much research toward the definition of temporal logics for reasoning on context-free structures. The most notable of such results are temporal logics on Nested Words, such as CaRet and NWTL. Recently, Precedence Oriented Temporal Logic (POTL) has been introduced to specify and prove properties of programs coded trough an Operator Precedence Language (OPL). POTL is complete w.r.t. the FO restriction of the MSO logic previously defined as a logic fully equivalent to OPL. POTL increases NWTL's expressive power in a perfectly parallel way as OPLs are more powerful that nested words.In this article, we produce a model checker, named POMC, for OPL programs to prove properties expressed in POTL. To the best of our knowledge, POMC is the first implemented and openly available model checker for proving tree-structured properties of recursive procedural programs. We also report on the experimental evaluation we performed on POMC on a nontrivial benchmark

    Análise e comparação filogenética de expansinas presentes em Urochloa decumbens cv Basilick.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar 4 expansinas de Urochloa decumbens, verificando a similaridade e a homologia delas com as de outras plantas

    Optical sensing in microchip capillary electrophoresis by femtosecond laser written waveguides

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    Capillary electrophoresis separation in an on-chip integrated microfluidic channel is typically monitored with bulky, bench-top optical excitation/detection instrumentation. Optical waveguides allow confinement and transport of light in the chip directing it to a small volume of the microfluidic channel and collecting the emitted/transmitted radiation. However, the fabrication of optical waveguides or more complex photonic components integrated with the microfluidic channels is not a straightforward process, since it requires a localized increase of the refractive index of the substrate.\ud Recently, a novel technique has emerged for the direct writing of waveguides and photonic circuits in transparent glass substrates by focused femtosecond laser pulses.\ud In this work we demonstrate the integration of femtosecond laser written optical waveguides into a commercial microfluidic chip. We fabricate high quality waveguides intersecting the microchannels at arbitrary positions and use them to optically address with high spatial selectivity their content. In particular, we apply our technique to integrate optical detection in microchip capillary electrophoresis. Waveguides are inscribed at the end of the separation channel in order to optically excite the different plugs reaching that point; fluorescence from the labelled biomolecules crossing the waveguide output is efficiently collected at a 90° angle by a high numerical aperture optical fiber. The sensitivity of the integrated optical detection system was first evaluated filling the chip with a dye solution, obtaining a minimum detectable concentration of 40 pM. \ud After dynamic coating of the microchannels with an EPDMA polymer we demonstrate electrophoresis of an oligonucleotide plug with concentration down to 1 nM and wavelength-selective monitoring of on-chip separation of three fluorescent dyes. Work is in progress on separation and detection of fluorescent-labeled DNA fragments, targeting specific, diagnostically relevant regions of a template DNA, for application to the detection of chromosome aberrations

    Quantum-critical spin dynamics in quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnets

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    By means of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1, we follow the spin dynamics as a function of the applied magnetic field in two gapped one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets: the anisotropic spin-chain system NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2 and the spin-ladder system (C5H12N)2CuBr4. In both systems, spin excitations are confirmed to evolve from magnons in the gapped state to spinons in the gapples Tomonaga-Luttinger-liquid state. In between, 1/T1 exhibits a pronounced, continuous variation, which is shown to scale in accordance with quantum criticality. We extract the critical exponent for 1/T1, compare it to the theory, and show that this behavior is identical in both studied systems, thus demonstrating the universality of quantum critical behavior