46 research outputs found

    Lichens and allied fungi from the Pechenga district and surroundings (Lapponia Petsamoënsis, Murmansk Region, Russia)

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    168 species of lichens are specified for the Pechenga district and surroundings. Microcalicium ahlneri and Placidium norvegicum are new for the Murmansk Region. 18 species are new for Lapponia Petsamoënsis. Stereocaulon dactylophyllum is included into the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation. Caloplaca diphyodes, Dermatocarpon meiophyllizum, Haematomma ochroleucum, Phlyctis argena and Stereocaulon dactylophyllum are included into the Red Data Book of the Murmansk Region

    Addition to the lichen biota of Franz Josef Land archipelago

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    Forty-four new lichen species and one lichenicolous fungus have been identified as a result of studies of the lichen biota of the Franz Josef Land archipelago. Bryocaulon hyperboreum was reported for the first time from Russia. Gyalecta hypoleuca and Umbilicaria maculata were first identified in the Arctic. Arctocetraria andrejevii, Brodoa oroarctica, Candelariella borealis, Cercidospora stereocaulorum, Massalongia carnosa, Miriquidica nigroleprosa, M. plumbeoatra, Myriolecis zosterae var. palanderi and Polyblastia gothica are new to the Arkhangelsk Region; and Arthrorhaphis citrinella, Mycoblastus alpinus, Racodium rupestre, Rhizocarpon ferax, Scytinium intermedium, Stereocaulon glareosum are new to the Arctic part of the Arkhangelsk Region. Species new to Arkhangelsk Region, Arctic and Russia are supplied with information on distribution in neighboring regions and world and on differences from closely related species. The checklist of the Franz Josef Land archipelago thus includes 277 species and 6 varieties of lichenized and 43 lichenicolous fungi to date

    The lichens of Pukhtolova Gora (St. Petersburg, Russia)

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    The lichen diversity of the proposed protected area Pukhtolova Gora counts 252 species, including 232 lichenized, 12 lichenicolous, and 8 non-lichenized saprobic fungi. Micarea laeta, M. pusilla, and Pyrenidium actinellum s. lat. are new to North-Western European Russia; Parmelia serrana, Rhizocarpon cinereovirens, and Stereocaulon taeniarum are new to St. Petersburg. Altogether 13 species recorded in the study area are red-listed in St. Petersburg, with two of them known only from historical collections. Pukhtolova Gora is an area with a high conservation value; the lichen biota of this area is one of the richest within the city limits due to the well-preserved forest habitats

    New records of lichens and allied fungi from the Leningrad Region, Russia. XI

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    Twelve lichen species and two lichenicolous fungi, of them seven that belong to Micarea prasina group, are reported for the first time for St. Petersburg or the whole Leningrad Region. The lichenicolous fungus Intralichen baccisporus is new to Russia, and the lichen Micarea nowakii – for European Russia. A comparative table of characteristics for seven species of Micarea prasina group is presented

    Observation of parametric X-rays produced by 400 GeV/c protons in bent crystals

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    Spectral maxima of parametric X-ray radiation (PXR) produced by 400 GeV/c protons in bent silicon crystals aligned with the beam have been observed in an experiment at the H8 external beam of the CERN SPS. The total yield of PXR photons was about 10-6 per proton. Agreement between calculations and the experimental data shows that the PXR kinematic theory is valid for bent crystals with sufficiently small curvature as used in the experiment. The intensity of PXR emitted from halo protons in a bent crystal used as a primary collimator in a circular accelerator may be considered as a possible tool to control its crystal structure, which is slowly damaged because of irradiation. The intensity distribution of PXR peaks depends on the crystal thickness intersected by the beam, which changes for different orientations of a crystal collimator. This dependence may be used to control crystal collimator alignment by analyzing PXR spectra produced by halo protons.peer-reviewe

    The Influence of Political Connection and Institutions to the Performance and Bank Loans of Private Listed Companies

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    我国有着不同于西方发达国家的制度背景和政治制度,政府对市场的管制力度较大,上市公司的高管具有一定的政治背景,其中国有企业本身大股东的政府背景性质,其政治关联很可能是与生俱来的,而民营企业政治关联的形成则具有主动性。改革开放以来,民营经济不断发展壮大,己成为我国经济增长的主要推动力量,因此,研究政治关联对民营公司的影响这一问题在中国更具有现实启发意义。 本文以民营上市公司的高级管理人员是否是前任或现任的政府官员、人大代表或政协委员来衡量公司是否具有政治关联,选取2004年—2008年中国沪深两市所有A股民营上市公司为样本,实证研究了政治关联与制度环境对民营上市公司经营绩效和银行贷款的影响。研究...Chinese current institution and political system are different from the Western developed countries. Under this system, many executives of private listed companies are relevant to politics. Therefore the study of political influence of private companies related to this issue in China is more realistic instructive. This paper focuses on whether the company has the political connection, which measu...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院财务学系_财务学学号:1762007115174

    Flora of lichens, mosses and liverworts of Wrangel Island: New records

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    New records to lichen flora and bryoflora of Wrangel Island are presented. The additions to the island cryptogam flora include 32 lichens and one lichenicolous fungus, 26 mosses and eleven liverwort species. Acarospora sinopica, Alectoria gowardii, Austroplaca sibirica, Calogaya bryochrysion, Hymenelia ceracea, Porpidia ochrolemma, and Sagiolechia protuberans are new to the island and to the Russian Far East. Two lichen species (Lecidea lithophila and Rinodina terrestris), as well as two liverwort taxa (Clevea hyaline, Lophoziopsis excisa var. elegans and Pseudolophozia debiliformis), are new to the Chukotka Autonomous Area. Two of the reported moss species (Funaria arctica and Schistidium umbrosum) are extremely rare. Location data and ecological descriptions for the newly reported species are included