64 research outputs found

    Figer l’encensement ? RĂ©flexions sur trois reprĂ©sentations d’encensoirs dans l’espace sacrĂ© (xiie-xiiie siĂšcle)

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    L’encensoir est citĂ© dans plusieurs passages de l’Ancien et du Nouveau Testament – Livre de l’Exode, Apocalypse selon saint Jean, etc. GrĂące Ă  ces mentions, Ă  son utilisation comme instrument liturgique dans le rite chrĂ©tien, ainsi qu’à l’analyse thĂ©ologique de cette utilisation dans plusieurs traitĂ©s, il acquiert au cours du Moyen Âge une signification symbolique complexe. Guillaume Durand, Ă©vĂȘque de Mende et liturgiste du xiiie siĂšcle, consacre Ă  l’objet un long dĂ©veloppement dans son Ratio..


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    L’étude des relations entre l’espace sacrĂ© et l’église mĂ©diĂ©vale n’est pas un sujet nouveau. ExplorĂ©s dĂšs les annĂ©es 1960, entre autres, par les analyses pionniĂšres de Carol Heitz Ă  propos des liens entre architecture et liturgie Ă  l’époque carolingienne, ces actes, issus du colloque tenu Ă  Nanterre en juin 2018, entendent s’inscrire dans la lignĂ©e de ces travaux, tout en Ă©tendant la rĂ©flexion Ă  d’autres supports artistiques tels que la sculpture, la peinture ou encore les objets d’art. Si, e..

    Dans les fumées sacrées : productions, usages et représentations des encensoirs en France (XIIe-XVIIe s.)

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    Incense was appreciated by ancient societies for its fragrant and therapeutic properties. Used during funerals to combat putrefaction of corpses, its use gradually extended to cult ceremonies as an offering to the deities. The rise of its smoke towards the heavens evoked a link between the earth - humans' land - and the sky - deities' kingdom. As a container for burning incense, the censer became an indispensable instrument of the liturgy, and was adopted in Christian ceremonies. However, it was only after a theological debate lasting several centuries that its use was accepted by the entire Christian community and has endured to this dayHowever, despite general recognition of its use in worship, knowledge related to these objects, particularly those made of non-precious metals, is patchy, as the subject seems to have arisen little interest. This is borne out by the random dates and origins attributed to these objects, depending on where they were kept. In fact, they have long been decorated with motifs evoking medieval ornaments, well after the end of the period, which confuses the analysis. In order to remedy this situation and grasp the main stages in their development, we have examined various aspects of censers, but our research has left aside the best-studied productions, except for contextualisation and comparison purposes, to concentrate on the more commonplace metal productions in copper alloys produced in France from the twelfth to the seventeenth centuries.We began our investigation in the twelfth century, as no earlier material evidence could be found, and end it in the seventeenth century. This second milestone is based on two arguments, one technological and the other aesthetic. The seventeenth century marked the end of the use of medieval ornamentation on incense burners, but it was also the period when bossettery temporarily replaced cast iron for the less prestigious productions. The scale of analysis for this study was twofold, thanks to the creation of two bodies of material evidence, one covering the whole of France (corpus A) and the second covering an area with a large number of items and interesting issues: Auvergne (corpus B). This made it possible to maintain a dual and complementary spatial perspective.This work is divided into three main parts, the first of which sets out to establish the methodological basis for this work by focusing on the issues specific to the study of incense burners (Chapter 1), then explaining the survey methodology used. Various types of corpus were then compiled: two corpuses of objects, a corpus of representations of incense burners and finally an archival survey, also carried out in Auvergne (Chapter 2). The final chapter reviews the state of the art in studies of incense and censers (Chapter 3). The second part of this study consists of a documentary and material survey. Chapter 4 sets out the main uses of incense burners and their liturgical symbolism, analysing both liturgical treatises and representations of these objects. Chapter 5 is a comprehensive study of the two corpuses of objects from the point of view of style, dating and provenance. The final part of this thesis analyses the socio-economic context surrounding these objects. Chapter 6 attempts to reconstruct the production chain for incense burners, from the circulation of raw materials to their repair. Finally, the last two chapters look at the posterity of medieval censers, both in terms of their critical reception in the nineteenth century (Chapter 7) and their preservation to the present day (Chapter 8).L’encens Ă©tait apprĂ©ciĂ© des sociĂ©tĂ©s antiques pour ses propriĂ©tĂ©s odorifĂ©rantes et thĂ©rapeutiques. UtilisĂ© dans le cadre de cĂ©rĂ©monies funĂ©raires afin de lutter contre la putrĂ©faction des corps, son usage s’est progressivement Ă©tendu aux cĂ©rĂ©monies cultuelles comme offrande aux divinitĂ©s. L’élĂ©vation de sa fumĂ©e vers les cieux Ă©voquait un lien entre la terre – lieu de rĂ©sidence des humains – et le ciel – lieu de rĂ©sidence des divinitĂ©s. En tant que contenant de l’encens en combustion, l’encensoir devint un instrument indispensable de la liturgie, et fut adoptĂ© dans les cĂ©rĂ©monies chrĂ©tiennes. Ce n’est cependant qu’au terme d’un dĂ©bat thĂ©ologique long de plusieurs siĂšcles que son usage aurait Ă©tĂ© acceptĂ© par l’ensemble de la communautĂ© chrĂ©tienne et s’est pĂ©rennisĂ© jusqu’à nos jours.Pourtant, malgrĂ© une reconnaissance gĂ©nĂ©rale de son utilisation dans le culte, les connaissances autour de ces objets, et notamment ceux en mĂ©taux non prĂ©cieux, sont disparates, car le sujet semble avoir peu intĂ©ressĂ©. En tĂ©moignent les datations et provenances alĂ©atoires qui sont attribuĂ©es Ă  ces objets en fonction de leur lieu de conservation. Ils ont, en effet, longtemps Ă©tĂ© ornĂ©s de motifs Ă©voquant l’esthĂ©tique mĂ©diĂ©vale et ce bien aprĂšs la fin de la pĂ©riode, ce qui brouille l’analyse. Afin d’y remĂ©dier et de saisir les principales Ă©tapes de leurs Ă©volutions, nous avons examinĂ© diffĂ©rentes facettes des encensoirs, mais notre recherche a dĂ©laissĂ©, sauf Ă  titre de contextualisation et de comparaison, les productions les mieux Ă©tudiĂ©es, pour se concentrer sur les productions mĂ©talliques plus banales en alliages cuivreux produites en France du XIIe au XVIIe siĂšcle.Nous avons dĂ©marrĂ© notre enquĂȘte au XIIe siĂšcle, car aucun tĂ©moin matĂ©riel antĂ©rieur n’a pu ĂȘtre repĂ©rĂ©, et la terminons au XVIIe siĂšcle. Cette seconde borne temporelle s’appuie sur deux arguments, un technologique et l’autre esthĂ©tique. Le XVIIe siĂšcle marque la fin de l’utilisation d’une ornementation mĂ©diĂ©vale sur les encensoirs, mais c’est Ă©galement Ă  cette pĂ©riode que la bossetterie remplace temporairement la fonte pour les productions les moins prestigieuses. L’échelle d’analyse de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© double grĂące Ă  la constitution de deux corpus de tĂ©moins matĂ©riels l’un portant sur l’ensemble du territoire français (corpus A) et le second sur un territoire prĂ©sentant un nombre important d’items et des problĂ©matiques intĂ©ressantes : l’Auvergne (corpus B). Cela a permis de garder une perspective spatiale double et complĂ©mentaire.Ce travail se divise en trois grandes parties, une premiĂšre s’attache Ă  Ă©difier la base mĂ©thodologique de ce travail en s’attardant sur les problĂ©matiques spĂ©cifiques Ă  l’étude des encensoirs (chapitre 1), puis en expliquant la mĂ©thodologie d’enquĂȘte utilisĂ©e. Des corpus de diffĂ©rentes natures ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© constituĂ©s : deux corpus d’objets, un corpus de reprĂ©sentations d’encensoirs et enfin une enquĂȘte archivistique Ă©galement menĂ©e en Auvergne (chapitre 2). Le dernier chapitre dresse un Ă©tat de l’art des Ă©tudes sur l’encens et les encensoirs (chapitre 3). La deuxiĂšme partie de cette Ă©tude consiste en une enquĂȘte documentaire et matĂ©rielle. Le chapitre 4 expose les principaux usages de l’encensoir ainsi que ses symboliques liturgiques vues aussi bien par l’analyse de traitĂ©s liturgiques que de reprĂ©sentations de ces objets. Le chapitre 5 constitue une Ă©tude complĂšte des deux corpus d’objets constituĂ©s aussi bien d’un point de vue stylistique que de datation ou de provenance. La derniĂšre partie de cette thĂšse constitue une analyse du contexte socio-Ă©conomique entourant Ă  ces objets. Le chapitre 6 tente de reconstituer la chaĂźne opĂ©ratoire des encensoirs depuis la circulation des matiĂšres premiĂšres jusqu’à leur rĂ©paration. Enfin, les deux derniers chapitres s’intĂ©ressent Ă  la postĂ©ritĂ© des encensoirs mĂ©diĂ©vaux, qu’il s’agisse de leur rĂ©ception critique au XIXe siĂšcle (chapitre 7) ou de leur conservation jusqu’à nos jours (chapitre 8)

    La chùsse du cloaque : analyse de fragments d'appliques médiévales

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    Le 17 mars 1911, cent-cinquante appliques en laiton et alliage cuivreux sont dĂ©couvertes au cours d’un chantier de construction Ă  Oude Ebbingstraat dans la ville nĂ©erlandaise de Groningen, reposant dans les fondations de ce qui devait devenir un magasin. Les fouilles archĂ©ologiques menĂ©es Ă  la suite de cette dĂ©couverte dĂ©terminĂšrent que ces fragments avaient Ă©tĂ© jetĂ©s dans un cloaque du XVIe siĂšcle dont l’accĂšs avait Ă©tĂ© murĂ© au XVIIe. Parmi ces Ă©lĂ©ments se trouvaient neuf appliques en laiton..

    Critical slowing down at a bifurcation

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    ABL tyrosine kinase inhibition variable effects on the invasive properties of different triple negative breast cancer cell lines.

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    The non-receptor tyrosine kinase ABL drives myeloid progenitor expansion in human chronic myeloid leukemia. ABL inhibition by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor nilotinib is a first-line treatment for this disease. Recently, ABL has also been implicated in the transforming properties of solid tumors, including triple negative (TN) breast cancer. TN breast cancers are highly metastatic and several cell lines derived from these tumors display high invasive activity in vitro. This feature is associated with the activation of actin-rich membrane structures called invadopodia that promote extracellular matrix degradation. Here, we investigated nilotinib effect on the invasive and migratory properties of different TN breast cancer cell lines. Nilotinib decreased both matrix degradation and invasion in the TN breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB 231 and MDA-MB 468. However, and unexpectedly, nilotinib increased by two-fold the invasive properties of the TN breast cancer cell line BT-549 and of Src-transformed fibroblasts. Both display much higher levels of ABL kinase activity compared to MDA-MB 231. Similar effects were obtained by siRNA-mediated down-regulation of ABL expression, confirming ABL central role in this process. ABL anti-tumor effect in BT-549 cells and Src-transformed fibroblasts was not dependent on EGF secretion, as recently reported in neck and squamous carcinoma cells. Rather, we identified the TRIO-RAC1 axis as an important downstream element of ABL activity in these cancer cells. In conclusion, the observation that TN breast cancer cell lines respond differently to ABL inhibitors could have implications for future therapies

    Selection and characterization of potential probiotic bacteria for Litopenaeus stylirostris shrimp hatcheries in New Caledonia

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    In New Caledonia, shrimp hatcheries are confronted with mass mortality in the larval stages, a phenomenon poorly understood as no specific causative agent has been identified. This has resulted in an excessive use of prophylactic antibiotics, although their adverse effects in aquaculture are notorious. The present work was thus aimed at selecting potential probiotic strains for penaeid hatcheries. From a pool of more than 400 marine bacterial isolates sampled from the local marine environment seven strains exhibited in vitro antagonistic activity towards Vibrio harveyi. These isolates were characterized both phenotypically and genotypically using a biochemical approach and 16S rDNA sequencing. Six out of these seven strains were found to belong to the genus Pseudoalteromonas, the last one belonging to the Vibrionaceae family and related to the Harveyi clade. Selected probiotic candidates were individually tested for antagonistic activities in vitro using a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labelled transconjugant of V. harveyi and for inherent pathogenicity towards cultured shrimp larvae at two different developmental stages. This approach enabled rapid processing and selection of candidates to be tested in our experimental hatchery. Four different experiments were conducted to test candidate strains either alone or in combination. Repeated trials showed that postlarval survival was significantly improved by adding the strain NC201 individually to the rearing water compared to unchallenged controls. The analysis of immune-related gene expressions showed that the Litsty PEN3 transcript abundance of larvae was significantly increased after being reared in probiotic-containing water; however no significant difference in lysozyme gene expression was recorded in this study. Together, these results open new insights into the use of these strains as potential substitutes to antibiotherapy in shrimp larval rearing in New Caledonia

    The medical value and cost-effectiveness of an exercise test for sport preparticipation evaluation in asymptomatic middle-aged white male and female athletes

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Cardiovascular events related to high-intensity sport practice are rare but dramatic. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of these events after the age of 35 years. The value of a maximal exercise test (ET) for detection of athletes at risk remains a matter of debate. AIM: The aim of this prospective multicentre study was to clarify the medical value and cost-effectiveness of an ET in middle-aged white asymptomatic athletes who participate in high-intensity sport. METHODS: All athletes had a physical examination, assessment of cardiovascular risk factors, a resting electrocardiogram and an ET. In case of abnormal ET, complementary cardiovascular evaluation was performed, when requested, to detect potential cardiovascular disease. RESULTS: 1361 asymptomatic athletes (mean age 50.4±9.6 years; mean training 5.1±3.2h/week; 10.4% women) with a normal resting electrocardiogram and without cardiovascular disease were consecutively included. An abnormal ET was reported in 144 subjects (94% men); this was positively related to the subject's age and cardiovascular risk level. Cardiac arrhythmias (48%) and CAD symptoms (33.3%) were mainly reported. Cardiovascular disease was confirmed in 24 cases (1.7% from the whole population; 16.7% from those with an abnormal ET) - mainly CAD (n=12) and arterial hypertension (n=8). Seventy athletes presented significant unexplained arrhythmias. The cost was approximately €8450 for every confirmed case of cardiovascular disease. CONCLUSIONS: In this multicentre study in middle-aged athletes, a systematic ET was abnormal in 10.6% of cases. About 2% of subjects had cardiovascular disease, mainly arrhythmias and CAD. From these results, it seems that in a trained population aged >35 years, ET should be targeted at men with at least two cardiovascular risk factors, with acceptable cost-effectiveness
