113 research outputs found

    Flow of wet granular materials: a numerical study

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    We simulate dense assemblies of frictional spherical grains in steady shear flow under controlled normal stress PP in the presence of a small amount of an interstitial liquid, which gives rise to capillary menisci, assumed isolated (pendular regime), and to attractive forces. The system behavior depends on two dimensionless control parameters: inertial number II and reduced pressure P∗=aP/(πΓ)P^*=aP/(\pi\Gamma), comparing confining forces ∼a2P\sim a^2P to meniscus tensile strength F0=πΓaF_0=\pi\Gamma a, for grains of diameter aa joined by menisci with surface tension Γ\Gamma. We pay special attention to the quasi-static limit of slow flow and observe systematic, enduring strain localization in some of the cohesion-dominated (P∗∼0.1P^*\sim 0.1) systems. Homogeneous steady flows are characterized by the dependence of internal friction coefficient μ∗\mu^* and solid fraction Φ\Phi on II and P∗P^*. We record fairly small but not negligible normal stress differences and the moderate sensitivity of the system to saturation within the pendular regime. Capillary forces have a significant effect on the macroscopic behavior of the system, up to P∗P^* values of several units. The concept of effective pressure may be used to predict an order of magnitude for the strong increase of μ∗\mu^* as P∗P^* decreases but such a crude approach is unable to account for the complex structural changes induced by capillary cohesion. Likewise, the Mohr-Coulomb criterion for pressure-dependent critical states is, at best, an approximation valid within a restricted range of pressures, with P∗≥1P^*\ge 1. At small enough P∗P^*, large clusters of interacting grains form in slow flows, in which liquid bonds survive shear strains of several units. This affects the anisotropies associated to different interactions, and the shape of function μ∗(I)\mu^*(I), which departs more slowly from its quasistatic limit than in cohesionless systems.Comment: 20 pages, 29 figures with 39 subfigure

    Influences des paramètres micromécaniques dans la simulation numérique discrète des matériaux granulaires : assemblage, déformation quasi-statique, écoulements

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    27 pagesWe review the influence of micromechanical parameters on the macroscopic mechanical behaviour of granular materials, as numerically simulated in discrete element approaches, both in quasistatic conditions an din dense flow. We insist in particular on the role of suitably defined dimensionless numbers apt to provide a classification of rheological regimes of quite general validity

    Annular shear of cohesionless granular materials: from inertial to quasistatic regime

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    Using discrete simulations, we investigate the behavior of a model granular material within an annular shear cell. Specifically, two-dimensional assemblies of disks are placed between two circular walls, the inner one rotating with prescribed angular velocity, while the outer one may expand or shrink and maintains a constant radial pressure. Focusing on steady state flows, we delineate in parameter space the range of applicability of the recently introduced constitutive laws for sheared granular materials (based on the inertial number). We discuss the two origins of the stronger strain rates observed near the inner boundary, the vicinity of the wall and the heteregeneous stress field in a Couette cell. Above a certain velocity, an inertial region develops near the inner wall, to which the known constitutive laws apply, with suitable corrections due to wall slip, for small enough stress gradients. Away from the inner wall, slow, apparently unbounded creep takes place in the nominally solid material, although its density and shear to normal stress ratio are on the jammed side of the critical values. In addition to rheological characterizations, our simulations provide microscopic information on the contact network and velocity fluctuations that is potentially useful to assess theoretical approaches

    Simulation numérique discrète et comportement mécanique des matériaux granulaires

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    Article in French. A free English translation is available on the web site of the journal : http://www.lcpc.fr/en/sources/blpc/index.phpInternational audienceAs a complementary tool to laboratory experiments, discrete numerical simulation, applied to granular materials, provides valuable information on the grain and contact scale microstructure, thereby enabling one to better understand the microscopic origin of macroscopic mechanical behaviours. We first introduce different simulation methods, which we regard as techniques for numerical experimentation, in connection with micromechanical models for intergranular contacts. We lay special emphasis on the important issue of sample representativity and stress the usefulness of dimensional analysis in the definition of relevant control parameters. We then apply this approach to two important rheological regimes of granular systems: solid-like, slowly strained granular materials, which might be ruled by elastoplastic constitutive relations; and liquid-like, dense granular flows, either confined or with a free surface, described by suitable friction and dilatancy law

    Interface roughness effect on slow cyclic annular shear of granular materials

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    International audienceWe experimentally investigate the mechanical behaviour in cyclic shear of a granular material near a solid wall in a pressure controlled annular shear cell. The use of a model system (glass beads and saw-tooth shaped solid surface) enables the study of the influence of the wall roughness. After an initial shakedown procedure ensuring reproducible results in subsequent tests, wall shear stress S , volumetric variation Δ V , and the displacement field of the sample bottom surface, are recorded as functions of wall displacement. A dimensionless roughness parameter Rn is shown to control the interface response. The local grain-level or mesoscale behaviour is directly correlated to the global one on the scale of the whole sample

    Shear flow of dense granular materials near smooth walls. I. Shear localization and constitutive laws in boundary region

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    13 pagesInternational audienceWe report on a numerical study of the shear flow of a simple two-dimensional model of a granular material under controlled normal stress between two parallel smooth, frictional walls, moving with opposite velocities ±V . Discrete simulations, which are carried out with the contact dynamics method in dense assemblies of disks, reveal that, unlike rough walls made of strands of particles, smooth ones can lead to shear strain localization in the boundary layer. Specifically, we observe, for decreasing V , first a fluid-like regime (A), in which the whole granular layer is sheared, with a homogeneous strain rate except near the walls; then (B) a symmetric velocity profile with a solid block in the middle and strain localized near the walls and finally (C) a state with broken symmetry in which the shear rate is confined to one boundary layer, while the bulk of the material moves together with the opposite wall. Both transitions are independent of system size and occur for specific values of V . Transient times are discussed. We show that the first transition, between regimes A and B, can be deduced from constitutive laws identified for the bulk material and the boundary layer, while the second one could be associated with an instability in the behavior of the boundary layer. The boundary zone constitutive law, however, is observed to depend on the state of the bulk material nearby

    Dense flows of cohesive granular materials

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    International audienceUsing molecular dynamic simulations, we investigate the characteristics of dense flows of model cohesive grains. We describe their rheological behavior and its origin at the scale of the grains and of their organization. Homogeneous plane shear flows give access to the constitutive law of cohesive grains which can be expressed by a simple friction law similar to the case of cohesionless grains, but intergranular cohesive forces strongly enhance the resistance to the shear. Then we show the consequence on flows down a slope: a plugged region develops at the free surface where the cohesion intensity is the strongest. Moreover, we measure various indicators of the microstructure within flows which evidence the aggregation of grains due to cohesion and we analyze the properties of the contact network (force distributions and anisotropy). This provides new insights into the interplay between the local contact law, the microstructure and the macroscopic behavior of cohesive grains

    Discrete simulation of dense flows of polyhedral grains down a rough inclined plane

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    International audienceThe influence of grain angularity on the properties of dense flows down a rough inclined plane are investigated. Three-dimensional numerical simulations using the Non-Smooth Contact Dynamics method are carried out with both spherical (rounded) and polyhedral (angular) grain assemblies. Both sphere and polyhedra assemblies abide by the flow start and stop laws, although much higher tilt angle values are required to trigger polyhedral grain flow. In the dense permanent flow regime, both systems show similarities in the bulk of the material (away from the top free surface and the substrate), such as uniform values of the solid fraction, inertial number and coordination number, or linear dependency of the solid fraction and effective friction coefficient with the inertial number. However, discrepancies are also observed between spherical and polyhedral particle flows. A dead (or nearly arrested) zone appear in polyhedral grain flows close to the rough bottom surface, reflected by locally concave velocity profiles, locally larger coordination number and solid fraction values, smaller inertial number values. This dead zone disappears for smooth bottom surface. In addition, unlike sphere assemblies, polyhedral grain assemblies exhibit significant normal stress differences, which increase close to the substrate
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