619 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de habilidades investigativas en estudiantes de secundaria del programa de bachillerato internacional en una escuela pública, Lima 2022

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    La presente investigación de tipo básica, estuvo referida a un estudio de caso que buscó analizar la importancia de desarrollar habilidades investigativas en estudiantes de secundaria del programa de diploma (PD) de bachillerato internacional (IB) en una escuela pública de Lima. Su aporte metodológico inductivo con enfoque cualitativo contribuyó a la observación y el análisis de las características individuales de cada participante del estudio, reflejándolas en un conjunto de realidades que permitieron la descripción, el análisis y la comprensión del tema planteado desde la mirada de experiencias acumuladas en el mismo escenario de estudio sirviendo de contraste para procesar la información obtenida. Para el hallazgo de los resultados se empleó como instrumento una guía de entrevista corroborada por especialistas, el abordaje de esta técnica permitió procesar la información recogida mediante la triangulación de datos. Se concluyó que, el desarrollo de habilidades investigativas en los estudiantes del nivel secundario de una escuela pública de Lima, guarda estrecha relevancia con la consolidación del Programa de Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional por tratarse de habilidades académicas con niveles de orden superior, toda vez que estas acciones son activas, significativas y participativas capaces de contribuir en la vida productiva futura de cada estudiante

    Phenotypical Effects of Chronic Exposure of Escherichia Coli to Simulated Microgravity

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    Organismal adaptation to space conditions, increased background radiation and microgravity, present multiple questions as we plan longer stays in space. Just like other areas of research, we can use bacteria such as Escherichia coli to study adaptations to the chronic, or long-term, exposure to microgravity. Using this model, we kept exponentially growing cultures for up to 24 days under simulated gravity on a 2D clinostat, including a gravity control, aiming to study phenotypic and gene expression changes to characterize E. coli’s homeostatic control. For this purpose, we grew E. coli on nutrient broth with daily re-inoculation and measure the daily accumulation of cells using spectrophotometry and plate counts. Every 5 days we sampled cells for long-term storage in 25% glycerol -80℃. After the completion of the experiment, frozen cultures were re-streaked and tested for their ability to form biofilms, to grow at pH 4.5 and to survive an oxidative stress challenge. Understanding how E. coli responds to various stressors after growing under microgravity can provide future grounds for studying other metabolic processes such as an increase in antibiotic resistance

    Modulation of Telomeres in Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres Type I Like Human Cells by the Expression of Werner Protein and Telomerase

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    The alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) is a recombination-based mechanism of telomere maintenance activated in 5–20% of human cancers. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, survivors that arise after inactivation of telomerase can be classified as type I or type II ALT. In type I, telomeres have a tandem array structure, with each subunit consisting of a subtelomeric Y′ element and short telomere sequence. Telomeres in type II have only long telomere repeats and require Sgs1, the S. cerevisiae RecQ family helicase. We previously described the first human ALT cell line, AG11395, that has a telomere structure similar to type I ALT yeast cells. This cell line lacks the activity of the Werner syndrome protein, a human RecQ helicase. The telomeres in this cell line consist of tandem repeats containing SV40 DNA, including the origin of replication, and telomere sequence. We investigated the role of the SV40 origin of replication and the effects of Werner protein and telomerase on telomere structure and maintenance in AG11395 cells. We report that the expression of Werner protein facilitates the transition in human cells of ALT type I like telomeres to type II like telomeres in some aspects. These findings have implications for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer

    Transitional Age Youth Strategic Plan

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    This document represents the Strategic Plan for the TAY Authority, covering the period 2010-2015. The TAY Authority serves transition age youth (ages 16-24) in Los Angeles County. Many of the youth we serve are aging out of the foster care system, some have been involved with the juvenile justice system, and all will have faced some sort of challenge in moving toward a productive adulthood. All youth we serve are low or very low- income. The purpose of the TAY authority is to assist youth to transition to adulthood successfully. There are over 1.5 million transition age youth in Los Angeles County. Of these, 11,000 16-22 year olds have active Department of Children & Family Services cases, 5000 are homeless, and over 10,000 of the minors have active probation cases (LA County, 2010). Team TAY believes that providing youth with the tools they need to integrate themselves into society will help them to lead successful and healthy adult lives. By encouraging them to envision a promising future and equipping them with practical life training and support, we will help them to tap their unlimited potential. In order to meet this goal, it is important for us as an organization to strive to better accomplish our mission through managing strategically and in a fair, accessible, transparent manner. So, with the help of our Strategic Management team, we present to you our Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2010 to 2015. The purpose of this paper is to communicate Team TAY's Strategic Plan, which includes a re-clarification of our stakeholders, vision, mission, and values; assessing TAY's internal and external environments; identifying the strategic issues we are facing; formulating and adopting goals to manage these issues; and developing an implementation plan and evaluation process

    Community-engaged Research with Rural Latino Adolescents: Design and Implementation Strategies to Study the Social Determinants of Health

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    The health of adolescents, perhaps more than in any other period of their life, is shaped by the social determinants of health (SDH). The constellation of SDH that disadvantages a specific group’s health may also make members of that population unable or unwilling to engage in health research. To build a comprehensive body of knowledge about how SDH operate within a specific social context, researchers must design studies that take into account how various vulnerabilities and oppressions may affect people’s experiences of being recruited, interviewed and retained in a study. In 2014, we initiated a prospective cohort study with Latino youth living in the agricultural area of Salinas, California. We began this study with the understanding that it was imperative to develop methodological strategies that actively addressed potential challenges in ways that were culturally responsive, community engaged and inclusive. In this article, we describe our approach to developing best practices in four key areas: 1) building community partnerships and engagement; 2) consideration of staffing and staff support; 3) engaging youth’s perspectives; and 4) developing culturally appropriate research protocols. In our sample of 599 participants, nearly all youth identify as Latinx (94 per cent), half (49 per cent) have at least one parent employed as a farmworker, 60 per cent reside in crowded housing conditions, and 42 per cent have mothers who did not complete high school. Given these multiple vulnerabilities, we view a robust number of youth expressing interest in study participation, the willingness of their parents to permit their children to be enrolled, and the achievement of an ambitious sample target as evidence that our efforts to undertake best practices in community-engaged and inclusive research were well received

    Immigration in the 21st Century: Perspectives on Law and Policy

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    The program consisted of a keynote presentation by Linda Chavez, Chairman of the Center for Equal Opportunity, followed by a panel featuring Leticia Saucedo, Associate Professor of Law at the William S. Boyd School of Law, University of Nevada, Law Vegas; Andrea Rahal, Associate at McCandlish Holton, PC in Richmond; Robert Redmond, Jr., Partner at Williams Mullen in Richmond; Michael Hethmon, General Counsel for the Immigration Reform Law Institute; and Tim Freilich, Legal Director of the Legal Aid Justice Center\u27s Immigration Advocacy Program. Christopher Nugent, Senior Counsel at Holland & Knight, D.C. Office, served as moderator

    Development of a Cyberinfrastructure for Assessment of the Lower Rio Grande Valley North and Central Watersheds Characteristics

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    Lower Laguna Madre (LLM) is designated as an impaired waterway for high concentrations of bacteria and low dissolved oxygen. The main freshwater sources to the LLM flow from the North and Central waterways which are composed of three main waterways: Hidalgo/Willacy Main Drain (HWMD), Raymondville Drain (RVD), and International Boundary & Water Commission North Floodway (IBWCNF) that are not fully characterized. The objective of this study is to perform a watershed characterization to determine the potential pollution sources of each watershed. The watershed characterization was achieved by developing a cyberinfrastructure, and it collects a wide inventory of data to identify which one of the three waterways has a major contribution to the LLM. Cyberinfrastructure development using the Geographic Information System (GIS) database helped to comprehend the major characteristics of each area contributing to the watershed supported by the analysis of the data collected. The watershed characterization process started with delineating the boundaries of each watershed. Then, geospatial and non-geospatial data were added to the cyberinfrastructure from numerous sources including point and nonpoint sources of pollution. Results showed that HWMD and IBWCNF watersheds were found to have a higher contribution to the water impairments to the LLM. HWMD and IBWCNF comprise the potential major sources of water quality impairments such as cultivated crops, urbanized areas, on-site sewage facilities, colonias, and wastewater effluents

    Justicia socioespacial y calidad de vida urbana en zonas de expansión urbana en laderas del distrito de Independencia – Lima, 2021. Caso de estudio: Asentamiento Humano 06 de Julio

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    La justicia socioespacial y la calidad de vida urbana en las laderas del distrito de Independencia, presenta problemas de mala distribución y falta de recursos urbanos a causa de su origen informal, afectando así el desarrollo urbano y social. El objetivo es determinar como la justicia socioespacial se relaciona con la calidad de vida urbana. La metodología empleada para esta investigación es de enfoque mixto, de tipo básica, con diseño no experimental, la población estuvo conformada por 7 187 habitantes y la muestra es de 65 habitantes. Como resultado se determinó la relación de manera directa de ambas variables, la cual se interpretó en que la sociedad establecida en un asentamiento humano de origen informal se adapta a las condiciones establecidas

    Factores que impiden la asociatividad para el incremento de las exportaciones de espárrago de la empresa exportadora Agro Exportaciones Perú Foods S.A.C., Paiján, Trujillo, 2019

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    La presente investigación denominada “Factores que impiden la asociatividad para el incremento de las exportaciones de espárrago de la empresa exportadora Agro Exportaciones Perú Foods S.A.C., Paiján, Trujillo, 2019”, tiene como objetivo general determinar cuáles son los factores internos de la organización que impiden la asociatividad para el incremento de las exportaciones de espárrago de la empresa exportadora Agro Exportaciones Perú Foods S.A.C. Se realizó una investigación cualitativa, descriptiva, no experimental y de alcance temporal transversal. Las variables de estudio son Factores internos, Asociatividad y Exportaciones; las cuales se dimensionaron en Cultura organizacional, Recursos de la empresa, Canales de comunicación, Cooperación interempresarial, Confianza, Crecimiento económico empresarial, Productividad y Puestos de trabajo. Se aplicó una entrevista a la Gerente Administrativa de Agro Exportaciones Perú Foods S.A.C., de donde se obtuvieron como resultados diferentes hallazgos, entre los que se destaca el expreso deseo por no asociarse debido a que ello podría implicar perder el liderazgo y el poder en la toma de decisiones de la empresa, además de la desconfianza en la calidad de productos que podría ofrecer un socio potencial como respaldo del posicionamiento de la organización en el mercado internacional. Se concluye que, primero, la cultura organizacional no es un factor que impide la cooperación interempresarial para el incremento del crecimiento económico de la empresa Agro Exportaciones Perú Foods S.A.C; segundo, los recursos de la empresa sí son un factor que impide la cooperación interempresarial para el incremento de la productividad; tercero, los canales de comunicación no son un factor que impide la confianza para el incremento de puestos de trabajo de la empresa