850 research outputs found

    Promoting College Match for Low-Income Students: Lessons for Practitioners

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    Most high school reform efforts understandably focus on boosting the success of low-income students who are underachieving academically, but in every school district where students struggle, there are academically capable low-income and minority students who do graduate prepared for college. Yet each year, many of these students choose to attend nonselective four-year colleges where graduation rates are distressingly low. Others enroll at two-year colleges, where degree completion and transfer rates are even lower. Many more do not attend college at all. In 2010, MDRC and its partners pilot-tested an innovative advising program, College Match, in three Chicago public high schools. This practitioner brief presents practical lessons from that program. It offers five strategies that show promise, that could be widely applicable, that counselors and advisers can integrate into their existing college guidance activities, and that can be implemented in college advising settings in and out of schools


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    This poem was inspired by the systemic violence experienced by people of color. No matter how much schooling I have, or my children have, there is nothing that I can do to protect them

    Months of the Year

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    This poem is about the dichotomy that exists in relation to Black women in the United States

    Crack detection technique for reinforced concrete bridge decks

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    This study describes the instrumentation and test results of a reinforced concrete bridge deck constructed on 3-span continuous steel girders. The instrumented bridge is located in Evansville, West Virginia at the intersection of US Route 50 East and WV 92 South. An instrumentation system is developed and implemented specifically to measure and monitor the growth of cracks along the wheel path. The system consists of 30 crack-meters embedded in concrete over the bottom layer of the reinforcement. The crack-meter readings are automatically collected every 20 minutes together with the readings from other sensors that were placed in concrete and on the steel girders to measure: (a) strain in concrete, (b) strain in longitudinal and transverse rebars, (c) temperature gradient through the deck thickness, (d) the bending moment in the steel girders, (e) the overall contraction and expansion of concrete deck, (f) the deflection of the steel girders and (g) the opening of the joint between the concrete deck and the approach slab. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Football Concussions: Effects, Evaluation and Prevention

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    Football related concussions are a growing concern in society. Concussions can lead to a major brain disease called chronic traumatic encephalopathy. This disease leads to many degenerative qualities that affect physical, cognitive, and emotional aspects in football players. In this review, the effects, evaluation, and prevention of concussions in football are discussed. Concussion rates and brain damage can both be decreased through improving equipment such as helmet design as well as better head-on collision rules being developed, and better evaluation techniques for taking concussed players out of games. In the future, with the combination of advancements in evaluation and prevention, concussions can start to become less of a concern

    Just One Story

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    The poem is about the trepidation I experience regarding being a woman of color in the field of education

    If You Leave, You\u27ll Have to Work for a Living: Economic Fantasies of the Dissident Undead

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    If most post-1970s cannibal zombie films play with fears and fantasies tied to capitalism, the 2011 Cuban film Juan of the Dead offers an alternative: while it implies Cubans have been facing their own “zombie apocalypse” for years, the film ends with its hero, Juan, embracing communist ideologies and rejecting escape into capitalism (and the U.S.). The film thus supplies a post-apocalyptic life-after-capitalism that U.S. zombie films have been failing to provide for years

    MSMEs Access for Finance in Zambia

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    Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises can act as the engine of national economic growth for Zambia’s economy if they have access to market resources, including financing, and the right enabling environment. This survey examines the level of MSMEs access to Bank Finance in order to determine the demand for and supply of financial services to the MSME sector, and the potential for broadening and deepening existing linkages between the banking community and MSMEs. The survey finding shows that MSME operators understand little about the basic principles of commercial bank lending and borrowing practices.The survey also shows that commercial banks have limited experience with the MSME sector and lack the know-how to assess the associated credit risks, and are therefore unwilling to meet the sector’s growing demand for financial services. Banking institutions are concerned many MSMEs do not understand how to work with financial institutions and need to improve their business and credit practices before banks can look at the sector as a viable and profitable business. As a result of these historical perspectives, both the supply of and demand for MSME financial services are not being adequately addressed in Zambia. For these sectors to understand each other very well, the BDS providers must intervene in reducing the level of mistrust by providing training that will help the MSMEs to be attractive to banks and organize workshops and technical training for bank staffs to better understand the MSMEs. This way the prospect for access to finance for Zambian MSMEs may improve. Key words: Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises; Business Development Service, Access for Financ


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    Umbi gadung (Dioscore hispida Dennst) adalah tanaman umbi-umbian yang termasuk kedalam golongan sumber pangan dan belum banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat luas. Masyarakat lebih mengenal gadung setelah diolah dalam bentuk keripik, padahal gadung sebagai salah satu komoditas mempunyai prospek cukup baik. Gadung mengandung pati yang cukup tinggi, maka dari itu gadung dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku utama pembuatan bioetanol. Mengingat Bioetanol bukan hanya mampu menggantikan peran bahan bakar, tapi juga dapat menghasilkan produk lain seperti parfum, dan obat-obatan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui potensi umbi gadung sebagai bahan baku dalam produksi bioetanol yang dilakukan empat tahap yaitu pembersihan, pembuatan bubur pati, fermentasi, dan destilasi menggunakan gadung yang disserut, dimana pengujian dengan 3 perlakuan yang berbeda yaitu komposisi gadung dan air 1:3, 1:4, dan 1:5 dilakukan 2 kali ulangan. Tahapan penelitian meliputi pengumpulan data dan analisis terhadap kadar air, kadar pati, pH, rendemen destilasi, dan kadar alkohol.Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gadung berpotesi sebagai bahan baku bioetanol dengan variasi komposisi gadung dan air 1:4 sebagai perlakuan yang memperoleh nilai etanol paling baik yaitu 17,93%, rendemen detilasi 0,09%, dan pH ebelum fermentasi 5,50 serta pH setelah fermentasi 4,40. Hal ini menunjukkan pH dalam keadaan optimum.Kata Kunci: bioetanol, fermentasi, gadung, khamir, destilas

    Optimización del entrenamiento en artes marciales mediante ejercicios de gymnasia

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    Engaging in high-performance competitions (World Combat Games, World Championships, European and/or Balkan Championships) has made it necessary for the martial technique to have the benefit of knowledge from other sports disciplines as well, particularly gymnastics, acrobatic and artistic gymnastics, in order to give greater weight to competition artistic programmes which, throughout the world, reach degrees of complexity that had not been encountered until a few years ago. The research objectives from our study aims to are to elaborate a concise and efficient material on the factors that have led to the achievement of the performance presented in the preamble of the paper. We believe that the judicious combination of Ju-jitsu technical elements and artistic and rhythmic gymnastics elements may decisively contribute to achieving exceptional performances and consolidating motor skills and competences. We shall thus venture to say that the differences between the two groups rise from the implementation of superior Ju-jitsu techniques and acrobatic and artistic gymnastics elements.The training period, the development and completion of the experimental programme, have allowed us to confirm the elaborated hypothesis and achieve remarkable performances. Finally, we are convinced that our study will be useful to the vast majority of martial arts specialists who approach the Duo Show system and not only, thus leading to the increase of sports performance and diversification of training methods.Participar en competiciones de alto rendimiento (Juegos de Combate Mundial, Campeonatos Mundiales, Campeonatos Europeos y/o Balcanes) ha hecho necesario que la técnica marcial se beneficie del conocimiento de otras disciplinas deportivas, en particular gimnasia, gimnasia acrobática y artística, para dar mayor peso a los programas artísticos de competición que, en todo el mundo, alcanzan grados de complejidad que no se habían encontrado hasta hace unos años. Los objetivos de investigación de nuestro estudio tienen como objetivo elaborar un material conciso y eficiente sobre los factores que han llevado al logro del rendimiento presentado en el preámbulo del documento. Creemos que la combinación juiciosa de elementos técnicos de Ju-jitsu y elementos de gimnasia artística y rítmica puede contribuir de manera decisiva a lograr rendimientos excepcionales y consolidar las habilidades y competencias motrices. Por lo tanto, nos aventuraremos a decir que las diferencias entre los dos grupos surgen de la implementación de técnicas superiores de Ju-jitsu y elementos de gimnasia acrobática y artística. El período de capacitación, el desarrollo y la finalización del programa experimental, nos han permitido confirmar las hipótesis elaboradas y lograr resultados notables. Finalmente, estamos convencidos de que nuestro estudio será útil para la gran mayoría de los especialistas en artes marciales que se acercan al sistema Dúo Show y no solo, lo que lleva al aumento del rendimiento deportivo y la diversificación de los métodos de entrenamiento