474 research outputs found

    Securing Interactive Sessions Using Mobile Device through Visual Channel and Visual Inspection

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    Communication channel established from a display to a device's camera is known as visual channel, and it is helpful in securing key exchange protocol. In this paper, we study how visual channel can be exploited by a network terminal and mobile device to jointly verify information in an interactive session, and how such information can be jointly presented in a user-friendly manner, taking into account that the mobile device can only capture and display a small region, and the user may only want to authenticate selective regions-of-interests. Motivated by applications in Kiosk computing and multi-factor authentication, we consider three security models: (1) the mobile device is trusted, (2) at most one of the terminal or the mobile device is dishonest, and (3) both the terminal and device are dishonest but they do not collude or communicate. We give two protocols and investigate them under the abovementioned models. We point out a form of replay attack that renders some other straightforward implementations cumbersome to use. To enhance user-friendliness, we propose a solution using visual cues embedded into the 2D barcodes and incorporate the framework of "augmented reality" for easy verifications through visual inspection. We give a proof-of-concept implementation to show that our scheme is feasible in practice.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Does Taking One Step Back Get You Two Steps Forward? Grade Retention and School Performance in Poor Areas in Rural China

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    Despite the rise in grade retention in poor areas in rural China recently, little work has been done to understand the impact of grade retention on the educational performance of students in these areas in rural China. This paper seeks to redress this shortcoming and examines the effect of grade retention on educational performance on 1649 students in 36 elementary schools in Shaanxi province. With a dataset that was collected from a survey designed specifically to capture school performance of students before and after they were retained, we use Differences-in-Differences, Propensity Score Matching and Differences-in-Differences Matching approaches to analyze the effect of grade retention on school performance. Although the descriptive analysis shows that grade retention helps to improve the scores of the students that were retained, somewhat surprisingly, the results from the multivariate analysis consistently show that there is no significant positive effect of grade retention on school performance of the students. In fact, in some cases (e.g., for the students who repeat grade 2), grade retention is shown to hurt school performance.

    Caractérisation des performances minimales d'estimation pour des modèles d'observations non-standards

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    In the parametric estimation context, estimators performances can be characterized, inter alia, by the mean square error and the resolution limit. The first quantities the accuracy of estimated values and the second defines the ability of the estimator to allow a correct resolvability. This thesis deals first with the prediction the "optimal" MSE by using lower bounds in the hybrid estimation context (i.e. when the parameter vector contains both random and non-random parameters), second with the extension of Cramér-Rao bounds for non-standard estimation problems and finally to the characterization of estimators resolution. This manuscript is then divided into three parts :First, we fill some lacks of hybrid lower bound on the MSE by using two existing Bayesian lower bounds: the Weiss-Weinstein bound and a particular form of Ziv-Zakai family lower bounds. We show that these extended lower bounds are tighter than the existing hybrid lower bounds in order to predict the optimal MSE.Second, we extend Cramer-Rao lower bounds for uncommon estimation contexts. Precisely: (i) Where the non-random parameters are subject to equality constraints (linear or nonlinear). (ii) For discrete-time filtering problems when the evolution of states are defined by a Markov chain. (iii) When the observation model differs to the real data distribution.Finally, we study the resolution of the estimators when their probability distributions are known. This approach is an extension of the work of Oh and Kashyap and the work of Clark to multi-dimensional parameters estimation problems.Dans le contexte de l'estimation paramétrique, les performances d'un estimateur peuvent être caractérisées, entre autre, par son erreur quadratique moyenne (EQM) et sa résolution limite. La première quantifie la précision des valeurs estimées et la seconde définit la capacité de l'estimateur à séparer plusieurs paramètres. Cette thèse s'intéresse d'abord à la prédiction de l'EQM "optimale" à l'aide des bornes inférieures pour des problèmes d'estimation simultanée de paramètres aléatoires et non-aléatoires (estimation hybride), puis à l'extension des bornes de Cramér-Rao pour des modèles d'observation moins standards. Enfin, la caractérisation des estimateurs en termes de résolution limite est également étudiée. Ce manuscrit est donc divisé en trois parties :Premièrement, nous complétons les résultats de littérature sur les bornes hybrides en utilisant deux bornes bayésiennes : la borne de Weiss-Weinstein et une forme particulière de la famille de bornes de Ziv-Zakaï. Nous montrons que ces bornes "étendues" sont plus précises pour la prédiction de l'EQM optimale par rapport à celles existantes dans la littérature.Deuxièmement, nous proposons des bornes de type Cramér-Rao pour des contextes d'estimation moins usuels, c'est-à-dire : (i) Lorsque les paramètres non-aléatoires sont soumis à des contraintes d'égalité linéaires ou non-linéaires (estimation sous contraintes). (ii) Pour des problèmes de filtrage à temps discret où l'évolution des états (paramètres) est régit par une chaîne de Markov. (iii) Lorsque la loi des observations est différente de la distribution réelle des données.Enfin, nous étudions la résolution et la précision des estimateurs en proposant un critère basé directement sur la distribution des estimées. Cette approche est une extension des travaux de Oh et Kashyap et de Clark pour des problèmes d'estimation de paramètres multidimensionnels

    Through the Wall Radar Imaging via Kronecker-structured Huber-type RPCA

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    The detection of multiple targets in an enclosed scene, from its outside, is a challenging topic of research addressed by Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging (TWRI). Traditionally, TWRI methods operate in two steps: first the removal of wall clutter then followed by the recovery of targets positions. Recent approaches manage in parallel the processing of the wall and targets via low rank plus sparse matrix decomposition and obtain better performances. In this paper, we reformulate this precisely via a RPCA-type problem, where the sparse vector appears in a Kronecker product. We extend this approach by adding a robust distance with flexible structure to handle heterogeneous noise and outliers, which may appear in TWRI measurements. The resolution is achieved via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) and variable splitting to decouple the constraints. The removal of the front wall is achieved via a closed-form proximal evaluation and the recovery of targets is possible via a tailored Majorization-Minimization (MM) step. The analysis and validation of our method is carried out using Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) simulated data, which show the advantage of our method in detection performance over complex scenarios

    Hybrid Lower Bound On The MSE Based On The Barankin And Weiss-Weinstein Bounds

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    International audienceThis article investigates hybrid lower bounds in order to predict the estimators mean square error threshold effect. A tractable and computationally efficient form is derived. This form combines the Barankin and the Weiss-Weinstein bounds. This bound is applied to a frequency estimation problem for which a closed-form expression is provided. A comparison with results on the hybrid Barankin bound shows the superiority of this new bound to predict the mean square error threshold