95 research outputs found

    Les enceintes pré-médiévales du Nivernais-Morvan : de la documentation ancienne aux prospections récentes

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    Cet article expose les premiers résultats d’un programme de recherches sur les enceintes anhistoriques du sud de la Bourgogne. Notre enquête, menée dans un premier temps sur le département de la Nièvre, permet de recenser environ 25 sites à caractère défensif. Ce corpus offre la possibilité de procéder à une première synthèse typologique, chronologique et spatiale. Nos observations, corrélées avec les informations fournies par des études récentes sur les minières et le paléo environnement du Morvan, permettent d’avancer de nouvelles hypothèses quant à la fonction de ces sites.This paper aims to present the first step in a wider research program centred on the fortifications of southern Burgundy. 25 fortified sites have been recorded during our first investigations in the Nièvre department, this data forming the basis for a preliminary synthesis. Our data and new information from recent work on mining sites and from palaeoenvironment studies in the Morvan area contribute to a new hypothesis pertaining to the function of these fortifications.Dieser Artikel soll die ersten Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprogramms zu den vorgeschichtlichen Befestigungsanlagen in Südburgund vorstellen. An erster Stelle konzentrierten sich unsere Untersuchungen auf das Departement Nièvre in dem 25 Befestigungsanlagen erfasst werden konnten. Der erstellte Katalog bietet die Möglichkeit, erste typologische, chronologische und räumliche Kriterien zusammenzufassen. Unsere Beobachtungen erlauben unter Einbeziehung der Ergebnisse der neuren Untersuchungen zu den Minen und der antiken Umwelt im Morvan, neue Hypothesen zur Funktion jener Anlagen aufzustellen

    Une vigne gallo-romaine de plaine à Gevrey-Chambertin (Côte-d’Or), I<sup>er</sup>-II<sup>e</sup> s. apr. J.-C. : implications pour le développement des terroirs viticoles de coteaux en Bourgogne

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    International audienceRecent excavations at Au-dessus de Bergis in Gevrey-Chambertin (Côte-d’Or, Burgundy) brought to light numerous, rectangular aligned pits interpreted as an ancient vineyard dated from the end of the 1st/mid-2nd century to the 3rd century AD. The vineyard is largely extent in area and was bounded to the south by a hedge or fence. It was composed of parallel rows that may have been trained over and along high, inclined wooden frames. Vine stocks were renewed by layering, over several generations of plants, according to some agricultural wine-growing techniques recommended by Latin agronomists. This vineyard attests to the establishment of vineyards from the mid-1st century AD in places different from those of present day vineyards before it disappeared by the end or after the 3rd century. The change in vine growing places from the rather humid plain to hillslopes took place within the climatic, economic, social and cultural changes from late Antiquity and high Middle Ages.Sur le site Au-dessus de Bergis à Gevrey-Chambertin (Côte-d’Or), a été mis au jour un grand nombre de fosses alignées, rectangulaires, attribuées à des plantations d’un vignoble ancien qui date de la fin du Ier s./première moitié du IIe s. au IIIe s. apr. J.-C. C’est un vignoble de grande superficie (plus de 1 ha connu à ce jour), délimité vers le sud par une clôture en haie, en rangs parallèles d’orientation sensiblement nord-sud, vraisemblablement conduits en palissage haut, renouvelé et densifié par provignage suivant certaines préconisations agronomiques viticoles des auteurs latins. Il témoigne de l’installation en Bourgogne, à la fin du Ier s., de la viticulture sur des positions qui ne sont pas celles du vignoble actuel, puis de sa disparition de la plaine humide à la fin ou après le IIIe s. Le changement du lieu de plantation passant de la plaine humide aux coteaux s’est opéré avec les bouleversements climatiques, économiques, sociaux et culturels de l’Antiquité tardive et du haut Moyen Âge

    A self-assembly toolbox for thiophene-based conjugated polyelectrolytes: surfactants, solvent and copolymerisation.

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    Targeted control of the aggregation, morphology and optical properties of conjugated polymers is critical for the development of high performance optoelectronic devices. Here, self-assembly approaches are used to strategically manipulate the order, conformation and spatial distribution of conjugated polymers in solution and subsequently prepared thin films. The supramolecular complex organisation of phosphonium-functionalised homo- (P3HTPMe3) and diblock (P3HT-b-P3HTPMe3) ionic conjugated polythiophenes upon solvent-mediation and co-assembly with oppositely charged surfactants is investigated. UV/Vis absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopies, small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) are used to probe the organisation and photophysical response of the aggregates formed. Subtle differences in the surfactant mole fraction and structure, as well as the solvent polarity, yield differences in the nature of the resultant homopolyelectrolyte-surfactant complexes. In contrast, only moderate structural transformations are observed for the amphiphilic diblock copolyelectrolyte, emphasising the structure "anchoring" effect of a neutral polymer block when amphiphilic copolymers are dissolved in polar solvents. These results highlight the versatility of self-assembly to access a range of nanomorphologies, which could be crucial for the design of the next generation of organic optoelectronic devices

    Ovarian Real-World International Consortium (ORWIC): A multicentre, real-world analysis of epithelial ovarian cancer treatment and outcomes

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    IntroductionMuch drug development and published analysis for epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) focuses on early-line treatment. Full sequences of treatment from diagnosis to death and the impact of later lines of therapy are rarely studied. We describe the establishment of an international network of cancer centers configured to compare real-world treatment pathways in UK, Portugal, Germany, South Korea, France and Romania (the Ovarian Real-World International Consortium; ORWIC).Methods3344 patients diagnosed with EOC (2012-2018) were analysed using a common data model and hub and spoke programming approach applied to existing electronic medical records. Consistent definition of line of therapy between sites and an efficient approach to analysis within the limitations of local information governance was achieved.ResultsMedian age of participants was 53-67 years old and 5-29% were ECOG &gt;1. Between 62% and 84% of patients were diagnosed with late-stage disease (FIGO III-IV). Sites treating younger and fitter patients had higher rates of debulking surgery for those diagnosed at late stage than sites with older, more frail patients. At least 21% of patients treated with systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) had recurrent disease following second-line therapy (2L); up to 11 lines of SACT treatment were recorded for some patients. Platinum-based SACT was consistently used across sites at 1L, but choices at 2L varied, with hormone therapies commonly used in the UK and Portugal. The use (and type) of maintenance therapy following 1L also varied. Beyond 2L, there was little consensus between sites on treatment choice: trial compounds and unspecified combinations of other agents were common.DiscussionSpecific treatment sequences are reported up to 4L and the establishment of this network facilitates future analysis of comparative outcomes per line of treatment with the aim of optimizing available options for patients with recurrent EOC. In particular, this real-world network can be used to assess the growing use of PARP inhibitors. The real-world optimization of advanced line treatment will be especially important for patients not usually eligible for involvement with clinical trials. The resources to enable this analysis to be implemented elsewhere are supplied and the network will seek to grow in coverage of further sites

    Les dépôts de Paron et Dixmont (Yonne)

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    Le dépôt d’Audour, commune de Dompierre-les-Ormes (Saône-et-Loire)

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    Avant-propos Notre intervention sur le dépôt d’Audour est à replacer dans le cadre d’une campagne de documentation systématique des musées de la Nièvre et de la Saône-et-Loire. Les observations menées sur ce dépôt nous ont permis de mettre en évidence certaines carences et modifications notables à apporter à la dernière publication de 1963 (Bernardin et alii, 1963). En comparant les objets conservés et la publication d’origine, plusieurs observations nous ont paru intéressantes à noter. Le fr..

    Le dépôt de Périgny-la-Rose (Aube)

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    Le char du tumulus du Trembloi, commune de Magny-Lambert (Côte-d’Or)

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    Le dépôt de Crancey (Aube)

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