98 research outputs found

    A PLCS framework for PDM/ERP interoperability

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    Towards the measurement of Enterprise Information Systems agility to support EIS improving projects

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    International audienceEnterprise information systems (EIS) are directly implied in the global performance of an organisation. Nevertheless, their potential rigidity in comparison with the required fast evolution of the supported organisation remains an important open research question. The proposed research work aims to define and evaluate the agility of an EIS, in order to assist both software engineers and business managers in EIS improvement projects. In particular, a framework is proposed to structure the different existing metrics on agility according to the improvements needs and the intrinsic characteristics of an information system

    Towards Assessment of information system agility

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    International audienceCurrently, the information systems agility and the satisfaction of the dynamic environment requirements is essential challenges for companies. The purpose of this paper is to represent the existing approaches for achieving agility in software development as well as in production system. The objective is to identify the relevant metrics for evaluating information system agility. Then, we propose an analysis model that contains these agile metrics, to observe their combination in information system

    Proposal for a process oriented knowledge management system (PKMS)

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    International audienceIn an increasingly competitive environment, manufacturing companies are more frequently looking to handle the knowledge referentials relating to their redesign processes. They are then able to implement this with less effort and balance out their work capacity for innovation activities, contributing to more significant improvements in their product offering. In this article we propose a conceptual model for the implementation of a process-oriented knowledge tool dedicated to the formalisation of this type of knowledge referential. The implementable nature of this model has been validated by a demonstrator tested on an application case provided by our industrial partner, Renault Powertrain Technology Department

    The design and simulation of an autonomous system for aircraft maintenance scheduling

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    International audienceOperational support is a key issue for aircraft maintenance, which aims to improve operational efficiency and reduce operating costs under the premise of ensuring flight safety. Although many works have emerged to achieve this aim, they mostly address the concept of maintenance systems, the relationship between stakeholders and the loop of maintenance information separately. Hence, the cooperation between stakeholders could be impeded especially when urgent decisions should be made, relying on historical data and real-time data. In this paper, we propose an innovative design of an autonomous system supporting the automatic decision-making for maintenance scheduling. The design starts from the proposition of the analysis framework, to concept formulation of the system, to information transitional level interface, and ends with an instance of system module interactions. The underlying architecture illustrates the high-level fusion of technical and business drives; optimizes strategies and plans with regard to maintenance costs, service level and reliability. An agent-based simulation system is developed as a proof to illustrate the feasibility of the system principle and algorithms. Furthermore, the simulation experiment analyzing the impact of maintenance sequence strategies on maintenance costs and service level has demonstrated the algorithm functionality and the feasibility of the proposed approach

    3D Sketching for aesthetic design using Fully Free Form Deformation Features

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    This paper addresses the designers’ activity and in particular the way designers express an object shape in 2D sketches through character lines and how these lines form a basis for sketching shapes in 3D. The tools currently available in commercial CAS/CAD systems to manipulate the digital models are still not sufficiently suited to support design. In this paper, the so-called fully free-form deformation features (d-F4) are introduced as a modelling method to take into account the curve-oriented stylists’ way of working. Both the advantages of a free-form surface deformation method and a feature-based approach are merged to define these high-level modelling entities allowing for a direct manipulation of surfaces through a limited number of intuitive parameters. Such features incorporate several characteristics designed to handle the uncertainties and/or inconsistencies of the designer’s input during a sketching activity. In addition, a d-F4 classification is proposed to enable a fast access to the desired shape according to its semantics and characteristics.The work is being carried out in the scope of the activity of AIM@SHAPE Network of Excellencesupported by the European Commission, VI Framework, IST Contract No. 506766

    Apprivoiser l'hétérogénéité en informatique 1ère année

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    National audienceFace au constat d’une hétérogénéité grandissante des savoir-faire et connaissances en informatique des étudiants à l’arrivée en première année, et le risque de son exacerbation dans le contexte du « nouveau bac », nous avons voulu expérimenter une approche pédagogique, qui permette une gestion de cette hétérogénéité tout en respectant les contraintes d’un emploi du temps homogène et un coût constant. Les actions menées s’articulent autour de 4 pôles : la constitution de groupes de niveau, avec une attention particulière portée sur les 2 niveaux extrêmes (renforcement et avancé/en autonomie), la mise en place de QCMs réguliers, l’utilisation ponctuelle de l’Apprentissage Par Problème (APP), et un auto-positionnement. L’expérimentation est encore en cours, mais déjà de premiers éléments permettent d’ouvrir les échanges

    Contribution à la continuité des flux d'informations et de connaissances dans le lien conception-production

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    In the context of digital information revolution, the companies should propose in a short time an innovative system with good quality and low cost, and this challenge can be accepted only with actors that are motivated and collaborate together. These research works aim to facilitate this collaboration and added-value work , by contributing to the continuity of information and knowledge flows. Inside the LISMMA, we focus our research on three axes. The first one aims to ensure the flow by the interoperability of information systems with mediation and standard-based unification. The second axe focus on the knowledge management allowing the flows to be understood and interpreted by the actors. Finally, we propose the use of ontologies to ensure consistency of information that passes through the flows. In these research works, we develop some demonstrators, tested on industrial use-cases and/or in-situ in companies.Dans un contexte de la révolution de l'information numérique, les entreprises doivent proposer dans un temps court un système innovant de qualité et à moindre coût, et ce défi ne peut être relevé qu'avec des acteurs qui soient motivés et qui collaborent ensemble. Les présents travaux de recherche visent donc à faciliter cette collaboration et le travail à valeur ajoutée, en contribuant à la continuité des flux d'informations et de connaissances. Au sein du LISMMA, nous avons décliné ces travaux sur trois axes. Le premier axe vise à assurer les flux par l'interopérabilité des systèmes d'information par la médiation et l'unification à base de standards. Le deuxième axe se focalise sur la gestion des connaissances permettant aux flux d'être compris et interprétés par les acteurs. Enfin, nous avons proposé l'utilisation des ontologies pour assurer la cohérence des informations transitant dans les flux. Ces travaux ont donné lieu au développement de démonstrateurs, testés sur des cas industriels et/ou in-situ dans une entreprise

    A framework to support requirements analysis in engineering design

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    International audienceComplex system development activities such as requirements analysis to requirements specification, implementation and verification are well defined in the software engineering domain. Interests in using a model driven engineering have increased in this domain. System level requirements analysis and model driven engineering may result in a significant improvement in engineering design. This paper presents a Checklist Oriented Requirement Analysis (CORA) framework to develop and formalize requirements. CORA is an integrated framework that adopts a checklist concept and utilizes logical reasoning operation in conjunction with information management to analyze systematically the initial requirements statement. An underground work machine is used as an application example to illustrate the proposed framework

    Improved Time-Series Clustering with UMAP dimension reduction method

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    International audienceClustering is an unsupervised machine learning method giving insights on data without early knowledge. Classes of data are return by assembling similar elements together. Giving the increasing of the available data, this method is now applied in a lot of fields with various data types. Here, we propose to explore the case of time series clustering. Indeed, time series are one of the most classic data type, and are present in various fields such as medical or finance. This kind of data can be pre-processed by of dimension reduction methods, such as the recent UMAP algorithm. In this paper, a benchmark of time series clustering is created, comparing the results with and without UMAP as a pre-processing step. UMAP is used to enhance clustering results. For completeness, three different clustering algorithms and two different geometric representation for the time series (Classic Euclidean geometry, and Riemannian geometry on the Stiefel Manifold) are applied. The results are compared with and without UMAP as a pre-processing step on the databases available at UCR Time Series Classification Archive www.cs.ucr.edu/ ∼ eamonn/time series data/