69 research outputs found

    In vivo characterization of cerebral networks with functional and structural magnetic resonance techniques

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    2012/2013Lo studio delle connessioni anatomiche e funzionali del cervello risulta essere un passo essenziale per comprendere i meccanismi alla base del funzionamento cerebrale. Diverse tecniche di Neuroimmagini sono state sviluppate negli ultimi anni al fine di approfondire la conoscenza della connettività cerebrale umana in vivo. Il presente studio si articola in quattro differenti esperimenti condotti su gruppi di soggetti sani e non, per valutare la validità di differenti tecniche e della loro combinazione nella caratterizzazione della connettività anatomica e funzionale e delle alterazioni che essa subisce nell'ambito di differenti patologie.XXVI Ciclo198

    Benessere e clima scolastico nelle scuole primarie del Veneto: La voce degli insegnanti

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    The TALIS international survey on teaching and learning has been collecting teachers' attitudes, opinions, and representations about schoolwork experience, school, and working conditions since 2008. This article presents a survey involving 611 primary school teachers from the Veneto region (Italy), which aimed to investigate teachers' perceptions of school climate and well-being at the end of the 2020/2021 school year. The research used some parts of the tool used in TALIS to investigate whether most teachers work in contexts with a positive professional climate. The results show a high perception of work-related stress, which could interfere with classroom teaching and confirm factors related to a positive school climate, including mutual respect for colleagues' ideas and the possibility of open discussions.L’indagine internazionale TALIS sull’insegnamento e apprendimento rileva dal 2008 atteggiamenti, opinioni e rappresentazioni degli insegnanti sull’esperienza lavorativa scolastica, sulla scuola e sulle condizioni lavorative. L’articolo presenta una ricerca che ha coinvolto 611 insegnanti di scuola primaria statale del Veneto e che ha avuto lo scopo di indagare la percezione dei docenti rispetto al clima e al benessere scolastico alla fine dell’anno scolastico 2020/2021. La ricerca ha utilizzato alcune parti dello strumento utilizzato in TALIS per indagare se la gran parte degli insegnanti lavori in contesti dal clima professionale positivo. I risultati denotano un’elevata percezione del livello di stresso lavoro-correlato, che potrebbe interferire con la didattica in classe, e confermano i fattori correlati alla presenza nelle scuole di un clima positivo, tra cui il rispetto reciproco per le idee dei colleghi e la possibilità di confrontarsi apertamente

    Long-Term Macular Vascular Changes after Primary Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Surgery Resolved with Different Tamponade or Different Surgical Techniques

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    Simple Summary Primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is an acute threat to visual impairment due to a retinal break that allows the passage of vitreous fluid into the subretinal space. Although it is clear that functional results are influenced by retinal detachment extension and surgical timing, we do not have definitive indications on post-operative changes in macular microcirculation and how they might affect visual performance. The study aims to evaluate the long-term macular vascular changes and their correlation with functional recovery in patients successfully treated for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. We found a reduction of the vascular density in the operated eyes, not influenced by surgical techniques, independently from the pre-operative detachment extension. However, we found that functional recovery is influenced by different intraoperative choices. In conclusion, such visual acuity and microvascular changes can be considered biomarkers that highlight the relevance of careful management of this sight-threatening disease. Background: The aim of this study was to assess long-term macular vascular changes and their correlation with functional recovery in patients successfully treated for Macula-ON and Macula-OFF rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). Methods: This retrospective observational study included 82 eyes of 82 patients who received primary successful retinal detachment surgery, 33 Macula-ON and 49 Macula-OFF. Superficial and deep capillary plexuses (SCP and DCP) were evaluated by optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), and were correlated with visual acuity (VA), surgical technique and tamponade at 12 months after surgery. The fellow eyes were used as controls. Results: At 12-month follow-up, there was a significant decrease in the vessel density (VD) in the SCP in the operated eyes compared to control eyes (p < 0.05) in both the Macula-ON and Macula-OFF groups. Vessel length density (VLD) decrease in SCP was more extended in the Macula-OFF group. No difference in the DCP perfusion parameters was found, compared to controls. Subgroup analysis dependent on the type of surgery or tamponade showed no significant differences of VD and VLD. An inverse correlation was found between the SCP VD and the duration of silicone oil (SO) tamponade (p = 0.039). A significant correlation was observed between parafoveal SCP VD and final best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) (p = 0.028). The multivariate linear regression analysis showed that only the type of tamponade was significantly correlated with the final BCVA in the Macula-ON group (p = 0.004). Conclusions: Our study described long-term perfusion changes in RRD after surgery, with lower SCP VD and VLD in the operated eyes compared to the fellow ones, not influenced by type of surgery or tamponade. The choice of tamponade and SO removal timing may affect functional outcomes, especially in Macula-ON RRD. In conclusion, such functional and perfusion changes can be considered biomarkers that highlight the relevance of careful management of this sight-threatening disease

    Brain connectomics' modification to clarify motor and nonmotor features of myotonic dystrophy type 1

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    The adult form of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) presents with paradoxical inconsistencies between severity of brain damage, relative preservation of cognition, and failure in everyday life. This study, based on the assessment of brain connectivity and mechanisms of plasticity, aimed at reconciling these conflicting issues. Resting-state functional MRI and graph theoretical methods of analysis were used to assess brain topological features in a large cohort of patients with DM1. Patients, compared to controls, revealed reduced connectivity in a large frontoparietal network that correlated with their isolated impairment in visuospatial reasoning. Despite a global preservation of the topological properties, peculiar patterns of frontal disconnection and increased parietal-cerebellar connectivity were also identified in patients' brains. The balance between loss of connectivity and compensatory mechanisms in different brain networks might explain the paradoxical mismatch between structural brain damage and minimal cognitive deficits observed in these patients. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of brain abnormalities that fit well with both motor and nonmotor clinical features experienced by patients in their everyday life. The current findings suggest that measures of functional connectivity may offer the possibility of characterizing individual patients with the potential to become a clinical tool

    Correlation between Choriocapillaris Density and Retinal Sensitivity in Stargardt Disease

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    The aim of this work was to characterize the choriocapillaris (CC) in patients with Stargardt disease (STGD) using the swept source widefield optical coherence tomography angiography (SS WF OCTA) and to compare CC perfusion density to retinal sensitivity, analyzed using microperimetry (MP). This cross-sectional study included 9 patients (18 eyes) with STGD and central CC atrophy (stage 3 STGD). The CC was analyzed using SS WF OCTA and areas of different CC impairment were quantified and correlated with retinal sensitivity analyzed using MP. The main outcome measures were the percent perfused choriocapillaris area (PPCA), retinal sensitivity, and correlation between PPCA and retinal sensitivity. Seventeen eyes of 9 patients suffering from stage 3 STGD were analyzed. SS WF OCTA revealed a vascular rarefaction in central atrophic zones and a near atrophy halo of choriocapillaris impairment. In all eyes were noticed a central atrophy (CA) area with absolute absence of CC that corresponded to 0 dB points at MP, a near atrophy (NA) zone of PPCA impairment that included points with decreased sensitivity at MP and a distant from atrophy (DA) zone with higher PPCA and retinal sensitivity values. The mean difference of PPCA and retinal sensitivity between NA and CA and DA and CA was statistical significantly different (p < 0.01), the latter showing higher values. A direct relationship between PPCA and retinal sensitivity was found (p < 0.001). Choriocapillaris damage evaluated using SS WF OCTA correlates with MP, these data suggest that CC impairment may be a predictor of retinal function in patients with STGD

    COVID-19 And Breast Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Method: What Should We Change?

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    Air-dried slide preparation for fine needle aspiration cytology procedures, is currently considered unsafe because of the risk of infectious aerosols of Coronavirus 19. This study compares the safety and accuracy of two different protocols, one with and one without air-dried slides

    Massive transcriptome sequencing of human spinal cord tissues provides new insights into motor neuron degeneration in als

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    ALS is a devastating and debilitating human disease characterized by the progressive death of upper and lower motor neurons. Although much effort has been made to elucidate molecular determinants underlying the onset and progression of the disorder, the causes of ALS remain largely unknown. In the present work, we have deeply sequenced whole transcriptome from spinal cord ventral horns of post-mortem ALS human donors affected by the sporadic form of the disease (which comprises ∼90% of the cases but which is less investigated than the inherited form of the disease). We observe 1160 deregulated genes including 18 miRNAs and show that down regulated genes are mainly of neuronal derivation while up regulated genes have glial origin and tend to be involved in neuroinflammation or cell death. Remarkably, we find strong deregulation of SNAP25 and STX1B at both mRNA and protein levels suggesting impaired synaptic function through SNAP25 reduction as a possible cause of calcium elevation and glutamate excitotoxicity. We also note aberrant alternative splicing but not disrupted RNA editing

    Microstructural damage of the posterior corpus callosum contributes to the clinical severity of neglect

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    One theory to account for neglect symptoms in patients with right focal damage invokes a release of inhibition of the right parietal cortex over the left parieto-frontal circuits, by disconnection mechanism. This theory is supported by transcranial magnetic stimulation studies showing the existence of asymmetric inhibitory interactions between the left and right posterior parietal cortex, with a right hemispheric advantage. These inhibitory mechanisms are mediated by direct transcallosal projections located in the posterior portions of the corpus callosum. The current study, using diffusion imaging and tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS), aims at assessing, in a data-driven fashion, the contribution of structural disconnection between hemispheres in determining the presence and severity of neglect. Eleven patients with right acute stroke and 11 healthy matched controls underwent MRI at 3T, including diffusion imaging, and T1-weighted volumes. TBSS was modified to account for the presence of the lesion and used to assess the presence and extension of changes in diffusion indices of microscopic white matter integrity in the left hemisphere of patients compared to controls, and to investigate, by correlation analysis, whether this damage might account for the presence and severity of patients' neglect, as assessed by the Behavioural Inattention Test (BIT). None of the patients had any macroscopic abnormality in the left hemisphere; however, 3 cases were discarded due to image artefacts in the MRI data. Conversely, TBSS analysis revealed widespread changes in diffusion indices in most of their left hemisphere tracts, with a predominant involvement of the corpus callosum and its projections on the parietal white matter. A region of association between patients' scores at BIT and brain FA values was found in the posterior part of the corpus callosum. This study strongly supports the hypothesis of a major role of structural disconnection between the right and left parietal cortex in determining 'neglect'

    Tissue-specific mtDNA abundance from exome data and its correlation with mitochondrial transcription, mass and respiratory activity.

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    Eukaryotic cells contain a population of mitochondria, variable in number and shape, which in turn contain multiple copies of a tiny compact genome (mtDNA) whose expression and function is strictly coordinated with the nuclear one. mtDNA copy number varies between different cell or tissues types, both in response to overall metabolic and bioenergetics demands and as a consequence or cause of specific pathological conditions. Here we present a novel and reliable methodology to assess the effective mtDNA copy number per diploid genome by investigating off-target reads obtained by whole-exome sequencing (WES) experiments. We also investigate whether and how mtDNA copy number correlates with mitochondrial mass, respiratory activity and expression levels. Analyzing six different tissues from three age- and sex-matched human individuals, we found a highly significant linear correlation between mtDNA copy number estimated by qPCR and the frequency of mtDNA off target WES reads. Furthermore, mtDNA copy number showed highly significant correlation with mitochondrial gene expression levels as measured by RNA-Seq as well as with mitochondrial mass and respiratory activity. Our methodology makes thus feasible, at a large scale, the investigation of mtDNA copy number in diverse cell-types, tissues and pathological conditions or in response to specific treatments.This work was supported by Ministero dell'Istruzione, Università e Ricerca (projects PRIN-2009, Micromap [PON01_02589], Virtualab [PON01_01297]) and by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (progetto strategico “Medicina personalizzata”, progetto strategico “Invecchiamento”, progetto bandiera “Epigen”)