494 research outputs found

    Distortion products of otoacoustic emissions and their role in assessing hearing loss in young children

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    Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: Hearing loss in children is far beyond the scope of otology, since audition is the basis of developing speech and cognitive abilities, as well as the child’s personality. Due to its incidence and severe consequences that often lead to disability, hearing loss remains an acute issue for scholars and specialists of various fields. Material and methods: There have been studied distortion products otoacoustic emissions in children from two groups: the control group included 30 children, aged between 1-36 months, with normal hearing; whereas the study group consisted of 110 children aged between 1-36 months with sensorineural deafness. Rezults: We studied auditory distortion products (ADP) in the control group of children, where prior impedance had excluded any middle ear pathology, whereas the medical history data regarding the functional development of the auditory system and behavioral audiometry showed normal hearing. We studied ADP at frequencies of 500; 750; 1000; 1500; 2000; 3000; 4000 and 6000 Hz. The analysis of the obtained results revealed some particularities of the ADPs according to the tested frequencies. Thus, ADPs recording that explores 1000 Hz; 1500Hz; 2000Hz; 3000Hz; 4000Hz and 6000Hz frequencies showed no difficulty, being 100% recorded in all children within the control group. The background noise varied from – 10 dB SPL to – 20 dB SPL. Low frequencies were difficult to assess due to a significant environmental noise which in some cases was higher than the ADP amplitude. Conclusions: As a result of ADP recording carried out in examined children, we conclude: the ADP recording, namely the “ADP audiogram” test, is an objective method with high sensitivity, which can be used in hearing screening in early childhood. The criterion for impaired hearing based on the “ADP audiogram” is the spectral interruption for frequencies higher than 1000 Hz


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    Deflection structures factors for improve the fish habitat. Case study nicolet river (Quebec-Canada). Există câţiva factori care joacă un rol important în definirea calităţii habitatului fizic al râurilor, speciile de peşti manifestând preferinţe pentru anumite elemente hidraulice (viteză, adâncime, tipul sedimentelor etc). Un habitat sănătos este în mod normal caracterizat printr-o succesiune morfologică de vaduri şi adâncuri cu impact în oxigenarea apei, reproducerea şi hrănirea peştilor etc. Datorită importanţei recreaţionale a pescuitului, în Canada există un număr foarte mare de proiecte de îmbunătăţire a habitatului piscicol. In acest sens, deflectorii amplasaţi în albiile cursurilor de apă s-au dovedit a fi metoda cea mai de succes pentru habitatul păstrăvilor. Pe râul Nicolet (Quebec-Canada) a fost monitorizată influenţa unor astfel de structuri inginereşti asupra menţinerii în timp a structurii de adânc. Din analiza evoluţiei morfologice şi morfometrice a adâncurilor (prin folosirea diferitelor ridicări topografice succesive din perioada 2000-2007), rezultă faptul că structurile inginereşti au un rol benefic în menţinerea unui habitat propice pentru peşti

    Interpretable Time Series Models for Wastewater Modeling in Combined Sewer Overflows

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    Climate change poses increasingly complex challenges to our society. Extreme weather events such as floods, wild fires or droughts are becoming more frequent, spontaneous and difficult to foresee or counteract. In this work we specifically address the problem of sewage water polluting surface water bodies after spilling over from rain tanks as a consequence of heavy rain events. We investigate to what extent state-of-the-art interpretable time series models can help predict such critical water level points, so that the excess can promptly be redistributed across the sewage network. Our results indicate that modern time series models can contribute to better waste water management and prevention of environmental pollution from sewer systems. All the code and experiments can be found in our repository: https://github.com/TeodorChiaburu/RIWWER_TimeSeries.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, presented at iSCSi 2023 Lisbo

    Regime change in Romania: A quarter-century impact on libraries

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    This paper takes a fresh look at the transformative events that marked the development of the library scene at the twenty-fifth anniversary of regime change in Romania. It examines their significance for the country’s postcommunist trajectories by linking the past, present, and future of library development. Libraries of all types have been affected in either a positive or negative way during the past twenty-five years. Currently, there is no strategy at the national level to coordinate library development or to establish priorities and directions for growth. Due to significant financial aid from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the public library sector has made significant progress, especially in the diversification of computer-based services offered to the communities they serve. Higher education has witnessed the advent of private universities, although oftentimes not endowed with adequate libraries. The public and academic library network has embraced the new information and communications technology. School libraries, although high in numbers, have remained anchored in the past, with a few exceptions. Many special libraries have disappeared, along with their parent institutions. Despite its moving into a modern edifice, the National Library of Romania is yet to identify its role, goals, mission, and vision for the information society. Two major library associations have elevated librarianship to a professional status, but they act independently of each other and their programs never intersect. Library legislation and other laws provide the legal framework for libraries, the publishing industry, and the information and communications field. Despite the progress reported by libraries, usage continues to remain very low. The public’s perception of libraries’ role in society has not yet crystallized. Insufficient funding prevents Romanian libraries from performing at the same parameters as their counterparts in economically developed countries.published or submitted for publicatio

    Особенности ранней диагностики сенсороневральной тугоухости у детей с помощю КСВП

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie Nicolae Testemiţanu, Catedra OtorinolaringologieWe have examined and followed up 110 children with sensorineural hearing loss and perinatal pathology of central nervous system, and 30 children with normal hearing by BERA. The audiometric work up included impedance audiometry, otoacoustic emission testing and auditory brainstem response. Analysis of this data reveals some peculiarities of curve shape depending on hearing disorder and central nervous system pathology. Registration of BERA in dynamics confirmed an influence of the different neurologic disturbances on morphology of the evoked potentials and on the electrophysiologic level of hearing.Исследованы КСВП у 110 детей с сенсороневралъной тугоухостъю и перинаталъной патологией ЦНС (43 пациента – в динамике до и после лечения у невропатолога) и сопоставлены с результатами 30 тестированных детей с нормальным слухом. Анализ полученных данных позволил выявить отличительные особенности кривых КСВП, связанных с нарушением слуха и с патологией ЦНС. Установлено влияние различных неврологических нарушений не только на морфологию вызванных потенциалов, но и на электрофизиологический порог слуха

    Reabilitarea fizică a bolnavelor cu cancer al glandelor mamare după mastectomii

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    Articolul demonstrează efi cacitatea reabilitării fi zice a bolnavelor cu cancer a glandelor mamare după mastectomii, frecvenţa apariţiei sindromului brahioscapular şi efi cacitatea tratamentului. În cercetare au fost incluse 46 bolnave cu CGM, vârsta medie 46±1,6 ani T1-3N0-2M0, st.III -A după mastectomii la care s-a dezvoltat sindromul braheoscapular. Grupul de control l-a constituit 30 bolnave cu CGM T1-3N0-2M0, st.III - A cu vârsta medie 48±2,4 ani după mastectomii la care au fost administrate metodele tradiţionale de tratament de reabilitare. Bolnavelor li s-a aplicat metode fi zice de tratament - gimnastică curativă, masaj curativ paravertebral Th6 - Th12, pneumomasaj. Criteriile de obiectivizare a rezultatelor tratamentului au fost - determinate intensivităţii sindromului algic, dinamometria, determinarea edemului braţului homolateral operaţiei, electromiografi a. Indicii s-au înscris la etapele postoperatorii peste 30±3 zile, 55±3 zile, 110±5 zile, iar în grupa de control la 80±2 zile. Cercetările au demonstrat efi cacitatea benefi că determinată de micşorarea intensităţii sindromului algic - 2,2±0,3 baluri, a edemului cu 1,3±0,4 cm cu 15% îmbunătăţirea indicilor dinamometriei şi a indicilor electromiografi ci a SPIEFF m-s nervului ulnar cu 9,2±0,3%, iar a nervului median cu 2,4 ±0,4%, ce demonstrează ameliorarea proceselor neurodinamice de regeneraţie după tratamente fi zice de reabilitare. Autorii argumentează necesitatea implementării reabilitării fi zice, ca component al reabilitării integrale a bolnavelor cu cancer mamar

    What Predicts Individuals’ Disidentification? The Joint Effect of Fearful Attachment and Social and Economic Exchanges

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    Integrating attachment and exchange theories, we examined the joint effect of fearful attachment and two types of exchange behavior (social and economic exchange) on individuals’ disidentification from the organizations. Results indicated that fearfully attached individuals reported more disidentification when they engaged in both low social exchanges and high economic exchanges with their organizations. From a practical standpoint, reducing individuals’ disidentification can be accomplished by organizations, leaders, or coworkers who need to emphasize their social exchanges and deemphasize their economic exchanges with the focal individual

    Objective audiometry for early diagnosis of hearing loss in children

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    Catedra de Otorinolaringologie USMF,, Nicolae Testemiţanu,, Centrul Republican Functional de Audiologie, Protezare auditiva si Reabilitare medicopedagogicaThe early and precise diagnosis of hearing impairment is undoubtedly very important for the successful rehabilitation of children with this pathology, and their further integration into the society. We analyzed and revealed the particularities of the auditory evoked potentials of the brain stem (BERA) and otoacoustic emissions (OAE) in children with hearing loss and other different associated pathologies. Our data includes the results of examination of 110 children with hearing l oss, and of 110 healthy children. We confirm the practical usefulness of OAE and BERA examination in early diagnosis of hearing impairment in children. Depistarea precoce şi diagnosticul exact al surdităţii la copii sunt indispensabile în reuşita reabilitării acestora şi pentru integrarea ulterioară în societate. Au fost analizate şi elucidate particularităţile potenţialelor evocate auditiv ale trunchiului cerebral şi a otoemisiilor acustice la copiii cu surditate şi diferite patologii asociate. Au fost analizate rezultate a 110 copii cu surditate şi a 30 copii sănătoşi. S-a confirmat utilitatea practică şi valoarea diagnostică a otoemisiilor acustice şi a potenţialelor evovate auditiv în diagnosticul precoce al surdităţii la copii

    Aprecierea tacticii de tratament intraoperator al carcinomului neinvaziv mamar în dependenţă de datele clinice, imagistce şi morfologice

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    Depistarea cancerului glandei mamare în forma neinvazivă are o mare importanţă în aprecierea tacticii de tratament şi îmbunătăţirea supravieţuirii bolnavelor. Diagnosticul clinic şi morfologic al carcinomului in situ prezintă foarte mari dificultăţi. În ultimii ani, datorită efectuării screeningului mamografi c, IRM, USG a permis creşterea frecvenţei depistării carcinomului in situ prin stabilirea unor criterii de diagnostic. Articolul îşi propune să evalueze datele obţinute privind efi cacitatea acestor metode în diagnosticul preoperator al carcinomului in situ. Perfecţionarea criteriilor de manifestare ale carcinomului in situ la investigarea ultrasonografi că, mamografi că, tomografie computerizată spiralată, rezonanţa magnetică în asociere cu simptomele clinice ar permite elaborarea şi aplicarea metodelor corecte de tratament, elaborând preventiv tactica de tratament în caz de confi rmare, coordonarea preventivă cu pacienta a volumului operaţiei, planifi carea efectuării operaţiilor conservatoare de organ, indicaţii şi contraindicaţii pentru aceste operaţii, evitarea dereglărilor anatomo-funcţionale, minimalizarea stresului psihologic