89 research outputs found

    A 14-mW PLL-less receiver in 0.18-μm CMOS for Chinese electronic toll collection standard

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    This is the accepted manuscript version of the following article: Xiaofeng He, et al., “A 14-mW PLL-less receiver in 0.18-μm CMOS for Chinese electronic toll collection standard”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 61(10): 763-767, August 2014. The final published version is available at: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6871304/ © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The design of a 14-mW receiver without phase-locked loop for the Chinese electronic toll collection (ETC) system in a standard 0.18-μm CMOS process is presented in this brief. Since the previously published work was mainly based on vehicle-powered systems, low power consumption was not the primary goal of such a system. In contrast, the presented system is designed for a battery-powered system. Utilizing the presented receiver architecture, the entire receiver only consumes 7.8 mA, at the supply voltage of 1.8 V, which indicates a power saving of at least 38% compared with other state-of-the-art designs for the same application. To verify the performance, the bit error rate is measured to be better than 10-6, which well satisfies the Chinese ETC standard. Moreover, the sensitivity of the designed receiver can be readjusted to -50 dBm, which is required by the standard.Peer reviewe

    Influence of Cr content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of CrxFeNiCu high entropy alloys

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    © 2020 Chinese Materials Research Society The effect of Cr content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of CrxFeNiCu high entropy alloys (HEAs) was firstly studied by first-principles calculations. The calculated results show that the hardness of the alloys increased with the expense of its plasticity decrease, if the content of Cr in the alloy increased. In order to verify the calculated results, CrxFeNiCu (x = 0.8, 1, 1.5 and 2) high entropy alloys were synthesized by vacuum induction melting in the present study. The results show that as the value of x increased from 0.8 to 2, the crystal structure changed from single phase face centered cubic (FCC) phase to a mixture of FCC and body centered cubic (BCC) phases. For the single phase FCC (x = 0.8) structure, both the tensile strength and hardness values were low, which were 491.6 MPa and 322.2 HV respectively, however, the plasticity was high, reaching 33.2%. With the formation and growth of BCC phase (x = 2) the tensile strength and hardness of the alloy were significantly improved, which were 872.6 MPa and 808 HV, respectively

    Influence of Cr content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of CrxFeNiCu high entropy alloys

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    © 2020 Chinese Materials Research Society The effect of Cr content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of CrxFeNiCu high entropy alloys (HEAs) was firstly studied by first-principles calculations. The calculated results show that the hardness of the alloys increased with the expense of its plasticity decrease, if the content of Cr in the alloy increased. In order to verify the calculated results, CrxFeNiCu (x = 0.8, 1, 1.5 and 2) high entropy alloys were synthesized by vacuum induction melting in the present study. The results show that as the value of x increased from 0.8 to 2, the crystal structure changed from single phase face centered cubic (FCC) phase to a mixture of FCC and body centered cubic (BCC) phases. For the single phase FCC (x = 0.8) structure, both the tensile strength and hardness values were low, which were 491.6 MPa and 322.2 HV respectively, however, the plasticity was high, reaching 33.2%. With the formation and growth of BCC phase (x = 2) the tensile strength and hardness of the alloy were significantly improved, which were 872.6 MPa and 808 HV, respectively

    Recent progress in biobased synthetic textile fibers

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    The use of synthetic fibers in our daily life is growing continuously; however, the excessive dependence of these chemical fibers on petroleum-based chemicals will lead to large consumption of non-renewable resources. The scarcity of oil resources, economic and environmental problems, reliance on a few oil-rich countries, and predicted depletion of these resources. Therefore, research and development of biobased materials to reduce the use of fossil fuels have become increasingly important. Biobased synthetic fiber has a low carbon footprint in the synthesis process because its raw materials are derived from biomass. In addition, most biobased synthetic fibers have excellent biodegradability, which can be composted and degraded in natural environments or by microorganisms with or without specific conditions. However, all biobased fibers cannot be proven to be biodegradable, so the development of biodegradability is an important driving force for the progress of research on biobased fibers. In the past, biobased fiber was obtained, extracted, or synthesized from food crops, which was soon replaced by non-food crops. With environmental protection, sustainability, and resource conservation, it has become necessary to make non-food crops and food residues biobased raw materials to obtain biobased textile fibers and even to develop ideal biobased raw materials that are carbon negatives, such as moss and CO2. Besides, there is huge potential for these biobased textile fibers to be used for sustainable clothing and medical textiles due to their non-toxicity, skin friendliness, and antibacterial properties. This review paper introduces biobased synthetic textile fibers, summarizes the recent development, and clarifies key concepts in this domain

    How Health Communication via Tik Tok Makes a Difference: A Content Analysis of Tik Tok Accounts Run by Chinese Provincial Health Committees

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    During the last two decades, social media has immersed itself into all facets of our personal and professional lives. The healthcare sector is no exception, with public health departments now capitalizing on the benefits that social media offers when delivering healthcare education and communication with citizens. Provincial Health Committees (PHCs) in China have begun to adopt the micro-video sharing platform, Tik Tok, to engage with local residents and communicate health-related information. This study investigates the status quo of official Tik Tok accounts managed by PHCs in mainland China. In total, 31 PHC accounts were analyzed during August 2019, while the top 100 most liked micro-videos were examined using content analysis. Coding included three major aspects: Quantified Impact, Video Content, and Video Form. 45.2% (n = 14) of PHCs had official Tik Tok accounts. A limited number of accounts (n = 2) were yet to upload a micro-video, while most (n = 9) had uploaded their first micro-video during 2019. For the top 100 most liked micro-videos, a sharp difference was observed in terms of number of Likes, Comments and Reposts. Videos containing cartoons or documentary-style content were most frequently watched by citizens. Similarly, content that promoted professional health or provided knowledge of diseases was frequently viewed. Content containing original music, formal mandarin language, subtitles, and which lasted less than 60 s, were most frequently followed. It is considered a missed opportunity that most PHCs struggle to take advantage of the Tik Tok platform, especially given its growing popularity and daily increase in account creation.National Science Foundation of Chin

    Physics-informed Deep Diffusion MRI Reconstruction with Synthetic Data: Break Training Data Bottleneck in Artificial Intelligence

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    Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the only imaging modality for non-invasive movement detection of in vivo water molecules, with significant clinical and research applications. Diffusion MRI (DWI) acquired by multi-shot techniques can achieve higher resolution, better signal-to-noise ratio, and lower geometric distortion than single-shot, but suffers from inter-shot motion-induced artifacts. These artifacts cannot be removed prospectively, leading to the absence of artifact-free training labels. Thus, the potential of deep learning in multi-shot DWI reconstruction remains largely untapped. To break the training data bottleneck, here, we propose a Physics-Informed Deep DWI reconstruction method (PIDD) to synthesize high-quality paired training data by leveraging the physical diffusion model (magnitude synthesis) and inter-shot motion-induced phase model (motion phase synthesis). The network is trained only once with 100,000 synthetic samples, achieving encouraging results on multiple realistic in vivo data reconstructions. Advantages over conventional methods include: (a) Better motion artifact suppression and reconstruction stability; (b) Outstanding generalization to multi-scenario reconstructions, including multi-resolution, multi-b-value, multi-undersampling, multi-vendor, and multi-center; (c) Excellent clinical adaptability to patients with verifications by seven experienced doctors (p<0.001). In conclusion, PIDD presents a novel deep learning framework by exploiting the power of MRI physics, providing a cost-effective and explainable way to break the data bottleneck in deep learning medical imaging.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figure

    One for Multiple: Physics-informed Synthetic Data Boosts Generalizable Deep Learning for Fast MRI Reconstruction

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a principal radiological modality that provides radiation-free, abundant, and diverse information about the whole human body for medical diagnosis, but suffers from prolonged scan time. The scan time can be significantly reduced through k-space undersampling but the introduced artifacts need to be removed in image reconstruction. Although deep learning (DL) has emerged as a powerful tool for image reconstruction in fast MRI, its potential in multiple imaging scenarios remains largely untapped. This is because not only collecting large-scale and diverse realistic training data is generally costly and privacy-restricted, but also existing DL methods are hard to handle the practically inevitable mismatch between training and target data. Here, we present a Physics-Informed Synthetic data learning framework for Fast MRI, called PISF, which is the first to enable generalizable DL for multi-scenario MRI reconstruction using solely one trained model. For a 2D image, the reconstruction is separated into many 1D basic problems and starts with the 1D data synthesis, to facilitate generalization. We demonstrate that training DL models on synthetic data, integrated with enhanced learning techniques, can achieve comparable or even better in vivo MRI reconstruction compared to models trained on a matched realistic dataset, reducing the demand for real-world MRI data by up to 96%. Moreover, our PISF shows impressive generalizability in multi-vendor multi-center imaging. Its excellent adaptability to patients has been verified through 10 experienced doctors' evaluations. PISF provides a feasible and cost-effective way to markedly boost the widespread usage of DL in various fast MRI applications, while freeing from the intractable ethical and practical considerations of in vivo human data acquisitions.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Pengaruh sense of school belonging terhadap student's misbehavior

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahu pengaruh sense of school belonging terhadap student’s misbehavior. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional dengan menggunakan teknnik pengumpulan data berupa skala likert yaitu skala sense of school belonging dan skala student’s misbehavior masing masing terdiri dari 30 aitem yang sudah melalui uji coba. Skala sense of school belonging memiliki reabilitas sebesar 0,899 sedangkan skala student’s misbehavior memiliki reabilitas sebesar 0,924. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 144 siswa dari jumlah populasi sebesar 576 siswa. Pengambilan data menggunakan simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh sense of school belonging terhadap student’s misbehavior dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. Dalam table model summary pada analisis regresi linier sederhana, sense of school belonging memberikan pengaruh sebesar 17,7% terhadap student’s misbehavior. Pada table correlation, terdapat nilai koerfisien korelasi sebesar -0,420 yang berarti semakin tinggi sense of school belonging maka semakin rendah student’s misbehavior yang dilakukan oleh siswa

    Hippo Signaling Suppresses Cell Ploidy and Tumorigenesis through Skp2

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    大多数真核生物的体细胞是二倍体,即仅含有两组染色体,分别遗传自父本和母本。而一些特定组织如心脏、肝脏等就含有多倍体细胞,特别是肝脏组织含有较高比例的四、八倍体等多倍体细胞。肝脏是人体的重要解毒器官,同时酒精、肝炎病毒等毒性物质或毒性代谢物容易诱发肝细胞的基因突变,多倍体被认为有利于提供代偿性的正常基因来维持肝脏稳态。然而肝脏受损后,多倍体细胞将会受胁迫进行增殖,再生修复受损的肝组织。因此研究机体调控多倍体细胞产生及多倍体细胞进行细胞分裂的调控机理对于理解肝癌的发病机理和肝癌的治疗至关重要。Hippo信号通路在调节组织成体干细胞的分化和增殖,调控器官再生与尺寸大小中具有重要作用。深入研究发现, Hippo信号通路下游效应分子YAP通过AKT-SKP2信号促进二倍体细胞向多倍体转化及多倍体细胞的生长增殖。本项研究阐明了Hippo缺失及YAP激活促进多倍体细胞产生及增殖作为肝癌发生发展中的一个重要机制,为肝癌诊疗提供了新的策略。 周大旺,博士,厦门大学生命科学学院教授、副院长、国家杰出青年基金获得者。【Abstract】Polyploidy can lead to aneuploidy and tumorigenesis. Here, we report that the Hippo pathway effector Yap promotes the diploid-polyploid conversion and polyploid cell growth through the Akt-Skp2 axis. Yap strongly induces the acetyltransferase p300-mediated acetylation of the E3 ligase Skp2 via Akt signaling. Acetylated Skp2 is exclusively localized to the cytosol, which causes hyper-accumulation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27, leading to mitotic arrest and subsequently cell polyploidy. In addition, the pro-apoptotic factors FoxO1/3 are overly degraded by acetylated Skp2, resulting in polyploid cell division, genomic instability, and oncogenesis. importantly, the depletion or inactivation of Akt or Skp2 abrogated Hippo signal deficiency-induced liver tumorigenesis, indicating their epistatic interaction. Thus, we conclude that Hippo-Yap signaling suppresses cell polyploidy and oncogenesis through Skp2.该研究工作获得了国家自然科学基金委、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目、青年千人计划和中央高校基本科研基金的资助。 The Yap (S127A) transgenic mice were kindly provided by Dr. Fernando Camargo from Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. D.Z. and L.C. were supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31625010,U1505224, and J1310027 to D.Z.; 81422018, U1405225, and 81372617 to L.C.; 81472229 to L.H.), the National Basic Research Program (973) of China (2015CB910502 to L.C.), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China-Xiamen University (20720140551 to L.C. and 2013121034 and 20720140537 to D.Z.)


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