773 research outputs found

    Six Pillars of Effective Dropout Prevention and Recovery: An Assessment of Current State Policy and How to Improve it

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    This report identifies six model policy elements that frame a sound legislative strategy for dropout prevention and recovery, and it assesses the extent to which recent state policy aligns with these model elements. Overall, 36 states and the District of Columbia have enacted new dropout legislation since 2002. While some states have moved toward adopting comprehensive dropout prevention and recovery policies, nearly all of them have a long way to go. Nearly one-third of the nation—14 states—have enacted no new laws aimed at increasing graduation rates in the past eight years

    Integrating surface plasmon resonance and slow photon effects in nanoporous anodic alumina photonic crystals for photocatalysis

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    This study explores the potential of gold-coated titania-functionalized nanoporous anodic alumina distributed Bragg reflectors (Au-TiO2-NAA-DBRs) as platforms to enhance photocatalytic reactions by integrating “slow photons” and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The photocatalytic degradation rate of methylene blue – a model organic compound with a well-defined absorption band in the visible spectral region – by these composite photonic crystals (PCs) upon visible-NIR light irradiation is used as an indicator to identify coupling effects between the “slow photon” effect and SPR. Our study demonstrates that the photocatalytic enhancement in Au-TiO2-NAA-DBRs is strongly associated with “slow photon” effect, while the contribution of SPR to the overall photocatalytic enhancement is weak due to the localized generation of surface plasmons on the top surface of the composite PC structure. Photocatalytic enhancement is optimal when the characteristic photonic stopband of these PCs partially overlaps with the absorption band of methylene blue, which results in edges being positioned away from the absorption maximum of the organic dye. The overall photocatalytic degradation for methylene blue is also correlated to the type of noble metal coating and the geometric features of the PC structures. These results establish a rationale for further development of noble metal-coated NAA-based hybrid plasmonic–photonic crystal photocatalyst platforms to optimally integrate “slow photons” and SPR for enhancing the efficiency of photocatalytic reactions and other light harvesting applications.Related: [http://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3007]This is peer-reviewed version of the article: Law, L. Liu, M. Markovic, A. D. Abell and A. Santos, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2019, 9, 12, 3158-3176 [https://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C9CY00627C

    Anti-Human CD9 Antibody Fab Fragment Impairs the Internalization of Extracellular Vesicles and the Nuclear Transfer of their Cargo Proteins.

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    The intercellular communication mediated by extracellular vesicles (EVs) has gained international interest during the last decade. Interfering with the mechanisms regulating this cellular process might find application particularly in oncology where cancer cell-derived EVs play a role in tumour microenvironment transformation. Although several mechanisms were ascribed to explain the internalization of EVs, little is our knowledge about the fate of their cargos, which are crucial to mediate their function. We recently demonstrated a new intracellular pathway in which a fraction of endocytosed EV-associated proteins is transported into the nucleoplasm of the host cell via a subpopulation of late endosomes penetrating into the nucleoplasmic reticulum. Silencing tetraspanin CD9 both in EVs and recipient cells strongly decreased the endocytosis of EVs and abolished the nuclear transfer of their cargos. Here, we investigated whether monovalent Fab fragments derived from 5H9 anti-CD9 monoclonal antibody (referred hereafter as CD9 Fab) interfered with these cellular processes. To monitor the intracellular transport of proteins, we used fluorescent EVs containing CD9-green fluorescent protein fusion protein and various melanoma cell lines and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells as recipient cells. Interestingly, CD9 Fab considerably reduced EV uptake and the nuclear transfer of their proteins in all examined cells. In contrast, the divalent CD9 antibody stimulated both events. By impeding intercellular communication in the tumour microenvironment, CD9 Fab-mediated inhibition of EV uptake, combined with direct targeting of cancerous cells could lead to the development of novel anti-melanoma therapeutic strategies

    Resistance to gemcitabine in a human follicular lymphoma cell line is due to partial deletion of the deoxycytidine kinase gene

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    BACKGROUND: Gemcitabine is an analogue of deoxycytidine with activity against several solid tumors. In order to elucidate the mechanisms by which tumor cells become resistant to gemcitabine, we developed the resistant subline RL-G from the human follicular lymphoma cell line RL-7 by prolonged exposure of parental cells to increasing concentrations of gemcitabine. RESULTS: In vitro, the IC(50 )increased from 0.015 μM in parental RL-7 cells to 25 μM in the resistant variant, RL-G. Xenografts of both cell lines developed in nude mice were treated with repeated injections of gemcitabine. Under conditions of gemcitabine treatment which totally inhibited the development of RL-7 tumors, RL-G derived tumors grew similarly to those of untreated animals, demonstrating the in vivo resistance of RL-G cells to gemcitabine. HPLC experiments showed that RL-G cells accumulated and incorporated less gemcitabine metabolites into DNA and RNA than RL-7 cells. Gemcitabine induced an S-phase arrest in RL-7 cells but not in RL-G cells. Exposure to gemcitabine induced a higher degree of apoptosis in RL-7 than in RL-G cells, with poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage in RL-7 cells. No modifications of Bcl-2 nor of Bax expression were observed in RL-7 or RL-G cells exposed to gemcitabine. These alterations were associated with the absence of the deoxycytidine kinase mRNA expression observed by quantitative RT-PCR in RL-G cells. PCR amplification of désoxycytidine kinase gene exons showed a partial deletion of the dCK gene in RL-G cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that partial deletion of the dCK gene observed after selection in the presence of gemcitabine is involved with resistance to this agent both in vitro and in vivo

    Perancangan Permainan Perjalanan Keselamatan Bersama Yesus Untuk Anak-anak Usia 6 (Enam) Sampai 12 (Dua Belas) Tahun Di Surabaya

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    Pada jaman modern ini, teknologi sudah berkembang, terutama internet.Internet sangat mudah diakses terutama anak-anak sehingga seks dan kejahatan mudah sekali untuk diakses oleh anak-anak.Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dekstriptif sehingga ditemukanlah solusi yang tepat bagi anak-anak.Melalui wawancara dan studi lapangan telah ditarik sebuah permasalahan bahwa anak-anak tidak bisa fokus ketika pengajaran rohani disampaikan sehingga dibutuhan solusi yang tepat yakni permainan yang mendidik serta berisi tentang ilmu berhitung dan ajaran kristiani seperti mukjizat-mukjizat Yesus.Maka dirancanglah sebuah permainan papan “Perjalanan Keselamatan Bersama Yesus untuk Anak-Anak Usia 6 (enam) sampai 12 (dua belas) Tahun di Surabaya”

    Short-Term Soil Organic Matter and Carbon Responses to Contrasting Grazing Intensities in Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems

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    Combining integrated crop-livestock systems under no-till management may improve soil organic matter (SOM) build up and improve soil C sequestration. Grazing cover crops appears as a possibility to combine crops and livestock in a farm system. Further SOM and soil C increase can be achieved by adding perennial grasses into crop rotations. However, the effect of grazing intensity in such systems are not fully understood. This 2-yr study investigated short-term effects of cropping system [winter cover crops-summer cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and winter cover crops-summer bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flüggé) rotations], grazing intensity (no grazing, heavy, moderate, and light grazing), and N fertilization (34 and 90 kg N ha-1 ), on OM and soil C of the soil-surface (0-15 cm) and deep-soil (0-90 cm) under no-till. Preliminary results indicate that treatments containing bahiagrass improved SOM in 1.5 g kg-1 compared to winter grazing on cover crops-cotton systems (P = 0.017). There were no differences among treatments for soil total C stock (15.4 Mg ha-1) and particulate OM-C (4.8 Mg ha-1) at the 15-cm depth (P \u3e 0.1). Carbon concentration increased from 8.0 to 12.6 g kg-1 as aggregate fraction decreased from 250 – 2000 to \u3c 53 µm (P \u3c 0.001). Nonetheless, C stock was not affected by aggregate fraction, with each fraction containing 3.8 Mg C ha-1, on average. Carbon stocks from 0-15, 15-30, 30-60, and 60-90-cm depths did not differ among treatments (P = 0.743), totalizing 30.4 Mg C ha-1 in the soil profile. Long-term studies are necessary to better understand the role of cropping system and grazing intensities on soil OM and C responses on surface and deep soil

    HIV-1-induced nuclear invaginations mediated by VAP-A, ORP3, and Rab7 complex explain infection of activated T cells

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    The mechanism of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) nuclear entry, required for productive infection, is not fully understood. Here, we report that in HeLa cells and activated CD4+ T cells infected with HIV-1 pseudotyped with VSV-G and native Env protein, respectively, Rab7+ late endosomes containing endocytosed HIV-1 promote the formation of nuclear envelope invaginations (NEIs) by a molecular mechanism involving the VOR complex, composed of the outer nuclear membrane protein VAP-A, hyperphosphorylated ORP3 and Rab7. Silencing VAP-A or ORP3 and drug-mediated impairment of Rab7 binding to ORP3-VAP-A inhibited the nuclear transfer of the HIV-1 components and productive infection. In HIV-1-resistant quiescent CD4+ T cells, ORP3 was not hyperphosphorylated and neither VOR complex nor NEIs were formed. This new cellular pathway and its molecular players are potential therapeutic targets, perhaps shared by other viruses that require nuclear entry to complete their life cycle

    Altered parasite life-cycle processes characterize Babesia divergens infection in human sickle cell anemia

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    Babesia divergens is an intra-erythrocytic parasite that causes malaria-like symptoms in infected people. As the erythrocyte provides the parasite with the infra-structure to grow and multiply, any perturbation to the cell should impact parasite viability. Support for this comes from the multitude of studies that have shown that the sickle trait has in fact been selected because of the protection it provides against a related Apicomplexan parasite, Plasmodium, that causes malaria. In this paper, we examine the impact of both the sickle cell anemia and sickle trait red blood cell (RBC) environment on different aspects of the B. divergens life-cycle, and reveal that multiple aspects of parasite biological processes are altered in the mutant sickle anemia RBC. Such processes include parasite population progression, caused potentially by defective merozoite infectivity and/or defective egress from the sickle cell, resulting in severely lowered parasitemia in these cells with sickle cell anemia. In contrast, the sickle trait RBC provide a supportive environment permitting in vitro infection rates comparable to those of wild-type RBC. The elucidation of these naturally occurring RBC resistance mechanisms is needed to shed light on host-parasite interaction, lend evolutionary insights into these related blood-borne parasites, and to provide new insights into the development of therapies against this disease
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