8 research outputs found

    Is Every Tweet Created Equal? A Framework to Identify Relevant Tweets for Business Research

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    It is a life or death matter for a firm to observe its environment and identify new threats or opportunities quickly. Information technology has increased firm’s speed and agility in responding to environmental changes. Social media offers a vast and timely source of environmental information that firms can readily use gauge public sentiment. Twitter is a high-speed service that allows anyone to “tweet” a message to any interested parties. Firms can access near instantaneous changes in the public mood about any topic by using Sentiment Analysis. These topics range from predicting equities prices to predicting election outcomes. A gap exists in the literature because researchers discard tweets without any theoretically sound reason for doing so. We propose a framework that provides a theory-based justification for discarding data. We then explore the framework results using high frequency equity market prices. By examining the results of three case studies encompassing 57,600 OLS regressions and 1,887,408 tweets, our results indicate the framework yields higher quality results as measured by better R2 fits

    Enhancements to the Open Access Spectral Band Adjustment Factor Online Calculation Tool for Visible Channels

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    With close to 40 years of satellite observations, from which, cloud, land-use, and aerosol parameters can be measured, inter-consistent calibrations are needed to normalize retrievals across satellite records. Various visible-sensor inter-calibration techniques have been developed that utilize radiometrically stable Earth targets, e.g., deep convective clouds and desert/polar ice pseudo-invariant calibration sites. Other equally effective, direct techniques for intercalibration between satellite imagers are simultaneous nadir overpass comparisons and ray-matched radiance pairs. Combining independent calibration results from such varied techniques yields robust calibration coefficients, and is a form of self-validation. One potential source of significant error when cross-calibrating satellite sensors, however, are the often small but substantial spectral discrepancies between comparable bands, which must be accounted for. As such, visible calibration methods rely on a Spectral Band Adjustment Factor (SBAF) to account for the spectral-response function- induced radiance differences between analogous imagers. The SBAF is unique to each calibration method as it is a function of the Earth-reflected spectra. In recent years, NASA Langley pioneered the use of SCIAMACHY-, GOME-2-, and Hyperion-retrieved Earth spectra to compute SBAFs. By carefully selecting hyperspectral footprints that best represent the conditions inherent to an inter-calibration technique, the uncertainty in the SBAF is greatly reduced. NASA Langley initially provided the Global Space-based Inter-calibration System processing and research centers with online SBAF tools, with which users select conditions to best match their calibration criteria. This article highlights expanded SBAF tool capabilities for visible wavelengths, with emphasis on the use of the spectral range filtering for the purpose of separating scene conditions for the channel that the SBAF is needed based on the reflectance values of other bands. In other words, spectral filtering will enable better scene-type selection for bands where scene determination is difficult without information from other channels, which should prove valuable to users in the calibration community

    Estimating Contrail Climate Effects from Satellite Data

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    An automated contrail detection algorithm (CDA) is developed to exploit six of the infrared channels on the 1-km MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Terra and Aqua satellites. The CDA is refined and balanced using visual error analysis. It is applied to MODIS data taken by Terra and Aqua over the United States during 2006 and 2008. The results are consistent with flight track data, but differ markedly from earlier analyses. Contrail coverage is a factor of 4 less than other retrievals and the retrieved contrail optical depths and radiative forcing are smaller by approx.30%. The discrepancies appear to be due to the inability to detect wider, older contrails that comprise a significant amount of the contrail coverage. An example of applying the algorithm to MODIS data over the entire Northern Hemisphere is also presented. Overestimates of contrail coverage are apparent in some tropical regions. Methods for improving the algorithm are discussed and are to be implemented before analyzing large amounts of Northern Hemisphere data. The results should be valuable for guiding and validating climate models seeking to account for aviation effects on climate

    Properties of Linear Contrails Detected in 2012 Northern Hemisphere MODIS Imagery

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    Observation of linear contrail cirrus coverage and retrieval of their optical properties are valuable data for validating atmospheric climate models that represent contrail formation explicitly. These data can reduce our uncertainty of the regional effects of contrail-generated cirrus on global radiative forcing, and thus improve our estimation of the impact of commercial aviation on climate change. We use an automated contrail detection algorithm (CDA) to determine the coverage of linear persistent contrails over the Northern Hemisphere during 2012. The contrail detection algorithm is a modified form of the Mannstein et al. (1999) method, and uses several channels from thermal infrared MODIS data to reduce the occurrence of false positive detections. A set of contrail masks of varying sensitivity is produced to define the potential range of uncertainty in contrail coverage estimated by the CDA. Global aircraft emissions waypoint data provided by FAA allow comparison of detected contrails with commercial aircraft flight tracks. A pixel-level product based on the advected flight tracks defined by the waypoint data and U-V wind component profiles from the NASA GMAO GEOS-4 reanalysis has been developed to assign a confidence of contrail detection for the contrail mask. To account for possible contrail cirrus missed by the CDA, a post-processing method based on the assumption that pixels adjacent to detected linear contrails will have radiative signatures similar to those of the detected contrails is applied to the Northern Hemisphere data. Results from several months of MODIS observations during 2012 will be presented, representing a near-global climatology of contrail coverage. Linear contrail coverage will be compared with coverage estimates determined previously from 2006 MODIS data

    Applications for Near-Real Time Satellite Cloud and Radiation Products

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    At NASA Langley Research Center, a variety of cloud, clear-sky, and radiation products are being derived at different scales from regional to global using geostationary satellite (GEOSat) and lower Earth-orbiting (LEOSat) imager data. With growing availability, these products are becoming increasingly valuable for weather forecasting and nowcasting. These products include, but are not limited to, cloud-top and base heights, cloud water path and particle size, cloud temperature and phase, surface skin temperature and albedo, and top-of-atmosphere radiation budget. Some of these data products are currently assimilated operationally in a numerical weather prediction model. Others are used unofficially for nowcasting, while testing is underway for other applications. These applications include the use of cloud water path in an NWP model, cloud optical depth for detecting convective initiation in cirrus-filled skies, and aircraft icing condition diagnoses among others. This paper briefly describes a currently operating system that analyzes data from GEOSats around the globe (GOES, Meteosat, MTSAT, FY-2) and LEOSats (AVHRR and MODIS) and makes the products available in near-real time through a variety of media. Current potential future use of these products is discussed

    Near-Real Time Cloud Retrievals from Operational and Research Meteorological Satellites

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    A set of cloud retrieval algorithms developed for CERES and applied to MODIS data have been adapted to analyze other satellite imager data in near-real time. The cloud products, including single-layer cloud amount, top and base height, optical depth, phase, effective particle size, and liquid and ice water paths, are being retrieved from GOES- 10/11/12, MTSAT-1R, FY-2C, and Meteosat imager data as well as from MODIS. A comprehensive system to normalize the calibrations to MODIS has been implemented to maximize consistency in the products across platforms. Estimates of surface and top-of-atmosphere broadband radiative fluxes are also provided. Multilayered cloud properties are retrieved from GOES-12, Meteosat, and MODIS data. Native pixel resolution analyses are performed over selected domains, while reduced sampling is used for full-disk retrievals. Tools have been developed for matching the pixel-level results with instrumented surface sites and active sensor satellites. The calibrations, methods, examples of the products, and comparisons with the ICESat GLAS lidar are discussed. These products are currently being used for aircraft icing diagnoses, numerical weather modeling assimilation, and atmospheric radiation research and have potential for use in many other applications

    Near-Real Time Satellite-Retrieved Cloud and Surface Properties for Weather and Aviation Safety Applications

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    Cloud properties determined from satellite imager radiances provide a valuable source of information for nowcasting and weather forecasting. In recent years, it has been shown that assimilation of cloud top temperature, optical depth, and total water path can increase the accuracies of weather analyses and forecasts. Aircraft icing conditions can be accurately diagnosed in near-real time (NRT) retrievals of cloud effective particle size, phase, and water path, providing valuable data for pilots. NRT retrievals of surface skin temperature can also be assimilated in numerical weather prediction models to provide more accurate representations of solar heating and longwave cooling at the surface, where convective initiation. These and other applications are being exploited more frequently as the value of NRT cloud data become recognized. At NASA Langley, cloud properties and surface skin temperature are being retrieved in near-real time globally from both geostationary (GEO) and low-earth orbiting (LEO) satellite imagers for weather model assimilation and nowcasting for hazards such as aircraft icing. Cloud data from GEO satellites over North America are disseminated through NCEP, while those data and global LEO and GEO retrievals are disseminated from a Langley website. This paper presents an overview of the various available datasets, provides examples of their application, and discusses the use of the various datasets downstream. Future challenges and areas of improvement are also presented

    Chlortetracycline-Resistant Intestinal Bacteria in Organically Raised and Feral Swine ▿

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    Organically raised swine had high fecal populations of chlortetracycline (CTC)-resistant (growing at 64 μg CTC/ml) Escherichia coli, Megasphaera elsdenii, and anaerobic bacteria. By comparison, CTC-resistant bacteria in feral swine feces were over 1,000-fold fewer and exhibited lower taxonomic diversity