29 research outputs found

    Lípidos totales y perfil de ácidos grasos de hígado de pescado Catla catla salvajes y criados

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    This experimental work was aimed to study the moisture content, total lipids and fatty acid profile in the liver of wild and farmed freshwater major carp Catla catla of three different weight categories designated as W1 (601-900g), W2 (901- 1200)g and W3 (1201-1500g). Seven fish specimens of each of the three weight categories of wild and farmed Catla catla were obtained from Trimu Head, Jhang and Fish Hatchery, Satiana Road and Faisalabad, respectively. The fish were dissected to remove the liver and after weighing, liver samples were prepared and subjected to chemical analysis. Wild Catla catla liver had a significantly (p < 0.05) higher moisture content as compared to the farmed species. Farmed Catla catla deposited significantly (p < 0.05) higher lipid contents in liver. Proportions of saturated fatty acids varied irregularly in the lipids of the liver from both wild and farmed Catla catla. Saturated fatty acids C12:0, C14:0, C16:0, C18:0, C20:0 and C22:0 were identified with considerable percentages in the liver of Catla catla from both habitats and monounsaturated fatty acid C18:1 was found in considerable amounts in the liver of both major carp. Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as C18:3 (n-6) and C20: 2 (n-6) were detected in the liver of the wild fish of W2 and W3 and was similar in the W3 weight category of the farmed species.Este trabajo experimental tiene como objetivo estudiar el contenido de humedad, lípidos totales y perfil de ácidos grasos de hígado de carpa de agua dulce Catla catla de tres categorías con peso diferentes designadas como W1 (601- 900g), W2 (901-1200)g and W3 (1201-1500g). Siete muestras de pescados por cada una de las tres categorías de peso para Catla catla salvajes y criados fueron obtenidos de Trimu Head, Jhang and Fish Hatchery, Satiana Road y Faisalabad, respectivamente. Los pescados fueron diseccionados para obtener el hígado y las muestras de hígado fueron preparadas y sujetas a análisis químico. Catla catla salvaje tuvo un contenido de humedad significativamente mayor (p < 0.05) en comparación con las especies criadas. En Catla catla criadas se depositaron mayores contenidos de lípidos en el hígado. La proporción de ácidos grasos saturados vario irregularmente en los lípidos del hígado de Catla catla salvajes y criados. Los ácidos grasos saturados C12:0, C14:0, C16:0, C18:0, C20:0 y C22:0 fueron identificados en un alto porcentaje en hígados de Catla catla procedentes de ambos hábitat y el ácido graso monoinsaturado C18:1 fue encontrado en una cantidad considerable en el hígado de ambas carpas. Los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados tales como C18:3 (n-6) y C20: 2 (n-6) fueron detectados en el hígado de pescados salvajes W2 y W3, así como en la misma categoría de peso W3 de especies criadas

    Potencial antioxidante de extractos de residuos agroalimentarios: estabilización de aceite de maíz

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    The antioxidant potential of 80% methanolic extracts of some agro wastes (pomegranate peel, apple peel, banana peel, citrus peel, corncob, wheat husk, wheat bran, rice bran, and rice hull) was assessed. The yields of the extracts varied over a wide range (8.83 to 29.9 g/100g of dry weight). TPC, TFC, total flavonols (kaempeferol, quercetin, myricetin; HPLC method), DPPH. radical scavenging and inhibition of linoleic acid peroxidation for the extracts varied significantly (P < 0.05) ranging from 0.16-36.40, 0.026-4.89 g/100g of dry matter, 1.06-2622.41 mg/Kg of dry matter, 11.2-52.6, and 64.8-96.4%, respectively. Pomegranate peel extract, offering the highest TPC, TFC, and total flavonols exhibited superior antioxidant activity followed by apple peel, citrus peel, banana peel, corncob, wheat bran, rice bran, wheat husk, and rice hull. Furthermore, the antioxidant effectiveness of the extracts was assessed using corn oil (CO) as the oxidation substrate. CO samples stabilized with extracts at a concentration of 600 ppm (w/w) were subjected to accelerated aging (60 ºC, oven heating, 30 days; 8 h heating cycle per day), and analyzed periodically for the extent of oxidative alterations following the measurement of conjugated dienes (CD), conjugated trienes (CT), p-anisidine and peroxide values. The correlation between the results of different antioxidant assays and oxidation parameters investigated in the present study indicated that fruit peel extracts, exhibiting higher TPC, TFC, flavonol and scavenging power, were also more potent for enhancing the oxidative stability of corn oil.En este studio se determinó el potencial antioxidante de extractos de methanol al 80%, de distintos resíduos de granada, manzana, frutos cítricos, maíz, trigo y arroz. Los rendimientos de los extractos variaron en un amplio rango (8.89 a 29.9 g/100 g de materia seca). La cantidad total de compuestos fenólicos, de flavonoides y de flavonoles, así como la capacidad para secuestrar radicales y la inhibición de la oxidación del ácido linoleico varió significativamente (P < 0.05). El extracto de piel de granada contenía las cantidades más elevadas de compuestos fenólicos, de flavonoides y de flavonoles y exhibió la capacidad antioxidante más elevada, seguido del de piel de manzana, piel de cítricos, piel de plátano, mazorca de maíz, salvado de trigo, salvado de arroz, cáscara de trigo y cáscara de arroz. Igualmente, se estableció la actividad antioxidante de los extractos usando aceite de maíz como sustrato. Muestras de aceite estabilizadas con los distintos extractos (600 mg/kg) fueron sometidas a oxidación acelerada (60 °C en horno durante 30 días con ciclos de calentamiento de 8 h/día) y periódicamente se determinaron los siguientes índices: dienos y trienos conjugados, índice de panisidina e índice de peróxidos. Finalmente, se estudiaron las correlaciones entre los resultados de los distintos ensayos y los niveles de compuestos con acción antioxidante, destacando los extractos de pieles de fruta por su mayor contenido en compuestos fenólicos, flavonoides y flavonoles, e igualmente por su potencia para aumentar la estabilidad oxidativa del aceite de maíz

    Evaluación de la degradación oxidativa del aceite de soja almacenado a temperatura ambiente y a la luz solar

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    This study was carried out in order to probe the extent of oxidative alterations in soybean oil (SBO), subjected to ambient and sunlight storage, over a period of 180 days. The magnitude of oxidative changes was monitored by the periodical measurement of peroxide value (PV), color, free fatty acid (FFA) contents, refractive index (RI), p-anisidine-, conjugated dienes-, conjugated trienes-, and iodine- values. At the end of storage period (180 days), the initial contents of FFA (0.02 % as oleic acid) and PV (0.02 meq/kg of oil) of the SBO samples subjected to ambient and sunlight storage reached the level of 1.77, 2.90 % and 20.52, 41.89 meq/kg of oil, respectively. The initial values of RI (40°C) (1.4630), panisidine (1.10), conjugated dienes (0.08) and conjugated trienes (0.04) rose to the point of 1.4647, 1.4659; 36.13, 50.40; 23.97, 41.49 and 13.81, 19.35, respectively. Whereas, the iodine value (g of I /100 g of oil) decreased from 138.00 to 126.18 and 118.04, respectively. At the end of storage period, the overall order, indicative of the oxidative changes in RI, FFA, IV, color (red + yellow), PV, P-anisidine, conjugated dienes and conjugated trienes of the SBO subjected to ambient and sunlight storage was as follows: 1.001:1.002, 1.00:1.65, 0.91:0.86, 0.80:0.60 + 0.75:0.50, 1.00:2.04, 1.00:1.39, 1.00:1.73 and 1.00:1.40, respectively. The results of various parameters investigated in the present study demonstrated the magnitude of oxidative deterioration of the SBO samples exposed to sunlight to be significantly (P < 0.05) pronounced as compared with that of ambient.Se lleva a cabo un estudio para conocer las diferencias en la oxidación del aceite de soja conservado a temperatura ambiente y a la luz solar durante un periodo de 180 días. Los cambios en la oxidación fueron evaluados mediante medidas periódicas del índice de peroxidos, color, acidez libre, índice de refracción (RI), índice de p-anisidina, dienos conjugados e índice de yodo. Al final del periodo de almacenamiento, los niveles de acidez e índice de peroxidos fueron 1,77 y 2,90% y 20.52, 41.89 meq/kg de aceite, respectivamente para los aceites a temperatura ambiente y a la luz solar. Los valores iniciales de RI (40°C), p-anisidina, dienos conjugados y trienos conjugados a los 180 días fueron 1.4647 y 1.4659; 36.13 y 50.40; 23.97 y 41.49; y 13.81 y19.35, respectivamente. Por el contrario, el índice de iodo (g I2 /100 g aceite) disminuyó desde 138.0 to 126.18 y 118.04, respectivamente. Los resultados de los distintos parámetros analizados demostraron que la magnitud de la degradación oxidativa de las muestras de aceite de soja expuestas a la luz solar fue en todos los casos, significativamente superior (P < 0.05) a la que ocurre a temperatura ambiente

    Hepatoprotective effect of desi and kabuli cultivars of Cicer arietinum L (chick peas) against carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity in rats

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    Purpose: To determine the hepatoprotective potential of ethanol extracts of desi and kabuli cultivars of Cicer arietinum L. (chick peas). Methods: Hepatotoxicity was induced in rats using oral administration of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). The rats were then orally administered different doses of the ethanol extracts of desi and kabuli cultivars of Cicer arietinum L. for 21 days. Oxidative stress parameters and hepatoprotective profiles were determined in serum samples using standard procedures. The effect of the treatments on liver histology was also determined. Results: Administration of extracts of desi and kabuli cultivars of Cicer arietinum L. to CCl4 treated rats at a dose of 300 mg/kg resulted in a significant (p ≤ 0.05) decrease in oxidative stress parameters, whereas catalase activity significantly increased (p ≤ 0.05); on the other hand, ALT and AST levels were decreased significantly (p ≤ 0.05), when compared to the control group. Conclusion: High doses of Cicer arietinum L (desi and kabuli cultivars) seem to have hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects on CCl4-induced toxicity in rats. This finding underscores the therapeutic importance of Cicer arietinum L. as a plant with hepatoprotective properties. Keywords: Cicer arietinum, Phenolics, Hepatotoxicity, Chick peas, Catalas

    Evaluación de la actividad antioxidante de extractos de salvado de arroz mediante differentes ensayos

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    In the present work the antioxidant activity of different solvent (100% methanol, 80% methanol, 100% acetone, 80% acetone) extracts of rice bran was evaluated following different antioxidant assays and using sunflower oil as oxidation substrate. The rice bran extracts were evaluated from the estimate of % inhibition of peroxidation in linoleic acid system, total phenolics content (TPC) and loss of β-carotene in a linoleic acid system. Additionally, crude concentrated rice bran extracts were added into the sunflower oil samples and stored under ambient conditions. The extent of oxidative deterioration was followed by the measurement of peroxide-, p-anisidine-, conjugated diene-, and triene- values. The general order of antioxidant efficacy of rice bran extracts as determined by various antioxidant assays was 80% methanolic extract > 100% methanolic  extract > 80% acetone extract > 100% acetone extract. The results of the present comprehensive analysis demonstrate that rice bran extracts of the Super Kernel variety indigenous to Pakistan are a viable source of natural antioxidants and might be exploited for functional foods and nutraceutical applications.Se evalúa la actividad antioxidante diferentes extractos (100% metanol, 80% metanol, 100% acetona and 80% acetona) de salvado de arroz -var. Super Kernel- mediante diferentes ensayos y utilizando aceite de girasol como substrato. Los ensayos utilizados fueron la estimación del % de inhibición de la peroxidación en sistemas con ácido linoleico, el contenido total en compuestos fenólicos y la pérdida de β-caroteno en sistemas con ácido linoleico. Adicionalmente, los concentrados de extractos de salvado de arroz se añadieron a aceite de girasol y las muestras se almacenaron a temperatura ambiente. La extensión de la oxidación se evaluó mediante el índice de peróxidos, el índice de p-anisidina, así como la formación de dienos y trienos conjugados. El orden de la eficacia antioxidante de los extractos de salvado de arroz fue el siguiente: 80 % metanol> 100 % metanol > 80 % acetona > 100% acetona. Los resultados demostraron que los extractos del salvado de arroz de la variedad Super Kernel del arroz indígena de Paquistán son una fuente viable de antioxidantes naturales y podrían ser explotados como alimentos funcionales

    Effects of polyphenol-rich traditional herbal teas on obesity and oxidative stress in rats fed a high-fat–sugar diet

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    Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Zingiber officinalis teas are traditionally used for the therapies of various diseases, including obesity. The present research work was planned to appraise the potential of polyphenol-rich extracts of selected herbal plants in obesity and related biochemical parameters of high-fat–sugar diet-induced obese rats. Three herbal teas were prepared from Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flowers and Zingiber officinalis rhizomes and their mixture (3:1, respectively). Total phenolic contents (TPC) of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Zingiber officinalis extracts were found to be 5.82 and 1.45 mg/g of dry plant material, measured as GAE, while total flavonoid contents (TFC) were 9.17 and 1.95 mg/g of dry plant material, measured as CE, respectively. Two doses (250 and 500 mg/kg BW) of each tea were administered and body weight, BMI, kidney, liver, and atherogenic indices, TC, TG, HDL, LDL, VLDL, BT, AST, ALT, AP, SC, MDA, SOD, GSH, and TAC of rats groups were measured. Data showed that higher doses of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis significantly reduced the rat's BMI (0.50 g/cm2) in comparison with the high-fat–sugar diet group (0.79 g/cm2). All treatment groups, especially H-500 group, showed a significant decrease in the elevated kidney and liver weights and atherogenic index in comparison with HFSDC groups. Higher doses of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis significantly decreased the levels of AST, ALT, AP, and SC in comparison with the HFSDC group. A significant decrease in the levels of serum TC, TG, LDL, and VLDL was observed in all the treatment groups in comparison with the HFSDC group. Furthermore, all the teas, especially higher doses of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, prevented the alterations in MDA, SOD, and GSH levels of experimental groups, thus showing the potential against oxidative stress. It can be concluded from these results that Hibiscus rosa-sinensis teas exhibited strong protective effects against obesity and oxidative stress, especially at higher doses

    Oxidative Stress Diminishing Perspectives of Green and Black Tea Polyphenols: A Mechanistic Approach

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    Polyphenols have credentials to tackle the oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the imbalance between free radicals production and antioxidant enzymes ability to tackle these radicals resulting the onset various metabolic related disorders. Polyphenols based foods have credential as a shield against these glitches mainly owing to their antioxidant potential. In this context, tea polyphenols have gained paramount attention of scientific community as therapeutic agents for the prevention and treatment of various oxidative stress induce maladies owing to their structural diversity, strong antioxidant ability and capacity to modulate various expression involved in the pathogenesis of these maladies. The notable polyphenols are catechins which are mainly present in green tea and further subdivided into various compounds like ECG, EGC, EGCG which has their unique therapeutic potential. The catechins undergo various structural changes and transformed into theaflavins and thearubigins in the process of black tea formation. These are high molecular weight polyphenols and promising candidates in obesity, diabetes and cancer treatment. Mechanistically, these polyphenols ameliorate oxidative stress by trapping the noxious radicals like superoxide and peroxyl, promote the activity of glutathione, suppressing the malondialdehyde (MDA) activity. The current chapter is an attempt to highlight the therapeutic potential of tea polyphenols

    Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil: antiproliferative, antioxidant and antibacterial activities

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    The aim of this work was to investigate and compare the antiproliferative, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil, native to Pakistan. The essential oil content from the leaves of R. officinalis was 0.93 g 100g-1. The GC and GC-MS analysis revealed that the major components determined in R. officinalis essential oil were 1,8-cineol (38.5%), camphor (17.1%), &#945;-pinene (12.3%), limonene (6.23%), camphene (6.00%) and linalool (5.70%). The antiproliferative activity was tested against two cancer (MCF-7 and LNCaP) and one fibroblast cell line (NIH-3T3) using the MTT assay, while, the antioxidant activity was evaluated by the reduction of 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) and measuring percent inhibition of peroxidation in linoleic acid system. The disc diffusion and modified resazurin microtitre-plate assays were used to evaluate the inhibition zones (IZ) and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of R. officinalis essential oil, respectively. It is concluded from the results that Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil exhibited antiproliferative, antioxidant and antibacterial activities