12 research outputs found

    Fatal Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    The emergence and reemergence of a serious infectious disease are often associated with a high case-fatality rate because of misdiagnosis and inappropriate or delayed treatment. The current reemergence of spotted fever rickettsiosis caused by Rickettsia rickettsii in Brazil has resulted in a high proportion of fatal cases. We describe two familial clusters of Brazilian spotted fever in the state of Minas Gerais, involving six children 9 months to 15 years of age; five died. Immunohistochemical investigation of tissues obtained at necropsy of a child in each location, Novo Cruzeiro and Coronel Fabriciano municipalities, established the diagnosis by demonstration of disseminated endothelial infection with spotted fever group rickettsiae. The diagnosis in the two fatal cases from Coronel Fabriciano and the surviving patient from Novo Cruzeiro was further supported by immunofluorescence serologic tests

    Spotted fever rickettsiosis in Coronel Fabriciano, Minas Gerais State

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    We report cases of spotted fever rickettsiosis in Coronel Fabriciano Municipality of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The cases occurred in May and June of 2000. During this period there were two deaths among children from an area named Pedreira in a periurban area of this municipality. In a boy who died with clinical manifestations of Brazilian spotted fever, a necropsy revealed the presence of a spotted fever group Rickettsia. The serological results confirm the difficulty in the differential diagnosis of patients with symptoms of rickettsial diseases.São reportados casos de rickettsioses do grupo das febres maculosas no município de Coronel Fabriciano, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os casos ocorreram nos meses de maio e junho de 2000. Durante este período, ocorreram dois óbitos em crianças procedentes de uma área peri-urbana conhecida como Pedreira no município de Coronel Fabriciano. Em um menino, que faleceu com manifestações clínicas da febre maculosa brasileira, à necropsia foi revelada a presença de Rickettsia do grupo das febres maculosas. Os resultados sorológicos confirmaram a dificuldade no diagnóstico diferencial de pacientes com sintomas de doenças rickettsiais

    Evidência clínica e laboratorial de infecções por Rickettsia felis na América Latina.

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    After the discovery and initial characterization of Rickettsia felis in 1992 by Azad and cols, and the subsequent first description of a human case of infection in 1994, there have been two communications of human rickettsiosis cases caused by Rickettsia felis in Latin America. The first one was published in 2000 by Zavala-Velazquez and cols in Mexico. In 2001 Raoult and cols described the occurrence of two human cases of Rickettsia felis rickettsiosis in Brazil. In the present discussion these two articles were compared and after the description of the principal signs and symptoms, it was concluded that more studies are needed with descriptions of a greater number of patients to establish the true frequency of the clinical signs and symptoms present in Rickettsia felis rickettsiosis.Depois da descoberta e caracterização inicial da Rickettsia felis em 1992 por Azad e cols, e à descrição subseqüente do primeiro caso de infecção humana em 1994, houveram duas comunicações de rickettsioses causadas por Rickettsia felis na América Latina. A primeira foi feita por Zavala-Velazquez e cols em 2000 no México. Em 2001, Raoult e cols descreveram a ocorrência de dois casos humanos de rickettsiose por Rickettsia felis no Brasil. Na presente discussão, esses dois artigos foram comparados, e depois da descrição dos principais sinais e sintomas, conclui-se que outros estudos são necessários, com a participação de um maior número de pacientes, para se estabelecer a verdadeira freqüência dos sinais clínicos e sintomas presentes nas rickettsioses por Rickettsia felis

    Spotted fever rickettsiosis in Coronel Fabriciano, Minas Gerais State

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    We report cases of spotted fever rickettsiosis in Coronel Fabriciano Municipality of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The cases occurred in May and June of 2000. During this period there were two deaths among children from an area named Pedreira in a periurban area of this municipality. In a boy who died with clinical manifestations of Brazilian spotted fever, a necropsy revealed the presence of a spotted fever group Rickettsia. The serological results confirm the difficulty in the differential diagnosis of patients with symptoms of rickettsial diseases

    Spotted fever rickettsiosis in Coronel Fabriciano, Minas Gerais State

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    We report cases of spotted fever rickettsiosis in Coronel Fabriciano Municipality of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The cases occurred in May and June of 2000. During this period there were two deaths among children from an area named Pedreira in a periurban area of this municipality. In a boy who died with clinical manifestations of Brazilian spotted fever, a necropsy revealed the presence of a spotted fever group Rickettsia. The serological results confirm the difficulty in the differential diagnosis of patients with symptoms of rickettsial diseases

    Characterization of an astrovirus genotype 2 strain causing an extensive outbreak of gastroenteritis among Maxakali Indians, Southeast Brazil

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    This work received financial support from IEC-SVS, FUNTEC/PA, CNPq and FIOCRUZMinistério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil.Fundação Ezequiel Dias. Instituto Octávio Magalhães. Divisão de Epidemiologia e Controle de Doenças. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil.Secretaria de Estado da Saúde Minas Gerais. Coordenação do Programa de Saúde Indígena de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Departamento de Virologia. Laboratório de Virologia Comparada. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Belém, PA, Brasil.BACKGROUND: Human astroviruses (HAstVs) are a common cause of sporadic diarrhea in children but large outbreaks occur in children's day care centers, schools and in homes for the elderly. OBJECTIVES: To report a large outbreak of acute gastroenteritis that occurred in January 2004 among Indians from the Maxakali Reserve in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. STUDY DESIGN: Fecal samples from 46 Maxakali patients were collected and tested for a range of enteric pathogens. HAstVs was detected by EIA and strains were confirmed by RT-PCR and typed by direct sequencing. Clinical information was collected. RESULTS: The illness which affected more than 100 children under 6 years of age was characterized by watery diarrhea, fever and vomiting. HAstV-2 was the sole enteropathogen detected in 26 (56%) of 46 samples analyzed by EIA and/or RT-PCR. The 17 positive samples sequenced were identical in a 348bp region used for phylogenetic analysis and were classified as genotype 2. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first description of an outbreak of HAstV-2 gastroenteritis in a population of Brazilian Indians. The magnitude of the outbreak and the severity of the disease underscore the need to better understand the epidemiology of astrovirus and other enteric agents in these populations

    Emerging and reemerging rickettsiosis in an endemic area of Minas Gerais State, Brazil.

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    O trabalho descreve um inquérito sorológico para rickettsioses em escolares e cães de Novo Cruzeiro, Minas Gerais, Brasil, em 1998. Trezentos e trinta e um escolares pertenciam a uma área endêmica e 142 a uma área não endêmica do município. Trinta e nove (10,1%) soros foram reativos à Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) para Rickettsia rickettsii no título de 1:64, sendo que dentre esses reativos, 35 eram de estudantes de escolas de área endêmica. Dentre os 73 cães analisados quanto à presença de anticorpos anti R. rickettsii, anti Ehrlichia chaffeensis e anti Ehrlichia canis à RIFI no título de 1:64, 3 (4,11%), 11 (15,07%) e 13 (17,81%) desses animais foram reativos respectivamente aos antígenos testados. Conclui-se que, a sororeatividade para R. rickettsii em indivíduos sadios sem história prévia de febre maculosa brasileira, uma doença marcante por sua alta letalidade, e a presença de sororeatividade para Ehrlichia com potencial patogênico para o homem em cães, nos leva a indagar sobre a transmissão ao homem de outras espécies da família Rickettsiae na área estudada.This article describes a serological survey for rickettsiosis in the county of Novo Cruzeiro, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, in 1998, testing schoolchildren and dogs. Sera included 331 samples from schoolchildren from an endemic area and 142 samples from schoolchildren from a non-endemic area in the county. All children examined were healthy and had not reported clinical symptoms of Brazilian spotted fever prior to the serological survey. Some 35 children in the endemic area were reactive to Rickettsia rickettsii by indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) with a titer of 1:64, corresponding to 10.6%. Sera from 73 dogs were tested, showing seroreactivity (IFA 1:64) to Rickettsia rickettsi, Ehrlichia chaffeensis, and Ehrlichia canis in 3 (4.11%), 11 (15.07%), and 13 (17.81%), respectively. The results in schoolchildren and the presence of canine seroreactivity to Ehrlichia species that are potentially pathogenic to humans suggests the risk of transmission of other Rickettsiae in the study area