976 research outputs found

    Small-RNA characterization of Coffee Leaf Rust races having different virulence profiles

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    Calcaneus stress fracture: a case report

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    Calcaneal stress fracture is a rare clinical entity associated with diverse etiological factors such as high intensity training, female sex, smoking and poor nutrition. The authors present a case of a calcaneal stress fracture treated conservatively with immobilization, limited weight bearing and vitamin D supplementation.

    New potential anti-hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) agents: in vitro evaluation of anti-HCC activity and hepatotoxicity of 6-substituted methyl 3-aminothieno[3,2-b]pyridine-2-carboxylates and QSAR studies

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a major health problem with more than 660,000 new cases per year worldwide [1]. HCC is resistant to commonly used treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy and new anti-HCC therapies are urgently needed. Sorafenib was the first approved small molecule against HCC and underlines the importance of identifying potential new anti-HCC drugs [2]. Thirty-two 6-substituted methyl 3-aminothieno[3,2-b]pyridine-2-carboxylates, previously prepared by some of us [3,4], were evaluated as potential new anti-HCC agents by studying their in vitro cell growth inhibition on human HepG2 cells, generally regarded as a good HCC model, and hepatotoxicity using a porcine liver primary cell culture (PLP1). The presence of amino groups linked to a benzene moiety on the substituent of the 6-position emerged as the key element for the anti-HCC activity

    Entre calles y pistas: una investigación acerca del skateboarding en el Gran La Plata : La relevancia de la grupalidad

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    En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de la grupalidad en relación a la práctica de skate. El texto forma parte de la tesis doctoral defendida en el año 2019 por uno de los autores y dirigida por los otros dos. La investigación que le da origen fue llevada a cabo en el Gran La Plata (Berisso, La Plata y Ensenada), y tuvo en términos generales el objetivo de analizar los modos, características y sentidos que tiene el skate para quienes lo practican. La metodología utilizada fue cualitativa y de corte interpretativo, realizando entrevistas, observación participante, y sistematización y análisis de fuentes secundarias. El estudio en general pone en evidencia la coexistencia de diferentes modos de práctica del skate, diversidad que se construye tanto en relación a los espacios utilizados (calle o street, y pista), públicos o privados, así como en relación a la forma en que lo practican y lo entienden los propios skaters (sea de una manera más "libre" o más reglada y deportiva). Para esta ponencia elegimos exponer la dinámica de lo grupal en vínculo con la práctica, el sentido de los y las participantes y algunas conflictividades por el uso de los espacios. Para ello partimos de postulados de la Praxiología Motriz que fueron considerados relevantes, y nos permitieron construir la hipótesis que las prácticas corporales generan dinámicas de grupo. Mostraremos que se trata de una práctica corporal que exhibe diferentes facetas, un gran dinamismo, y que al analizarla nos permite contribuir a una mejor comprensión de las sociedades urbanas actuales.GT43: Antropología sobre los deportes y las prácticas del tiempo libre: el qué(-)hacer antropológico en cuestión.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Low Power Montgomery Modular Multiplication on Reconfigurable Systems

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    This paper presents an area-optimized FPGA architecture of the Montgomery modular multiplication algorithm on a low power reconfigurable IGLOO® 2 FPGA of Microsemi®. Our contributions consist of the mapping of the Montgomery algorithm to the specific architecture of the target FPGA, using the pipelined Math blocks and the embedded memory blocks. We minimize the occupation of these blocks as well as the usage of the regular FPGA cells (LUT4 and Flip Flops) through an dedicated scheduling algorithm. The obtained results suggest that a 224-bit modular multiplication can be computed in 2.42 µs, at a cost of 444 LUT4, 160 Flip Flops, 1 Math Block and 1 64x18 RAM, with a power consumption of 25.35 mW. If more area resources are considered, modular multiplication can be performed in 1.30 µs at a cost of 658 LUT4, 268 Flip Flops, 2 Math Blocks, 2 64x18 RAMs and a power consumption of 36.02 mW

    Large-scale health information systems: selection and analysis of a bibliographic portfolio

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    The implementation and evaluation of computerized health information systems is widely discussed in the literature. Most studies involve small-scale initiatives. Large-scale implementations are reported as complex and challenging processes. This research has, as scope, the implementation and evaluation of health information systems on a large-scale and aim to identify in the literature a relevant bibliographic portfolio and aligned to the theme. The Proknow-C methodology was used for the selection and bibliometric analysis of articles. Among the results are: (i) a PB composed of 27 articles aligned to the theme and with evidence of scientific recognition; (ii) the International Journal of Medical Informatics, the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, the Medical Informatics and Decision Making as the most prominent on the subject; (iii) of the 81 authors related to PB, we highlight A. Sheikh with 7 articles and K. Cresswell with 6 articles (iv); the most commonly found keywords in PB articles are “Implementation” and “Electronic Health Records”. The results obtained contribute to new studies related to the topic and offer a replicable process for its updating. A implementação e avaliação de sistemas de saúde informatizados é um tema amplamente abordado na literatura. Entretanto, a maioria destes estudos envolve iniciativas pontuais e em pequena escala. Implementações em âmbito mais amplo, com abrangências regional ou nacional, tem sido frequentemente reportadas como processos complexos e desafiadores. Esta pesquisa tem como escopo a implementação e a avaliação de sistemas de informação em saúde em ampla escala e como objetivo identificar na literatura internacional um portfólio bibliográfico relevante e alinhado ao tema. A metodologia Proknow-C - Knowledge Development Process – Constructivist foi utilizada para a seleção e a análise bibliométrica dos artigos. Dentre os principais resultados estão: (i) a identificação de um portfólio bibliográfico composto por um conjunto de 27 artigos alinhados ao tema e com evidenciado reconhecimento científico (ii) os periódicos International Journal of Medical Informatics (Int J Med Inform), Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), Medical Informatics and Decision Making (BMC) como os mais proeminentes sobre o tema, por sua participação na composição do portfólio bibliográfico e também como origem dos artigos de suas referências; (iii) dos 81 autores diretamente relacionados ao portfólio, destacaram-se Aziz Sheikh com 7 artigos e Kathrin Cresswell com 6 artigos. Esta pesquisa contribui para a realização de estudos vinculados ao tema, bem como oferece processo replicável para sua própria atualização. Palavras-chave: sistema de informação de saúde; tecnologia da informação em saúde, avaliação, implementação, ampla escala

    Anti-hepatocellular carcinoma activity using human HepG2 cells and hepatotoxicity of 6-substituted methyl 3-aminothieno[3,2-b]pyridine-2-carboxylate derivatives: in vitro evaluation, cell cycle analysis and QSAR studies

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a highly complex cancer, resistant to commonly used treatments and new therapeutic agents are urgently needed. A total of thirty-two thieno[3,2-b]pyridine derivatives of two series: methyl 3-amino-6-(hetero)arylthieno[3,2-b]pyridine-2-carboxylates (1a-1t) and methyl 3-amino-6-[(hetero)arylethynyl]thieno[3,2-b]pyridine-2-carboxylates (2a-2n), previously prepared by some of us, were evaluated as new potential anti-HCC agents by studying their in vitro cell growth inhibition on human HepG2 cells and hepatotoxicity using a porcine liver primary cell culture (PLP1). The presence of amino groups linked to a benzene moiety emerges as the key element for the anti-HCC activity. The methyl 3-amino-6-[(3-aminophenyl)ethynyl]thieno[3,2-b]pyridine-2-carboxylate (2f) is the most potent compound presenting GI50 values on HepG2 cells of 1.2 μM compared to 2.9 μM of the positive control ellipticine, with no observed hepatotoxicity (PLP1 GI50>125 μM against 3.3 μM of ellipticine). Moreover this compound changes the cell cycle profile of the HepG2 cells, causing a decrease in the % of cells in the S phase and a cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase. QSAR studies were also performed and the correlations obtained using molecular and 1D descriptors revealed the importance of the presence of amino groups and hydrogen bond donors for anti-HCC activity, and hydrogen bond acceptors for hepatotoxicity. The best correlations were obtained with 3D descriptors belonging to different subcategories for anti-HCC activity and hepatotoxicity, respectively. These results point to different molecular mechanisms of action of the compounds in anti-HCC activity and hepatotoxicity. This work presents some promising thieno[3,2-b]pyridine derivatives for potential use in the therapy of HCC. These compounds can also be used as scaffolds for further synthesis of more potent analogues.FCT, FEDER/COMPETE/QREN/E

    Estimationof the energy saving potentials in foundry industries based on iso 50001

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    This paper presents the application of tools to develop a procedure to estimate the energy saving potentials in a small foundry company in Colombia, based on the ISO 50001 standard. This work was carried within the framework of a national industrial project, funded by UNIDO, aimed at the small and medium industrial sector companies (SMEs) of Valle del Cauca, to establish the requirements that are needed to implement an energy management system. With the aim of increasing the energy efficiency of the processes, the energy planning process proposed by ISO 50001 is carried out, whose lead to the establishment of concrete and attainable goals, as well as to the proposal of various improvement plans regarding savings and efficient use of energy. As a result, the savings potentials for the different production levels were estimated, which represents a saving of 15984.25 kWh, which corresponds to 8.7% of the total energy consumed in the 10 months analyzed, and a value of 1486 US

    Use of retinoids during oocyte maturation diminishes apoptosis in caprine embryos

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    Exposure of caprine oocytes and embryos to retinoids enhances embryonic development, but the mechanisms governing this phenomenon have not been characterised. The aim of the present study was to evaluate if the incidence of apoptosis is affected by the addition of retinyl acetate (RAc) and 9-cis-retinoic acid (RA) during in vitro maturation (IVM) of caprine oocytes. Embryonic development was recorded on days 3 and 8 post-fertilisation, and apoptosis was measured by caspase activity and DNA fragmentation (TUNEL assay). Control zygotes had lower capacity to cleave and reach the blastocyst stage (24.45 ± 2.32 and 5.32 ± 0.81, respectively) than those of RAc- (29.96 ± 1.62 and 7.94 ± 0.93, respectively) and RA-treated groups (30.12 ± 1.51 and 7.36 ± 1.02, respectively). Oocytes and blastocysts positive for TUNEL assay were more frequent, respectively, in the controls (8.20 ± 0.78, 8.70 ± 1.05) than in RAc (5.60 ± 0.52, 4.80 ± 0.51) and RA (6.40 ± 0.69, 5.40 ± 0.69). Caspase activity did not differ between control oocytes (7.20 ± 0.91), RAc (6.60 ± 0.68) and RA (7.30 ± 0.67), but it was reduced in RAc- (5.05 ± 0.62) and RA-treated blastocysts (5.75 ± 0.22) compared to controls (8.35 ± 0.71). These results indicate that the addition of retinoids during IVM increases the developmental potential of goat embryos with a concomitant reduction in apoptosis rates