2,318 research outputs found

    Group Awareness, Learning, and Participation in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)

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    AbstractThe aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between student participation in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and the effects of this on learning outcomes. Within this context, we have taken into consideration the line of research called Group Awareness (GA) to facilitate the processes of interaction between teammates. Group Awareness Widgets (GAw) are tools based on the shared information displayed by the teammates throughout the course of collaboration. The theoretical results of this review demonstrate the need to determine how GA affects the facilitation of student interactions and the enhancement of the collaborative learning process. To this end, we have reviewed the current state of a line of research called GA, a research line that aims to facilitate the communication and coordination processes so as to help to increase the quality of work and the collaboration environments in CSCL. Next, we have briefly discussed the different conceptualizations of the GA focusing on the mechanisms used to support asynchronous GA in a CSCL Environment, and we haven then addressed some of the key dimensions considered, among which we can distinguish behavioral-awareness or participation, cognitive awareness, and social consciousness. The remainder of our work consists of analyzing the relationship between the GA, the students’ learning performance, and their participation

    Analysis of Jump Linear Systems Driven by Lumped Processes

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    Safety critical control systems such as flight control systems use fault-tolerant technology to minimize the effect of faults and increase the dependability of the system. In fault-tolerant systems, the system availability process indicates the current operational mode of an interconnection of digital logic devices. It is a process that results from the transformation of the stochastic processes characterizing the availability of the devices forming the system. To assess safety critical control systems, the following measures of performance will be considered: the steady-state mean output power, the mean output energy, the mean time to failure and the mean time to repair. For this assessment it is important to determine the characteristics of the system availability process since both stability and the aforementioned measure of performance are directly dependent on it. When the system availability process results from a transformation of a homogeneous Markov chain, it is well-known that the resulting process is not necessarily a homogeneous Markov chain. In particular, when the Markov chain characterizing the faults is a zeroth order Markov chain, it is shown that the availability process results in another zeroth order Markov chain. Thus, all the results which are known to analyze closed-loop systems driven by a homogeneous Markov chain can be applied to the zeroth order Markov chain. However, simpler formulas that do not trivially follow from these Markov chain results can be derived in this case. Part of this dissertation is dedicated to the derivation of these new formulas. On the other hand, when the system availability results in either a non-homogeneous Markov chain or a non-Markov chain, the existing Markov results can not be directly applied. This problem is addressed here. The necessity for better integration of the fault tolerant and the control designs for safety critical systems is also addressed. The dependability of current designs is primarily assessed with measures of the interconnection of fault tolerant devices: the reliability metrics that include the mean time to failure and the mean time to repair. These metrics do not directly take into account the interaction of the fault tolerant components with the dynamics of the system. In this dissertation, a first step to better integrate fault tolerant and the control designs for safety critical systems is made. These are the problems that motivated this work. Therefore, the goals of this dissertation are: to develop a suitable methodology to analyze a jump linear system when the driving process is characterized by a zeroth order Markov chain, a non-homogeneous Markov chain and a non-Markov chain; and to integrate the analysis of jump linear systems with the reliability theory for network architectures

    Economics impacts on Tennessee\u27s state and regional gross product of three value added forestry development strategies : an integrated linear programming input-output approach

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    Tennessee has a sizable timber resource encompassing more than 13.3 million acres that spread across the state. Tennessee\u27s forest products industry is one of the basic industries with 4billionofdirectcontributiontothegrossstateproduct.AlthoughTennessee2˘7sforestresourcebaseiscomparablewithneighboringstatessuchasMississippiandNorthCarolina,statewoodprocessingindustriesremainbehindtheircounterpartsinneighboringstates.Atthesametime,manyruralcountieshavebeendeclaredaspersistentlowincomenonmetrocountiescharacterizedbylowratesofgrowthandhighlevelsofunemployment.Theforestrysectorhasthepotentialtobecameanengineofgrowthandjobsnotonlyinthesedepressedcountiesbutalsoinotherruralcounties,bringingstabilityandmaximizingeconomiccontribution.Thisstudyattemptstomeasuretheeconomicimpactsintermsofvalueadded,output,andemploymentofthreevalueaddeddevelopmentstrategies:importsubstitutionofroundwoodbylocalproduction;reductioninoutofstateroundwoodexportsandincreaseinwoodprocessedproducts;andvalueaddeddrivendevelopmentgrowthpolicybyidentifyingwhichindustrysectorswillcontributemoretotheregionalandgrossstateproduct.ThestudyareasarethefiveeconomicareasdevelopedbytheBureauofEconomicAnalysisDivisionoftheDepartmentofCommerce.ThesesregionsareKnoxville,Nashville,Chattanooga,Tricities,andMemphisareas.Toevaluatethesevalueaddedstrategies,anintegratedInputOutputandLinearProgrammingmodelwasimplemented,TennesseeAgriculturalandIndustrialModel(TNAIM).Anonsurveyinputoutputmodel,IMPLAN,wasusedtocreateinputoutputregionalmodels.TheseregionalmodelswereadjustedtoincorporateagriculturaloutputdatatoimprovetheoverallaccuracyoftheI/Omodels.Thesehybridmodelsallowedtheconstructionoftheregionalbaselinesfor1994.ThebaselineI/OmodelssuppliedI/OcoefficientstotheTNAIM.Inaddition,theForestryInventoryDatabase(FIA),andTennesseetimberproductionandtimbertradedatawasusedtodevelopedtimber,landandtradecoefficientsfortheTNAIM.AbaselinefortheTNAIMfor1994alsowasdeveloped.ThealternativescenariosdesignatedtoevaluatethealternativedevelopmentstrategieswereimplementedinTNAIM.ThecomparisonbetweenthebaselineandScenariorunscapturedboththedirectandindirecteconomicimpacts.Then,theinducedeffectswereestimatedbyplacingthechangesinindustryoutputsintotheregionalI/OIMPLANModels.Thesummationofdirect,indirectandinducedeffectsconstitutedthetotaleconomiceffects.IntheimportsubstitutionstrategyScenarioIA,areductionin10percentofroundwoodoutofstateimportshasapositiveeffectontheregionaleconomy.Totalstateoutputincreases4 billion of direct contribution to the gross state product. Although Tennessee\u27s forest resource base is comparable with neighboring states such as Mississippi and North Carolina, state wood processing industries remain behind their counterparts in neighboring states. At the same time, many rural counties have been declared as persistent low income non-metro counties characterized by low rates of growth and high levels of unemployment. The forestry sector has the potential to became an engine of growth and jobs not only in these depressed counties but also in other rural counties, bringing stability and maximizing economic contribution. This study attempts to measure the economic impacts in terms of value added, output, and employment of three value added development strategies: import substitution of roundwood by local production; reduction in out-of state roundwood exports and increase in wood processed products; and value added driven development growth policy by identifying which industry sectors will contribute more to the regional and gross state product. The study areas are the five economic areas developed by the Bureau of Economic Analysis Division of the Department of Commerce. Theses regions are Knoxville, Nashville, Chattanooga, Tricities, and Memphis areas. To evaluate these value added strategies, an integrated Input-Output and Linear Programming model was implemented, Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial Model (TNAIM). A non-survey input-output model, IMPLAN, was used to create input-output regional models. These regional models were adjusted to incorporate agricultural output data to improve the overall accuracy of the I/O models. These hybrid models allowed the construction of the regional baselines for 1994. The baseline I/O models supplied I/O coefficients to the TNAIM. In addition, the Forestry Inventory Database (FIA), and Tennessee timber production and timber trade data was used to developed timber, land and trade coefficients for the TNAIM. A baseline for the TNAIM for 1994 also was developed. The alternative scenarios designated to evaluate the alternative development strategies were implemented in TNAIM. The comparison between the baseline and Scenario runs captured both the direct and indirect economic impacts. Then, the induced effects were estimated by placing the changes in industry outputs into the regional I/O IMPLAN Models. The summation of direct, indirect and induced effects constituted the total economic effects. In the import substitution strategy Scenario I-A, a reduction in 10 percent of roundwood out-of-state imports has a positive effect on the regional economy. Total state output increases 22.03 million, value added is 7.84andemploymentis206jobs.Areductionofonemilliondollarsinoutputofimportedlogsbringstothestateeconomyanincreaseof7.84 and employment is 206 jobs. A reduction of one million dollars in output of imported logs brings to the state economy an increase of 2.64 million in total output, 0.97millioninvalueaddedand25additionaljobs.IntheimportsubstitutionstrategyScenarioIB,areductionof20percentinroundwoodoutofstateimportsincreasesstategrossproductby 0.97 million in value added and 25 additional jobs. In the import substitution strategy Scenario I-B, a reduction of 20 percent in roundwood out-of-state imports increases state gross product by 14.16 million, industry output by 38.63andemploymentby369newjobs.Thereductionofoutofstateexportsofroundwoodandincreaseinwoodprocessedproductsexportshaveagreatereconomicimpactoverthestateeconomy.Totalindustryoutputincreasesto38.63 and employment by 369 new jobs. The reduction of out-of-state exports of roundwood and increase in wood processed products exports have a greater economic impact over the state economy. Total industry output increases to 182.16 million, value added in 93.90millionandemploymentin2,758newjobs.Similarly,areductionin20percentofoutofstateexportsofroxmdwoodandincreaseinwoodprocessedproductshaveapositiveimpactinindustryoutputofabout93.90 million and employment in 2,758 new jobs. Similarly, a reduction in 20 percent of out-of-state exports of roxmdwood and increase in wood processed products have a positive impact in industry output of about 287.56 million, value added in 173.10millionandemploymentin3,770newjobs.ThelaststrategyscenarioIIIA,anincreaseoftimbersupply,a5percentinsoftwoodand10percentinhardwoodandincreaseinwoodprocessedexportsbringstothestateeconomyabout173.10 million and employment in 3,770 new jobs. The last strategy scenario III-A, an increase of timber supply, a 5 percent in softwood and 10 percent in hardwood and increase in wood processed exports brings to the state economy about 305.93 million, value added in 183.54andinemploymentin3,892newjobs.Finally,thescenarioIIIB,anincreaseoftimbersupplyofabout10percentforsoftwoodand20percentforhardwoodbringstotheeconomyanincreaseinindustryoutputofabout183.54 and in employment in 3,892 new jobs. Finally, the scenario III-B, an increase of timber supply of about 10 percent for softwood and 20 percent for hardwood brings to the economy an increase in industry output of about 411.13 million, in value added $242.56 million and in employment 5,596 additional jobs

    Faciliter la capitalisation des expériences : Un guide

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    Voici notre nouveau guide pour facilitateurs d’un processus de capitalisation. Il s’appuie sur les nombreuses ressources intéressantes qui sont déjà disponibles, mais aussi et plus spécifiquement sur l’expérience accumulée par le projet, ainsi que sur les leçons et les idées tirées par tous ceux qui y ont contribué, que ce soit comme facilitateurs ou comme participants. C’est leur (votre !) travail qui a permis de démontrer quelles pratiques fonctionnent et peuvent être présentées sous la forme de recommandations que d’autres personnes pourront ensuite suivre. Ce guide se concentre spécifiquement sur les méthodes pour aider à organiser et à soutenir un processus de capitalisation des expériences : comment préparer ce processus ; comment y associer différents acteurs ; à quoi faire attention pendant les sessions de formation en personne ou en ligne ; comment encourager l’adoption des idées principales tirées du processus ; comment encourager l’institutionnalisation de la méthodologie de capitalisation des expériences. Il propose des recommandations pratiques pour les facilitateurs, ainsi que des informations sur les méthodes qui ont fonctionné (et celles qui ont échoué) et des suggestions d’exercices. Vous trouverez dans ce guide des outils que nous avons employés au cours de ce processus et que vous êtes libre d’adapter et d’utiliser dans le cadre de votre propre travail de facilitation

    Talleres de lectoescritura utilizando las XO para desarrollar la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de primaria multigrado

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    El desarrollo de las competencias de los estudiantes de educación básica regular implica hoy en día el uso de recursos tecnológicos con los que cuentan las instituciones educativas, poniendo en ejercicio competencias digitales de docentes y estudiantes. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal validar un Programa centrado en talleres de lectoescritura utilizando XO para desarrollar la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de educación primaria de una escuela multigrado en una población rural. Para ello se ha seguido un enfoque cuantitativo, diseño cuasiexperimental, con una población muestra de 24 estudiantes de cuarto y quinto grado de la I. E. Nº 10383 de Nuevo Oriente, Cutervo - Perú. Se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta que en la investigación se concentró en la aplicación de un cuestionario con escala Likert como pre y post test. Los resultados arrojan que, al contrastar los resultados de ambos test, se valida el Programa propuesto, al evidenciarse un incremento significativo de la comprensión lectora a partir de los talleres intervenidos utilizando XO

    On the Dynamics of Dengue Virus type 2 with Residence Times and Vertical Transmission

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    A two-patch mathematical model of Dengue virus type 2 (DENV-2) that accounts for vectors' vertical transmission and between patches human dispersal is introduced. Dispersal is modeled via a Lagrangian approach. A host-patch residence-times basic reproduction number is derived and conditions under which the disease dies out or persists are established. Analytical and numerical results highlight the role of hosts' dispersal in mitigating or exacerbating disease dynamics. The framework is used to explore dengue dynamics using, as a starting point, the 2002 outbreak in the state of Colima, Mexico


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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceFor 25 years, the work of ILEIA and its AgriCultures Network partners has been shaped by the idea that millions of small-scale farmers and their supporters in society experiment and innovate during their daily work. In the local ecological setting farmers increase their technical and economic autonomy, raise productivity and incomes. The main objective of the Agricultures Network is to make these innovations visible as examples of an alternative model of development. The network allows sharing knowledge on common views vis-à-vis agro-ecological farming that exist across relevant (GO, NGO, research, education and private) organisations, in which everybody can play a constructive role. This paper gives a few examples of the results achieved in terms of information exchange and knowledge building. During field visits we always observe how farmers and practitioners actively contribute to the “body of knowledge” on sustainable agriculture but rarely have the capacity to document or systematise, limiting the possibilities for dissemination and scaling up. This led us to develop a documentation capacity building programme, with which, by focusing, detailed descriptions and analysis, practitioners “unearth” a greater number of experiences, contribute to their analysis and wider dissemination, and in this way contribute to the field-based generation of knowledge on agro-ecology. Running this programme also helped us identify the challenges which all documentation processes face. We look forward to documenting not only field-based experiences, but also processes in the governance arena that sets conditions for small-scale farming to play its societal roles

    Factores asociados al control metabólico en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 del programa de diabetes. Hospital ESSALUD – II Tarapoto. julio – noviembre 2016

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar los factores asociados al control metabólico en los pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2. Programa de Diabetes. Hospital EsSalud – II. Tarapoto Julio – Noviembre 2016. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Tipo Investigación básica, nivel descriptivo - relacional, diseño no experimental y transversal. La población, 595 pacientes con DM2. La muestra 86 pacientes e historias clínicas. La información se recolectó por encuesta, medición antropométrica y pruebas de laboratorio, los datos se analizaron con el software SPSS 24, medidas utilizadas: porcentajes, promedios, desviación estándar Intervalo de confianza, el valor p, OR. RESULTADOS: Sexo femenino 51,2%; edad promedio 61,4 años, grado de instrucción secundario 39,5%, zona urbana 95,3%, tiempo promedio de diagnóstico 14,9 años, 58,1% tienen la enfermedad más de 10 años, 75,6% no son adherentes al tratamiento, 44,2% utiliza antidiabéticos orales, no asisten a talleres educativos 55,8%, no cumple la dieta 51,2 %, realizan actividad física 54,7%, 34,9% tiene hipertensión y dislipidemia, no fumador 88,4%. El 72,1% mal control metabólico según hemoglobina glicosilada y 53,5% según glicemia basal; presentan buen control con respecto a: CT 58,1%, HDL-c 50% hombres y 29,5 % mujeres, LDL-c 46% y triglicéridos 50%; 70,5% de mujeres mal control para HDL-c y 54% de pacientes para LDL-c, 81,4% buen control para PAS y 80,2 % para PAD, estado nutricional (IMC) 65,1% mal control, 61,9 % de hombres y 86,4% de mujeres mal control según perímetro abdominal. El mal control metabólico se asoció con el tiempo de enfermedad (OR = 4,2 IC 1,542 – 11,439 p-0.004) y el tipo de tratamiento farmacológico (OR = 0,126 IC 0,34 – 0,465 p-0,001). CONCLUSIÓN: El 72,1% tiene mal control metabólico y se asoció con el tiempo de enfermedad > 10 años y con el tipo de tratamiento farmacológico (es un factor de protección).Objective: To identify factors associated with the metabolic control in patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Diabetes Program. Tarapoto EsSalud - II Hospital from July - November 2016. Materials and methods: Basic Research, type a descriptive level - relational, non-experimental and cross-sectional design. The population, 595 patients with DM2. The sample 86 patients and clinical histories. The information was collected by survey, anthropometric measurement and laboratory tests, the data were analyzed with the SPSS 24 software, measures used: percentages, averages, standard deviation confidence interval, the p-value, OR. Results: Female 51.2%; mean age 61.4 years, level of education, 39.5% secondary urban area 95.3%, average time of diagnosis 14.9 years, 58.1% have had the disease for more than 10 years, 75.6% are not adherent to the treatment, 44.2% used oral antidiabetic agents, do not attend educational workshops 55.8%, does not comply with the 51.2 % diet, physical activity 54.7%, 34.9% have high blood pressure and dyslipidemia, 88.4% Non-smoker. The 72.1% poor metabolic control as glycosylated hemoglobin and 53.5% according to the basal glycemia; have good control with respect to: CT 58.1%, HDL-c 50% male and 29.5% female, 46% LDL-c and triglycerides 50%; 70.5% of women poor control for HDL-c and 54% of patients for LDL-c, 81.4% good control for SBP and 80.2 % for PAD, nutritional status (BMI) 65.1% poor control, 61.9% of men and 86.4% of women poor control according to abdominal circumference. The poor metabolic control was associated with the time of disease (OR = 4.2 IC 1.542 - 11.439 p-0.004) and the type of pharmacological treatment (OR = 0.34 - 0.465 0.126 IC p-0,001). CONCLUSION: The 72.1% have poor metabolic control and was associated with the time of disease > 10 years and with the type of pharmacological treatment (is a protective factor)

    Trascendencia de la auditoría financiera como instrumento para la detección de pérdidas en la gestión financiera de la Empresa Exportadora de Castañas S.A. – periodo 2016

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    El propósito central del presente trabajo de investigación es determinar la Trascendencia de la Auditoría Financiera en la Detección de Pérdidas de una Gestión Financiera en el caso de la Empresa Exportadora de Castañas S.A. El enfoque de la investigación en cuanto a la metodología es de alcance Descriptivo – Correlacional; diseño que permite establecer el nivel de relación entre las variables que son objeto de estudio del presente trabajo de investigación. La muestra estará representada por 35 profesionales del Colegio de Contadores de la especialidad de Auditoria, el tamaño de muestra se elige por el muestreo por conveniencia. Para esta investigación las técnicas e instrumentos seleccionados son: La encuesta la cual ha sido aplicada a través de un cuestionario de preguntas debidamente estructuradas. En conclusión, con un nivel alto de confianza, existe relación entre la Auditoría Financiera y la Detección de Pérdidas en la Gestión Financiera, se muestra la asociación alta y directa entre dichas variables, del que se infiere que en cuanto a la realización de la auditoría financiera es trascendental en la detección de pérdidas en la gestión financiera de las empresas