773 research outputs found

    The Extended Fock Basis of Clifford Algebra

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    We investigate the properties of the Extended Fock Basis (EFB) of Clifford algebras introduced in [1]. We show that a Clifford algebra can be seen as a direct sum of multiple spinor subspaces that are characterized as being left eigenvectors of \Gamma. We also show that a simple spinor, expressed in Fock basis, can have a maximum number of non zero coordinates that equals the size of the maximal totally null plane (with the notable exception of vectorial spaces with 6 dimensions).Comment: Minimal corrections to the published versio

    Complex structures and the Elie Cartan approach to the theory of spinors

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    Each isometric complex structure on a 2\ell-dimensional euclidean space EE corresponds to an identification of the Clifford algebra of EE with the canonical anticommutation relation algebra for \ell ( fermionic) degrees of freedom. The simple spinors in the terminology of E.~Cartan or the pure spinors in the one of C. Chevalley are the associated vacua. The corresponding states are the Fock states (i.e. pure free states), therefore, none of the above terminologies is very good.Comment: 10

    On Spinors Transformations

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    We begin showing that for even dimensional vector spaces VV all automorphisms of their Clifford algebras are inner. So all orthogonal transformations of VV are restrictions to VV of inner automorphisms of the algebra. Thus under orthogonal transformations PP and TT - space and time reversal - all algebra elements, including vectors vv and spinors φ\varphi, transform as vxvx1v \to x v x^{-1} and φxφx1\varphi \to x \varphi x^{-1} for some algebra element xx. We show that while under combined PTPT spinor φxφx1\varphi \to x \varphi x^{-1} remain in its spinor space, under PP or TT separately φ\varphi goes to a 'different' spinor space and may have opposite chirality. We conclude with a preliminary characterization of inner automorphisms with respect to their property to change, or not, spinor spaces.Comment: Minor changes to propositions 1 and

    On Computational Complexity of Clifford Algebra

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    After a brief discussion of the computational complexity of Clifford algebras, we present a new basis for even Clifford algebra Cl(2m) that simplifies greatly the actual calculations and, without resorting to the conventional matrix isomorphism formulation, obtains the same complexity. In the last part we apply these results to the Clifford algebra formulation of the NP-complete problem of the maximum clique of a graph introduced in a previous paper.Comment: 13 page

    Warped metrics for location-scale models

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    This paper argues that a class of Riemannian metrics, called warped metrics, plays a fundamental role in statistical problems involving location-scale models. The paper reports three new results : i) the Rao-Fisher metric of any location-scale model is a warped metric, provided that this model satisfies a natural invariance condition, ii) the analytic expression of the sectional curvature of this metric, iii) the exact analytic solution of the geodesic equation of this metric. The paper applies these new results to several examples of interest, where it shows that warped metrics turn location-scale models into complete Riemannian manifolds of negative sectional curvature. This is a very suitable situation for developing algorithms which solve problems of classification and on-line estimation. Thus, by revealing the connection between warped metrics and location-scale models, the present paper paves the way to the introduction of new efficient statistical algorithms.Comment: preprint of a submission to GSI 2017 conferenc

    Serre Theorem for involutory Hopf algebras

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    We call a monoidal category C{\mathcal C} a Serre category if for any CC, DCD \in {\mathcal C} such that C\ot D is semisimple, CC and DD are semisimple objects in C{\mathcal C}. Let HH be an involutory Hopf algebra, MM, NN two HH-(co)modules such that MNM \otimes N is (co)semisimple as a HH-(co)module. If NN (resp. MM) is a finitely generated projective kk-module with invertible Hattory-Stallings rank in kk then MM (resp. NN) is (co)semisimple as a HH-(co)module. In particular, the full subcategory of all finite dimensional modules, comodules or Yetter-Drinfel'd modules over HH the dimension of which is invertible in kk are Serre categories.Comment: a new version: 8 page

    Reconstructing the geometric structure of a Riemannian symmetric space from its Satake diagram

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    The local geometry of a Riemannian symmetric space is described completely by the Riemannian metric and the Riemannian curvature tensor of the space. In the present article I describe how to compute these tensors for any Riemannian symmetric space from the Satake diagram, in a way that is suited for the use with computer algebra systems. As an example application, the totally geodesic submanifolds of the Riemannian symmetric space SU(3)/SO(3) are classified. The submission also contains an example implementation of the algorithms and formulas of the paper as a package for Maple 10, the technical documentation for this implementation, and a worksheet carrying out the computations for the space SU(3)/SO(3) used in the proof of Proposition 6.1 of the paper.Comment: 23 pages, also contains two Maple worksheets and technical documentatio

    Dramatic post-cardiotomy outcome, due to severe anaphylactic reaction to protamine

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    Immunologic reactions to protamine sulfate during cardiac surgery are very rare. The frequency and outcome of such adverse reactions is unclear. We report a case of lethal anaphylactic reaction to protamine that occurred in a non-diabetic patient following the uneventful replacement of the ascending aorta. We also briefly review the mechanisms of this adverse reaction and emit some considerations on the management of this situatio

    Free Differential Algebras: Their Use in Field Theory and Dual Formulation

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    The gauging of free differential algebras (FDA's) produces gauge field theories containing antisymmetric tensors. The FDA's extend the Cartan-Maurer equations of ordinary Lie algebras by incorporating p-form potentials (p>1p > 1). We study here the algebra of FDA transformations. To every p-form in the FDA we associate an extended Lie derivative \ell generating a corresponding ``gauge" transformation. The field theory based on the FDA is invariant under these new transformations. This gives geometrical meaning to the antisymmetric tensors. The algebra of Lie derivatives is shown to close and provides the dual formulation of FDA's.Comment: 10 pages, latex, no figures. Talk presented at the 4-th Colloquium on "Quantum Groups and Integrable Sysytems", Prague, June 199

    Inhibition of Membrane-Bound BAFF by the Anti-BAFF Antibody Belimumab.

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    B cell activating factor of the TNF family (BAFF, also known as BLyS), a cytokine that regulates homeostasis of peripheral B cells, is elevated in the circulation of patients with autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). BAFF is synthetized as a membrane-bound protein that can be processed to a soluble form after cleavage at a furin consensus sequence, a site that in principle can be recognized by any of the several proteases of the pro-protein convertase family. Belimumab is a human antibody approved for the treatment of SLE, often cited as specific for the soluble form of BAFF. Here we show in different experimental systems, including in a monocytic cell line (U937) that naturally expresses BAFF, that belimumab binds to membrane-bound BAFF with similar EC50 as the positive control atacicept, which is a decoy receptor for both BAFF and the related cytokine APRIL (a proliferation inducing ligand). In U937 cells, binding of both reagents was only detectable in furin-deficient U937 cells, showing that furin is the main BAFF processing protease in these cells. In CHO cells expressing membrane-bound BAFF lacking the stalk region, belimumab inhibited the activity of membrane-bound BAFF less efficiently than atacicept, while in furin-deficient U937 cells, belimumab inhibited membrane-bound BAFF and residual soluble BAFF as efficiently as atacicept. These reagents did not activate complement or antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity upon binding to membrane-bound BAFF in vitro. In conclusion, our data show that belimumab can inhibit membrane-bound BAFF, and that BAFF in U937 cells is processed by furin