1,557 research outputs found

    The size, shape, and dynamics of cellular blebs

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    A cellular bleb grows when a portion of the cell membrane detaches from the underlying cortex under the influence of a cytoplasmic pressure. We develop a quantitative model for the growth and dynamics of these objects in a simple two-dimensional setting. In particular, we first find the minimum cytoplasmic pressure and minimum unsupported membrane length for a stationary bleb to nucleate and grow as a function of the membrane-cortex adhesion. We next show how a bleb may travel around the periphery of the cell when the cytoplasmic pressure varies in space and time in a prescribed way and find that the traveling speed is governed by the speed of the pressure change induced by local cortical contraction while the shape of the traveling bleb is governed by the speed of cortical healing. Finally, we relax the assumption that the pressure change is prescribed and couple it hydrodynamically to the cortical contraction and membrane deformation. By quantifying the phase space of bleb formation and dynamics, our framework serves to delineate the range and scope of bleb-associated cell motility and synthesizes a variety of experimental observations

    Travoprost Induced Granulomatous Anterior Uveitis

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    Purpose. To report a case of granulomatous anterior uveitis caused by travoprost. Methods. Single observational case report. Results. A 71-year-old who was fit and healthy presented with bilateral granulomatous anterior uveitis 2 months after he was started on travoprost in both eyes. There was no past history of uveitis. Blood test and radiological investigation were unremarkable. Travoprost was stopped. The uveitis resolved on topical steroid treatment. A rechallenge with travoprost was attempted in one eye. The inflammation recurred in this eye only. This subsided with the cessation of travoprost alone without topical steroid. Conclusion. This is the first case report of travoprost causing granulomatous anterior uveitis. The uveitis recurred with a rechallenge. Changing the prostaglandin analogue to another topical treatment may be adequate to cease the inflammation

    Asia's Experience in the Quest for a Regional Human Rights Mechanism

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    The article outlines the development of a regional human rights charter in Asia.  The article provides an historical overview of the efforts made to establish a charter, concluding that after fourteen UN workshops Asia still has not established any human rights mechanism.  However, the author notes that some encouraging progress has been made.  The article also identifies factors present in Asia that have hindered progress in establishing a regional mechanism and concludes with an outlook on how to proceed

    Review of The Messenger Bird by Ruth Eastham

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    Review of The Messenger Bird by Ruth Eastha

    Contingent Valuation Method: Valuing Cultural Heritage

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    Cultural heritage is not easy to be valued in a market because it is a very unique product which gives a community (ies), nation(s) an identity and a sense of belonging. Debate on the valuation of cultural heritage surrounds despite growing attention by economists and policy makers. The attention on the estimation of economic values for cultural goods and services has been great by economics throughout the past two decades (Choi, et al., 2009; Kaminski, McLoughlin, & Sodagar, 2007; Navrud & Ready, 2002, Noonan, 2003; Venkatachalam, 2004). The two stated preference methods which are commonly used in valuing non-use goods; i.e. contingent valuation method and choice modelling. Each of these two valuation method has its own strengths and weaknesses and may even complement each other depending on the parameters of the study. However, according to Kaminski et al., 2007; Noonan, 2003, the usage of choice modelling to estimate cultural values has been limited due to the growing usage of contingent valuation. Therefore, this paper will discuss contingent valuation method in valuing amenities and aim to contribute the knowledge on contingent valuation method for nonmarket goods. (Abstract by author

    Controlling metamaterial resonances via dielectric and aspect ratio effects

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    We study ways to enhance the sensitivity and dynamic tuning range of the fundamental inductor-capacitor (LC) resonance in split ring resonators (SRRs) by controlling the aspect ratio of the SRRs and their substrate thickness. We conclude that both factors can significantly affect the LC resonance. We show that metafilms consisting of low height SRRs on a thin substrate are most sensitive to changes in their dielectric environment and thus show excellent potential for sensing applications.Comment: 4 pages with 4 figure

    Power Quality Management and Classification for Smart Grid Application using Machine Learning

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    The Efficient Wavelet-based Convolutional Transformer network (EWT-ConvT) is proposed to detect power quality disturbances in time-frequency domain using attention mechanism. The support of machine learning further improves the network accuracy with synthetic signal generation and less system complexity under practical environment. The proposed EWT-ConvT can achieve 94.42% accuracy which is superior than other deep learning models. The detection of disturbances using EWT-ConvT can also be implemented into smart grid applications for real-time embedded system development

    Children - Our Heritage

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    "An inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Thursday, January 23, 1992"


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    Entrepreneurship plays an important role in contributing to the nation economic growth and creates job opportunities to the country. Ministry of education in Malaysia has even included entrepreneurship as part of the syllabus in higher learning education in order to foster local entrepreneurs among learners. Entrepreneurship education has become an important curriculum in the higher education institutions in Malaysia (Ismail et al., 2009) and a core subject for most programmes in Malaysia. A subject by itself, entrepreneurship, has been embedded into the programmes and entrepreneurship is offered as a programme even in several public and private higher education providers, Open University Malaysia (OUM) too has a course under the university compulsory category in the academic for all offered programme in the curriculum called Entrepreneurship with code OUMM2103. This course has become popular and receptive by the undergraduates in OUM. Entrepreneurship education has now become an essential component to cultivate the potential entrepreneurs in the higher learning institutions. According to Ismail et al., (2009), entrepreneurship education is the most effective way to promote the transition of graduates toward the selfemployment. This study aims to investigate the factors which will influence the entrepreneurship intention among OUM learners using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of the finding shows there are a significant influence of attitude and perceive behavioural control to entrepreneurship intention. However, subjective norms do not significantly influence the entrepreneurship intention among OUM learners. The overall findings of this research have limitations in terms to generalise the results. The results of this study will be able to provide an insight to the educators to help all learners to develop their abilities and skills to produce a higher rate of entrepreneurs in the nation. (Abstract by author