48 research outputs found

    Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, medium and forage type and their interactions on in vitro ruminal fermentation

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of a live yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077, at four doses (0, 1Ă—105, 1Ă—106 and 1 Ă— 107 cfu/mL) according to the reducing medium used [Goering-Van Soest (GV), McDougall (MD) or Kansas State (KS)] on in vitro ruminal neutral detergent fibre digestibility (NDFd), rate of digestion of NDF (kd), organic matter digestibility (OMd), dry matter digestibility (DMd), pH as well as volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration, using two forages (oat hay and wheat straw) with differing chemical composition. The maximum in vitro NDFd, DMd, OMd as well as kd were obtained with dose 1 Ă— 106 cfu/mL, although differences between doses were not always significant. The pH estimates were the lowest with the 1 Ă— 107 cfu/mL dose, but the differences were not all significant; however, 1 Ă— 107 cfu/mL corresponded to significantly lower pH estimates compared to the control and 1Ă—105 (6.51 vs. 6.60 and 6.59, respectively). The decrease in pH was accompanied by an increase in VFA concentrations as the yeast dose increased. The KS medium resulted in the lowest digestibility estimates, pH estimates as well as kd, regardless of yeast dose. The 1 Ă— 106 cfu/mL was the better performing yeast dose in vitro resulting in higher digestibility estimates which indicates the yeasts ability to stimulate the microorganisms within the rumen by beneficially modifying rumen environment, thus promoting microbiota activity. The MD and GV media provide better environments for fermentation than the KS medium, resulting in higher in vitro NDFd, DMd, OMd, pH estimates as well as rate of NDF digestion. The MD and GV are also the media that resulted in more consistent results when analysing the effects of the live yeast. Our data suggest that the in vitro conditions have to be carefully chosen to be able to demonstrate rumen fermentation shifts with the use of live microbial additives

    Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, medium and forage type and their interactions on in vitro ruminal fermentation

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    CITATION: Russouw, A. et al. 2020. Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, medium and forage type and their interactions on in vitro ruminal fermentation. Heliyon, 6(9):e05028, doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05028.The original publication is available at https://www.sciencedirect.comThe objective of this study was to investigate the effects of a live yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077, at four doses (0, 1Ă—105, 1Ă—106 and 1 Ă— 107 cfu/mL) according to the reducing medium used [Goering-Van Soest (GV), McDougall (MD) or Kansas State (KS)] on in vitro ruminal neutral detergent fibre digestibility (NDFd), rate of digestion of NDF (kd), organic matter digestibility (OMd), dry matter digestibility (DMd), pH as well as volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration, using two forages (oat hay and wheat straw) with differing chemical composition. The maximum in vitro NDFd, DMd, OMd as well as kd were obtained with dose 1 Ă— 106 cfu/mL, although differences between doses were not always significant. The pH estimates were the lowest with the 1 Ă— 107 cfu/mL dose, but the differences were not all significant; however, 1 Ă— 107 cfu/mL corresponded to significantly lower pH estimates compared to the control and 1Ă—105 (6.51 vs. 6.60 and 6.59, respectively). The decrease in pH was accompanied by an increase in VFA concentrations as the yeast dose increased. The KS medium resulted in the lowest digestibility estimates, pH estimates as well as kd, regardless of yeast dose. The 1 Ă— 106 cfu/mL was the better performing yeast dose in vitro resulting in higher digestibility estimates which indicates the yeasts ability to stimulate the microorganisms within the rumen by beneficially modifying rumen environment, thus promoting microbiota activity. The MD and GV media provide better environments for fermentation than the KS medium, resulting in higher in vitro NDFd, DMd, OMd, pH estimates as well as rate of NDF digestion. The MD and GV are also the media that resulted in more consistent results when analysing the effects of the live yeast. Our data suggest that the in vitro conditions have to be carefully chosen to be able to demonstrate rumen fermentation shifts with the use of live microbial additives.Danstar Ferment Ag.Publisher's versio

    An australian audit of vaccination status in children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are at increased risk of vaccine preventable diseases (VPD). This includes invasive pneumococcal disease and influenza. The primary aim of this study was to describe compliance with current Australian guidelines for vaccination of children and adolescents diagnosed with IBD. A secondary aim was to review the serological screening for VPD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A random sample of patients (0-18 years at diagnosis), were selected from the Victoria Australia state based Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Register. A multi-faceted retrospective review of immunization status was undertaken, with hospital records audited, a telephone interview survey conducted with consenting parents and the vaccination history was checked against the primary care physician and Australian Childhood Immunization Register (ACIR) records. The routine primary childhood vaccinations and administration of the recommended additional influenza and pneumococcal vaccines was clarified.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This 2007 audit reviewed the immunization status of 101individuals on the Victorian Pediatric IBD database. Median age at diagnosis was 12.1 years, 50% were on active immunosuppressive therapy. 90% (38/42) [95% confidence intervals (CI) 77%; 97%] with complete immunization information were up-to-date with routine primary immunizations. Only 5% (5/101) [95% CI 2%; 11%] received a recommended pneumococcal vaccine booster and 10% (10/101) [95% CI 5%; 17%] had evidence of having ever received a seasonal influenza vaccine. Those living in rural Victoria (p = 0.005) and younger at the age of diagnosis (p = 0.002) were more likely to have ever received an influenza vaccine Serological testing, reviewing historical protection from VPD, identified 18% (17/94) with evidence of at least one serology sample.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study highlights poor compliance in IBD patients for additional recommended vaccines. A multi-faceted approach is required to maximize protection from VPD in this vulnerable special risk population.</p

    La complémentation des caprins allaitants au pâturage en zones tropicales humides et sèches

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    La complémentation n'est pas une pratique systématique, elle intervient surtout lors des périodes de restrictions ou pour satisfaire à des besoins importants de production. Face à la diversité des milieux agro-écologiques au milieu desquels évoluent les chèvres, les scientifiques désirent évaluer la qualité des aliments potentiellement disponibles en tant que compléments. L'expérimentation constitue l'outil de prédilection pour apprécier la valeur alimentaire (valeur nutritive et appétabilité) des nouveaux fourrages. Toutefois, la mise en place de protocoles expérimentaux exige la maîtrise des nombreux facteurs de variation de la réponse animale pour obtenir des résultats fiables ; ils sont contrôlables (homogénéité physiologique des animaux, origine, qualité et mode de distribution des aliments, méthodes de mesures...) et externes (climat, nature du sol, "qualité" des saisons...). Les difficultés à maîtriser l'ensemble de ces paramètres sont discutées à partir d'exemples menés aussi bien en stations qu'en milieu réel , en outre, la problématique de la reproductibilité des techniques d'alimentation testées en stations est soulevée. Le bénéfice de la complémentation s'exprime au travers des performances zootechniques qui sont présentées selon une conduite sur pâturage libre ou contrôlé, en zones humides et sèches. La gamme des fourrages de complément est plus étroite en régions sèches qu'en milieux humides, cependant les techniques demeurent sensiblement identiques. Finalement, la compensation du déficit protéique de la ration de base semble définir la nature des compléments, leur distribution faisant état du maintien d'un bon état général tout en intégrant les capacités de compensation des animaux après des restrictions cycliques. (Résumé d'auteur

    Effets de la complémentation des ovins en zones tropicales sur les performances laitières et de croissance

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    L'effet de la complémentation alimentaire sur les performances de production d'ovins tropicaux a été étudié par une synthèse quantitative de la bibliographie et un essai expérimental. Le besoin d'entretien et le coût moyen d'un gramme de croissance sont estimés à 0,028 UFL/ kg P0,75 et 0,011 UFL, respectivement. Toutefois, la croissance des agneaux a augmenté de façon curvilinéaire avec l'ingestion d'énergie. La forte corrélation entre l'énergie et l'azote n'a pas permis d'extraire des recommandations pour l'azote. Lors de l'essai expérimental sur des brebis Ovin Martinik allaitant un agneau,3 niveaux de concentré ont été testés. Le niveau haut (H) a été calculé sur la base d'un GMQ de la portée de 400 g/j. Les niveaux ajustés (A) et bas (B) représentaient 60 % et 40 % des besoins énergétiques de H. Le fourrage de base était du foin de Digitaria decumbens broyé et distribué ad libitum. La production laitière a atteint 1 142, 1 415 et 1 518 g/j pour B, A et H respectivement. Elle a été plus faible (P&lt;0,05) avec B comparativement à A et H. Les brebis recevant la ration H se sont engraissées alors qu'elles ont maintenu leur état corporel avec la ration A et ont maigri avec le niveau B. La production laitière était de 1 779, 1 956 et 1 941 g/j pour les tailles de portées simples, doubles et triples. La note d'état corporel des brebis élevant trois agneaux a chuté (-0,8), alors que celle des mères de portées doubles s'est globalement maintenue. En conclusion, dans les conditions expérimentales d'un élevage intensif en stabulation, l'ingestion de 1,47 UFL/brebis/jour semble bien adaptée aux brebis allaitant un agneau, pour un potentiel de 250 g/j de GMQ de la portée. L'ingestion de 1,92 UFL/brebis/jour paraît satisfaire les besoins des femelles élevant deux petits, pour un potentiel de 400 g/j de GMQ de la porté