84 research outputs found

    Proses Pengambilan Keputusan pada Konsumen untuk Membeli Rumah dari PT X Berdasarkan Alasan Pro-Lingkungan Hidup

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    This study aims to explore consumer’s decision-making process in buying house (permanent residence building), based on pro-environmental reasons. It is a rare research since most of research on house consumer behavior revealed that price and location were the most important reasons in buying house rather than pro-environment reason. This is a qualitative research and 2 female owners (wives) participated in this research. They have already lived in that real estate developed by the X house enterprise for 4 months. This research revealed that those consumers have 5 stages in making a decision i.e. able to identify their needs, able to seek relevant information, able to make alternative evaluation, purchasing decision, and post-purchase behavior. It was also revealedseveral points: (1) the second subject is more likely to be an impulsive consumer since the process of decision making was only 4 days compare to 1 month for the first subject. It was occurred that the second subject was more likely depression because of conflict with her mother in law. (2) The first subject was more likely to have environmental sensitivity than the second subject. It was reflected from her favor on a friendly environment septic tank

    Patients with Endoscopically Visible Polypoid Adenomatous Lesions Within the Extent of Ulcerative Colitis Have an Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer Despite Endoscopic Resection.

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    OBJECTIVES: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). Few studies have looked at long-term outcomes of endoscopically visible adenomatous lesions removed by endoscopic resection in these patients. We aimed to assess the risk of developing CRC in UC patients with adenomatous lesions that develop within the segment of colitis compared to the remainder of an ulcerative colitis cohort. METHODS: We identified patients with a confirmed histological diagnosis of UC from 1991 to 2004 and noted outcomes till June 2011. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate cumulative probability of subsequent CRC. Factors associated with risk of CRC were assessed in a Cox proportional hazards model. RESULTS: Twenty-nine of 301 patients with UC had adenomatous lesions noted within the segment of colitis. The crude incidence rate of developing colon cancer in patients with UC was 2.45 (95 % CI 1.06-4.83) per 1000 PYD and in those with UC and polypoid adenomas within the extent of inflammation was 11.07 (95 % CI 3.59-25.83) per 1000 PYD. Adjusted hazards ratio of developing CRC on follow-up in UC patients with polypoid dysplastic adenomatous lesions within the extent of inflammation was 4.0 (95 % CI 1.3-12.4). CONCLUSIONS: The risk of developing CRC is significantly higher in UC patients with polypoid adenomatous lesions, within the extent of inflammation, despite endoscopic resection. Patients and physicians should take the increased risk into consideration during follow-up of these patients

    Surgical rates for Crohn’s Disease are decreasing: a population-based time trend analysis and validation study

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    Objectives: Temporal changes for intestinal resections for Crohn’s disease (CD) are controversial. We validated administrative database codes for CD diagnosis and surgery in hospitalized patients and then evaluated temporal trends in CD surgical resection rates. Methods: First, we validated International Classification of Disease (ICD)-10-CM coding for CD diagnosis in hospitalized patients and Canadian Classification of Health Intervention coding for surgical resections. Second, we used these validated codes to conduct population-based surveillance between fiscal years 2002 and 2010 to identify adult CD patients undergoing intestinal resection (n=981). Annual surgical rate was calculated by dividing incident surgeries by estimated CD prevalence. Time trend analysis was performed and annual percent change (APC) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) in surgical resection rates were calculated using a generalized linear model assuming a Poisson distribution. Results: In the validation cohort, 101/104 (97.1%) patients undergoing surgery and 191/200 (95.5%) patients admitted without surgery were confirmed to have CD on chart review. Among the 116 administrative database codes for surgical resection, 97.4% were confirmed intestinal resections on chart review. From 2002 to 2010, the overall CD surgical resection rate was 3.8 resections per 100 person-years. During the study period, rate of surgery decreased by 3.5% per year (95% CI: -1.1%, -5.8%), driven by decreasing emergent operations (-10.1% per year [95% CI: -13.4%, -6.7%]) whereas elective surgeries increased by 3.7% per year (95% CI: 0.1%, 7.3%). Conclusions: Overall surgical resection rates in CD are decreasing, but a paradigm shift has occurred whereby elective operations are now more commonly performed than emergent surgeries

    Efficacy of therapist-delivered transdiagnostic CBT for patients with persistent physical symptoms in secondary care: a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Medically unexplained symptoms otherwise referred to as persistent physical symptoms (PPS) are debilitating to patients. As many specific PPS syndromes share common behavioural, cognitive, and affective influences, transdiagnostic treatments might be effective for this patient group. We evaluated the clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a therapist-delivered, transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural intervention (TDT-CBT) plus (+) standard medical care (SMC) v. SMC alone for the treatment of patients with PPS in secondary medical care. Methods: A two-arm randomised controlled trial, with measurements taken at baseline and at 9, 20, 40- and 52-weeks post randomisation. The primary outcome measure was the Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) at 52 weeks. Secondary outcomes included mood (PHQ-9 and GAD-7), symptom severity (PHQ-15), global measure of change (CGI), and the Persistent Physical Symptoms Questionnaire (PPSQ). Results: We randomised 324 patients and 74% were followed up at 52 weeks. The difference between groups was not statistically significant for the primary outcome (WSAS at 52 weeks: estimated difference -1.48 points, 95% confidence interval from -3.44 to 0.48, p = 0.139). However, the results indicated that some secondary outcomes had a treatment effect in favour of TDT-CBT + SMC with three outcomes showing a statistically significant difference between groups. These were WSAS at 20 weeks (p = 0.016) at the end of treatment and the PHQ-15 (p = 0.013) and CGI at 52 weeks (p = 0.011). Conclusion: We have preliminary evidence that TDT-CBT + SMC may be helpful for people with a range of PPS. However, further study is required to maximise or maintain effects seen at end of treatment

    The perceptions and experiences of land relocation in the Bukalo area

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    Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.ENGLISH SUMMARY: The imbalances of Namibia’s landownership which existed before its independence where the minority (whites) owned a larger portion of land as compared to the majority (blacks), was addressed by the new government. As a result, the black population has been given the right to own land. It is however important to note that land redistribution in Namibia had been at a slow pace even after 24 years of independence. Land imbalances caused by political resistance resulted in the forceful power over the landless and dispossessed citizens of Namibia. There was a lack of independent land assessments and a monitoring programme, as well as an absence of baseline data to assess resettlement. After independence, in 1990, the government of Namibia promised to transfer land to the landless and it was made part of The Constitution stating that such land “will never be taken from the landowners without compensation”. National compensation guidelines for communal land were therefore endorsed for the relocation process. The responsibility of land allocation is vested in the traditional authorities of Namibia. The study focuses on the perceptions and experiences of land relocation in the Bukalo area. The study aims at finding out whether the people of Bukalo were satisfied with the compensation received for their properties as they relocated and whether they were satisfied with the relocation process. For the purpose of this study, it was hypothesized that: H1= the majority perceived the government’s compensation on land relocation to be unfair, H2= the majority did not want to move out of the area and H3= the majority did not see the relocation as beneficial. The objectives of the study was to examine the literature on land relocation and to evaluate the perceptions of land relocation by people in the Bukalo area - in other words to reveal how the beneficiaries are adapting to the relocation, to understand the achievements and shortcomings of land relocation in the Bukalo area, to find ways and means to address the anomalies for future relocations elsewhere, and to inform policy formulation with regard to future relocations. A mini survey, questionnaires and interviews were used to gather data. The relocation process at Bukalo has been tangled with challenges, such as lack of information and coordination, which led to the relocates making uninformed decisions that they regretted. Cases gathered through the literature indicated that many land relocations were not successful due to a lack of funds. Bukalo case was not an exception in that there was a lack of funds to compensate the relocates who had to wait for many years before they were relocated. People were also not informed about the compensation prices used and the relocation process, especially the clause that stated that the affected communities had the right to keep two plots from their ancestral land. The relocatees were not involved in the whole process and felt the government chased them from their ancestral land. Government realized the need of developing Bukalo into a town. There was a need therefore to compensate people prior to such developments, since people were set for relocation. The intention was to bring the services closer to the Bukalo people and improve their living conditions. However, it is evident through the findings that the people were not willing to relocate not only in Bukalo but also elsewhere in Namibia due to unfair compensation procedures. Promises made before relocations were never met. A number of recommendations are provided to improve the implementation of the relocation programme and to correct anomalies for future relocations. The recommendations provided could contribute towards resolving policy imbalances with regard to land relocation and compensation in Namibia. It is therefore important to realize that the driving hypothesis of this study was met as it assumed that the “majority perceive the government’s compensation on land relocation to be unfair”.AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Die ongelykheid in grondbesit in die land Namibië voor die aanvang van sy onafhanklikheid waar die Blanke minderheid ’n groter deel van die land besit het in vergelyking met die Swart meerderheid, het daartoe gelei dat die regering die leiding geneem het in grondverdeling om die Swart bevolking die reg te gee om grond te kan besit. Dit is nietemin belangrik om aan te dui dat grondherverdeling in Namibië teen ’n slakkepas selfs na 24 jaar van onafhanklikheid geskied. Grondwanbalanse wat deur versetpolitiek veroorsaak is, het daartoe gelei dat die grondloses en onteiende burgers van Namibië hulle onder die magsbeheer van kragtige strukture bevind het. Daar was ’n gebrek aan onafhanklike grondassesserings- en ’n moniteringsprogram, asook ’n databasis om hervestiging te assesseer. Na onafhanklikheid in 1990 het die regering van Namibië belowe om grond oor te dra aan die grondloses wat deel was van die Grondwet en dit het aangedui dat sulke grond nooit van die grondeienaars sonder vergoeding geneem sal word nie. Nasionale vergoedingsriglyne vir gemeenskaplike grond was dus neergelê om gedurende die hervestigingsproses te geld. Die verantwoordelikheid van grondtoekenning berus by die tradisionele owerhede in Namibië. Die studie fokus op die persepsies en ervaringe van grondhervestiging in die Bukalo-gebied. Die studie het ten doel om uit te vind of die mense van Bukalo tevrede is met die vergoeding wat hulle vir hulle eiendomme ontvang het toe hulle hervestig is en of hulle met die hervestigingsproses tevrede is. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is dit gehipotiseer dat: H1 = die meerderheid die regering se vergoeding vir grondhervestiging as onbillik ervaar het, H2 = die meerderheid nie uit die gebied wou trek nie en H3 = die meerderheid nie die hervestiging as bevorderlik gesien het nie. Die doelwitte van die studie is om die literatuur oor grondhervestiging te ondersoek en om die persepsies van grondhervestiging van die mense in die Bukalogebied te evalueer, m.a.w. om te openbaar hoedat die lotgevalle aangepas het by die hervestiging, om die suksesse en tekortkominge van grondhervestiging in die Bukalogebied te verstaan, om maniere uit te vind om die ongerymdhede te korrigeer sodat hervestiging in die toekoms vermy kan word en om die basis vir beleidsformulering m.b.t. toekomstige hervestiging te skep. ’n Mini-opname, vraelyste en onderhoude is gebruik om data te versamel. Die hervestigingsproses by Bukalo is ineengestrengeld met uitdagings, soos die gebrek aan inligting en koördinering wat daartoe gelei het dat die onteiendes oningeligte besluite gemaak het waaroor hulle spyt is. Die literatuur maak melding van gevalle wat vir baie jare gewag het voordat hulle hervestig is. Mense was nie ingelig omtrent die vergoeding en die hervestigingsproses nie, veral die klousule wat aandui dat die geaffekteerde gemeenskappe die reg gehad het om twee erwe van hulle voorouergrond te behou. Die onteiendes was nie betrokke in die proses wat hulle van hulle voorouergrond ontneem het nie en hulle gevolglik laat voel het asof hulle van grond weggejaag is. Die regering het die behoefte identifiseer om die dienste nader aan die Bukalo mense te bring en om hulle lewensomstandighede te verbeter en Bukalo as dorp te ontwikkel. Daar was dus ’n behoefte om mense te vergoed voordat sulke ontwikkelings plaasvind, aangesien mense gereed gemaak was vir hervestiging. Uit diedeur bevindinge is dit duidelik dat die mense nie gewillig was om te hervestig nie, nie net in Bukalo nie, maar ook elders in Namibië, weens die onbillike vergoedingsprosedure. Beloftes wat voor die hervestigings gemaak is, is nooit nagekom nie. ’n Aantal aanbevelings is gemaak om die implementering van die hervestigingsprogram te verbeter en om die onreëlmatighede vir toekomstige hervestigings uit te skakel. Die aanbevelings wat verskaf is, kan bydra tot die oplossing van politieke ongelykhede met betrekking tot grondhervestiging en -vergoeding in Namibië. Dit is dus belangrik om te besef dat die beweegrede agter die hipotese van hierdie studie bereik is, deurdat dit aangetoon is dat die meerderheid mense die regering se vergoeding op grondhervestiging as onbillik beskou het
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