24 research outputs found

    A relação entre o nível de Empreendedorismo (TEG) e os aspectos sociodemográficos dos Taxistas cooperados da cidade de Santo André/São Paulo, Brasil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o nível de empreendedorismo em 147 taxistas de Santo André/SP, bem como averiguá-lo em associação aos aspectos sociodemográficos. Utilizou-se a metodologia quantitativa e para avaliar o grau de empreendedorismo elegeu-se o instrumento TEG (Tendência Empreendedora Geral) de Caird (1991). Os resultados indicaram uma população majoritariamente masculina (89%), casada (58,5%) e com o ensino médio (colegial) concluído (57,8%). Quanto ao grau de empreendedorismo, em nenhum dos constructos analisados os taxistas obtiveram a média para serem classificados empreendedores. Revelou-se que a escolaridade possui efeito significativo à TEG (F (3,147) = 3,747, p .05): quanto mais anos de estudo, tanto maior é o nível da TEG. Em outra direção, o tempo de empresa (F (30, 147) = 30,274, p.05).

    General enterprising tendency (get) in Brazilian taxi drivers: alternative to unemployment or form of action?

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    : El avance de las tecnologías de la información está revolucionando las relaciones sociales, incluyendo aquellas por parte de los conductores de taxi, a través del uso de programas de software que permiten a cualquier conductor brindar el servicio de transporte de pasajeros. Este hecho pone a los conductores de taxi en una nueva posición en la sociedad y les otorga nuevas estrategias. El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar el grado de emprendimiento a través del modelo de la Tendencia Empresarial General (get, por sus siglas en inglés) de Caird (1991). La metodología utilizada fue cuantitativa y exploratoria, e incluyó la participación de 147 conductores de taxi pertenecientes a una cooperativa. Los resultados indican que en ninguno de los constructos analizados los conductores de taxi alcanzaron el puntaje promedio para ser clasificados como emprendedores; el constructo “necesidad de logro” fue uno de los que obtuvo un puntaje más alejado del promedio; y el constructo “autonomía” fue el que más se aproximó al promedio. Estos resultados sugieren que los conductores de taxi se dedican a esta profesión como alternativa al desempleo. Asimismo, sugieren la necesidad de una política pública de fomento a esta importante profesión.Advances in information technologies are revolutionizing social relations, including taxi drivers, through software programs. These programs are allowing any driver to transport people, putting taxi drivers in a new position in society and giving them new strategies for making a living. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the degree of entrepreneurship by means of the General Enterprising Tendency model (get) proposed by Caird (1991). The methodology used was quantitative and exploratory, and included the participation of 147 taxi drivers from a taxi cooperative. The results indicate that in none of the constructs analyzed did taxi drivers get the average score to be classified as entrepreneurs; the “need for achievement” construct was the only item that scored farthest from average; and the “autonomy” construct was the closest to the average score. These results suggest that taxi drivers are dedicated to this profession only as an alternative to unemployment. At the same time, it suggests that a public policy for supporting this important actor is required

    The genetic diversity of “papillomavirome” in bovine teat papilloma lesions

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    Background: Papillomaviruses are small nonenveloped, circular double-stranded DNA viruses that belong to the Papillomaviridae family. To date, 29 Bos taurus papillomavirus (BPV) types have been described. Studies involving mixed BPV infections have rarely been reported in contrast to human papillomavirus (HPV), which is commonly described in numerous studies showing coinfections. Moreover, previous studies had shown that HPV coinfections increase the risk of carcinogenesis. In the present study, we used rolling-circle amplification followed by a high-throughput sequencing (RCA-HTS) approach in 23 teat papillomas from southern Brazil. Results: Eleven well-characterized BPV types and 14 putative new BPV types were genetically characterized into the Xi, Epsilon and Dyoxipapillomavirus genera according to phylogenetic analysis of the L1 gene, which expands the previous 29 BPV types to 43. Moreover, BPV coinfections were detected in the majority (56.3%) of the papilloma lesions analyzed, suggesting a genetic diverse “papillomavirome” in bovine teat warts. Conclusions: The data generated in this study support the possibility that a wide range of BPV is probably underdetected by conventional molecular detection tools, and that BPV coinfections are underestimated and probably genetic diverse. Additionally, 14 new BPV types were characterized, increasing the knowledge regarding BPV genetic diversity

    ATLANTIC EPIPHYTES: a data set of vascular and non-vascular epiphyte plants and lichens from the Atlantic Forest

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    Epiphytes are hyper-diverse and one of the frequently undervalued life forms in plant surveys and biodiversity inventories. Epiphytes of the Atlantic Forest, one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world, have high endemism and radiated recently in the Pliocene. We aimed to (1) compile an extensive Atlantic Forest data set on vascular, non-vascular plants (including hemiepiphytes), and lichen epiphyte species occurrence and abundance; (2) describe the epiphyte distribution in the Atlantic Forest, in order to indicate future sampling efforts. Our work presents the first epiphyte data set with information on abundance and occurrence of epiphyte phorophyte species. All data compiled here come from three main sources provided by the authors: published sources (comprising peer-reviewed articles, books, and theses), unpublished data, and herbarium data. We compiled a data set composed of 2,095 species, from 89,270 holo/hemiepiphyte records, in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, recorded from 1824 to early 2018. Most of the records were from qualitative data (occurrence only, 88%), well distributed throughout the Atlantic Forest. For quantitative records, the most common sampling method was individual trees (71%), followed by plot sampling (19%), and transect sampling (10%). Angiosperms (81%) were the most frequently registered group, and Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae were the families with the greatest number of records (27,272 and 21,945, respectively). Ferns and Lycophytes presented fewer records than Angiosperms, and Polypodiaceae were the most recorded family, and more concentrated in the Southern and Southeastern regions. Data on non-vascular plants and lichens were scarce, with a few disjunct records concentrated in the Northeastern region of the Atlantic Forest. For all non-vascular plant records, Lejeuneaceae, a family of liverworts, was the most recorded family. We hope that our effort to organize scattered epiphyte data help advance the knowledge of epiphyte ecology, as well as our understanding of macroecological and biogeographical patterns in the Atlantic Forest. No copyright restrictions are associated with the data set. Please cite this Ecology Data Paper if the data are used in publication and teaching events. © 2019 The Authors. Ecology © 2019 The Ecological Society of Americ

    Análise genética de papilomavírus bovino da região Norte do Brasil

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    Os papilomavírus (PV) são vírus epiteliotrópicos e constituem um grande grupo geneticamente diverso da família Papillomaviridae que infecta diferentes espécies de mamíferos, répteis e aves. Estes vírus caracterizam-se por sua propriedade oncogênica, sendo responsáveis pela indução de tumores benignos e malignos nos epitélios cutâneo e mucoso de suas espécies hospedeiras. Nos bovinos, a papilomatose causa importantes prejuízos econômicos à pecuária de corte e leiteira, dentre as quais destacam-se as infecções secundárias, a dificuldade de amamentação do bezerro, a depreciação do couro e o descarte precoce de animais e, ainda, no caso de rebanhos de aptidão leiteira, a papilomatose mamária ocasiona dificuldade de ordenha, retenção de leite e predispõe à mastite. Independente do nível de tecnificação da exploração na pecuária, estes agentes podem ser encontrados em quase todos os países. No entanto, poucos tipos de papilomavírus bovinos (BPV) foram caracterizados até o presente momento. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um estudo de caracterização genética e patológica das infecções causadas pelo BPV na região norte do Brasil. No Capítulo 1, buscou-se avaliar a diversidade dos BPVs em lesões cutâneas de bovinos na região Amazônica brasileira utilizando o par de primers degenerados FAP (FAP59 e FAP64) Foram encontrados os BPVs tipo 1, 2, 11, e 13 além de quatro prováveis novos tipos virais que apresentaram baixa identidade com os BPVs 7, 8, 11 e 12. No Capítulo 2, o genoma de um novo tipo de papilomavírus bovino pertencente ao gênero Xipapillomavirus, espécie Xipapillomavirus 1, foi caracterizado aplicando a técnica de amplificação por círculo rolante seguida de sequenciamento de alta eficiência utilizando a plataforma Illumina. Este novo tipo apresentou maior similaridade com o BPV3 (79% de identidade a nível genômico) e preenche os requisitos para ser considerado um novo tipo de BPV. Histopatologicamente, a lesão causada por esse novo BPV foi caracterizada como papiloma exofítico, apresentando células bem diferenciadas, marcada acantose e paraqueratose. No Capítulo 3, foi realizado o sequenciamento de um genoma completo de BPV5 utilizando o mesmo protocolo do Capítulo 2. Este foi o primeiro genoma de BPV5 da América do Sul completamente sequenciado e caracterizado. Assim, os resultados obtidos nesta tese contribuem para o melhor conhecimento da variabilidade genética do BPV e mostra a importância da utilização de ferramentas moleculares na sua caracterização, principalmente em regiões carentes de estudos e que podem abrigar tipos desconhecidos.Papillomaviruses (PV) are epitheliotropic viruses that constitute a large genetically diverse group of the Papillomaviridae family which can infect different species of mammals, reptiles and birds. These viruses are characterized by their oncogenic properties and are responsible for the induction of benign and malignant tumors in cutaneous and mucosal epithelia. In cattle, papillomatosis causes significant economic losses to beef and dairy cattle characterized by secondary infections, calf breastfeeding difficulties, leather depreciation, early animal discarding, mammary papillomatosis, retention of milk and predisposes to mastitis. Regardless of the level of technification of livestock farming, these agents can be found in almost all countries. However, few types of bovine papillomavirus (BPV) have been characterized to date. Thereby, this work had as objective to carry out a study of genetic and pathological characterization of the infections caused by the BPV from Northern Brazil. In Chapter 1, we evaluated the genetic diversity of BPVs in bovine cutaneous lesions from Brazilian Amazon using the degenerate FAP pairs of primers (FAP59 and FAP64). BPV1, 2, 11, and 13 were found in addition to four probable new viral types that had low identity with BPVs 7, 8, 11 and 12 In Chapter 2, the whole genome of a new BPV type belonging to genus Xipapillomavirus, species Xipapillomavirus 1, was characterized applying the technique of rolling circle amplification followed by high-throughput sequencing using the Illumina platform. This new type showed greater similarity with BPV3 (79% identity at the genomic level) and fulfills the requirements to be considered a new BPV type. Histopathology was characterized by exophytic papilloma, presenting well differentiated cells, marked acanthosis and parakeratosis. In Chapter 3, a complete BPV5 genome was sequenced using the same protocol used in Chapter 2. This was the first fully sequenced and characterized BPV5 genome from South America. Thus, the results obtained in this thesis contribute to a better knowledge of the genetic variability of BPV and shows the importance of the use of molecular tools in their characterization, especially in regions that are lacking in studies and which may harbor unknown types

    Análise genética de papilomavírus bovino da região Norte do Brasil

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    Os papilomavírus (PV) são vírus epiteliotrópicos e constituem um grande grupo geneticamente diverso da família Papillomaviridae que infecta diferentes espécies de mamíferos, répteis e aves. Estes vírus caracterizam-se por sua propriedade oncogênica, sendo responsáveis pela indução de tumores benignos e malignos nos epitélios cutâneo e mucoso de suas espécies hospedeiras. Nos bovinos, a papilomatose causa importantes prejuízos econômicos à pecuária de corte e leiteira, dentre as quais destacam-se as infecções secundárias, a dificuldade de amamentação do bezerro, a depreciação do couro e o descarte precoce de animais e, ainda, no caso de rebanhos de aptidão leiteira, a papilomatose mamária ocasiona dificuldade de ordenha, retenção de leite e predispõe à mastite. Independente do nível de tecnificação da exploração na pecuária, estes agentes podem ser encontrados em quase todos os países. No entanto, poucos tipos de papilomavírus bovinos (BPV) foram caracterizados até o presente momento. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um estudo de caracterização genética e patológica das infecções causadas pelo BPV na região norte do Brasil. No Capítulo 1, buscou-se avaliar a diversidade dos BPVs em lesões cutâneas de bovinos na região Amazônica brasileira utilizando o par de primers degenerados FAP (FAP59 e FAP64) Foram encontrados os BPVs tipo 1, 2, 11, e 13 além de quatro prováveis novos tipos virais que apresentaram baixa identidade com os BPVs 7, 8, 11 e 12. No Capítulo 2, o genoma de um novo tipo de papilomavírus bovino pertencente ao gênero Xipapillomavirus, espécie Xipapillomavirus 1, foi caracterizado aplicando a técnica de amplificação por círculo rolante seguida de sequenciamento de alta eficiência utilizando a plataforma Illumina. Este novo tipo apresentou maior similaridade com o BPV3 (79% de identidade a nível genômico) e preenche os requisitos para ser considerado um novo tipo de BPV. Histopatologicamente, a lesão causada por esse novo BPV foi caracterizada como papiloma exofítico, apresentando células bem diferenciadas, marcada acantose e paraqueratose. No Capítulo 3, foi realizado o sequenciamento de um genoma completo de BPV5 utilizando o mesmo protocolo do Capítulo 2. Este foi o primeiro genoma de BPV5 da América do Sul completamente sequenciado e caracterizado. Assim, os resultados obtidos nesta tese contribuem para o melhor conhecimento da variabilidade genética do BPV e mostra a importância da utilização de ferramentas moleculares na sua caracterização, principalmente em regiões carentes de estudos e que podem abrigar tipos desconhecidos.Papillomaviruses (PV) are epitheliotropic viruses that constitute a large genetically diverse group of the Papillomaviridae family which can infect different species of mammals, reptiles and birds. These viruses are characterized by their oncogenic properties and are responsible for the induction of benign and malignant tumors in cutaneous and mucosal epithelia. In cattle, papillomatosis causes significant economic losses to beef and dairy cattle characterized by secondary infections, calf breastfeeding difficulties, leather depreciation, early animal discarding, mammary papillomatosis, retention of milk and predisposes to mastitis. Regardless of the level of technification of livestock farming, these agents can be found in almost all countries. However, few types of bovine papillomavirus (BPV) have been characterized to date. Thereby, this work had as objective to carry out a study of genetic and pathological characterization of the infections caused by the BPV from Northern Brazil. In Chapter 1, we evaluated the genetic diversity of BPVs in bovine cutaneous lesions from Brazilian Amazon using the degenerate FAP pairs of primers (FAP59 and FAP64). BPV1, 2, 11, and 13 were found in addition to four probable new viral types that had low identity with BPVs 7, 8, 11 and 12 In Chapter 2, the whole genome of a new BPV type belonging to genus Xipapillomavirus, species Xipapillomavirus 1, was characterized applying the technique of rolling circle amplification followed by high-throughput sequencing using the Illumina platform. This new type showed greater similarity with BPV3 (79% identity at the genomic level) and fulfills the requirements to be considered a new BPV type. Histopathology was characterized by exophytic papilloma, presenting well differentiated cells, marked acanthosis and parakeratosis. In Chapter 3, a complete BPV5 genome was sequenced using the same protocol used in Chapter 2. This was the first fully sequenced and characterized BPV5 genome from South America. Thus, the results obtained in this thesis contribute to a better knowledge of the genetic variability of BPV and shows the importance of the use of molecular tools in their characterization, especially in regions that are lacking in studies and which may harbor unknown types