83 research outputs found

    Immediate versus delayed loading: comparison of primary stability loss after miniscrew placement in orthodontic patients-a single-centre blinded randomized clinical trial

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    Introduction: The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to compare torque recordings at insertion time and 1 week post-placement between immediately loaded orthodontic miniscrews and an unloaded control group. Trial design: This RCT was designed as parallel with an allocation ratio of 1:1. Methods: Eligibility criteria to enroll patients were: needs of fixed orthodontic treatment, no systemic disease, absence of using drugs altering bone metabolism. All patients were consecutively treated in a private practice and the miniscrews were placed by the same author. Patients received ORTHOImplant (3M Unitek) miniscrews and they were blindly divided in two groups: group 1 screws were unloaded between T0 and T1, group 2 received immediately loaded screws with NiTi coil. For each patient, maximum insertion torque (MIT) was evaluated at T0. After 1 week, without loading, the screw torque was measured again (T1) and at the end of the treatment maximal removal torque was evaluated (T2). Torque variation in the first week was considered as the primary outcome. Randomization: A randomization list was created for the group assignment, with an allocation ratio of 1:1. Blinding: The study was single blinded in regard of the statistical analysis. Results: Patients enrolled in the clinical trial were 51 for a total of 81 miniscrews. The recruitment started in November 2012 and the observation period ended in August 2014. Twenty-six and twenty-five patients were analysed in group 1 and 2, respectively. The MIT mean in each placement time was 18.25 Ncm (SD = 3.00), 11.41 Ncm (SD = 3.51) and 10.52 Ncm (SD = 5.14) at T0, T1, and T2 time, respectively. In group 1, the torque decrease between T1 and T0 was statistically higher compared to group 2 (P value = 0.003). Statistically significant effects of the placement times on MIT were found (P value <0.0001). No serious harm was observed. Limitations: This study was performed using only direct force on the miniscrew and not using the miniscrew as an indirect anchorage. It was not possible to obtain quantitative data on bone quality or root proximity to miniscrews. Conclusions: A significant stability loss was observed in the first week in both groups; Group 1 showed a statistically higher torque loss in the first week when compared to the immediately loaded group. There were statistically significant effects of the measurement times on MIT and of the miniscrew location on MIT. The overall failure rate was 7.4%. Trial registration: This trial was not registered. Protocol: The protocol was not published before trial commencement

    Tooth loss caused by displaced elastic during simple preprosthetic orthodontic treatment

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    The use of elastics to close a diastema or correct tooth malpositions can create unintended consequences if not properly controlled. The American Association of Orthodontists recently issued a consumer alert, warning of "a substantial risk for irreparable damage" from a new trend called "do-it-yourself" orthodontics, consisting of patients autonomously using elastics to correct tooth position. The elastics can work their way below the gums and around the roots of the teeth, causing damage to the periodontium and even resulting in tooth loss. The cost of implants to replace these teeth would well exceed the cost of proper orthodontic care. This damage could also occur in a dental office, when a general dentist tries to perform a simplified orthodontic correction of a minor tooth malposition. The present case report describes a case of tooth loss caused by a displaced intraoral elastic, which occurred during a simple preprosthetic orthodontic treatment

    Arbovirus Screening in Mosquitoes in Emilia-Romagna (Italy, 2021) and Isolation of Tahyna Virus

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    Several viruses can be transmitted by mosquitoes. We searched some of these viruses in 20,778 mosquitoes, collected in 95 traps on the plains of Emilia-Romagna (North of Italy) in 2021. We detected West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) in pools of Culex (Cx.) pipiens. In addition, we detected two insect-specific flaviviruses in three pools of Aedes (Ae.) caspius and in two of Ae. vexans. Tahyna virus (TAHV) was detected in six pools, three of Ae. caspius and three of Cx. pipiens, and one isolated strain was obtained from one of the Ae. caspius pools. Moreover, we detected TAHV in pools of several mosquito species (Ae. caspius, Ae. vexans, Ae. albopictus, Anopheles maculipennis s.l.) collected in the previous year of surveillance. Our data indicate Ae. caspius as the species most infected with TAHV in the surveyed area. Together with the likely plasticity of the cycle, we reported strong genome stability of the TAHV, probably linked to a successful adaptation of the virus to its ecological niche. Interestingly, in six pools of Cx. pipiens we detected two associated viruses among USUV, WNV, TAHV and all the three viruses in two pools. This result allows us to assume the presence of particular conditions that prompt the circulation of arboviruses, creating the conditions for viral hot spots. While no human diseases related to Tahyna virus were reported in Italy, its detection over the years suggests that it is worth investigating this virus as a potential cause of disease in humans in order to assess its health burden. IMPORTANCE We reported in this work the detection of three Arboviruses (Arthropod-borne viruses) in mosquitoes collected in Emilia-Romagna in 2021. In addition to West Nile and Usutu viruses, which were reported from more than 10 years in the study area, we detected and isolated Tahyna virus (TAHV). We also reported detections of TAHV obtained in previous years of surveillance in different species of mosquitoes. TAHV is the potential causative agent of summer influenza-like diseases and also of meningitis. Even if human cases of disease referable to this virus are not reported in Italy, its relevant presence in mosquitoes suggests investigating the possibility they could

    Reconstructing the recent West Nile virus lineage 2 epidemic in Europe and Italy using discrete and continuous phylogeography

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    West Nile virus lineage 2 (WNV-2) was mainly confined to sub-Saharan Africa until the early 2000s, when it was identified for the first time in Central Europe causing outbreaks of human and animal infection. The aim of this study was to reconstruct the origin and dispersion of WNV-2 in Central Europe and Italy on a phylodynamic and phylogeographical basis. To this aim, discrete and continuous space phylogeographical models were applied to a total of 33 newly characterised full-length viral genomes obtained from mosquitoes, birds and humans in Northern Italy in the years 2013-2015 aligned with 64 complete sequences isolated mainly in Europe. The European isolates segregated into two highly significant clades: a small one including three sequences and a large clade including the majority of isolates obtained in Central Europe since 2004. Discrete phylogeographical analysis showed that the most probable location of the root of the largest European clade was in Hungary a mean 12.78 years ago. The European clade bifurcated into two highly supported subclades: one including most of the Central/East European isolates and the other encompassing all of the isolates obtained in Greece. The continuous space phylogeographical analysis of the Italian clade showed that WNV-2 entered Italy in about 2008, probably by crossing the Adriatic sea and reaching a central area of the Po Valley. The epidemic then spread simultaneously eastward, to reach the region of the Po delta in 2013, and westward to the border area between Lombardy and Piedmont in 2014; later, the western strain changed direction southward, and reached the central area of the Po valley once again in 2015. Over a period of about seven years, the virus spread all over an area of northern Italy by following the Po river and its main tributaries

    When the baby cries at night. Inelastic buyers in non-competitive markets *

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    Abstract We investigate empirically how sellers react to changes in the population of their consumers, identifying the effects of demand composition and demand size with limited information on costs. We show how pharmacists in Italy selectively increase the price of some products when they observe in their cities an exogenous influx of parents of newborns, conceivably less elastic buyers as compared with other more experienced and less pressed consumers. Exploiting population based laws that fix the number of pharmacies in a city, we use RDD to measure the effect of competition on sellers' ability to extract surplus from less elastic buyers. JEL-Code: D43, D83 L13
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